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Contract employement term
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act aku br jea sign 1 contract emplyement last month n suppose start work on 1 macrh.
tp time aku sign tuh aku x bace abes pon aku main assume jea..last2 kt bwh contract tuh bitau klu aku
x dtg on that day aku kene compesenate company tuh 1 month including cost lawyer sume tuh la.
Tp aku da bitau diorg early la aku mmg nk xnk job tuh da..the problem is skag nih diorg nk suh aku byr.
xde care ke aku nk escape dr byr tuh ek?
sape2 yg expert n pnah facing bende yg same nih tlg la..ape yg leh aku wat klu aku xmo byr.. |
Reply #1 dmy18's post
Nape ko sign contract of employment tuh in da first place?
Make it a habit from now first every document you're about to execute.
Susah woo kalau dah sain nie..nak escape liability payah. |
Reply #1 dmy18's post
hmmm... by signing, you've agreed to the contents of the agreement n accept watever stipulated in the agreement.. tak kirala ko tak habis baca ker apa ker... n dah clearly stated pun about syarat yg kena bayar tu kan, without any deception (penipuan). i doubt company tu ada ugut ko untuk sign ker.. kalau ko kena ugut bole gak la kata ko tak consent masa menyain tu...
for the time being i cant see any legal reason yg ko bole escape membayar... ko try jer la to negotiate dan budibicara HR company tu. tu jer yg aku bole nampak..
in future, mcm rurouni ckp tu, pls pls pls baca benda2 yg ko nak sign ni betul2... spending ur time to read wat u gonna agree to can save ur money n avoid future hassle. |
erm tuh la ..aku my assume jea..igt kn same jek contract nih..x terpk la plak akan ade term yg camtue...
company tuh ckp cenni jea..die tny aku nape aku x dtg?then aku bitau la aku kene bg notis 3 bln kt company skg nih...
so die suh aku join die pas 3 bln klu x aku kene byr gask...
erm xde care da ke ek? |
Reply #4 dmy18's post
Rasenya u kena join diorang dulu la dik...nak buat camner..
Takkan u nak claim u ignorant atau buta huruf...nampak tak lojik la pulak...u tak dipakse untuk join dan u sedar contract tuh contract untuk employment bukan contract pemain isu misrepresentation takde kat sini.
Cadangan saya kalau u tak nak bayar, u keja dulu 3 bulan pastuh bagi notis. |
Reply #1 dmy18's post
nampak gayanya u kena discuss / appeal to the HR personnel of that particular company sbb dah tersign kan....cuba berbincang...
tak pun, ikut advice rouroni...kerja dulu, lps tu tender resignation with sufficient sikit..
memang company boleh bubuh apa je yg dia nak dlm offer letter tu, tp kalau ikutkan ethics...not favourable & it is seen as not again, the gov has been silent on this, ...grey area...
ishhh...comp apa ni ?? |
Reply #6 khaipozi's post
Rasenya cam company telekomunikasi sebab adik aku penah kena camni...
Tapi kalau salah tolong betulkan yer...huhuhu... |
Company IT, erm the problem is aku xmo resign kt company skang nih da...
xde ke care lain ek?Hr die call bising2 la..ckp ikut sedap die jea...
aku br nk ckp die da kate aku xleh wat pape sbb aku da sign ..
n die kt kn die da bitau suh bace btul2..
erm adik u byr ke ape?xde ke suggestion lain ek? |
erm klu x byr jd cenne ek?nk tau gaks..klu sy wat diam jea..tuka num fon..pindah umah..i
byk tuh..lg byk dr gaji yg syi dpt skg nih.. |
Originally posted by dmy18 at 6-4-2007 09:34 AM
Company IT, erm the problem is aku xmo resign kt company skang nih da...
xde ke care lain ek?Hr die call bising2 la..ckp ikut sedap die jea...
aku br nk ckp die da kate aku xleh wat pape sbb ...
Problemnya, walaupun adek I tak suke die keja jugak sampai kontrak die tamat sebab tak nak bayar balik gantirugi.
U ade simpan salinan agreement tuh tak? Cuba u baca terms die...mane tau leh guna on your advantage... |
mane tau leh guna on your advantage??
such of what? |
Reply #11 dmy18's post
Tuh sebab kena baca balik terms and condition agreement tuh...ade tak?
Just nak revise ajer... |
erm skg xde ler...klu kite x mau byr ape yg die leh wat ek? |
Reply #13 dmy18's post
Takde eh? takde takper laa...
Saya pun tak tau ape akan jadik kalau u tak nak bayar sebab saya tak penah lagi alami menda nie.
U ade bagi ape2 deposit tak? |
copy tuh kt umah...
deposit?erm xde la nk tau in case klu sy x byr leh jd lg berat kes nih.. |
Reply #15 dmy18's post
Nanti bile balik cuba bace balik terms and condition die yer.
Takde deposit eh? Adik saya dulu carik keja guna ejen dan bayar deposit..kalau tak keja nanti deposit saya pikir itulah cara die enforce agreement die.
Tapi awak nie guna agen ke atau direct apply pada company tuh? |
directly apply kt company tuh... |
Reply #17 dmy18's post
Hmmm....ko lom keja lagi kan? Cuba ko tanye HR die ape akan jadik kalau ko tak nak la what u got to lose right kalau takde bayar deposit...takde rugi kat belah ko.
Lain la kalau die kate akan amik tindakan mahkamah..cuak gak! |
problem nye kene start keje on 1 march arituh...pas 2 weeks br die call suh byr... |
Reply #19 dmy18's post
Hmm...that's why you must always read first before signing.
Brp RM die suh bayar ek?
Die ade cakap ape2 tak kalau u tak nak bayar? |
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Category: Belia & Informasi