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Author: Sephiroth

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Post time 3-12-2014 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-12-2014 05:24 PM
I think you not able to understand  the meaning : sacrificed...what you muslimd doing is act of ri ...

        1. The first point is that the sacrifice must be total. There are a number of different animal sacrifices instituted in the old testament.  For some of them the complete animal was offered by fire and it would be totally consumed until nothing but the ashes were left.  In other sacrifices a portion may be set aside, cooked to be eaten by the priest or even by the person who brought the offering.  But either way you look at it, the commitment on the part of that animal was the same. It was a total sacrifice.  The animal couldn't just sacrifice part of his life and go on living the way it had before.  The sacrifice was total, it was complete.  It's clear that we're looking at such a sacrifice that something had to die, something had to die.  If nothing had to die, then there was no sacrifice.  A life was sacrificed.  Therefore if we're to present our self as a living sacrifices, there's also something that has to die.  The system referring to our physical life, otherwise we couldn't still be a living sacrifice.  Let's turn back a few chapters to Roman 8, verse 13.  In this verse Paul explains what needs to die so that we can go on living.

more read here:


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Post time 3-12-2014 08:18 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-12-2014 05:24 PM
I think you not able to understand  the meaning : sacrificed...what you muslims doing is act of ri ...

You are running from your own argument. Your post #33 argue that there is no need to for sacrifice anymore as Jesus has done it. However it is an illogical concept as per my argument in my post #38.

More so ever , Jesus admitted that he has completed his job. This mean that dying for your sins is not in his job scope. joh17:3-4 (NIV bible)
3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.

If you notice in the verse , Jesus stated that (when he was still alive) he has brought glory to God by finishing the work given to him. Kerja dah habis ...... no dying for your sins.

Out of the blue you now talk about spiritual sacrifice. What is this? You have not even addressed the problem of Jesus dying for your sins and you 'suka suka' jump to another topic.

Can you now explain just what is this so called 'spiritual sacrifice'? Sacrifice is the act of giving away something of value to you.

In Islam it is simple , it is the piety that Allah accept , Quran22:37 (sahih international)
Their meat will not reach Allah , nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good.

When we do the 'korban' we spend money to buy the animal. The meat apart from ourselves is then given to the poor. In other words , we sacrifice our assets and give it to the poor. This is charity.

For your interest ; how slaughtering done the Islamic way , the animal is completely relaxed :

Last edited by sam1528 on 3-12-2014 08:28 PM


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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 09:30 PM | Show all posts
by Samseng5128

Arti kata lain , kamu tak ada jawapan.

Apasal aku perlu menjawab persoalan kamu sedangkan kamu sendiri tidak menberikan sebarang penjelasan kpd mana2 persoalan yg aku kemukakan?

Nak lagi bukti tentang 'cukai kuil'?

Itu bukannya bukti, itu adalah DAKWAAN (setengah kumpulan NGO) yg mendakwa bahawa ada segelintir kumpulan mengaut keuntungan terhadap pengorbanan haiwan2 ini. Kamu tahu apa makna DAKWAAN TAK?

Daging Korban diagih agihkan dan tidak terbuang. Korban Ghadhimai Mela .... ha ha ..... terlantar jadi bangkai. Baca balik pos #19

SO WHAT? Apa kamu susah? Mana tempat kamu sakit?

For your interest ; how slaughtering done the Islamic way , the animal is completely relaxed :

Islamic bull$hit. Where got animals which is completely relaxed when it is about to die? Lu retarded kah?

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Post time 3-12-2014 09:42 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 3-12-2014 11:11 AM
by Sam1528
Sedekah kepala hotak kamu. Kamu fikir kami tak nampak ke duit yg dikutip oleh mereka2 yg menjual daging itu di masjid (dan kini, di luar sekolah pun ada).
Mana bukti?

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Post time 3-12-2014 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 3-12-2014 09:30 PM
by Samseng5128

Apasal aku perlu menjawab persoalan kamu sedangkan kamu sendiri tidak menberikan sebarang penjelasan kpd mana2 persoalan yg aku kemukakan?

LOL , apa dia yang kamu tanya yang belum dijawab? Sebenarnya kamu amat takut apabila persoalan tentang ugama Hindu dibangkitkan. Ini bukti yang kamu tak mampu pertahankan ugama kamu sendiri. Tak malu ke meenachi?

Itu bukannya bukti, itu adalah DAKWAAN (setengah kumpulan NGO) yg mendakwa bahawa ada segelintir kumpulan mengaut keuntungan terhadap pengorbanan haiwan2 ini. Kamu tahu apa makna DAKWAAN TAK?

Kalau kuil tersebut dah mintak duit untuk masuk kuil , parking - bukan kah tersebut mengaut keuntungan? Dakwaan adalah tentang kautan untung dan bukti tersebut adalah bayaran untuk masuk kuil , parking dsb. Bukan tersebut 'cukai kuil'? Kuil pun ada cukai - betul2 semangat kapitalis.

SO WHAT? Apa kamu susah? Mana tempat kamu sakit?

So , ini bukti yg Ugama Hindu galakkan pembaziran. Betul tak?

Cheeeh ....'Apa kamu susah' ..... macam pondan tua aje mengamuk

Islamic bull$hit. Where got animals which is completely relaxed when it is about to die? Lu retarded kah?

LOL , did you not view the video? Again and again you have this affinity for speculation.

Last edited by sam1528 on 3-12-2014 10:13 PM


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Post time 3-12-2014 11:48 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 3-12-2014 08:18 PM
You are running from your own argument. Your post #33 argue that there is no need to for sacrifice ...

Yes, Bible reading peoples do not slauther animals  as this not mention in is faith.
if you think 'korban' to slauther animals to do charity...muslims can do it all the time not necessary on hari raya haji ....

....and charity beings  from home .....regardless whatever day and month...simple as that.
For your interest ; how slaughtering done the Islamic way , the animal is completely relaxed

hmmm animals relax???why not you get yourself relax and than someone slauther your is it?
whatever it is, if done in  proper way without torturing  the creatures...than by all mean ok lah....but I would strongly suggest peoples change their live style  to veges and less will see the vast improvement in our life...

Last edited by Truth.8 on 4-12-2014 10:40 AM


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Post time 4-12-2014 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-12-2014 11:48 PM
Yes, Bible reading peoples do not slauther animals  as this not mention in is faith.
if you think 'korban' to slauther animals to do charity...muslims can do it all the time not necessary on hari raya haji ....

....and charity beings  from home .....regardless whatever day and month...simple as that.

There is a law for slaughter of animals acknowledged in the NT , heb9:22
In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

If we read further it states that the so called sacrifice of Jesus negated this law. The problem here is how did the so called sacrifice of Jesus (the so called crucifixion) settled this? I am still waiting for the answer from you.

Where do you get the idea that it is only at Eid Adha that it is for charity? You are again arguing from ignorance.

hmmm animals relax???why not you get yourself relax and than someone slauther your is it?
whatever it is, if done in  proper way without torturing  the creatures...than by all mean ok lah....but I would strongly suggest peoples change their live style  to veges and less will see the vast improvement in our life...

If the animal does not struggle , it is relaxed. Cutting the throat is about the only way to get the animal to bleed out to then consume the meat. How can you consume meat if you don't slaughter the animal?


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 Author| Post time 4-12-2014 07:43 PM | Show all posts
by mashimaru83

Mana bukti?

Itu yg aku tanya. Mana bukti mengenai "cukai kuil" yg kamu katakan itu?

Tak malu ke meenachi?

Lu siapa? Tukang cuci buntut masinmahu83 kah?

Kalau kuil tersebut dah mintak duit untuk masuk kuil ...

Kuil mana yg mintak duit utk masuk? Setahu aku, tak ada kuil spt itu.

Kalau nak cakap pasal parking, semua tempatpun ada minta duit utk masuk parking - termasuk gereja dan rumah ibadat Buddha. Yg tak mintak duit parking hanya bila memasuki kawasan dlm tempat ibadat tersebut je yg free. Itupun satu hal kah?

Kuil pun ada cukai - betul2 semangat kapitalis.

Kuil mana? Cukai apa? Setakat ini, kamu ataupun masin-pun-mahu itu belum jawab persoalan ini pun.

So , ini bukti yg Ugama Hindu galakkan pembaziran.

Sekali lagi aku tanya - LU MANA SAKIT? Kami ada benda nak bazir, suka hati kami lah. Hati kamu panas macam Syaitan apasal? Panas kerana tuhan kamu buat kamu macam pengemis sampai nak bazirkan apa2 pun, kena fikir banyak kali kah?

LOL , did you not view the video?

Aku mengulang - Tak akan ada mana2 haiwan yg "relak" bila nak mati. Haiwan2 itu bukannya macam anjing2 Taliban ataupun IS yg tidak mengena nyawa.

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Post time 4-12-2014 11:09 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 4-12-2014 07:43 PM
by mashimaru83
Itu yg aku tanya. Mana bukti mengenai "cukai kuil" yg kamu katakan itu?
Apalah kamu ini, mana ada saya kata "cukai kuil". Kamu silap orang. Sila baca balik apa yg saya tulis.

Sekali lagi...
Sedekah kepala hotak kamu. Kamu fikir kami tak nampak ke duit yg dikutip oleh mereka2 yg menjual daging itu di masjid (dan kini, di luar sekolah pun ada).
Mana buktinya?

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Post time 4-12-2014 11:22 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 4-12-2014 07:43 PM
Itu yg aku tanya. Mana bukti mengenai "cukai kuil" yg kamu katakan itu?

Lu sudah gila lah meenachi. Sekarang kamu dah konfius , sapa sam1528 dan sapa mashimaru83 pun dah tak tau. Tu lah , dok asyik berak melalui mulut.

Berapa kali nak bagi bukti tentang 'cukai kuil'? NGO tersebut dakwa kuil kaut keuntungan dan bukti mereka adalah pembayaran masuk kuil , parking dsb. Bukan kah ini 'cukai kuil'? Kamu berbalik tanya pasal kamu tak ada jawapan. Nak lari lah tu ....

Tapi bila mintak bukti dakwaan kamu tentang daging korban dijual , sampai sekarang haram tak ada.

Lu siapa? Tukang cuci buntut masinmahu83 kah?

LOL , ini lah pola pemikiran seorang extrimis Hindu. Asyik fikir tentang buntut dan alat kelamin sahaja. Oops , kamu dah 40+ dan masih tak kawin. Patut pun.

Kuil mana yg mintak duit utk masuk? Setahu aku, tak ada kuil spt itu.

Kalau nak cakap pasal parking, semua tempatpun ada minta duit utk masuk parking - termasuk gereja dan rumah ibadat Buddha. Yg tak mintak duit parking hanya bila memasuki kawasan dlm tempat ibadat tersebut je yg free. Itupun satu hal kah?

Baca balik apa yang dilampirkan. Kamu takut baca pasal ia menunjukkan keburukan kuil kuil yg mintak pembayaran masuk aka 'cukai kuil'. Mesjid tak mintak pun duit parking bila nak solat. Tersebuit dipanggil 'profiteering'. Kemaruk sangat ke dengan duit , kuil kuil kamu tu?

Kuil mana? Cukai apa? Setakat ini, kamu ataupun masin-pun-mahu itu belum jawab persoalan ini pun.

LOL , kamu ini pura pura bodoh atau memang bangang. Sila rujuk link pada pos#39.

Habuk pun kamu tak baca tapi tapi terkinja-kinja kiri kanan macam beruk mak yeh tanya soalan sama.

Sekali lagi aku tanya - LU MANA SAKIT? Kami ada benda nak bazir, suka hati kami lah. Hati kamu panas macam Syaitan apasal? Panas kerana tuhan kamu buat kamu macam pengemis sampai nak bazirkan apa2 pun, kena fikir banyak kali kah?

LOL , 'suka hati kami lah' .... macam pondan tua aje. Konfom lah , ugama hindu galakan pembaziran. TQ

Kalau ugama kamu dikritik , kamu melenting ye. Tapi bagus pulak kritik ugama lain. Bisa lah kan , extrimis Hindu macam kamu mana tau berfikir. Asyik dok mencarut aje. Mungkin ajaran dewa dewa Hindu kamu tu atau ikut perangai mak bapak kamu yang kemungkinan sering mencarut di rumah.

Aku mengulang - Tak akan ada mana2 haiwan yg "relak" bila nak mati. Haiwan2 itu bukannya macam anjing2 Taliban ataupun IS yg tidak mengena nyawa.

Pemikiran yg kuno. Kalau haiwan tak tau yang mereka akan mati , pasal apa nak meronta. Oh , yg tak mengenal nyawa seperti sami sami hindu yang rogol kanak kanak dan kemudian jadikan mereka pelacur kuil. Dewa Hindu pun ok aje
Traditionally girls in this district in south India undergo an 11-day 'purification' ceremony following the onset of menstruation. The “first maturity” ceremony, as they call it in Koppal, marks the transition into womanhood.

[The ritual consists of religiously sanctioned rape of minor girls, conducted by Brahmin priests within the precincts of a Hindu temple.]

Bheemakka, who doesn’t have a surname because she doesn’t know who her father is, went through the puberty ritual in March, 2013, but she wasn’t sold.

The 11-year-old’s mother and grandmother are both devadasis, which means 'female servants of god' - [that is, they have themselves been subjected to the raping ritual.]. They were dedicated to the Hindu deity Yellamma as children and sold off after hitting puberty.

They have been used by the men in their village for sex since their early teens.

Last edited by sam1528 on 4-12-2014 11:32 PM


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 Author| Post time 7-12-2014 09:23 AM | Show all posts
by masin-pun-mahu83

mana ada saya kata "cukai kuil".

Sila pergi menjaja diri sendiri di Arab sana macam mak kau juga. Mungkin selepas kamu puas diperlayankan macam pelacur (lelaki gigolo kah ataupun perempuan murahan macam mak kau ke), kamu MUNGKIN tahu macam mana nak berdebat dgn orang lain di forum.

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2014 09:25 AM | Show all posts
by Sial5128

Sekarang kamu dah konfius , sapa sam1528 dan sapa mashimaru83 pun dah tak tau.

Masin-pun-mahu itu anjing arab dan kamu pula tukang cuci buntut dia. Aku kenal benar dua2 ekor anjing arab ini. Sekarang kamu buang masa aku.


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Post time 7-12-2014 12:23 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 7-12-2014 09:25 AM
by Sial5128
Masin-pun-mahu itu anjing arab dan kamu pula tukang cuci buntut dia. Aku kenal benar dua2 ekor anjing arab ini. Sekarang kamu buang masa aku.


LOL , pola pemikiran meenachi 'sepiroth' , seorang ekstrimis hindu. Tak habis-habis cakap pasal buntut , alat kelamin , panggil orang lain anjing dan suruh masuk neraka.

Adakah ugama kamu ajar mencarut atau kamu belajar dari mak bapak kamu?

Soalan geng muslim senang aje
(1) mana bukti dakwaan kamu yang daging korban dijual?
(2) adakah ugama hindu amalkan kautan untung berlebihan dengan adanya 'cukai kuil'?

Soalan senang macam ni pun tak mampu jawab?


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Post time 16-12-2014 03:55 PM | Show all posts
[Jenayah] Nelayan kasta caprut bunuh nelayan kasta lebih caprut

PATNA: A group of upper-caste men shot dead four lower-caste fishermen in eastern Indian for refusing to hand over their catch, police said today.
The victims were killed late Sunday while fishing at a pond in their village in impoverished Bihar state, senior state police official Jitendra Rana told AFP.
“They were killed by a group of armed upper-caste people after they refused to share the fish caught by them,” Rana said, adding that another victim had been “seriously injured” in the incident.
Angry over the killings, scores of villagers halted traffic on roads and set tyres alight on Monday near Paliganj town, some 55 kilometres from state capital Patna, demanding the accused be arrested.
Police are searching for seven men for questioning based on a description given by the injured victim, Rana said.
All of the victims were members of the poor Bind caste which traditionally makes reed mats.
India’s low-caste Hindus, who make up more than 15 percent of the 1.2 billion population, are often victims of violence from upper-caste landlords.
While the Indian government banned caste discrimination at independence from Britain in 1947, it persists throughout the country, particularly in rural areas.
In some places, lower castes are banned from drawing water from the same wells as higher castes, cannot enter the same temples and are expected to bow and give way when higher-caste Hindus pass by.--AFP

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