serba sedikit info pasal Aokigahara:
terlatak di gunung Fuji nipon....
tempat paling fufular untuk bunuh diri di Nipon....
digelar sea of trees
lebih 500 mayat dijumpai sejak 1950....
78 mayat dijumpai pada thun 2002 ajer...
trend ni start bila seorang penulis novel Seicho Matsumoto menulis sebuah novel brtajuk Kuroi Kaiju(black sea of trees) n 2 watak dlm citer tu bunuh diri kat utan ni....
setiap minggu pulis akakn buat rondaan dlm hutan ni untuk cari mayat baru....
Japanese spiritualists believe that the suicides committed in the forest have permeated Aokigahara's trees, generating paranormal activity and preventing many who enter from escaping the forest's depths. Complicating matters further is the common experience of compasses being rendered useless by the rich deposits of magnetic iron in the area's volcanic soil.
Locals say they can easily spot the three types of visitors to the forest: trekkers interested in scenic vistas of Mount Fuji, the curious hoping for a glimpse of the macabre, and those souls who don’t plan on returning.
What those hoping to take their lives may not consider is the impact the suicides have on the locals and forest workers. In the words of one local man, "It bugs the hell out of me that the area's famous for being a suicide spot." And a local police officer said, "I've seen plenty of bodies that have been really badly decomposed, or been picked at by wild animals... There's nothing beautiful about dying in there."
The forest workers have it even worse then the police. The workers must carry the bodies down from the forest to the local station, where the bodies are put in a special room used specifically to house suicide corpses. The forest workers then play jan-ken-pon - which English-speakers call rock, paper, scissors - to see who has to sleep in the room with the corpse.
It is believed to be very bad luck if the corpse is left alone, for the "yurei" (ghost) of the suicide will scream through the night, and the body will move itself on its own.
Ayorkkk siap ade gmbr gantung diri
harus terbayang2 mlm ni eeee
apabila tekanan hidup yg melampau ini yg sllu terjadi iaitu membunuh diri
kalau org islam bunuh diri kuburnye disempadan tanah perkuburan (ye ke?)
org kafir ni ade le adatnye kot