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Post Last Edit by eddlisa_uyuk at 21-4-2012 21:49
A contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind; about a blackmailed CDO, in a world where people can enter other people's dream.
Genre: Action and Adventure
Director: Christopher Nolan
Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Ken Watanabe, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy.
p/s: Agaknya belum ada sini. Mubi ni mcm best!
At last ada gak movie baru yg Dicaprio belakon yg ala2 komersial x abes2 heavy drama..
filem nolan kan nihh besttt tak sabar nak tunggu...
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1 x "INCEPTION " Men Spinning T-shirt
1 x "INCEPTION " Black Hat
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1 x "INCEPTION " Metal
1 x "INCEPTION " Movie Poster
4 x "INCEPTION " Movie Passes
2nd Prize x 1
1 x "INCEPTION " Next Level Athletic Grey T-shirt
1 x "INCEPTION " Black Hat
1 x "INCEPTION " Movie Poster
4 x " INCEPTION " Movie Passes
3rd Prize x 1
1 x "INCEPTION " Next Level Athletic Grey T-shirt
1 x "INCEPTION " Metal
4 x " INCEPTION " Movie Passes
Consolation Prize x 2
1 x "INCEPTION " Top Key Tag
4 x " INCEPTION " Movie Passes
Special Prize x 9
4 x " INCEPTION " Movie Passes
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Wahh ... ada contest. Teruja sangat nak tengok Inception nih.
info psl movie ke psl contest? :re:
aku nk tengok citer ni!
byk lak citer dicaprio thn ni.
pstu konsep ala2 saiko/thriller je gitu.
dh baca sket sinopsis n review, semua ckp best!
dh ada topik rupanya.
citer ni still kategori heavy kan, jenis kene byk fikir gitu kalo nak fhm.
Motipp ada dua thread pasal Inception nih?
dh ada topik rupanya.
citer ni still kategori heavy kan, jenis kene byk fikir gitu kalo nak fhm ...
sayangidaku Post at 7-7-2010 15:36
sama la. aku pun nak tgk cite ni gak. tgk poster je dah menarik minat
early review kata one of the best movie of this year..
jgnlah busan macam cerita shutter island turr, ngantuk wehh , tengok jam jer bilerlah nak abes.
Aku suka Christoper Nolan.
Orang kata citer Batman dia terbaik, tapi pada aku, Memento dengan The Prestige dia takde sapa boleh lawan. Go go Nolan...
erm... action n adventure...
nak dengar komen you all first, kalo ok baru pi nengok
Aku suka Christoper Nolan.
Orang kata citer Batman dia terbaik, tapi pada aku, Memento ...
juwaini Post at 8-7-2010 19:00
Aku setuju..Memento memang terbaek la..Takde filem lain yang best camtu..
Ni ceduk movie Alex Proyas 'Dark City' ke? macam sama je..
Trailer Dark City (1998)
15hb ni kan kuar..dgrnye cite ni 2 jam lebih..
wa! lately ni suka tgk movie lakonan Leornado after Shutter Island