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Al-Quran mengandungi petunjuk saintifik
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rotibakar2006 This user has been deleted
Al-Quran terkandung hudan atau petunjuk yang memberi pedoman kepada manusia mengenai sesuatu yang nyata dan sesuatu yang ghaib. Mukjizat yang disampaikan oleh Allah kepada manusia menerusi Rasul-Nya terkandung hikmah yang amat besar untuk direnung dan difikirkan. Konsep ulul albab seperti yang dianjurkan oleh al-Quran membina jiwa tadabbur iaitu berfikir, mengamati dan memerhati supaya lahir kecenderungan mengkaji dan menyelidik.
Setiap surah dalam al-Quran terkandung maksud dan setiap ayat yang mengisinya terkandung makna. Ayat- ayat Allah ini adalah sesuatu yang hidup dan menghidupkan. Alam ini dan kehidupan yang diciptakan adalah gambaran ayat-ayat Allah yang mempunyai makna yang luas. Perjalanan alam dan sumber-sumber alamiah disebut dalam banyak ayat supaya proses silih gantian, keteraturan dan ketertiban membimbing manusia berfikir tentang kebesaran suatu kuasa iaitu Allah s.w.t.
Terciptanya bumi dengan limpahan rahmah dan nikmat yang banyak adalah gambaran Kekuasaan Yang Maha Mencipta untuk kesejahteraan manusia dan makhluk-makhluk yang lain. Al-Quran terkandung kisah-kisah manusia terdahulu dengan ragam kerenah yang pelbagai untuk menjadi iktibar manusia.
Apa yang berlaku pada Nabi Adam, perjuangan Nabi Nuh menyebarkan risalah tauhid, Nabi Musa dengan Firaun, Nabi Lut dengan kaumnya yang ingkar, Nabi Isa yang mengajak manusia kepada kebenaran tauhid, Nabi Yusof dengan fitnah dan keupayaan perancangan ekonominya adalah sebahagian gambaran manusia dan kerenah zamannya.
Ia berlaku pada masa yang lalu, berulang pada masa kini dan bakal berulang semula pada masa akan datang sekiranya manusia tidak menjadikannya ibrah atau teladan yang perlu diikuti.
Al-Quran juga terkandung prinsip dan ajaran, peringatan dan khabar gembira, pernyataan dan simbol-simbol dan yang amat penting ialah mengajak manusia berfikir tidak saja dalam batas alam nyata tetapi juga cuba memahami kewujudan faktor-faktor yang ghaib. Walaupun al-Quran bukan kitab sains umpamanya tetapi pedoman-pedoman saintifik amat banyak untuk dijadikan rujukan tentang bukti kebenaran dan mukjizat yang amat besar ini.
Para remaja tidak harus memanfaatkan al-Quran dalam batasan tilawah dan hafazan semata-mata. Memang benar terdapat fadilat dari amalan tersebut tetapi fadilat yang lebih besar ialah al-Quran terkandung sumber ilmu yang amat bernilai untuk diteliti dan dikaji supaya darinya terbina pertunjuk yang mempedoman remaja ke jalan yang benar dan diredai.
Pada hari ini pengajaran agama terhadap remaja mengambil pendekatan umum dan tradisional hingga menyebabkan daya fikir remaja tidak berkembang, pemahaman maksud rohaniah menjadi terbatas, kesan penghayatan semakin menipis dan akhirnya akhlak Islamiah tidak terlihat dalam menghadapi cabaran semasa yang banyak mencabar asas logik dan rasional.
Ia menyebabkan sebahagian remaja tidak merasakan ajaran agama dan pendidikan al-Quran memungkinkan dirinya atau zaman dewasanya nanti berupaya menghadapi serangan pemikiran dari luar lingkungan kehidupan beragamanya atau menjadi keliru dalam menghadapi cabaran ideologi dan fahaman yang berbagai atau terjebak dalam arus memuja dan mengagumi budaya Barat yang negatif dan akhirnya menjadi bercelaru dan hilang arah dalam memahami makna hidup dan kehidupan yang sebenarnya.
Sedangkan al-Quran pada banyak tempat menyebutkan kepentingan akal dan kepentingan pancaindera untuk berfikir dan melihat sesuatu yang diciptakan dan terjadi serta merangsang hati supaya merasakan sesuatu mengenai kebesaran dan kekuasaannya.
Asas-asas saintifik amat nyata ditunjukkan oleh Allah menerusi al-Quran supaya para remaja mendapat pertunjuk-pertunjuk saintifik mengenai kebenaran pencipta dan perkhabaran tentang sumber ciptaan-Nya.
Meskipun al-Quran diturunkan kira-kira 1,400 tahun yang lalu kepada Rasulullah s.a.w, seorang yang ummi iaitu tidak boleh membaca dan menulis atau menghadiri sistem pendidikan sains seperti hari ini, namun kebenaran mukjizat saintifik terus dibongkar oleh para saintis Islam berabad-abad lamanya dan dibongkar oleh saintis zaman kini atau mula mengakui kebenaran mukjizat al-Quran yang memberikan petunjuk saintifik dan sebahagiannya kembali kepada ajaran tauhid yang fitrah.
Pemenang Hadiah Nobel, Albert Einstein pernah menyebutkan: 揝ains tanpa agama adalah palsu dan agama tanpa sains adalah buta. |
[quote] (Part 1)
By Amjad Rafiq. Based upon extracts from the video The Truth.
The Islamic Society University of Essex, November 1994
RELIGION and SCIENCE have always been considered to be twin sisters by Islam and today at a time when science has taken great strides, they still continue to be associated. Furthermore, certain scientific data are used for a better understanding of the Qur抋nic text. In a century where, for many, scientific truth has dealt a deathblow to religious belief, it is precisely the discoveries of science that, in an objective examination of the Islamic Revelation, have highlighted the supernatural character of various aspects of the Revelation.
After a study which lasted ten years, the famous French physician Maurice Bucaille adressed the French Academy of Medicine in 1976 and expressed the complete agreement of the Qur抋n and established findings of modern science. He presented his study on the existence in the Qur抋n of certain statements concerning physiology and reproduction. His reason for doing that was that "our knowledge of these disciplines is such, that it is impossible to explain how a text produced at the time of the Qur抋n could have contained ideas that have only been discovered in modern times".
Decades later a noted embryologist Keith L. Moore and expert in his field, upon being presented with the statements made in the Qur抋n regarding the stages of the formation of the embryo from the mixing of the male and female gametes up to the embryo抯 full development remarked "It has been a pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur抋n about Human Development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God or Allaah because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later." Professor Moore presented his findings to scientists at several conferences. Several Canadian periodicals published many of Moore抯 statements and in addition he presented three television programmes in which he highlighted the compatibility of modern science with what has been revealed in the Qur抋n 1400 years ago. Consequently, he was asked: "Does this mean that you believe that the Qur抋n is the word of God?" to which he replied "I find no difficulty in accepting this."
In fact Professor Moore was so amazed at the accuracy of the descriptions and the terminology used for the various stages of the development of the embryo that he modified his own textbook on the subject. He incorporated all the relevant Qur抋nic passages and authentic statements of the Prophet Muhammad into his book, The Developing Human: Clinically oriented embryology with Islamic additions, which was published by WB Saunders in 1987 and was a standard university textbook in the United States. The book now contains passages of the Qur抋n and the Hadeeth (verified statements of the Prophet Muhammad) for every stage of development and Professor Moore has also adopted the classification used in the above two sources.
Consider also the statement of Tejatet Tejasen (Professor at the Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mei University, Thailand) after his study on the Qur抋n passages dealing with embryology: "From my studies and what I have learnt at this conference I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Qur抋n 1400 years ago must be true. That can be proved the scientific way". Also the statement of E. Marshal Johnson (Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Anatomy, Daniel Bough Institute, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA) when he became aware of such statements in the Qur抋n and investigated them: "The Qur抋n describes not only the development of external form but emphasizes also the internal stages - the stages inside the embryo of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science... If I was to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I do today and describing things, I could not describe the things that were described... I see no evidence to refute the concept that this individual Muhammad had to be developing this information from some place... so I see nothing in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved..."
Upon being presented with hadeeths (verified statements of the Prophet Muhammad) concerning dominant and recessive characteristics Joe Leigh Simpson (Professor of Obstretics and Gynecology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois, USA) said: "... these Hadeeths could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the抴riter |
(Part 2)
Consider also the statement of T.V.N. Persaud (Professor and Head, Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Manitoba, Canada): "Muhammad was a very ordinary man, he couldn抰 read, didn抰 know how to write, in fact he was an illiterate... were talking about 1400 years ago, you have some illiterate person making profound statements that are amazingly accurate, of a scientific nature... I personally can抰 see how this could be mere chance, there are too many accuracies and like Dr. Moore I have no difficulty in my mind reconciling that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which lead him to these statements".
These are just a number of quotes from the "Scientific Community" regarding the nature and the origins of the Qur抋n. In fact the Qur抋n and Hadeeth do not just talk about embryology but hundreds of other phenomenon including the earth and sun being round, spinning around their own axis and following their own orbits, the origin and formation of the universe, the two types of seas between which is a barrier, the role of mountains in stabilising the earths crust, the formation of milk in cows, the cause of sexual diseases, the location of pain receptors within the body, the expansion of the universe, the precise nature of the water cycle, the change in atmospheric pressure at high altitudes, the gender of the bee which is responsible for producing honey (female), the stars consuming themselves via the combustion of their gases and this being the source of their light and many more.
Explaining all these statements by chance alone is something which has been resorted to, surprisingly by those deemed to be possessors of intellect and erudition. However this is not tenable as the following demonstration will show. When you make a guess regarding the true nature of something (in an accurate and precise manner that is) there are only two possibilities. Either you are right or wrong. If you make another guess then you only have one chance in four of being correct both times. If you make a third guess then you have one chance in eight of being correct all three times and so on. The chances of correctly describing, lets say, ten phenomena are 1 in 1024. Another point to bear in mind is that the greater the number of things you describe, the chance of being wrong is greater and thus the risk you are taking of being discredited gets bigger and bigger. The Qur抋n and the Sunnah (Authentic sayings of the Prophet (sas)) make statements on literally hundreds of phenomenen and at the same time openly calls the scientific community to verify them. If one from the scientific community was to make hundreds of new claims regarding his particular field and was then to call all his fellow specialists to prove him wrong he would know without doubt that he is standing on an undermined sand cliff which is ready to crumble with him. How then for the one who makes statements about the specialities of others?
One will be surprised to learn that such a scientific approach has been commanded in the Qur抋n with the objective of ascertaining its truthfulness.
Do they not carefully consider (investigate) the Qur抋n or are there locks upon their hearts. [Surah 47:24]
Do they not carefully analyse the Quran. If it had been from other than Allaah then surely they would have
found many discrepancies therein [Surah 4:82]
So religious (that is Islamic) beliefs are not based upon blind acceptance as many have generalised to all religions and thus falsely attributed to the Qur抋n and Islam. This has been the experience of Europe in the past 3-400 years in which scientific advancement and its findings were seen as heretical, its proponents ridiculed and often exiled and tortured. Islam has never had that experience.
It is true that peoples academic capabilities differ and thus some will be unable to ascertain the truth of it and therefore may accept it blindly. But again they have the opportunity to ask the people of knowledge, those who are in a position to make such a judgement, like those quoted above. It is from the principles of wisdom and justice that when you don抰 know you don抰 make a judgement yourself but rather consult one who is in a position to do so. In fact this is something Allaah has also commanded:
So ask the People of Knowledge if you do not know [Surah 21:7]
and He has also said
And those who have been given Knowledge know that that which has been revealed to you from your Lord is the Truth [Surah 34:6]
This is a clear proof of the lack of the dependance upon dogma, superstition and personal experience and an indication of the obligation to research, ascertain and to verify in a scientific manner the credibility of religious (Islamic) belief. Fortunately there are those who have done exactly that like Keith Moore and his scientific colleagues but there are others who have invented lies and slanders in order to discredit the Qur抋n and the Prophet. However when these lies and slanders are put to the test scientifically they fail miserably and their irrationality and bias becomes evident. Some of the common claims are that Muhammad was possessed or was an eloquent poet or was a magician or was one who was brainwashed or was a soothsayer. In fact all of these have been denied and rebutted in the Qur抋n itself in numerous places and numerous times. It is even more strange that these were the very same claims made by the people who belied the Prophet during his lifetime, and they are the only ones that are resorted to today. What a great advancement!
Nay! We hurl the Truth against falsehood and it does smash it抯 brains and thus it perishes. And woe be to you for what you describe (with your tongues) [Surah 21:18]
Allah is Great! |
If that so why majority muslim country are so backwards? |
If that so why majority muslim country are so backwards?
Very simple. The corruption & civilisation rots in as Muslim rulers began to amuse themselves with excessive worldly values that ended the Golden Age of Islam.
Not only that, the colonial expansion into Muslim worlds & the final subjugation & division of Ottoman Caliphate post WW1 spells doom.
After being bombarded by secular belief that religion should be separated from political or even knolwedge pursuits have effectively mislead some Muslims that religious & worldly studies should be separated.
This contributes that other field of studies being considered as secular by ignorant Muslims. This goes againts the tenet of Islam that Islam encompassed every facet of Muslim life, including education & technology drived from it. Now, as more Muslims become learned & knowlegeable, they recognised the need to pursue scientific studies to reclaim The Age of Civilisational Islam ... Hadharatul Islamiyyah! |
umpiretwinotter This user has been deleted
Originally posted by SquiZZ at 4-1-2007 10:27 PM
If that so why majority muslim country are so backwards?
The teachings are there my friend, but unfortunately the application is not there. It was there, during the Golden Ages (prior to Spanish re-conquest). We are humans with human brains. For example, if you feel that beef is delicious and you crave for it, but in your teaching forbids it, you might want to eat beef if your brains says so. Another example is when you don't score staright A's in your SPM, but every single answer to the questions asked is in your books!
That's why in Islam, thinking is based on the Quran first, then the hadith, then the human brain, because the Quran contains more than the human brains could think. It is divine from God. The theory of relativity brought up by Einstein iis there in the Quran for example.
Non-Muslims' thinking is based solely on human brain. That's why your kind has the guts to have sex with horses and dogs, with the same kind (gays & lesbians), worship helpless & motionless dolls, believe in superstitions which are unproven for millenniums & etc. |
Reply #1 rotibakar2006's post
sooner or later the kafirs have to realise and admit that the inventions and discoveries of computers, internet, cars, aeroplanes, telephone, electricity, fossil fuel, plastic etc. are all due to the scientific information contain in Al-Quran, the holy book given to Muhammad(pissbeuponhim) from the 7th heaven. The book that was preserved for 1400 year without any changes, except for the minor editing done by Zaid and the few missing pages eaten by the damn goat.
[ Last edited by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 12:03 AM ] |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 5-1-2007 11:54 PM
sooner or later the kafirs have to realise and admit that the inventions and discoveries of computers, internet, cars, aeroplanes, telephone, electricity, fossil fuel, plas ...
Please don't be so rude by intently changing the phrase 'Alhamdullilah' with that word....its a good thing that we're on an online platform...if only you sit in front of me i can only hope that God still provide me with the strength to be patient towards that type of insult.... nf:
Ok..let's not be emotional here :love: i can only say that during the dark ages, Europe do indebted by the achievements of Islamic civilisation even some of Europe dark ages scientists travel as far as Cordova in Spain and Baghdad in Iraq just to learn new scientific discoveries.
You cannot change the past man...the fact that today's achievement was ignited by the discoveries made by Muslims during their Golden age in Spain and Baghdad.
After all... we Muslims didn't seek for acknowldgement from non-Muslims (I intent not to use Kafirs since it is consider offensive) but what this thread trying to show is the miracle of the Quran, nothing more.
If you don't like what was written in this can always leave...there is no compulsion to join this thread. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
quit it already... i know u are creative modifying words...
but please not like that... |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 6-1-2007 12:10 AM
Please don't be so rude by intently changing the phrase 'Alhamdullilah' with that word....its a good thing that we're on an online platform...if only you sit in front of me i can only hope th ...
don't worry about me. i can defend myself againt melayu-amok like you anytime.. you will be calling uncle in no-time.
worry about controlling your own anger cause you never know who you will meet.
by the way, Ham is delicious lah |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 12:41 AM
don't worry about me. i can defend myself againt melayu-amok like you anytime.. you will be calling uncle in no-time.
worry about controlling your own anger cause you never know who you wil ...
Only God is great and everlasting. We human are nothing compare to God.
I'm not saying that i will attack assume to much.
Pepatah Melayu ada sebut "Dimana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung" (i've to remind you again eh?)
And if you have nothing intelligent to share with us, please don't give negative remarks towards Islam. It only showing your shallow mind to other Christians who came accross here. |
Originally posted by ussopp at 6-1-2007 12:15 AM
quit it already... i know u are creative modifying words...
but please not like that...
Kita nie orang Melayu camni lah...
Bila kita tegur baik-baik mereka nie semua tak nak dengar.
Bila jadi cam tragedi 13 May, salahkan orang Melayu.
Sedangkan provokasi dilakukan oleh orang mereka.
Akhirnya Melayu jugak dipersalahkan. |
TU ar...
:setuju: :setuju:
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 6-1-2007 12:46 AM
Kita nie orang Melayu camni lah...
Bila kita tegur baik-baik mereka nie semua tak nak dengar.
Bila jadi cam tragedi 13 May, salahkan orang Melayu.
Sedangkan provokasi dilakukan ol ...
Ahh.. May13
Kejadi may13 tu angkara pemimpin UMNO lah.
pengikut2 UMNO tu kononya melayu padahal mereka tu Indon-mali macam lembu ikut leader mereka secara babi-buta aje. amok sini amok sama macam binatang yg tak bertamadun. |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 01:52 AM
Ahh.. May13
Kejadi may13 tu angkara pemimpin UMNO lah.
pengikut2 UMNO tu kononya melayu padahal mereka tu Indon-mali macam lembu ikut leader mereka secara babi-buta aje. amok sini amok ...
lu pulak mana mali ? :lol |
Originally posted by karengkang at 6-1-2007 02:13 AM
lu pulak mana mali ? :lol
ampang-mali lor.
lu sakai ka jakun? lu makan babi hutan ka? |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 02:24 AM
ampang-mali lor.
lu sakai ka jakun? lu makan babi hutan ka?
mungkin lu spesis bodoh sombong... (bodoh + sombong = biadap)
gua kasi lu paham satu kali lagi
"lu punya nenek moyang mana mali ...? " :nerd:
Originally posted by karengkang at 6-1-2007 02:27 AM
mungkin lu spesis bodoh sombong... (bodoh + sombong = biadap)
gua kasi lu paham satu kali lagi
"lu punya nenek moyang mana mali ...? " :nerd:
ko ni bodoh lah. i dah jawap soalan u. tapi u tak jawap soalan saya tapi tanya lagi pulak. edited b4 mod edit ha ha
[ Last edited by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 03:31 AM ] |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 02:30 AM
ko ni bodoh lah. i dah jawap soalan u. tapi u tak jawap soalan saya tapi tanya lagi pulak. Pu-ki-mak-betui lah lu.
oOO...kiranya lu punya nenek moyang punya punya appa ..itu jakun lar..
itu macam ka ?
yg makan babi hutan punya olang ka ?
patut la lu marah-marah...
Originally posted by karengkang at 6-1-2007 02:35 AM
oOO...kiranya lu punya nenek moyang punya punya appa ..itu jakun lar..
itu macam ka ?
yg makan babi hutan punya olang ka ?
patut la lu marah-marah...
edited b4 mod edit ha ha
saya tanya
lu jakun ker atau sakai.. sebab *edited b4 mod edit ha ha* macam ko ni angkuh kononya bumi ni ko yang punya.
[ Last edited by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 03:32 AM ] |
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