file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/KEDAHM%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpgMeningitis is the inflammation of the protective membranes covering thecentral nervous system, known collectively as the meninges. It maydevelop due to a variety of causes, including infective agents,physical injury, cancer, or certain drugs. Meningitis is a seriouscondition owing to the proximity of the location to the brain andspinal cord. The potential for serious damage to motor control, thoughtprocesses, or even death warrants prompt medical attention.
Mostcases of meningitis are caused by microorganisms, such as viruses,bacteria, fungi, or parasites, that spread into the blood and into thecerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Non-infectious causes include cancers,systemic lupus erythematosus and certain drugs. Although the mostcommon cause of meningitis is viral, bacterial meningitis --Meningococcal meningitis the second most frequent cause -- can beserious and life-threatening. Anyone suspected of having meningitisshould have prompt medical evaluation.
Meningitis can affect anyone in any age group, from the newborn to the elderly.
Age Group | Causes
Neonates | Group B Streptococci, Escherichia Coli, Listeria monocytogenes
Infants | Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae
Children | Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae
Adults | Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Mycobacteria, Cryptococci
Aku terdetik untuk berkongsi mengenai penyakit ini after one of my good friend passed away last week caused by meningitis...Tanpa sebarang tanda atau kesan, virus ini menyerang secara tiba-tiba dan dalam masa 2 hari, satu nyawa telah diragut dalam usia yang masih muda...
Virus ini menyerang otak dan sendi-sendi serta boleh merebak melalui makanan, air liur dan serangga. Simptom2x adalah seperti muntah2x , batuk, pening, loya serta sakit sendi dan leher selain tompok-tompok merah pada tangan dan ketiak.So kalau ada sesapa yang mengalami simptom2x berikut jangan ambil mudah dan segeralah berjumpa doktor...
[ Last edited by amazed at 13-12-2008 09:03 AM ] |
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boss sepupu su pun meninggal pasal ni... masa tu dia baru balik bercuti kat bangkok... makan seafood bagai... balik msia demam, then meninggal dunia... padahal usia baru 30an, hensem dan kaya plak tu ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
Pening baca ur posting cos of the font ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) |
kalo kena boleh sembuh ke? |
my girl masa umur 5 bulan doktor syak meningitis ni. sebabnya kepala dia dekat ubun-ubun bengkak serta. demam yang teramat kuat.
doktor sarankan ambil air tulang belakang untuk mengetahui betul atau tak meningitis.
sebab doktor kata hanya melalui air tulang belakang je bleh tau betol atau tak meningitis.
alhamdullilah selepas 2 ari, demam kebah dan bengkak kat ubun pun surut dan dia aktif cam biasa.. saya pun tak bagi doc amik, so, dia suruh balik laa..
cuma baru-baru ni my bby (dah setahun), demam plak.
dan ubun dia bengkak plak. cuma sari je.. tak sempat nak bwak ke hospital pun.. dah surut balik...
tak tau laa camna....
masih lagi bertawakal muga-ianya bukanla meningitis. |
ada suntikan untuk M ni... belum di subsidikan di hospital2 gomenz sebab TERamat la mahal dosnya jadi takde lagi la kat hospital gomenz... kalo kat private yg latest ni rm380++ .. kalo korang yg jenis makan makanan separuh masak, esotik food dll tu baik la amik suntikan ini... |
Ten10 This user has been deleted
Ten10 This user has been deleted
sayu and sepi ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) |
Ten10 This user has been deleted
puncanya oleh makanan yang tak cukup masak ? ? ? |
Originally posted by redsummer at 2-12-2007 04:02 PM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
kalo kena boleh sembuh ke?
virus nih kadang-kadang sampai bertahun2x dia hidup dalam badan kita tanpa disedari, cuma bila simptom dah kelihatan maksudnya virus tue dah smpai tahap serius dan perlukan rawatan segera...
Bila dia dah mula serang sistem saraf dan otak , maka harapan untuk sembuh tue amat tipis sekali...![](static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif) |
Originally posted by ianho at 2-12-2007 04:42 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
puncanya oleh makanan yang tak cukup masak ? ? ?
kadang2 sesetengah punca tak semua diberitahu... ni dr yg cakap ngan haku... sebab bley tutup ekonomi sesetengah bangsa/negara... derang dok kata pergi haji/umrah bagai bleh kena tp knp ramai jugak yg pergi haji/umrah?
haku hanyalah seorang kaki gossip ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
[ Last edited by lonely_surina at 2-12-2007 05:38 PM ] |
My son was infected with pneumococal meningitis about a month ago. We were all lucky in a way because it this type of bacteria.
The history >
Fever for 2 days a week before. Then, he vomited and start complaining of headache especially the back of the head and the neck. Fever above or around 40 degrees celscius and not helped by paracetamo(panadol) at all. At the hour passed, he seems to be going into deep sleep, not responding to call at all until he is moved. Lifting his head up to make him drink isnt easy because his fights it by trying to straighten his body. He was very senstive to light.
We took him to the ER at midnight, almost 12 hours after he first vomited. The medical team suspected meningits and did lumbar puncture( to collect some specimen of the CSF) It was a little cloudy which is abnormal and was sent immediatelly for test along with some blood sample. While waiting for the result he was given Rocephin( antibiotic). The result confirmed meningitis and he was admited to the ICU for a night observation and the rest of 4 days in the ward.
Besides death, meningitis also cause hearing damage. |
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Reply #1 esprito193's post
sorry to hear about your freind |
Ni aku jumpa article yang menarik mengenai penyakit ni ,
Understanding Meningitis -- the BasicsWebMD Medical Reference
The Basics | Symptoms | Detection & Treatment | Prevention
What Is Meningitis?Meningitis is a relatively rare infection that affects the delicate membranes -- called meninges (men-in'-jeez) -- that cover the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis used to occur most commonly in infants, but because a vaccine is now given to infants, this type of infection now occurs mainly in adults. Many forms of meningitis can be contagious among people in close contact -- in classrooms and university dorms, for example.
Outbreaks of meningitis, particularly the bacterial form, are rare in the U.S. However, since 1991 such outbreaks have been increasing for reasons not yet understood. Bacterial causes of meningitis can occur in otherwise healthy people, but it usually affects someone with an underlying chronic medical condition. Viral meningitis tends to be less severe, and most people recover completely. Fungal meningitis is the most rare form and generally occurs only in people with weak immune systems, such as people with AIDS.
What Causes It? Meningitis is almost always caused by a bacterial or viral infection that began elsewhere in the body, like the ears, sinuses, or upper respiratory tract. Meningitis can also be cause by head trauma or surgery.
The bacterial form of meningitis is an extremely serious illness that requires immediate medical care. If not treated quickly, it can lead to death within hours or to permanent brain damage in about 30% of people.
Bacterial meningitis is caused by any one of several bacteria. The most common forms are Haemophilus influenzae type b (common form in infants until the vaccine was introduced), Neisseria meningitidis or "meningococcus" (primarily in young adults) and seen as a major cause of community-acquired meningitis, and Streptococcus pneumoniae or "pneumococcus" (most common form in adults) often seen as a complication of severe pneumonia. Together, these three bacteria account for about 80% of bacterial meningitis cases in the U.S.
The bacteria can spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing. If you are around someone who has bacterial meningitis, you should contact your doctor to see if anything needs to be done so you don't become infected.
In most instances, bacterial meningitis develops when bacteria get into the bloodstream from an infection in the sinuses, ears or other part of the upper respiratory tract. The bacteria then travel through the bloodstream to the brain.
Viral meningitis often called encephalitis, is more common than the bacterial form and generally -- but not always -- less serious. It can be triggered by a number of viruses, including several that can cause diarrhea. The flu virus can also lead to meningitis in rare instances. More recently, the West Nile virus transmitted to humans by mosquitoes carrying the virus has been known to cause cases of meningitis. People with viral meningitis are much less likely to have permanent brain damage after the infection resolves.
Fungal meningitis is much less common. It is usually caused by a fungus called cryptococcus, found in pigeon droppings. Fungus-related meningitis is rare in healthy people. However, someone who has an impaired immune system, as happens with AIDS, is more likely to become infected with this form of meningitis.
Medically reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD, June 2007.
http://www.webmd.com/solutions/meningitis-teen-risk/causes |
kerajaan kat britain pulak, akan denda n tangkap sape2 yg meluidah merata2..dikhuatiri air liur mengandungi meningitis..
agak2 pi britain nnt, jgn ler suke meludah merata2..mmg kene tangkap lah..
aku pun, kalau kat mesia ni, mmg pantang lah tengok org meludah merata2..pengotor..nak2 jenis muke rempit,sakai peribumi mcm org asing..
sah2 jenis bwk penyakit![](static/image/smiley/default/2.gif) |
my neighbor just passed away after a week battle with this deadly type meningitis.... ada pencegahan tak ye?? |
[MERGED] Meningitis
meningitis ni berjangkit ke...... apa cara terbaik pencegahan dia ye.....is it common cases in malaysia??? kalau ada doktor blh bercerita pasal ni ok gak.... my neighbor just meninggal dunia due to bacterial meningitis............. berapa kos utk suntikan pencegahan dia ye???
[ Last edited by amazed at 13-12-2008 09:02 AM ] |
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