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7 things football fans are in danger of.You won’t believe what one of them i...
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1. Heart attacks – Football fans are very passionatewhen it comes to the sport. But some fans take it to heart, literally. In astudy done after the Germany World Cup, it was revealed that the number ofheart attacks spiked every time the German team played a match!
2. Traffic accidents – With the rise in excitement,football fans also experience a rise in testosterone. This makes them moreaggressive. And as it turns out, driving under the influence of anger can leadto some unfortunate outcomes.
3. Depression – The higher you get, the harder thefall. And football fans can get really high on their love of the game. Too badthere can be only one winner in a match. Because for some, a loss for theirteam can lead to actual clinical depression.
4. Stress – Oh the suspense of watching yourfavourite team duke it out on the pitch. Unfortunately, no matter how loud youcheer, you don’t really have any control over the outcome. This has been provento cause high levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress, to build up infootball fans after a match.
5. Binging – When your favourite team loses, you feellike you lost too, right? More so than you think. It also leads to a loss ofself-control. And for some, that means saying bye-bye to your diet. A studyshows people can consume up to 16% more saturated fats after their team’s loss.
6. Susceptible to advertising – Don’t think the adsthey show during your team’s matches work on you? Well, think again. Turns outthe more exciting the match, the more likely fans are to recollect thecommercials shown. Maybe not a danger to you, but certainly to your wallet.
7. Turning zombie – You might think zombies onlyexist on film, but they are real. And football fans that watch late nightmatches are especially at risk. You can spot the football zombies the morningafter. They usually have a dandruff problem and bad body odour.
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really bo? too bad this coming world cup mostly in early morning or midnight.... sad man |
So true... started feeling it already.. Especially No 3, 4 and 5.. |
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