Brahmajala Sutta
Venerable Mahakasya asked Anand in the first convocation which sutta should be first considered.
"The Brahmajala Sutta " said Anand.
" Let us then rehears first that sutta" said the president; which triumphed our various heretical faith sustained by hypocrisy and fraud, which unrevealled the doctrinal issue of the sisty two hereodox sects, and shook the earth together with its ten thousand components parts." When the Anand had explained about this Sutta, the earth rocked. "All the thirteen suttas; says the narative," were then rehearsed in the prescrible forms."
"Priest among these Samana and Brahamins are some who hold the doctrine of future consiousness existence, and in sixteen modes teach that the soul consiously exist after death. But the teachings of these Samana and Brahamins is founded on their ignorance, their wanted of perception of truth. Their own personal experience, and on the fluckuating emotions of those who are under the influence of their passion."
"Priest among these Samana and Brahamins are some who hold the doctrine of future consiousness existence, and in eight modes teach that the soul consiously exist after death in a state of uncosiousness. But the teachings of these Samana and Brahamins is founded on their ignorance, their wanted of perception of truth. Their own personal experience, and on the fluckuating emotions of those who are under the influence of their passion."
"Priest among these Samana and Brahamins are some who hold the doctrine of future state of being neither consious nor get unconsious, and eight modes teach that the soul will hereafter exist in a state of consious and uncosiousness . But the teachings of these Samana and Brahamins is founded on their ignorance, their wanted of perception of truth. Their own personal experience, and on the fluckuating emotions of those who are under the influence of their passion."
"Priest among these Samana and Brahamins are some who of firm that existence is destroyed, and who in seven modes teach that the exist being are catt off, destroyed, annihilated. But the teachings of these Samana and Brahamins is founded on their ignorance, their wanted of perception of truth. Their own personal experience, and on the fluckuating emotions of those who are under the influence of their passion."
It is to be added that many of arguments of the Brahmajala Sutta are very obscure, and it is difficult to know, at time, whethera view is being praised or condemned.Every possible aspect of such questions as soul. the eternity of matter, etc. is stated, and then Buddha is brought in to announce that, from his unaided wisdom, he throughly knows the subject, and then he enuciates no opinion at all. |
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