My hubby kena batuk teruk dan banyak phalgm sejak pertengahan puasa.Visited specialist dah tiga kali,macam2 antibiotic dan ubat sudah doktor beri.Did chest x-ray,full blood test,urine test dan all sorts of scanning still cannot detect anything.What should he do now? Please lets discuss this topic without any intention of pushing your products |
Reply #1 ssbrosi's post
Cuba perubatan tradisional lak... gi ke darul syifa kat bangi... mana tau kena santau etc |
dah try minum air asam jawa pekat + sket gula?
tapi make sure asam jawa yg takde garam tu la |
Reply #2 safuan's post
Tempat lain yang dekat dengan Melaka ada tak? |
Reply #3 azzida's post
Belum,asam jawa bukan untuk sakit tekak ke? |
Reply #1 ssbrosi's post - batuk oo batuk
punca batuk ada banyak sebab... selagi tak treat the punca selagi tu batuk tak hilang...cough syrup.. cuma melegakan kerongkong tapi tak treat punca batuk (macam minyak cap kapak effect)
most commonly batuk berpunca dr jangkitan virus di upper respiratory tract... yang ni selalunya self limiting up to 2 weeks.. baru kebah...
batuk yg berlanjutan.. more than 2 weeks with phlegm yg dah tukar kale from white to yellow to green to coklat... selalunya pointing to bacterial infection (in bronchioles usually = bronchitis) but if symptoms at this stage include fever and semput (difficulty breathing... dah jadi pneumonia = lower respiratory tract infection..)..
ini kena treat dgn antibiotics...
most likely yr hubby tak dapat pneumonia sbb chest x ray dia clear..
batuk yg > 2 weeks , with night sweats, lost of weight, poor appetite.. coughing out blood is usually TB (batuk kering)..
this one usually x rays will pick up.. and kalau hantar phlegm untuk TB usually boleh diagnose
batuk yg berpanjangan .. mostly waktu malam, bila sejuk, kekadang boleh ada semput and wheezing.. :selalunya sebab airway disease cth asthma or COPD (chronic obstrictive pulmonary disease... all smokers without any symptoms are already at stage 0)
so in yr case kalau masih batuk with phlegm despite dah COMPLETE courses of antibiotics.. silalah hantar phlegm untuk check kuman apa.. and yg penting kene follow up ngan doc.. to monitor yr hubby's symptoms...ok.. |
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Originally posted by ssbrosi at 5-11-2007 10:18 AM
Tempat lain yang dekat dengan Melaka ada tak?
ssbrosi org melak yerk?????..... ....kt area mane ek??...kalo dok dkt2 ngan area batu berendam..try p kt sek sultan muhamad tue..tanyer ada sorg cikgu nama kalapia....dia nie dh ditauliahkan dr darul Syifa'...dl dia dok kuarters sek tue..lembayung xsure dia ngajar situ lg ke x...tp try arr..kalo xngajar situ lg tanyer2la kt guard tue dia ajar mana skrg..dl..sis lembayung pon ubat dgn dia..alhamdulillah dh ok...kalo dok area jasin...try p ayer merbok..ada sorg imam tue..dia imam kg tue...mmg femes la..org ubat angin ahmar pon slalu ngan dia jgk...nama dia imam mazlan kalo xsilap...umh dia dlm kwsn pokok getah..kn msk dlm..besa kn buat appointment dgn dia...sbb terlalu ramai org...tryla yer.... |
Originally posted by ssbrosi at 5-11-2007 10:18 AM
Tempat lain yang dekat dengan Melaka ada tak?
org melak yer??.... ...
* cikgu kalapia
> dl ngajar kt sek sultan muhamad...xtau ngajar situ lg ke x..try ar tanyer kt guard tue..
>dl sis pon ubat dgn dia..alhamdulillah dh ok...
>dia bkn cikgu agama
>dia nie dh ditauliahkan dr Darul Syifa'...
>kalo pmpn isteri ia yg buatkan nanti..
*imam mazlan
>ke ayer merbok, area jasin..
>imam kg tue..
>umh dlm kebun getah...jln kecik jek..pas smpi area umh dia tue..turun bukit curam...
>kn wat appointment coz ramai..
>besa ubt org angin ahmar jgk..
try arr slh 1 yer.. |
Reply #8 lembayungsenja's post
Thanks.Saya memang tinggal di Batu Berendam belakang Sek Sultan Muhammad.Insya allah saya akan pergi cari dia |
Reply #6 rebas's post
Bila complete saja ubat my hubby terus pergi follow up,doctor nak prescribe steroids kerana sudah tak tahu apa lagi nak buat but I said no. |
Originally posted by ssbrosi at 11/3/07 16:38
My hubby kena batuk teruk dan banyak phalgm sejak pertengahan puasa.Visited specialist dah tiga kali,macam2 antibiotic dan ubat sudah doktor beri.Did chest x-ray,full blood test,urine test dan al ...
Cuba pergi kedai singsih cina - dia orang ada jual ubat serbuk (akar kayu) yang kita bancuh dgn air panas. Bila air ni dah suam baru diminum. Bagus sangat utk saya so maybe you boleh try juga cara ini. |
ssbrosi, somi hang smoker ker? |
Reply #12 honeybee1802's post
Yes, 15 batang dalam satu hari.Tak puas merayu suruh berhenti tapi dia hanya tersenyum saja. |
Reply #10 ssbrosi's post
i rasa doc suspect dia ada airway hypersensitivity /COPD.. thats why dia nak cuba steroids... kalau dia smoke >10sticks per day for > 10 years.. dah boleh dapat lung damage and COPD...
careful with chinese medicine.. ada yg contain steroid but of coz dosenya tak tahu la.. so doc tak recommend..
the best for him is to quit smoking..
i suspect.. he initially dapat bronchitis.. tetapi sebab smoker's lung is hypersensitive.. so dia dapat prolonged cough.... kalau selalu sangat boleh jadi chronic bronchitis... a feature of COPD..
wallahu'alam.. |
Originally posted by ssbrosi at 4-11-2007 08:38 AM
My hubby kena batuk teruk dan banyak phalgm sejak pertengahan puasa.Visited specialist dah tiga kali,macam2 antibiotic dan ubat sudah doktor beri.Did chest x-ray,full blood test,urine test dan al ...
You may one to try pankaja kasturi. I am not selling the product. Last time my daughter had persistent cough. Tiap2 kali kena serang punya la terok. Batok tak batok tiap2 makan. After consume about 6 botols dah ok.
Ais krim pun boleh makan. I find you the link later. |
Reply #14 rebas's post
What is COPD? Memang I am afraid nak try Chinese medicine sekarang cuba cara traditional otherwise dia nak balik Germany(he is German) dan jumpa pakar di sana. |
Reply #15 sudutgamat's post
6botol tu banyak rasa nya.How big is the botol? |
Originally posted by ssbrosi at 7-11-2007 08:43 AM
Yes, 15 batang dalam satu hari.Tak puas merayu suruh berhenti tapi dia hanya tersenyum saja.
leh thn tuh...COPD nih mcm asthma tp ada beza sket.haper ntah bezadia..dr rebas leh story the mory kots..yg haku tau asthma penyakit yg tak dicari sendri..dia mai jek..copd nih penyakit sendiri carik..well..inhaled steroid nih not bad if terpaksa guna..dr lungs tuh getting worse..better rawat awal2...if tak mendpt jawapan from that specialist leh dptkan 2nd opinion rite? |
Reply #13 ssbrosi's post
suruh dia berhenti hisap rokok....... |
Reply #19 miss_mira's post
I have given up tentang ini dia memang tak makan saman. |
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