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Sayang isteri @suami

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Post time 21-3-2008 04:58 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Sampai tahap mana kornk sayang dkt isteri@suami kornk??

sampai sanggup berkorban ape saje ke??

maksud aku duit, reta, sanggup x kawen lainwalaupon bini x beranak?

cube tulis kat sini sampai level bape...

yg level 5 highest level la tu...


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Post time 21-3-2008 05:04 PM | Show all posts
sayang suami, sayang anak2, sayang diri sendiri jugak laaa... mmg aku sanggup korbankan apa saja utk suami dan anak2... dan aku harap suami juga begitu.. dan bila anak2 dah dewasa, mereka akan menghargai pengorbanan ibu bapa dgn menjadi anak2 yang soleh, solehah, baik, taat kepada Allah, ibu, bapa..menjadi insan2 yang berjaya di dunia dan akhirat...

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Post time 21-3-2008 05:05 PM | Show all posts
sampai sanggup berbotak kepala layan kerenah bini..   

cari duit siang malam untuk duit belanja

sanggup tahan nafsu sebab bini takde mood nak main dan merajuk kalau minta jugak..

macam tu la...

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2008 05:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 mercureal's post

waaa saaaaaayang btol nih

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Post time 21-3-2008 05:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4 me_xy82's post

atas sebab yang mana satu?

yang ni ke? --> sanggup tahan nafsu sebab bini takde mood nak main dan merajuk kalau minta jugak..


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Post time 21-3-2008 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mercureal at 21-3-2008 05:10 PM
atas sebab yang mana satu?

yang ni ke? --> sanggup tahan nafsu sebab bini takde mood nak main dan merajuk kalau minta jugak..

kegersangan betul  nih...
siap bukak benang lagik...

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Post time 21-3-2008 05:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 cutebaby5907's post

tahap kronik ler tuh...

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2008 05:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 mercureal's post

salah satu drpdnye

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Post time 21-3-2008 07:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mercureal at 21-3-2008 05:05 PM
sampai sanggup berbotak kepala layan kerenah bini..   

cari duit siang malam untuk duit belanja

sanggup tahan nafsu sebab bini takde mood nak main dan merajuk k ...

ni sayang tahap gaban nih..........

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Post time 21-3-2008 08:00 PM | Show all posts
sayang bini dan juga famili....

sayang bini coz malas nak nikah bnyk kali...duit bnyk habis...

sayang famili coz...kawan bnyk time senang je...famili buruk2 kite pun bole terima lg coz darah daging..

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Post time 21-3-2008 08:05 PM | Show all posts
sayang bini dan juga famili....

sayang bini coz malas nak nikah bnyk kali...duit bnyk habis...

sayang famili coz...kawan bnyk time senang je...famili buruk2 kite pun bole terima lg coz darah daging..

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Post time 21-3-2008 08:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 cutebaby5907's post

amboih....sempat kenakan i yeaa...

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Post time 21-3-2008 09:57 PM | Show all posts
level 5...

(heh heh cam main agme plak.. ada level2.. )

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Post time 21-3-2008 10:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by me_xy82 at 21-3-2008 04:58 PM
Sampai tahap mana kornk sayang dkt isteri@suami kornk??

sampai sanggup berkorban ape saje ke??

maksud aku duit, reta, sanggup x kawen lainwalaupon bini x beranak?

cube tulis kat sini sam ...

  The countdown begins

Whoever crosses the finishing line first with 112 Members of Parliament wins. And it couldbe Anwar or it could be Tengku Razaleigh. If it is Anwar, then BarisanRakyat will form the new government, and if it is Tengku Razaleigh,then Barisan Nasional will remain in office.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Anwar says it's possible with BN defections
Malaysianopposition chief Anwar Ibrahim says he is moving towards forming a newgovernment with the help of defectors from the ruling Barisan Nasional(BN) coalition.
"I don't know howsoon we can form the new government, but we are moving in thatdirection," said the former Deputy Prime Minister, who was sacked andjailed a decade ago.
This comes asthe opposition alliance said Anwar's wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail,will be the opposition leader in Parliament, holding the post until herhusband formally returns to politics.
A corruption conviction prevented Anwar from contesting the elections, but the ban will end in the middle of next month.
DrWan Azizah has said during the polls that she was her husband's proxy.She is expected to vacate her parliamentary seat after next month sothat Anwar can contest a by-election there.
Anwar is expected to win easily and to officially take over the helm of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
Dr Wan Azizah is officially the head of PKR, but Anwar is its de facto leader in his capacity as its adviser.
Thepost of the opposition leader in Parliament was previously held by theDemocratic Action Party (DAP). But in the recent elections, PKR emergedas the largest opposition party - winning 31 seats to the 28 for DAPand 23 for Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS).
The opposition alliance of PKR, DAP and PAS seized more than a third of parliamentary seats and four more states from BN.
Anwarsaid coalition lawmakers from Malaysia's eastern states of Sabah andSarawak on Borneo island had contacted him to discuss switching sides.The power bloc there could unseat the government if it changed hands.
"TheMPs from there have come here to see me," Anwar said, adding that hewas in no hurry to become the next Prime Minister, but that theopposition would already be in power if the polls had been clean andfair.
"I am maintaining that if therewas no fraud in the election, we would have won. If we had 2 per centmore votes, we would have formed the new government," he said.
Anwarsaid Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's future was in jeopardy andthat the ruling United Malays National Organisation was affected byinfighting and looming defections.
Abdullahhas dismissed Anwar's plans and refuted opposition claims that rulingparty members want to defect after the election debacle. - AGENCIES, 20 March 2008
Oneday after the 8 March 2008 general election, Anwar Ibrahim flew toSarawak and the following day he stopped over in Sabah before comingback to Kuala Lumpur. And the two-day flying visit to these two EastMalaysian states was certainly not to catch up on the latest Iban orDayak cultural shows. The three opposition parties had just swept 82 ofthe 222 Parliament seats plus now had control over five states and allit needed was another 30 seats to form a federal government with asimple majority of 112.
Sabah andSarawak, which have a combined 53 seats in Parliament, make sensebecause about 80% of these seats are in non-Umno Barisan Nasionalcomponent members' hands. The opposition had made little in-roads inEast Malaysia or else the opposition would by now have formed thefederal government. One million 'new' voters from Indonesia and thePhilippines ensured that Sabah would not be to PKR what Kelantan is toPAS.
There is little love-lost between East Malaysians and Umno. East Malaysians view Umno as a parti penjajah ora colonialist party. Many regret the move to allow Umno into Sabah, andalthough Umno is not quite in Sarawak yet, the many Umno flags flyingall over the state give the impression that it is a matter of timebefore Umno moves into Sarawak as well. This 'visible' presence of Umnomake Sarawakians very nervous and if they have to leave BarisanNasional just to keep Umno out they would do just that.
揔itaorang Umno juga tidak suka Umno,

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Post time 21-3-2008 10:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 kikikiki's post

Ni apakes neh?

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Post time 21-3-2008 11:03 PM | Show all posts
1. Baru dia orang tahu betapa power penulis blog sekarang
2. Kita bukan cakap kosong
3. Kita bukan syok sendiri
4. Kita mampu mengubah sebuah kerajaan kepada kerajaan lain dari masa ke semasa
5. Kita sokong siapa benar dan kita bantah siapa salah

Ok beb, jika dia orang minta bloggers formed up 'Persatuan Penulis Blog Malaysia' kau orang jangan lupa nominate aku tau untuk jawatan Setia Usaha Agong. Kalu nak cantik lagi Presiden terus.

Cadangan Persatuan Penulis Blog Malaysia:

1. Penasihat - Datuk KJ (Kadir Jasin)
2. Presiden - Datuk Ruhainie Ahmad(Kuda Kepang)
3. S/Usaha - Saad Jaafar@su-kj(Penyokong-kj)
4. AJK lain - Sape-sape pun well come

Cogan Kata PPBM: 'Rakyat Jujur...Pemimpin Jujur...Kerajaan Jujur'

Maka akan lahirlah sebuah Negara Malaysia yang Selamat-Aman-Makmur.


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Post time 21-3-2008 11:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 kikikiki's post

Aku rasa macam ko ni salah alamat lah....

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2008 10:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #16 kikikiki's post

weii aku pedulik ape.......:@ :@ :@ :@

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Post time 24-3-2008 10:16 AM | Show all posts
sayang...memang sayang tapi bila marah...marahlah jugakk

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Post time 24-3-2008 10:55 AM | Show all posts
melampau batas tu haram, samada keje tu baik dan apa lagi keje tak baik.

malah oang dulu2 lai bijok dari laa ni..depa malah singkap kata

kalo sayang bini haa tinggal tinggalkan, kalo sayang anak haa tangan tangan kan.

apa maksud tu? cuba paham kaitan saya bubuh tu

kalo kita makan..makan bile btui2 lapor..sebab?

sebab bila masuk sesuap dua jek..tup2 dah rasa benti.

macam mak tun madey pesan dia, benti sebelum kenyang

itu baru cara makan sebaik2nya, makan bila btui2 lapar dan benti before kenyang..bukan dok sedawa cam guruh kendian duk suap lai..lepas tu sibuk nak daptar ke gymnasium...

manusia ni memang gemo korek kuboq sendirik ler aaaa...

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