assalamualaikum..saya ingin bertanya if sapa2 tau is there any supplement or food yg leh membantu dlm membuang toxin dr badan..saya menghadapi masalah jerawat dibahagian leher...n since ubat doc didnt work....ada pendapat mengatakan yg fungsi hati saya tak berapa baik so tak leh nak tapis any kekotoran...so here if sapa2 tau ttg kaedah membuang toxin ni...let me know...thanks |
ada kwn2 suggest KINTOP.. jenis capsule..
selain tu, boleh mengurangkan berat badan..aturan, 2 biji selepas makan sekali sehari...
tp biasa la..mesti kena minum byk air kosong..
ada kwn Cub mkn, nampak gayanya berhasil.. tp Cub cuma bertahan utk 1 bulan jer.. sbb malas n mahal le benda ni.. |
kalau nak buat detox, elok ambik 1set detox cosway punya..pn elok jgk. set detox lenkap utk keseluruhan badan.
Program Menyahtoksik Lengkap yang praktikal, mudah dan berkesan untuk membantu anda kekal sihat dan muda.
NATURE? BIOTICS : Membersihkan Kolon Dengan Sempurna
COLO-CLEANSE : Menyingkirkan Sisa Bertoksik
MILK THISTLE PLUS : Membersihkan Hati
LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL : Membersihkan Darah
YAEYAMA CHLORELLA : Menyahtoksik Sel-sel
TOTAL NUTRITION : Membekalkan Nutrien Lengkap Yang Berkhasiat.
harga pn xder laa..mahal sgt. kalau ada SOS voucher dpt beli dgn harga 50% less. |
thanks...mmg berkesan ke? |
belum cuba, blum tau...tpi mmg dh rmai yg ambik n berat badan pun boleh turun sbb dah xder toksin dlm badan. |
mm...mcm berudu lak..not for turunkan berat badan...cuma untuk membantu fungsi hati so that leh buang all the toxin n kekotoran yg ditapis.... |
info sdikit pasal set detox lengkap ni...
Program Menyahtoksik Lengkap
Program Menyahtoksik Lengkap yang praktikal, mudah dan berkesan untuk membantu anda kekal sihat dan muda.
NATURE? BIOTICS : Membersihkan Kolon Dengan Sempurna
Nature? Biotics ialah adunan khusus Organisma Berasaskan Tanah (SBO) dan bakteria baik dari USA. Ia membantu menyingkirkan sisa toksik yang terkumpul dan mengimbangi flora usus semulajadi. Ia bukan sekadar menyingkirkan sisa toksin yang termendap pada permukaan usus dan kolon, malahan juga memasuki jauh ke dalam ?onjolan? usus (tidak dapat dicapai oleh kebanyakan produk pembersih kolon biasa yang lain) untuk menyingkirkan sisa yang terperangkap. Ia bertindak dengan agresif terhadap yis, fungi, bakteria yang memudaratkan dan parasit yang berbahaya, serta membantu menggalakkan penghadaman makanan untuk penyerapan nutrien yang lebih baik. Nature? Biotics telah digunakan dengan penuh keyakinan oleh ribuan pengguna, doktor dan pengamal perubatan dengan kesan yang begitu menakjubkan.
COLO-CLEANSE : Menyingkirkan Sisa Bertoksik
Colo-Cleanse ialah kombinasi herba yanng selamat dan teruji masa untuk menggalakkan pembuangan air besar yang kerap dan mencegah sembelit. Ini memastikan sisa harian disingkirkan dalam masa yang tetap, justeru itu menghalang pengumpulan asid.
MILK THISTLE PLUS : Membersihkan Hati
Milk Thistle Plus adalah salah satu herba yang dikaji dengan paling teliti dan dipreskrip secara meluas di Eropah. Ia telah dibuktikan secara klinikal dalam keupayaannya untuk mengekalkan hati yang sihat. Ia membantu membina sel-sel hati yang sihat di samping memperbaiki dan meningkatkan fungsi-fungsi hati termasuk detoksifikasinya. Milk Thistle Plus menggabungkan kesan sinergistik Milk Thistle dengan ekstrak Teh Hijau dan Honeysuckle untuk menyahtoksik dan menyokong fungsi hati.
LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL : Membersihkan Darah
Liquid Chlorophyll mengandungi klorofil pekat yang diekstrak dari daun Mulberi. Molekul-molekul klorofil yang mempunyai struktur yang menyerupai hemoglobin, pigmen merah dalam sel darah merah, yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengangkut oksigen ke semua 73 trilion sel dalam badan. Ia meningkatkan paras oksigen dalam darah untuk membantu membersihkan darah, lalu menyingkirkan penyebab penyakit iaitu parasit dan bakteria. Ia juga membekalkan oksigen ke dalam sel-sel untuk memulihkan fungsi dan metabolismanya.
YAEYAMA CHLORELLA : Menyahtoksik Sel-sel
Yaeyama Chlorella dengan kandungan tinggi kulit luar berserat yang unik dan klorofil dapat mengikat bahan kimia bertoksik dan logam-logam berat dalam sel dengan berkesan, lalu menyingkirkan mereka dengan cepat dan selamat. Diperbuat daripada chlorella yang tulen dan berkualiti premium, ia adalah bebas daripada pengisi pengikat, racun rumpai atau racun serangga. Dihasilkan oleh Yaeyama Shokusan Co. Ltd., Jepun pengeluar chlorella yang terkenal di dunia dengan pengalaman lebih daripada 35 tahun. Membekalkan faktor-faktor anti-penuaan seperti RNA dan DNA untuk meningkatkan metabolisma dan pemulihan sel.
TOTAL NUTRITION : Membekalkan Nutrien Lengkap Yang Berkhasiat.
TOTAL NUTRITION dari Tishcon, USA ialah suplemen berkhasiat yang lazat dan lengkap yang diperbuat daripada 79 jenis bahan semulajadi. Ia membekalkan kesemua 14 kumpulan nutrien penting yang diperlukan untuk mengekalkan kesihatan optima. Ia juga membekalkan sokongan nutrien yang sempurna ketika program menyahtoksik dijalankan. Ia juga boleh diambil secara berterusan selepas program menyahtoksik selesai untuk mengekalkan kesihatan dan kecergasan. |
Originally posted by kamar22 at 18-7-2006 12:21 PM
info sdikit pasal set detox lengkap ni...
Program Menyahtoksik Lengkap
Program Menyahtoksik Lengkap yang praktikal, mudah dan berkesan untuk membantu anda kekal sihat dan muda.
thanks for the info...by the way...kt ne leh dpt product ni? |
kalau u dah jadi ahli cosway, boleh beli kat mana2 stokist cosway yg trdekat. kalau u bkan ahli cosway n nak set detox lengkap spt kt atas tu..n nak beli dgn harga 50% less, bleh gunakan voucher SOS saya punya. |
cuber guna debella nyer aloe drinking gel...
bulat penah gak try... dia bersihkan darah dgn cara keluar cam bisul2 kat body....
lepas dh bersih semua tak der dh ler bisul2 tu...
harga pun x mahal.... |
Alahai! tak mahal tu brape reganya Ssi bulat! ckp le sikit bleh kawan budget utk beli hujung bulan ni |
supplement milk thistle juga berfungsi menguatkan hati..tapi tak boleh diambil dlm jangkamasa yg panjang...i pernah buat detox dari set HERRON selama 21 hari je utk satu program detox tu...berat turun tapi jerawat tak hilang jugak..makin bertambah2 pulak pasal jerawat akan keluar semasa program tu....my acne actually related to my hormone..so i ambik Diane jer...2 bulan dah makan.. memang dah takde jerawat lagi. |
U boleh cuba dgn produk NUFERA. Produk ni memang berkesan.
Apakah NUFERA?
NUFERA adalah makanan yang berasaskan bahan semulajadi yang dihasilkan secara BIOTEKNOLOGI tanpa menggunakan haba dan bahan kimia. Ia diklasifikasikan sebagai Makanan Berfungsi Lengkap (Wholesome Functional Food) yang mampu merawat berbagai-bagai jenis penyakit termasuklah masalah macam u ni.
Kombinasi pelbagai 損eptide擺/color] yang aktif dalam NUFERA bertindak dengan cepat untuk mengurangkan kesan berbagai-bagai masalah kesihatan badan kita.
(Wholesome Functional Food)
Fungsi :
- Anti Mikrobial (Bakteria, Fungi, Virus, Protozoa)
- Anti Inflammatory (Radang)
- Anti Oksida (Penuaan)
- Anti Venom (Racun, Bisa haiwan)
- Anti Toksik
- Meningkatkan Kadar Metabolisma Badan
- Memperkuatkan Daya Imunisasi Badan
- Memberi Tenaga (Energy Booster)
- Meningkatkan Proses Penyerapan Nutrien
- Menyeimbangkan Tahap Hormon Badan
- Penyakit biasa ( Demam, Batuk, Sakit Gigi )
- Penyakit Kronik ( Kanser, kencing manis, jantung )
- Penyakit kulit ( psoriasis, ecszema, kurap, jerawat )
- Sakit Puan / Tuan ( Senggugut, fibroid, prostate, ED )
- Dalaman ( boleh diminum )
- Luaran ( boleh disapu )
- Lelaki, Wanita, Bayi, Ibu Mengandung / Menyusu
- Remaja, Kanak-kanak, Warga Emas
- Kit Kecemasan
Bagaimana nak dapatkan produk ni?
Sesiapa yang berminat atau nak cuba boleh PM..................Okey
[ Last edited by NUFERA at 26-8-2006 02:06 AM ] |
boss.ika This user has been deleted
sebagai sampingan, cuba amalan minum green tea & vitamin c (500mg) setiap hari sbb ia mengandungi antioxidant tinggi yg boleh membuang toxin,melancarkan perjalanan darah, aviod cancer, dan melambatkan penuaan...no side effects at all, long term benefits.
saya amalkan minum sekurang2 nya 1 gelas per day, tapi saya campur dgn teh misai kucing...it works on me very well.
[ Last edited by boss.ika at 25-7-2006 09:41 PM ] |
Chippo This user has been deleted
Kenapa tidak mendapatkan yang terbaik didalam Dunia sekarang ini. Riovida Acai Berry, iaitu Anti-Oxidant Number SATU dalam Dunia sekarang ini. Riovida Acai Berry Juice telah mendapat liputan sedunia apabila ia digelar sebagai Anti-Oxidant terampuh oleh scientist di Oprah Winfrey Show.
Oprah Winfrey sendiri telah mengambil cabaran itu dan telah dapat menurunkan berat badan dengan amat sekali dan wajahnya juga lebih nampak jelita sekarang daripada dulu. Daripada 10 Superfood didunia, Riovida berada di tangga paling atas sekali. The NUMBER ONE SUPER FOOD IN THE WORLD.
Riovida amat popular dengan pramugari pramugari dan juga pragawat top dalam bidang modelling sedunia.
Antara kebaikan riovida ialah:
Ia membuang segala toksik didalam badan
Ia membantu pemulihan semulajadi
Ia menguatkan system ketahanan tubuh
Ia membantu melangsingkan tubuh
Ia sebagai libido untuk kaum lelaki (kerana ia makan raja raja zaman dahulu)
Ia penambah tenaga serta merta
Orang yang menghidapi kencing manis, tidak boleh minum terlalu banyak kerana mengandungi gula gula buahan yang asli.
Sedikit Maklumat tentang Riovida dalam Bahasa Inggeris:
RioVida contains juices from acai berry, elderberry, blueberry, purple grapes, pomegranates; plus added liquid transfer factors, lactoferrin, and vitamin C.The following were collected from some of the thousands of the world-wide published medical studies and scientific research reports conducted on several of the micronutrients in RioVida.
RioVida contains micronutrients shown and/or known to:
Promote energy, stamina and endurance
Promote better and restful sleep
Improve digestion
Improve Mental Focus
Promote semen quality and improve sexual function in healthy men
Regulate, support and educate your immune system
Promote Immune System health by increasing Immune System Messenger Molecule
It also contains the following:
a remarkable concentration of antioxidants which help keep the arterial lining flexible and reduce the oxidation of cholesterol which is important for better blood circulation and a healthy cardio vascular system.
Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidants, is responsible for what is called the "French Paradox". The French have a significantly lessened incidence of Heart disease, despite what many consider a diet very high in saturated fat. This is thought to be attributed to their consumption of foods and drinks made from berries, filled health enhancing Resveratrol.
essential minerals iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, and zinc.
essential vitamin B1 (Thiamin), vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), vitamin B3 (Niacin), vitamin C, and vitamin E.
two essential fatty acids known as Omega 6 (Linoleic acid) and Omega 9 (Oleic acid). Research shows that these fatty acids maintain normal cholesterol levels.
the primary anthocyanin Cyanidin-3 glucoside , Cyanidin-3- glucoside has been found to be 3.5 times stronger than Trolox (vitamin E analogue) and the predominate anthocyanin found in red wine (nalvadin-3-glucoside) in an ORAC analysis (measure of antioxidant capacity) .
has been shown to have up to 33 times the Anthocyanins than red wine grapes.
Anthocyanins have been found to "exhibit numerous potential therapeutic effects including treatment of diabetic retinopathy and fibrocystic disease of the breast in humans.
Other potential physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation-protective, chemoprotective, vasoprotective and anti-inflammatory agents.
high levels of fiber that are good for colon health and healthy glucose levels.
Anti-bacteria properties: effective against several bacteria, and as adjuvant in the treatment of various bacterial infections.
Anti-viral properties: may prevent and/or as adjuvant in the treatment of the following viruses, human herpes virus Type I & II, herpes zoster, rotavirus, papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, several strains of influenza virus, HIV, AIDS.
Anti-mutagenic properties: may act as adjuvant in the treatment of various cancer.
Anti-fungal properties: prevents the growth of yeast and may prevent vaginal yeast infection.
Protect against abnormal platelet clumping and abnormal blood clot formation.
May protect and/or slow the development of atherosclerosis; may reduce LDL cholesterol level, and high blood pressure; promote cardiovascular health and prevent atherosclerotic heart disease; may prevent and/or improve arteriogenic erectile dysfunction.
May be an adjuvant to improve the treatment of bronchial asthma, epilepsy, hair loss, allergic dermatitis, and wound healing.
Regulates bone cell activity, increases bone formation and growth. May be beneficial in menopausal bone loss and as adjuvant in the treatment of bone infection (osteomyelitis).
May protect against the aging brain, old-age hearing loss, and behavioral deficit in Alzheimer's disease.
How is RioVida Different?
If a product is promoted honestly and the product has real value in the market place of competition, then the consumer-response to the product will produce long-term success.
Generally, new products on the market contain just another nutrient similar to other nutrients already on the market. The function of these newly commercialized nutrients are similar to other nutrients already saturating our industry. In network marketing, introducing a nutrient that the public isn't well informed with, can create excitement for awhile. Once the public learns that the nutrient is just another herb or phytonutrient among many that do the same things, attrition is the result.
For example, the nutrient Xanthones found in the mangosteen fruit is promoted for its anti-inflammatory properties. Xanthones are promoted for their ability to inhibit the COX-2 enzyme that causes inflammation. There are,however, literally dozens of other phytonutrients that fight inflammation, inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, and some do it better, such as the curcumin, nettle leaf, ginger root, boswella, DHA fatty acid (fish oil), GLA (gamma linolenic acid) and even vitamin E.
Your body uses inflammation as a weapon in its fight to keep you well. Inflammation is good when it is controlled properly. There are a number of body enzymes and body chemicals that can create inflammation, such as
TNF-a tumor necrosis factor-alpha
IL-6 interleukin-6
IL-1(b) interleukin-1 beta
IL-8 interleukin-8
Nutrients like Xanthones, control inflammation by inhibiting it. Riovida contains transfer factors by both inhibiting certain factors and regulating several others. Transfer factors will allow useful inflammation to do its job while down-regulating harmful inflammation. As you can see there is a major difference.
Riovida is different from any other health beverage. Riovida contains certain nutrients that perform certain functions that no other nutrient can do. Riovida not only contains the best antioxidants and nutrients on the market but contains a one-of-a-kind nutrient, transfer factor. Transfer factor is the flagship ingredient in Riovida. Transfer factor isn't a vitamin, mineral, amino acid, phytonutrient or any known nutrient. We only call it a nutrient for lack of a better word. Transfer factors are unlike any known nutrient. We have provided some information on the various functions and actions of transfer factors.
[ Last edited by Chippo at 26-7-2006 10:18 AM ] |
Chippo This user has been deleted
Oprah's top nutritionist, Dr.Pericone, declares the Acai berry as the world's #1 superfood!
The Acai berry was selected as one of the ingredients in our Riovida formulation because it is one of the world's richest sources of nutrition and antioxidants. The Acai berry can only be found in the Amazon Rain Forest. For centuries, the indigenous people of Brazil 's Northern Amazon region have revered this legendary berry as a source of healing for numerous ailments. It has been referred to as the "fruit of the Gods," because of its healing properties.
Modern Science has now validated the remarkable wellness benefits of the Acai fruit. Recently, TV's Oprah Winfrey hired the best nutritionists that money can buy. This nutritionist, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, rated the Acai berry as the #1 super-food in the world.
Acai Berry is also known to have the following properties: Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic, and to support cardiovascular health.
Acai berry
Promotes better sleep
Improved digestion
Delivers great energy
Improved Mental FocusImproved sexual function
promotes Immune System health by increasing
Immune System Messenger Molecule production.
It also contains the following:
a remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help keep the arterial lining flexible and reduce the oxidation of cholesterol which is important for better blood circulation and a healthy cardio vascular system.
essential minerals iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, and zinc.
essential vitamin B1 (Thiamin), vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), vitamin B3 (Niacin), vitamin C, and vitamin E.
two essential fatty acids known as Omega 6 (Linoleic acid) and Omega 9 (Oleic acid). Research shows that these fatty acids maintain normal cholesterol levels.
the primary anthocyanin Cyanidin-3 glucoside , Cyanidin-3- glucoside has been found to be 3.5 times stronger than Trolox (vitamin E analogue) and the predominate anthocyanin found in red wine (nalvadin-3-glucoside) in an ORAC analysis (measure of antioxidant capacity) has been shown to have up to 33 times the Anthocyanins than red wine grapes.
Anthocyanins have been found to "exhibit numerous potential therapeutic effects including treatment of diabetic retinopathy and fibrocystic disease of the breast in humans.".
Other potential physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation protective, chemoprotective, vasoprotective and anti-inflammatory agents.
high levels of fiber that are good for colon health and healthy glucose levels.
[ Last edited by Chippo at 26-7-2006 10:15 AM ] |
Chippo This user has been deleted
Kajian Kajian Rasmi mengenai RIOVIDA dan Kehebatannya
Total oxidant scavenging capacities of Euterpe oleracea Mart. (Acai) fruits.
Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2005 Feb;56(1):53-64.
Lichtenthaler R, Rodrigues RB, Maia JG, Papagiannopoulos M, Fabricius H, Marx F.
Institute of Nutritional and Food Sciences, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
The antioxidant capacities of 11 commercial and non-commercial samples of Euterpe oleracea Mart. (acai) fruit pulp were studied with the total oxidant scavenging capacity assay in a modified and automated version against three reactive oxygen species. The antioxidant capacities of all purple acai samples were found to be excellent against peroxyl radicals, good against peroxynitrite and poor against hydroxyl radicals compared with common European fruit and vegetable juices recently analysed. In all cases the correlation between sample concentration and antioxidant capacities was non-linear. The antioxidant capacities against all three reactive oxygen species of the fruit pulp from one white acai variety were very low. The phenolic compounds in purple acai fruit pulp were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and the two major anthocyanins, cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside, were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography-visible spectrometry. The contributions of the anthocyanins to the overall antioxidant capacities of the fruit were estimated to be only approximately 10%. Obviously, compounds not yet identified are responsible for the major part of the antioxidant capacities of the acai fruit pulp.
PMID: 16019315 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Phytochemical composition and pigment stability of Acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.)
J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Mar 24;52(6):1539-45.
Del Pozo-Insfran D, Brenes CH, Talcott ST.
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Florida, P.O. Box 110370, Gainesville, Florida 32611-0370, USA.
Anthocyanin and polyphenolic compounds present in acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) were determined and their respective contribution to the overall antioxidant capacity established. Color stability of acai anthocyanins against hydrogen peroxide (0 and 30 mmol/L) over a range of temperatures (10-30 degrees C) was also determined and compared to common anthocyanin sources. Additionally, stability in a model beverage system was evaluated in the presence of ascorbic acid and naturally occurring polyphenolic cofactors. Cyanidin 3-glucoside (1040 mg/L) was the predominant anthocyanin in acai and correlated to antioxidant content, while 16 other polyphenolics were detected from 4 to 212 mg/L. Red grape anthocyanins were most stable in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, while acai and pigments rich in acylated anthocyanins displayed lower color stability in a temperature-dependent manner. In the presence of ascorbic acid, acylated anthocyanin sources generally had increased color stability. Acai was recognized for its functional properties for use in food and nutraceutical products.
PMID: 15030208 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Euterpe Oleracea (Acai) as an alternative oral contrast agent in MRI of the gastrointestinal system: preliminary results.
Magn Reson Imaging. 2004 Apr;22(3):389-93.
Cordova-Fraga T, de Araujo DB, Sanchez TA, Elias J Jr, Carneiro AA, Brandt-Oliveira R, Sosa M, Baffa O.
Department de Fisica e Matematica, FFCLRP, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Bandeirantes 3900, Ribeirao Preto Sao Paulo 14, 040-91, Brazil.
Using contrast agents is a common practice in medical imaging protocols. Paramagnetic properties of certain compounds present in contrast agents can affect magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signals. For abdominal applications, they are usually injected, but may also be administered orally. However, their use as a routine technique is limited, mainly due to the lack of appropriate oral contrast agents. We herein present the preliminary characterization and results for implementation of Euterpe Oleracea (popularly named Acai) as a possible clinical oral contrast agent for MRI of the gastrointestinal tract. The pulp of Acai, a fruit from the Amazon area, presented an increase in T(1)-weighted MRI signal, equivalent to that of gadolinium-diethyltriamine pentaacetic acid, and a decrease in T(2)-weighted images. We looked for intrinsic properties that could be responsible for the T(1) signal enhancement and T(2) opacification. Atomic absorption spectra revealed the presence of Fe, Mn and Cu ions in Acai. The presence of such ions contribute to the susceptometric value found of chi = -4.83 x 10(-6). This finding assents with the hypothesis that image contrast changes were due to the presence of paramagnetic material. The first measurements in vivo demonstrate a clear increase of contrast, in T(1)-weighted images, due to the presence of Acai. Consistently, the opacification in a T(2)-weighted acquisition was evident, revealing a good contrast on bowel walls of gastric tissues.
PMID: 15062934 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Anthocyanins in medicine.
Pol J Pharmacol. 2003 Sep-Oct;55(5):699-702
Kowalczyk E, Krzesinski P, Kura M, Szmigiel B, Blaszczyk J.
Department of Human Physiology and Biophysics, Medical University in Lodz, Hallera 1, PL 90-647 Lodz, Poland. [email protected]
Anthocyanins belong to water-soluble plant pigments. They are derivatives of 2-phenylbenzopyrylium. Due to the common occurrence (among others in fruit) they are components of human diet. Owing to scientific research they have become not only food products but also therapeutic agents. They exhibit, among others, antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activity, they also show favorable effect in the treatment of some types of neoplasms.
Publication Types:
Review, Tutorial
PMID: 14704465 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
Originally posted by Chippo at 26-7-2006 10:14 AM
Kajian Kajian Rasmi mengenai RIOVIDA dan Kehebatannya
Total oxidant scavenging capacities of Euterpe oleracea Mart. (Acai) fruits.
Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2005 Feb;56(1): ...
thank u so much for the info...:tq: |
Melilea Organic Greenfield..5 star organic..:love: |
Hang makan timun je, lagi murah sbb timun adalah salah satu cara membuat toxic dlm badan |
| |