Good day all,
I am only a moderator here n not a christian. Then, dont like to disturb discussion thread, better give any important message here.
We can also chat about forum activities. No big deal..
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Post time 7-8-2015 10:43 PM
From the mobile phone
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Anyone deserve good credits? Come here, I am feeling generous ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Ok, first....eventhough I am not a Christian.![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Sorry Spidey... U have to be an active forumner here..
No hard feeling, kay.. c ya around.
OK. Lets start. Ever wonder why, worldwide, there are many Muslims who converted into Christianity but very rare you hear of Muslims (or people of other religions) who converted to Taoism or Hinduism? Yes you do hear several cases of Muslims in Malaysia who converted to Hinduism, but that is nothing compared to the numbers of Hindus who converted into Islam.
Any thoughts? |
Good topic u have here.. I am travelling back from my dad house... Just to put my words then...
I never ever wonder, sir.
I only know that all people have a choice for their own life. Anyone in community could suggest Islam... Christian... Hinduism.. buddhism.. Jewish.. anything.. but the choices still on the person.
I suggested Islam to a few people that I wanted to be succeed in life. On the other hand, I have no comment to my friend choices. People have brain..., people also have various requirements in life..
I dont know about others... for me.. I hear ' come to prayer, come to success, come to success' 5 times a day. So, I have made my choice.
Ok with u?
Good point. The most important reason is the similarity of the religions of People of the Books (ahlul kitab); similar because the religions originated from the same shariat, ie Ibrahimiyyah. These are far removed from the non-ahlul kitabs eg Paganism. If you sit around among, say some Christians (practising ones, and ask about say, Jonah, or David or Solomon.. they will know exactly what u r talking about and you can have decent convrsation about these; ask this from say a Shinto person, then h wouldnt have a clue as to waht u r talking about.
So, why is there some disagreement amongst, say Christianity and Islamic scholars on the basis of, say Christianity (the basis, not the shariah?). Shariah sama aje.. obey the Lord, obey the Angels, obey the Prophets, work hard to enter Paradise, do good to be safe in the Afterlife etc etc. These Kitab's religions are so close to each other that even the trms are close eg the Jews say shalom, we say salam, they say Iloh, we say Allah etc etc. |
Hmmm disagreement amongst... It is human nature since the earlier time ..
Something like Habil n Qabil... Ying n Yang... Hang Tuah n Hang Jebat.. Kane n Abel.. PAS n DAP...
We couldnt stop something like that... its nature...
Spot on Fleurzsa.. Quran kata 'We (Allah) cretaed you all berbeza beza so that you all can learn about each other'. Bila kita 'learn' about each other, biasanya kita akan 'kenal' each other dan tahu ragam ragam dia dan comfortable dengan dia dan boleh berbaik baik. Bila mekanik 'kenal' engine keta, bunyi engine pon dia tau berapa cylinder, minyak hitam cukup ke tak dan sebagainya. Tetapi Allah dah cipta suatu benda yang kita sendiri kena kawal tetapi gagal selalunya, nauzubillah, iaitu nafsu. Inilah yang get in the way, yg sebabkan kita tak boleh berbaik baik.
Pasal reason utama kenapa sesetengah Christianity je yg Islam tolak ialah kerana Emperor Constantine dulu tu. Dia ni pagan. Dia cerdik, so bila dia nampak dia tak boleh kekang lagi the rising Christianity movement dalam empayar Rome dia, dia kumpulkan org org bijak dalam empayar dia dan confer; outcome nya ialah: Rome terima satu version aje, ie version yang ada a little bit od Divinity dalam Jesus, ie yang ada sedikit unsur pagan. Kumpulan lain menentang sebab depa tahu Jesus hanyalah manusia macam orang lain; tup tup Constatine rupanya bertindak aggressive dan surpressed all other branches of Christianity; dia bunuh experts dan penganut Christianity yang lain, dan bakar semua buku dan makalah makalah mereka.
Tingallah version ini sahaja dalam Christianity; Judeo-Christians dan yang lain lain nye semua dibunuh dan diharamkan. Dan Constantine nyer version sanagt jauh dari yang Jesus bawa. Inilah yg Rome sebarkan ke serata dunia. Jews dan Muslims dapati, ianya sangat terpesong dari yang asal, so Jews (walaupun Jesus was a Jew) dan Muslims tidak dapat nak consolidate faith mereka dgn faith Cosntatntine ni. Dari sini, kita mula 'berpecah'.
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Jadi, jika beza nyer sikit aje, maka kenapa sampai perang sikit punya besar dan benci membenci? |
U know ur subject then...
Unfortunately... I am not in the mood to discuss about Islam or Christian now... I only want to do my job to moderate
It doesnt mean I dont like ur topic... My first love Malay Muslim, second love Indian Jew, third one Chinese Christian and so on.... it's like in the blood then
sorry, kay
Oh no problems. I meant for anyone who view this thread to try figure out what is what. If they feel they have a point to contribute, we welcome and answer, if they don't, than that is also OK. |
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