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Post time 4-8-2008 09:38 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Ada tak wanita disini terutama sekali mummies yang fobia untuk mengandung lagi.....

Just nak tau pendapat all of you sebab i dah ada sorang anak and he is 1 years 10 month...but orang sekeliling and my parents
sibuk suruh tambah lagi....

I have a really bad experinence mase delivery.. my plasenta tertinggal and i nyaris maut...that why i nak tau macam mana nak
oversome that fobia and be normal....

sampaikan i kekadang tgk orang mengandung i akan jauhkan diri and if i dgr ada orang nak bersalin i yang akan nangis dulu..... ..

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Post time 4-8-2008 09:44 AM | Show all posts
mmm cam aku mmg penah peknen 2x...dedua tuh aku miscarriage. maser 1st pregnancy mmg aku mabuk teruk sgt....aku mmg tk bleh mkn aper pon kecuali mege ayam yg laki aku msk...selain dr tuh aku akan muntah....even air liur sendiri pon aku tk boleh telan....mmg serik nak peknen lg.....mmg aku raser derita sgt time at 15wks aku miscarriage......untill now tkder rezeki lagi....

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Post time 4-8-2008 09:55 AM | Show all posts
uikss..tkt nyer dgr.
buat aku phobia lak..

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Post time 4-8-2008 09:55 AM | Show all posts
nak preg for 2nd ni haku rasa tidak..sbb pobia banak anak yg 1st still lum ilang...dah la sakit dekat 30 jam...pastu masa preg mabuk sampai 6 bln..takleh mkn nasi kat umah..kena mkn kat luar...pastu bau hubby takleh...sampaikan nak "bersama" pun terpaksa tutup hidung..pastu masa preg 6 bln kot hubby kena chicken pox..cuak jadik apa2 kat baby n hubby..isk...byk dugaan...tapi suma tu lenyap bila tgk anak haku for 1st time....planning for 2nd another 3 years...

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Post time 4-8-2008 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Ader pengalaman bersalin. Even miscariage at 25weeks, tapi rase sakit bersalin tu rase jugak....

Teringin nak mengandung semula..............

Bahagia sangat rase mase preg, seme orang sayang kat kite

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Post time 4-8-2008 09:57 AM | Show all posts
aku lak teringin nak tambah tp bla fikir keadaan aku time pegnen aku jadi takut lak...

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Post time 4-8-2008 10:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 fdyza82's post

congratulations... dah rezeki ..and u are the luckiest lady .....believe me , u...

okay , well u do not have to get or being too panicky on these issues

cuma u could talk to your obstetrician on your

1) traumatized experience - u have retained placenta incident during third stage of labour
2) u are haunted by it
3) MAKE SURE pakar tu tahu anda ada "issues" ini

selain itu, think positive ( walaupun yes apa you hadapi masa labour of your first child tu , yes i could sense that you are traumatised by it and that's not pretty easy to "padam" kan , kan dalam otak kita ,kan? it is traumatised as we perceived / kita perceive yg peristiwa tu "mengancam kita" kan, so it isunderstandable kenapa u ada 'fear' ini...)

okay , cam nilah just talk about it to the doctor , share dgn ur partner and cakap jer that this talking "out" ni helps you to allay the fears...actually it is good...let it out jgn repressed...okay?ur husband more importantly kena share "burden psychological ni jugak"...

and...Puan, tak semestinya akan berlaku lagi...kan?
so that's not the baby dear ...not the baby but your fear ni

u know , pray to Allah, talk out , cakap kat org yg memahami dan bukan judgmental  elak "dismissive " people - org yg cakap alah u ni tak apa apa lah u know...just be with positive people

so again

alhamdulillah and congratulation...u are a lucky lady ..pecayalah

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 4-8-2008 10:05 AM ]



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Post time 4-8-2008 10:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 fdyza82's post

x kira seteruk mana pun mengandung....sesakit mana pun bersalin...x penah langsung terlintas dh serik nk mengandung lagi...

kesakitan & dugaan tu diberikan utk orng2 yg mampu menanggungnya...

n every pregnancy takkan sama, so, jgn pk negative sgt...bincang la ngan hubby if he can helps in any way...

tp, klau fobia tu terlalu kritikal sgt...cici nasihatkan seek profesional's good to talk and see things differently..



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Post time 4-8-2008 10:14 AM | Show all posts
1 tahun 10 bulan tu kecik lagi..
bagi aje alasan nak bagi anak manja puas puas sebelum mengandung lagi..
nanti dua anak kekecik, sian si abang tu...

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Post time 4-8-2008 10:16 AM | Show all posts

ade org kate kalau nak senang bersalin, rajin2 mengaji....

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2008 10:25 AM | Show all posts memang ramai lah kat sini yang mengalami fobia macam saya...

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2008 10:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #7 mbhcsf's post

thanks a lot for your opinion.... tak pernah terfikir pulak nak pegi jumpa doc to discuss about this matter....

but it it true jugak sampai kan my hubby terpakse PUASA lama tahan nafsu sebab saya takut nak bersama dgn dia takut mengandung lagi.. after the sekarang ni kalau we want to be together i'll make sure that he us the condom for protection....

but i rase tak lah kejam sangat kan lagi pun our son still small....

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Post time 4-8-2008 10:39 AM | Show all posts
mcm mana plasenta u blh tertinggal? takk kan doctor n nurse tak perasan?

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Post time 4-8-2008 10:41 AM | Show all posts
i suka pregnant. i dah ada 3 anak. umur 6, 5 & aper pregnant nih..

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Post time 4-8-2008 10:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 fdyza82's post

fdyza82....actually ketakutan utk pegnent tu akan hilang bila tgk anak yg lahir pk yg bkn2...i's hard to overcome this problem bila kita duk slalu pk...."kalo jd camni..kalo jd camtu" the 1st thing to do...buang sume perasaan negatif tu..gantikan dgn perasaan positif n optimis...cthnye...cuba pk ape keadaan bila ada anak nnt...betapa seronoknye bila dpt main ngn dia...bila dpt belai n mcm2 lg yg kita nk buat bila ade anak...n pk kan jgk betapa bahagianya bila ade pengikat kasih antara kita n suami....

mcm aku dulu pon teruk....masa pegnent alahan sampai akhir term of pregnancy..berat aku naik 7 kg je sampai akhir tu....mkn je muntah...mkn je muntah....aku ade problem uri bawah n 2 kali bleeding.....n ade problem rahim senget sbb perasaan nk anak tu lg besar dr sume tu...aku berjaya masa nk bersalin pon teruk...aku sakit contraction almost 60 hours (hampir 3 hari)...Allah je tau mcm mana sakitnya....x blh tido selama 3 ari jgk...x blh ambik suntikan tahan sakit plk tu sbb jantung bb dh lemah sume.....last2 terpaksa caeser slps 9 jam masuk LR jln x bukak2 jgk sampai abis...

tp bila dh dpt anak...rasa sume kesakitan hilang..lg2 skrg anak dh masuk 8 bln n dh pandai mcm2...terasa berbaloi segala kesakitan masa pegnent n melahirkan bersyukurla kita bila diberi peluang utk menjadi ibu...sesungguhnya nikmat tu x ternilai ngn ape2 pon kat ats dunia ni.....InsyaAllah...bila masanya tiba....kita akan berjaya good luck ok....jgn putus asa...

[ Last edited by  izati_abc at 4-8-2008 10:54 AM ]

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Post time 4-8-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts
saya pun pernah fobia dan sedih bila dpt tahu preg. kali ke-2.
sbb masih teringat lagik sakit bersalin kali pertama.
dah susah2 teran, dah masuk vacumm, dah kena potong 'bawah', last2 kena emergency c-sect.
susah pantang, 'atas bawah' kena potong... sungguh dilemma.

masa dpt tahu preg. kali kedua, time tu first baby baru jerk 5 bulan. Rasa sedih sgt time tu.
Tapi Allah ringankan beban saya, sbb baby yg kedua songsang, dan pihak hospital terus arrange utk operate shj. I am so happy, tak perlu go through normal delivery.

So pregnancy akan dtg, dah confirmed operate.

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2008 11:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #16 izati_abc's post

memang tak sangkal kesakitan kiter hilang mase dgr suara baby tu nangis..sampaikan mase doc tgh jahit pun i tak perasan yang dah settle jahit sebab tak sabar nak tgk

the think is i pun sakit lebih kurang macam u but mine is 2 hari and they induce in
with 3 tables and still laluan tak bukak.. only 2 cm diorang jolok pakai macam pembaris plastik tu pecahkan water bed... mase tu allah jer tahu cam mana sakit nyer.. they do
that sebab risau dah masuk 3 tablets still tak buka laluan... my hubby nak suruh buat
caeser but they refuse nak tau kenapa they told that my doc yang handle my case is a new doc tak pernah buat ceaser...boleh pulak macam tukan...

so after the water bed dipecahkan...diorang tolak i pegi labour room and mase tu
they induce me with the drips....mase tu i dah mule kena masuk oksigen dekat hidung sebab i ada athma setiap kali sakit i tak boleh nak nafas... baby becoming weak....
that was around 2pm...around 7pm i dah tak tahan sakit so mu hubby call the doc..ikat kaki i and suruh i push... but i cant sebab energy dah lansung tak ada....

nasib baik ada pengarah O&G turun padang on that day and he the one yang tolong..he asked the doc dah berapa lama i push and that way past 1/2hour... he told the
doc to take the vakum and settle it of..after the vakum my baby keluar and again i cant breath because of my plasenta pulak...

the doc masukkan tgn i rase sampai siku and keluarkan my plasenta....after all that settle baru dapat tgk baby and kepala dia berdarah sebab tekanan vakum tu... mase tu rase kenapa lah dia pun sakit just myself it ok.. suddently i macam tak nampak apa and again cant breath because i bledding... again drip me...bukak balik and masukkan kapas....

after that baru keluar masuk wad.. and the next day again pitam and drip again... the next day baru keluar.....that is all about....

tu ler yang buatkan my fobia is not over....

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Post time 4-8-2008 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by meow_tompok at 4-8-2008 11:14 AM
saya pun pernah fobia dan sedih bila dpt tahu preg. kali ke-2.
sbb masih teringat lagik sakit bersalin kali pertama.
dah susah2 teran, dah masuk vacumm, dah kena potong 'bawah', last2 kena em ...

betul kata meow_tompok. mana tau dgn pregnant yg kedua kali nanti allah akan permudahkan kelahiran. allah tue kan maha adil.

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Post time 4-8-2008 12:04 PM | Show all posts

Balas #18 fdyza82\ catat

hospital mana u gi masa first labor tu?
ni kalau demonagurl baca mesti dia seriau pastu bertambah phobia.. hehehe

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Post time 4-8-2008 12:07 PM | Show all posts
aku 2-2 ceaser..mmg phobia sgt2..
bila tgk org peknen..aku jd takut ..
cukup la 2 ...x sanggop ..

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