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Masjid 'Pagoda' -

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Post time 8-10-2008 02:17 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
'Pagoda' mosque draws tourists
By : Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah

The Sultan Ismail Petra Silver Jubilee Mosque, nearing completion,
houses a kindergarten, library, computer centre, visitors room and bazaar.

RANTAU PANJANG: Thousands of visitors are flocking to a RM7.2 million new mosque here, with a design inspired by China's pagoda architecture.

Though still incomplete, it was used for terawih prayers during the recent Ramadan and Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations.

Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yaakub, the chairman of the building committee, said the mosque would be ready next month.

"Only the library and kindergarten are yet to be completed," he said.

"While it will be open to Muslims for prayer, everyone can have a good look inside and rest at the underground room.
"We hope the mosque will boost tourism in the state as it is located near Thailand. Many foreigners enter Kelantan through the checkpoint here."

Rantau Panjang member of parliament Siti Zailah Mohd Yusof, who hosted her Hari Raya open house for about 8,000 children and old folk at the mosque, said many people visited the mosque because of its unique design, said to be the first in the country.

"The response has been overwhelming. Visitors from other states and southern Thailand also come to have photographs taken here."

Built on a one-hectare site, the Sultan Ismail Petra Silver Jubilee Mosque is a double-storey building topped by a minaret and an unusual turban-shaped cupola.

Apart from the kindergarten and library, it will also house a computer centre, visitors room and bazaar.


memang beautiful... masa raya balik kelantan - pi rantau panjang.. lalu kat masjid pagoda ni -
fantastic and unique - -



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Post time 8-10-2008 03:44 AM | Show all posts
harapnya yang pergi nak sembahyang pun ramai lah. hehe.

Salah satu tanda tanda akhir zaman, masjid gah gah besar besar cantik cantik tapi orang yang mengimarahkannya tu ada sejemput. hihi

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Post time 8-10-2008 05:48 AM | Show all posts
tujuh juta je? murahnya... tak cam mesjid [surau sebenarnya pasal takleh guna utk semayang jumaat] kristal tuh...

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Post time 8-10-2008 05:49 AM | Show all posts
errr... benign semayang masjid mana hari-hari?

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Post time 8-10-2008 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Chinese design for new mosque

Kota Baru - KELANTAN is planning to build a mosque inspired by China's pagoda-style architecture.

Expected to cost about RM5.5 million (S$2.4 million), the Chinese-style mosque will open in the border town of Rantau Panjang in 2007 and will symbolise that Islam is for all, said Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Ahmad Yaakob.

'One of the things we want to emphasise is that a thing like the shape of a mosque represents the culture of the people and does not denote Islam,' he said.

'It is our way of telling the people that Islam does not belong to any particular race.'

Situated on a 1ha site, the mosque is to be named the Sultan Ismail Petra Silver Jubilee mosque.

Mr Ahmad, who is chairman of the project, said that despite its predominantly Chinese feature, the mosque will also incorporate Indian and Uzbek features, especially in the interior decorations.

It is planned as a double-storey building, topped by a minaret with an unusual turban-shaped cupola. It will also have a kindergarten, a computer centre and a visitors' room. -- NEW SUNDAY TIMES

+ from The Straits Times (Singapore) : 29th. November 2004

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Post time 8-10-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts

cantik + unik

salah satu tanda bahawa Islam bukan milik satu2 kaum sahaja

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Post time 8-10-2008 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pengimbas at 8-10-2008 05:49 AM
errr... benign semayang masjid mana hari-hari?

Sebagai menjawab soalan yang berbaur sinis seolah olah aku ni hanya tahu cakap tapi tak tahu buat ni, aku sembahyang di masjid di sekitar Ampang kalau tak kerja dan Masjid disekitar Cheras kalau kerja dan masjid sekitar ketereh yang 15 tapak kaki je dari rumah aku kalau aku balik kampung.

Puas? hehehe

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Post time 8-10-2008 04:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 naen's post

mmg la..tapi ada ko penah jumpe masjid kat cina ikut seniibina melayu?

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Post time 8-10-2008 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BeachBoys at 8-10-2008 04:03 PM

mmg la..tapi ada ko penah jumpe masjid kat cina ikut seniibina melayu?

persoalannya - ada ke melayu kat negara China?

kalaupun ada, berapa % daripada penduduk China?

lagipun, Islam bukan agama rasmi China, kan ..
baru2 ni siap ada tekanan lagi ke atas orang2 Muslim kat sana
jadi, ko rasa Muslim kat sana boleh suka2 ke bina masjid ikut citarasa?
aku tak rasa camtu ..

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2008 09:10 PM | Show all posts

bagus kat malaysia ada senibina unique cam ni -

actually kebanyakkan bangunan2 kat malaysia memang nice
just like kat UAE juga...

kalau kat canada -- ishhhhh hampeh bangunan2 dia
nak2 kat victoria ---  kotak kotak aje..
dan tak ada yang tinggi pun.

TAPI... tak ada pula project membazir macam kat KL -
buat banyak2 building  - KOSONG -

kat sana most of the building - lama ke  baru ke -
occupied.. ... unless yang memang dah lama tu...
depa akan robohkan dan clear up buat something else -

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Post time 9-10-2008 10:02 AM | Show all posts
yup..masa p kelantan aritu ada gak p rantau panjang...masa tu dlm pembinaan lagik..dh siap dh rupenye ek..mmg cantik masjid ni

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Post time 9-10-2008 05:45 PM | Show all posts
syok jugak tgk senibina masjid yg lari dari senibina timur tengah.. kat malaysia ni byk sgt masjid ala timur tgh, masjid ala nusantara siket sgt.

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Post time 9-10-2008 06:10 PM | Show all posts
wow!!! canteknye....

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Post time 12-7-2009 04:25 AM | Show all posts
Masjid Cina simbolik 1 Malaysia


Keputusan Perdana Menteri membenarkan masjid seni bina berciri masyarakat Tionghua jelas menyerlahkan sifat keterbukaan Islam sebagai sebuah agama universal.

MALAM Rabu lalu, suasana Masjid Al-Muhsinin, Taman Desa di ibu negara seumpama sebuah kejiranan Cina Muslim di Beijing. Sebahagian besar hadirin berkulit kuning langsat dan bermata sepet namun mereka berbual dalam bahasa Malaysia.

Aktiviti bertambah menarik dengan kehadiran 30 orang imam muda dari China yang dijemput khas. Mereka mempersembahkan wusyu, taichi, tulisan khat ala kaligrafi Cina dengan buluh dan demonstrasi mi tarik yang menggunakan tangan.

Biarpun majlis kesyukuran dan ramah mesra bersama komuniti Cina Muslim tempatan anjuran Persatuan Cina Muslim Malaysia (Macma) itu serba ringkas tanpa publisiti meluas, ia memberi maksud besar terhadap perkembangan Islam di negara ini.

Pada majlis itu, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan, Senator Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin membuat satu pengumuman penting yang tidak diduga. Kerajaan membenarkan masjid Cina dibina di ibu kota tidak lama lagi.

Berita gembira itu mendapat reaksi positif Pengerusi Macma, Datuk Dr. Mustapha Ma yang sekian lama memperjuangkan pembinaan sebuah masjid Cina di Kuala Lumpur. Impian itu bakal menjadi kenyataan dalam masa terdekat.

"Atas semangat gagasan 1Malaysia yang menekankan konsep Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak bersetuju meluluskan sebidang tanah kepada Macma untuk masjid ini," kata Raja Nong Chik.

Hakikatnya, isu masjid Cina bukan sekadar matlamat persatuan itu yang mewakili 70,000 orang Islam Cina di negara ini. Bagi mereka, dakwah untuk menarik ramai masyarakat Cina mendekati Islam tidak memerlukan pembinaan masjid khas.

"Kaum Cina masih ada persepsi kononnya masuk Islam itu kena masuk Melayu dan Islam cuma untuk orang Melayu, maka kita perlu ubah strategi dakwah bahawa Islam itu universal melalui konsep masjid Cina," kata Mohamad Ridhuan Tee Abdullah.

Aktivis dakwah itu bagaimanapun menafikan pembinaan masjid Cina boleh memecah belahkan perpaduan. Sambil mengambil contoh banyak masjid India di negara ini, kita tidak pernah mempersoalkan isu itu sebagai isu kaum tertentu.

Masjid Cina untuk semua kaum

Hakikatnya, sekadar perbandingan umat Islam di China sendiri jauh lebih ramai daripada jumlah penduduk Malaysia. Malah di Beijing, bilangan penganut Islam di ibu kota itu mengatasi angka keseluruhan umat Islam di Malaysia.

Untuk rekod, ada lebih 45,000 buah masjid di seluruh China sejak negara Komunis itu melaksanakan dasar pintu terbuka kepada ekonomi pasaran bebas tiga dekad lalu. Masjid tertua di China bahkan lebih awal daripada sejarah pembukaan Melaka.

"Malangnya ada segelintir orang Melayu sendiri memiliki tanggapan kurang tepat kononnya Melayu sahaja Islam walaupun adakala Cina Islam itu 'lebih Islam' daripada Melayu," ujar tokoh agama, Prof. Dr. Mohamad Asri Zainul Abidin.

Beliau yang pernah menyatakan sokongan terbuka kepada isu masjid Cina beberapa tahun lalu menambah, situasi sedemikian masih berterusan. Ada Cina Muslim ditegur kerana menyambut Tahun Baru Cina walhal ia bukan pun suatu perayaan agama.

Tidak kurang hanya memandang nama sebagai bukti agama sehingga menyebabkan ramai bukan Melayu kurang berminat memeluk Islam. Mereka terpaksa menukar nama asal kepada nama berunsur Arab padahal ia bukan wajib menurut syarak.

"Saya sendiri pernah ada pengalaman beberapa tahun setelah menjadi Muslim, kebetulan bapa meninggal dunia. Ramai kawan melarang saya menziarahi mayat bapa kerana bimbang saya kembali kepada agama lama," imbau Mohamad Riduan Tee.

Justeru, menyedari persepsi salah itu, beliau yakin pembinaan masjid Cina bakal membetulkan balik tanggapan serong bahawa Islam itu sebenarnya untuk semua kaum. Malah masjid Cina diharap menjalankan aktiviti tidak terhad kepada kaum Cina.

Seperti dinyatakan Raja Nong Chik, pembinaan masjid Cina pertama di Lembah Klang itu dapat menyemarak perpaduan. Ia juga menjadi bukti kepada orang luar bagaimana kehidupan harmoni masyarakat Malaysia utuh tanpa mengira kaum.

masjid pagoda tu kira mcm ada unsur masjid cina ler.... aku rasa  ekkkk... cuma yg pagoda tu kat kelantan... masjid cina ni nak bina kat kolumpo!!!

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Post time 4-8-2009 01:07 PM | Show all posts
dah siap ke masjid ni?lama jugak ye tempoh nk siap...

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Post time 5-8-2009 06:18 PM | Show all posts
awat x mcm pagoda pon ?

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Post time 6-8-2009 11:07 AM | Show all posts
wah xnmpk cam masjid,pasan pon sbb ada menara kt sebelah tu

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Post time 16-8-2009 07:46 PM | Show all posts
Sunday August 16, 2009Pagoda-like mosque all set for debut

RANTAU PANJANG: The RM8.8mil Sultan Ismail Petra Silver Jubilee Mosque, the first Chinese-style mosque in the country, is set to open its doors this Ramadan.

The mosque, also known locally as the Beijing Mosque, has a unique design that combines Chinese and Islamic architecture similar to the more than 1,000-year-old Niujie mosque in Beijing.

Developed on a 3.7ha land along the Kota Baru-Rantau Panjang road, visitors could mistakenly think it is a Chinese temple due to its pagoda-like structure.

Construction of the mosque started on Sept 12, 2005.

Kelantan Deputy Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yaakob, who is the chairman of the project, said the mosque symbolises that Islam is for all.

Majestic: A frontal view of the Sultan Ismail Petra Silver Jubilee Mosque in Rantau Panjang. It is locally known as Masjid China or Masjid Beijing.

He said despite its predominantly Chinese feature, the mosque also incorporated Indian and Uzbek features, especially for the interior decorations.

He added that the mosque could accommodate up to 1,000 people at a time.

The mosque’s main complex consists of a two-storey building where the second floor houses facilities like the main prayer hall and VIP rooms.

The first and mezzanine floors have amenities such as a multipurpose hall, library, kindergarten and a bazaar.

A local businessman, Muhammad Ali, 46, said he had been praying regularly at the mosque although it had yet to be officially opened.

He added the mosque has even caught the interest of the local Chinese who thought that it was a temple.

“Muslims have come here to pray on an individual basis although it is not fully built and I am told that contractors were rushing to finish the project before the Ramadan month begins,” he said.

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Post time 17-8-2009 10:33 PM | Show all posts
wah. kalo saper yg dah sampai sana tuh,.. hope leh la amik gambar bahagian dalam masjid tuh pulak...

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Post time 18-8-2009 03:32 PM | Show all posts
tok imam masjid ni pun orang cina jugak...mengaji kat uia dulu
memang tok guru personally 'import' dia

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