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Islam Is A Peaceful Religion - Debate In Oxford University

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Post time 10-12-2014 09:27 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

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Post time 10-12-2014 10:29 PM | Show all posts
Oxford is just like most other universities in the World - a place where they "sell" education to those who can afford. Most likely this is just another clown act by bunch of suit-wearing circus clowns in attempt to bring in more money from rich oil Sheikhs.

Those who follow Islam will not see God EVER. That is all there is to say about Islam.

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Post time 11-12-2014 02:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada yg kata dlm.satu thread Islam bodoh powerless..x.kuasai ilmu fardu kifayah dan ekonomi.

Sekarang ni dia putar konar baring ke ilmu fardu ain utk lihat Allah.

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Post time 13-12-2014 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... alam-230028021.html

Persoalan utama - SIAPA CAKAP tak ada paksaan dlm Islam?

By BY Nomy Nozwir | The Malaysian Insider – 2 hours 18 minutes ago

Beberapa bulan lalu, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Acheh meluluskan undang-undang hudud untuk dilaksanakan di provinsi autonomi itu, di mana ia merangkumi seluruh penduduk di wilayah tersebut, tidak kira sama ada penganut beragama Islam atau tidak.

Semenjak ia dijadikan undang-undang, ramai yang menjadi mangsa polis moral yang berkuasa untuk menjatuhkan hukum di provinsi itu.

Sebagai contoh, seorang gadis memakai seluar jeans, dicat seluarnya dengan spray berwarna merah oleh seorang polis moral kerana melanggar kod etika pemakaian yang dibenarkan.

Terdapat sesetengah golongan sangat menyokong undang-undang ini mengatakan dengan cara ini dapat membendung gejala moral daripada berleluasa.

Tetapi, golongan polis moral ini seolah-olah bermaharajalela melaksanakan hukuman seolah-olah undang-undang berada di tangan mereka.

Ingat lagi tak kes seorang jejaka China dgn teman wanita dia yg duduk berbual di tasik Shah Alam waktu petang dan mereka ditangkap oleh Polis Moral di Malaysia?

Ingat lagi tak Sultan Brunei yg menyalak2 mengenai Islam dan mengenalkan hukum Huduh tetapi bila seorang wanita dari Australia yg mendakwa dirinya pernah tidur dgn adik Sultan Brunei, semua orang di Brunei tiba2 menjadi bisu dan pekak?

Ini adalah dua antara kes di mana perlaksanaan Hukum Huduh di lihat bukannya sbg menlaksanakan hukum tuhan tetapi utk menyedapkan ego dan keangguhan kaum Muslim itu sendiri. Kaum Islam sudah menjadi angguk dan mengangkat diri mereka sbg kaum yg mulia (holier than thou) dan menlihat kaum2 lain (yg bukan Islam) sbg kaum rendah martabat. Utk menyedapkan rasa angguk mereka ini, mereka cuba mengadakan hukum huduh yg banyak orang Islam secular sendiri tahu tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah2 sosial kini.

Bila mereka tahu bahawa mereka tak mampu memaksa kaum bukan Islam menerima hukum huduh, keluar2lah kaki pukul spt ISMA dan PERKOSA.

Jadi SIAPA KATA TAK ADA PAKSAAN DALAM ISLAM? Kamu memaksa dgn cara halus spt ini pun adalah paksaan juga.

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Post time 17-12-2014 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... bath-124617885.html

Peshawar, Dec 16 (IANS) In one of the worst acts of human savagery ever perpetrated, the Pakistani Taliban senselessly slaughtered 126 school children in a brazen terror attack launched by its heavily armed gunmen and suicide bombers on an army-run school in Pakistan's Peshawar city in retaliation to Pakistan Army's operation against extremists in North Waziristan.

The horrifying attack was carried out by a group of paramilitary uniform-wearing terrorists who stormed the Army Public School complex in Peshawar, the capital of Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province bordering Afghanistan, Pakistani media said.

The heartless attackers as went on a rampage, massacring the school children, with many being shot in the head and chest from point blank range. The vicious terror strike, state-run Radio Pakistan reported, left 126 students dead and 122 injured. ARY News put the toll at 129.

What a great day for Allah as its minions once again pull off a successful mission against the enemy of Allah, this time 126 children who were receiving modern "evil" education after rejecting the Arabic brainwashing system known as Islamic education.

And where are the dogs of Allah in this forum? They should be out here - celebrating and screaming how great their Allah and their Arabic master - Muhammad was. They should be screaming how great Islam is in establishing fear on hearts of all (in this case, those children who had the misfortune of witnessing their fellow friends being shot right before their eyes).

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Post time 19-12-2014 09:45 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... orists_1516433.html

Baghdad: As the world along with Pakistan mourns the death of children killed in the dastardly carried out terrorist attack in an army-run school in Peshawar by Taliban, reports of more violence from another brutal terror group have emerged.

Islamic State militants have reportedly beheaded at least 150 women, some of them pregnant, for refusing to marry them.

Iraq's Ministry of Human Rights, in a statement released, said that the women in the western Iraqi province of Al-Anbar were attacked by the Islamic State terrorists and were later buried in mass graves in Fallujah.

"At least 150 females, including pregnant women, were executed in Fallujah by a militant named Abu Anas Al-Libi after they refused to accept jihad marriage," the statement said.

Last month, at least 50 men, women and children were executed by the IS members in a tribe massacre in the village of Ras al-Maa. According to reports, the militants lined them up and shot them dead in public.

ISIS had also recently published a pamphlet guiding its members on how to capture, keep and sexually abuse female slaves.

Another great victory for Allah by Muslims. This time, against women - some of them were pregnant. These lowly female slaves refused to sleep with great Muslim conquerors and warriors and thus, they were killed just as slaves who refused to submit to their masters were killed in the past.

Where are the Muslims here who were barking how great and peaceful Islam is?

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Post time 22-12-2014 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Iraq news but published in Indian website.  Only good for people looking for something to bash people.  Be it fake news is the most liked news.

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Post time 22-12-2014 10:16 AM | Show all posts
ibnur posted on 22-12-2014 10:13 AM
Iraq news but published in Indian website.  Only good for people looking for something to bash peopl ...

It's called Global News. Go and read about it before commenting online.

Speaking of which, was Youtube or Oxford University belongs to Muslims? No, then if you think news that published in non-Islamic source should not be used against Islam, then go and educate Obelisk not to promote Islam using non-Islamic sources like Youtube and Oxford University materials. Last edited by Sephiroth on 22-12-2014 10:17 AM


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Post time 22-12-2014 08:11 PM | Show all posts
Results of the debate :
On 23 May the motion under discussion was “That this House agrees that Islam is a religion for peace”. After a two-hour intensive debate participants voted 284 in favour and 186 against, and the motion was passed.


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Post time 23-12-2014 07:57 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 22-12-2014 08:11 PM
Results of the debate :

It matters NOT. This Oxford jokers are not representative of God. They cannot decided anything. Human race can clearly see the true face of Islam.

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Post time 23-12-2014 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 23-12-2014 07:57 AM
It matters NOT. This Oxford jokers are not representative of God. They cannot decided anything. Hu ...

Another baseless assertion from you.

The poll is based on facts presented in the debate whereas you are just farting from your mouth. I would think the 'Oxford Jokers' are a lot more intelligent than you. BTW are you implying that you are a representative of God? If yes , the crazy person is you and only you. Yeah loh , you seem to think that you have this so called supernatural powers to be able to summon spirits ..... LOL

So , what is the true face of Islam? Care to provide the evidence. Of course , you will run as you don't have any.


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Post time 23-12-2014 10:37 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 23-12-2014 10:10 AM
Another baseless assertion from you.

The poll is based on facts presented in the debate whereas ...

No, the debate is based on some money-minded Westerners whose ONLY concern is to ensure that terrorists don't continued to wreck havoc in streets of London, don't affect the economy (a.k.a Oil Economy) and to ensure that the public will recognise their names in the future in case they want to run for office or wealthy donation. No one wants to say the obvious cos that could cost them their fame and fortune.

Nothing will change the fact - ISLAM IS EVIL. Anyone who follows it will be lead astray - whether it is Muslims or gutless pigs like those Oxymoron (Oxford Morons).

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Post time 23-12-2014 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 23-12-2014 10:37 AM
No, the debate is based on some money-minded Westerners whose ONLY concern is to ensure that terrorists don't continued to wreck havoc in streets of London, don't affect the economy (a.k.a Oil Economy) and to ensure that the public will recognise their names in the future in case they want to run for office or wealthy donation. No one wants to say the obvious cos that could cost them their fame and fortune.

Nothing will change the fact - ISLAM IS EVIL. Anyone who follows it will be lead astray - whether it is Muslims or gutless pigs like those Oxymoron (Oxford Morons).

LOL , this shows that you didn't even view the debate but just farting thru your mouth. There are 2 sides to the debate and since when did the opposing side become 'money minded' as they opposed the motion? It appears that you cannot even think straight.

LOL , anorther baseless assertion again. I am asking you to provide evidence of your claim. I did not ask you to repeat yourself over and over again. Lets try this again - can you provide evidence that Islam is evil?

Last edited by sam1528 on 23-12-2014 11:22 AM


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Post time 7-1-2015 02:29 PM | Show all posts
When is Islam peaceful?

Answer :- Islam is peaceful ONLY when Muslims are minority, lacking in political, economic and social power and have disadvantage of losing their authority if they are to challenge non-Muslims (even if they are majority in a country).

Only of the reasons why non-Muslims don't want to question Islam is because many of them (non-muslims) still living in delusion that Muslims worship the same God they believe in. This hold true to Jews, Christians, Hindus and even Buddhists who are believers in supernatural beings controlling the World.

However, if they were to understand that Islam is nothing BUT a cleverly constructed political system, then they too could start to question Islam. Just as they don't think twice about questioning Communism, Socialism or any other political belief system, they will lose their fear of Islam and start to question its usefulness in today's society. I believe when that happens, Islam will perish just as Communism is fading today.

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Post time 8-1-2015 11:09 AM | Show all posts
This debate was obviously attended by mostly muslims and useful idiots with leftism mindset. This debate isn't even validated by true scholars who are well versed in humanity.
Calling Islam is a Peaceful Religion is just like calling a Whore a Virgin !


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Post time 8-1-2015 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Want to know the true face of so called "Religion of Peace" ???
Feel free to surf...

Happy surfing !

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Post time 8-1-2015 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Who is Mehdi Hassan ?

MEHDI HASAN is Britain’s most prominent Muslim journalist. He recently moved from the New Statesman to become political editor of the Huffington Post. He has appeared on Question Time five times, and is hosting Al Jazeera’s ‘Head to Head’ series at the Oxford Union this term.

Mehdi Hasan’s ability to distort and fantasize is so grand and (un)impressive, he should seek employment with the Disney Channel. How embarrassing it must be for more intellectual muslims to constantly have such charlatans serve as their mouth piece.

Mehdi Hasan gives his argument in response to Anne Marie Waters speech yesterday that Islam is not a peaceful religion, and the fault of that, argues Waters, is no one else but the actions of Muslims themselves. Mehdi Hasan strongly disagrees and presents the typical and distorted argument Muslims always tend to use when they defend the fascist ideology of Islam.
He brings up the much worn-out argument that ‘only 1% of Muslims commit terrorist acts’. Even a small minority of Muslims (1%) worldwide translates to 15 million believers – which is hardly an insignificant number. Hasan then tries to claim that only 315 acts of terrorism was committed by Muslims (from 1980-2005) according to a survey he quotes. Who on earth made that survey? A Muslim? In reality Muslims have committed over 21,000 terrorist acts in only one decade. And to give the true scale of the problem in his own country of residency, England, MI5 averted 1,834 attempts to commit terrorism in the UK in only nine years.

On U.S. soil Muslims committed 6% of the nations terrorist attacks between 1980 to 2005 when the Muslim population was not even 0.3%. Muslim-Americans who identify more strongly with their religion are three times more likely to feel that suicide bombings are justified. Five percent of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda and 27% percent couldn’t make up their minds of the terrorist organization. That’s 400,000 American Muslims who agree with al-Qaeda, and 2,160,000 who cannot make up their mind if they should support them. Is that a small number?

And Mehdi Hasan forgot to mention that 95% of world conflicts are created by Muslims. He also forgot to mention that in surveys conducted in Muslim dominated countries, the support for terrorist ideology is actually supported in roughly 40-80% of the entire population [“It is notable that even at the highest age in the sample’s range (62), predicted support is still above 45 percent” –  Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 29:51–74, 2006, Uni of Texas]. That’s some one billion people. Quite a considerably higher number than Mehdi Hasan wants to bring forth. He also doesn’t mention that Muslims have killed over 11 million Muslims in the past sixty years alone.

http://themuslimissue.wordpress. ... hobes-and-bigots-2/


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Post time 9-1-2015 11:04 AM | Show all posts
by wkk5159

Calling Islam is a Peaceful Religion is just like calling a Whore a Virgin !  

I like that.

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