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En. Yusof Ishak, Anak Melayu yg Menjadi Presiden Pertama Singapura
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Yusof bin Ishak
Yang di-Pertuan Negara Singapura (1959-1965); Presiden Singapura
Encik Yusof bin Ishak (12 Ogos 1910 - 23 September 1970) adalah Presiden Singapura yang pertama. Beliau dilahirkan di Padang Gajah, Trong, lebih kurang 18 batu dari Taiping, Perak. Bapanya, seorang keturunan Minangkabau, berasal daripada Sumatra Barat dan ibunya dari Langkat. Mereka berhijrah ke Pulau Pinang dan setelah itu ke Perak, Malaysia.
Encik Yusof adalah anak sulung di dalam keluarga yang terdiri daripada 9 orang. Bapanya, Encik Ishak bin Ahmad, merupakan Pemangku Pengarah Perikanan Negeri-Negeri Selat dan Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu. Encik Yusof menerima pendidikan awal di sebuah sekolah Melayu di Kuala Kurau, Perak. Dua tahun kemudian, beliau dipindahkan ke Malay School di Taiping dan pada 1921, memulakan pengajian dalam aliran bahasa Inggeris di Sekolah King Edward VII, Taiping.
Pada 1923, bapanya telah ditempatkan ke Singapura. Encik Yusof mengikuti keluarganya dan melanjutkan pelajaran di Victoria Bridge School sehingga Disember 1923.
p/s ; bangga gila aku, Presiden Singapura yang purtama adalah anak Melayu, berasal dari Tepen, tempat tumpah darahku.
kalaulah legasi Presiden ni orang Melayu boleh pertahankan hingga ke hari ini, mungkin nasib orang melayu di Singapork akan jauh berbeza. Apa pendapat anda ? |
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Pada 1924 beliau dimasukkan ke sekolah Raffles Institution di mana beliau lulus Sijil Sekolah Cambridge (Cambridge School Certificate) pada 1927 dengan kepujian dan diberi peluang untuk melanjutkan pelajarannya di dalam kelas Queen's Scholarship.
Apabila di sekolah, beliau amat giat dalam arena sukan. Di Raffles Institution beliau aktif dalam sukan hoki, kriket, angkat berat dan tinju. Pada 1933 beliau menjadi juara tinju dalam kelas lightweight. Sebagai kadet cemerlang dalam Kor Kadet Sekolah beliau dinaikkan ke pangkat Lieutenant Kedua, pelajar pertama yang menerima jawatan tersebut di Singapura. Beliau juga merupakan ketua murid dan penyunting bersama majalah sekolah "Rafflesian". |
Kerjaya kewartawanan
Setelah meninggalkan sekolah pada 1929, beliau bersama dua rakannya telah menerbitkan majalah bertajuk "Sportsman", sebuah majalah keluaran dua minggu yang memaparkan berita-berita sukan. Pada 1932, beliau menganggotai syarikat 'Warta Malaya', sebuah akhbar Melayu yang terkemuka pada masa itu. Kebolehan kewartawanannya membolehkan beliau naik ke jawatan Pembantu Pengurus dan Pemangku Penyunting dalam masa yang singkat. Pada 1938, beliau meletak jawatan dari 'Warta Malaya' dan bersama beberapa rakan yang lain, telah menubuhkan syarikat 'Utusan Melayu Press Ltd'. Edisi pertama Utusan Melayu dikeluarkan pada Mei 1939 dengan Encik Yusof sebagai pengarah pertama syarikat tersebut.
Sewaktu Pendudukan Jepun (1942-1945) Encik Yusof berada di Malaya. Apabila Jepun menyerah kalah, beliau kembali ke Singapura pada 3 September 1945 dan menyambung semula pencetakan Utusan Melayu.
Pada 1948 Encik Yusof melawat Britain sebagai anggota delagasi First Press Delegation. Pada awal tahun 1957, beliau telah ke Jepun untuk memeriksa alat jentera terkini yang ditempah oleh 'Utusan Melayu'. Pada Mei di tahun yang sama, beliau telah ke Kuala Lumpur untuk menyelia pembinaan Bangunan Utusan. Semasa di Kuala Lumpur, Encik Yusof dilantik sebagai Presiden Press Club of Malaya.
p/s : Ahli politik masa lampau ni banyak yang berasal dari berkerjaya sebagai wartawan, berbeza dengan sekarang ahli politik adalah dari ahli Korporat dan perniagaaan. |
Perlantikan awam
Encik Yusof memegang beberapa jawatan penting dalam pemerintah Singapura. Dari 1948 ke 1950, beliau berkhidmat dalam Jawatankuasa Permohonan Filem (Film Appeal Committee). Beliau telah menjadi anggota Nature Reserves Committee selama setahun dan juga Malayan Organisation Commission. Pada Julai 1959, beliau dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Singapura. Pada 3 Julai 1965, Encik Yusof dijadikan Canselor Universiti Nasional Singapura.
Encik Yusof dilantik sebagai Yang di-Pertuan Negara Singapura pada 3 Disember 1959, menjadikan beliau orang tempatan pertama memegang jawatan tersebut. Encik Yusof bersama isterinya Puan Noor Aishah telah melakukan lawatan rasmi yang pertama ke Kemboja pada April 1963. Pada bulan yang sama, beliau bersama isterinya telah ke Mekah untuk melaksanakan ibadah haji di mana mereka disambut sebagai tetamu negara kerajaan Arab Saudi. Sebuah lawatan rasmi juga telah dilakukan ke Ceylon (kini Sri Lanka) pada Mei 1963.
Encik Yusof dianugerahkan Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat Dihormati Kelas Pertama oleh Sultan Brunei pada November 1960 dan Darjah Kebesaran Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara (S.M.N.) oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong Malaysia pada November, 1963.
Pada 9 Ogos 1965, apabila Singapura berpisah dari Malaysia dan menjadi negara yang berdaulat, Encik Yusof dilantik sebagai Presiden yang pertama Republik Singapura. Beliau dilantik sekali lagi untuk empat tahun dari 4 Disember 1967.
Presiden Yusof Ishak meninggal dunia pada 23 November 1970 di Singapura dan disemadikan di Perkuburan Negara Kranji.
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p/s : kenapa tiada gelaran dato, dato sri, Tan Sri atau Tun di berikan kepada beliau diatas segala jasa2 beliau, walupun dia telah menjadi warganegara Singapore, mengapakah tiada gelaran tertinggi diberikan kepadanya yang tidak kurang banyak jasanya kepada rakyat Malayasia dan Singapura ? |
Post Last Edit by YeOpInDiE at 12-5-2011 16:48
Yusof bin Ishak – The Republic of Singapore’s First Head of State
By Kevin Khoo, Assistant Archivist
Portrait photograph of President Yusof Ishak, late 1960s
A distinguished journalist who founded the Utusan Melayu in 1939, Yusof bin Ishak (1910 –1970) became Chairman of the Public Service Commission of Singapore in 1959 at the invitation of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, then Prime Minister. After the PAP won the 1959 election and Singapore achieved self-government, Yusof bin Ishak was appointed the Yang di-Pertuan Negara of Singapore, or Head of State, and when Singapore gained independence on 9 August 1965, Yusof bin Ishak became the first President of the Republic of Singapore.
Yusof bin Ishak was President during one of the most tumultuous periods in Singapore’s history, when the young Singapore nation struggled for economic survival and was divided by racial conflicts. Yusof bin Ishak contributed significantly to containing the latter challenge by steadfastly promoting multi-racialism in Singapore. He went out of his way to interact with people of all races to help restore trust and confidence amongst the different ethnic groups during the 1964 race riots. His appointment as President also convinced Singaporeans of different races that citizenship did not depend on the color of their skin, but on their contributions to their shared homeland and their merit as individuals. President Ishak passed away in November 1970 and was buried at the Kranji State Cemetary
Why is this collection valuable?
The photographs donated by Puan Noor provide invaluable personal information about Yusof bin Ishak’s life and Singapore. They tell us about the places he visited and the people he met. They are also suggestive of his personal interests and aesthetic tastes. More broadly they provide additional documentation on Singapore and the life of its people in the 1950s and 1960s. They are thus of great potential use to future biographers of Yusof bin Ishak and to historians of Singapore’s development and society in general.
Collection Highlights
1. Photograph of Yang di-Pertuan Yusof bin Ishak and his wife Puan Noor Aishah at the Istana, early 1960s. The Yusof Ishak collection includes rare high quality colour photographs of President Yusof Ishak from as early as 1957.
Source: Yusof Ishak Collection
2. This picture was taken during a visit by President Yusof Ishak to the Jurong Industrial Estate in the 1960s, and reflects the President’s avid interest in photography.
Source: Yusof Ishak Collection
3. These pictures were personally taken by President Yusof Ishak during his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1963. The Yusof Ishak collection contains many photographs that the President shot himself.
Source: Yusof Ishak Collection |
Post Last Edit by YeOpInDiE at 12-5-2011 17:01
Yusof Ishak Secondary School
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Yusof Ishak Secondary School
Sekolah Menengah Yusof Ishak
Bukit Batok,
Type Government Secondary
Motto Knowledge is the Light of Life
Session Single session
Established 1965
Principal Mr Richard Chew Soon Kheng
Enrolment Approx. 1,400
Colour(s) Blue, white
Yusof Ishak Secondary School (abbreviation: YISS) is a government secondary school located in Bukit Batok, Singapore. The school is named after Yusof Ishak who was the first president of Singapore.
The six values of YISS are Resilience, Responsibility, Respect, Compassion, Confidence, and Integrity and the school motto is 'Ilmu Suluh Hidup' (Knowledge is the Light of Life).
Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Co-curricular activities
3 Notable alumni
4 External links
[edit] History
Yusof Ishak Secondary School was established in 1965 as Jubilee Integrated Secondary School. It was an integrated school offering secondary education to an enrolment of 984 pupils and 37 teachers of two streams, in English and Malay.On 29 July 1966, then Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew declared open Yusof Ishak Secondary School (YISS) at Jubilee Road. Yusof Ishak Secondary School is the only school to be named after a President of the Republic of Singapore. In 1992, the school became the first school to top the value-added ranking in both the Express and Normal Streams. The new school building was officially opened on 29 July 2000 by Dr Ong Chit Chung, MP, Bukit Timah GRC.In Dec 1998, we moved to our Bukit Batok Campus.
YISS is the only school to be named after a President of the Republic of Singapore. Hence, the school vision is: The First President School, an institution that nurtures Scholars, Sportsmen and Statesmen. YI has been doing well in both academic and co-curricular areas. 2010 is a landmark year, having achieved value added results and also being awarded the Best NCC Girls (Land) Best Unit in Singapore.
[edit] Co-curricular activities
Every secondary student in YISS is required to have a co-curricular activity. The CCAs are divided into categories: Sports, Music and Dance, Uniformed Groups and Clubs and Societies. The following are the official CCAs of the school:
Sepak Takraw
Music and Dance
Military Band
Dance (Contemporary, Malay or Indian dance)
Uniformed Groups
NCC Boys
NCC Girls
Clubs and Societies
Art Club
IT Club
Interact Club
Life Science Society
PA Club
Photography Club
Robotics Club
Achievements (2000-2010)
School Awards: Academic (Value-added) (Normal) (Bronze) (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009) Character Development Award (2009-2013) National Education Development Award (2010 - 2012) Sustained Achievement Award for Uniform Group Sustained Achievement Award for Green Audit (Lotus) Award (2006-2009) Silver for 3Rs Award Competition (2007-2010) Cherish Award (Silver) 2010 Innergy Award (Silver) 2009, (Bronze) 2010, Commendation (2010) Model Tuckshop Award (Gold) (2008-2010) TAF Award (Silver) 2008
CCA Achievements: Sports and Games West Zone Inter School Sepak Takraw 2010 – Runners-up West Zone Inter School Sepak Takraw 2009 – 3rd placing West Zone Inter School Sepak Takraw 2009 – 3rd placing Uniformed Groups NCC Girls (Land) Best Unit Award (Awarded to the Best Girls Land Unit in Singapore) National Cadet Corps (Boys Unit) – Gold, 2002-2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 National Cadet Corps (Girls Unit) – Silver 2006-2008, Gold 2009, 2010 National Police Cadet Corps – Silver 2005, 2009-2010 Gold 2006-2008 Arts and Aesthetics Art & Craft - 1 Silver 2010, 1 Gold 2008, 1 Bronze 2008 Choir - Silver 2009 SYF Display Band Competition – Bronze 2006, 2010 Silver in 2008 Indian Dance – Silver 2005, 2007, 2009 Malay Dance – Silver 2005, 2009 Gold 2007 Contemporary Dance – Bronze Award 2005, 2007, 2009 Singapore Arts and Craft Central Judging in 2008,2009 (Level 1 Award: Gold) Ngee Ann Poly Design and Build Competition 2007 (1st Runner Up) Other Awards (National Cognitive) Biotech Fair Competition: Merit Award in 2006 and 3rd placing in 2007 Wonders of Science: 2nd placing (Team 1) and Merit Award (Team 2) in 2007 Singapore Mathematics Olympaid 2007 (1 Silver, 2 Bronze) CL National Story Competition 2007 (1st Runner Up) NUS Physics Competition for Sec School, 2009: 2nd School Digital Media Awards: Silver Award in 2009
[edit] Notable alumni
1. Mr Eric Lim - Chairman, K.C. Dat (Singapore) Pte Ltd 2. Dr P Thiagarajan - Consultant Orthopaedic, Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre 3. Mr Thomas Anthony - Managing Director, DEC Total Solutions Provider 4. Mr Chan Thud Chee - Vice President & Managing Director, Rockwell Collins (Asia Pacific) 5. Mr Chan Wai Kheong - Director, Account Management-Asia Pacific, CXC Global 6. Norman Then: Top 12 finalist for Singapore Idol 7. Muhd Khalis - Programme Director for Singapore Democratic Party's youth, Young Democrats and Executive Committee(2011) for Young Liberals and Democrats of Asia (YLDA) |
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Yusof Ishak Sekolah Menengah
Sekolah Menengah Yusof Ishak
Bukit Batok,
Jenis Sekunder Kerajaan
Motto Knowledge adalah cahaya Kehidupan
Sesi sesi tunggal
Ditubuhkan 1965
Pokok Richard Mr Chew Kheng Soon
Pendaftaran Approx. 1,400
Warna (s) Biru, putih
Yusof Ishak Sekolah Menengah (singkatan: YISS) adalah sekolah menengah negeri yang terletak di Bukit Batok, Singapura. Sekolah ini dinamakan Yusof Ishak yang merupakan Presiden pertama Singapura.
Keenam nilai-nilai YISS adalah Ketahanan, Tanggung Jawab, Respect, Compassion, Keyakinan, dan Integriti dan moto sekolah adalah 'Ilmu Suluh Hidup' (Knowledge adalah cahaya Kehidupan).
Isi [hide]
1 Sejarah
2 Co-kurikuler aktiviti
3 Terkemuka alumni
4 Pautan luar
[Sunting] Sejarah
Yusof Ishak Sekolah Menengah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1965 sebagai Jubilee Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah. Itu adalah menawarkan pendidikan sekolah bersepadu sekunder Masuk dari 984 pelajar dan 37 guru dari dua aliran, dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Malay.On 29 Julai 1966, Perdana Menteri, Lee Kuan Yew dinyatakan terbuka Yusof Ishak Secondary School (YISS) di Jubilee Road. Yusof Ishak Secondary School merupakan sekolah hanya untuk diberi nama setelah Presiden Republik Singapura. Pada tahun 1992, sekolah menjadi sekolah pertama ke atas nilai-tambah kedudukan baik di Express dan Muzik Streaming. Gedung sekolah baru secara rasmi dibuka pada tarikh 29 Julai 2000 oleh Dr Ong Chit Chung, MP, Bukit Timah GRC.In Disember 1998, kami pindah ke kami Bukit Batok Kampus.
YISS merupakan sekolah hanya untuk diberi nama setelah Presiden Republik Singapura. Oleh kerana itu, visi sekolah: Presiden Pertama Sekolah, sebuah lembaga yang memelihara Scholars, Sportsmen dan negarawan. YI telah melakukan dengan baik di kedua-dua bidang akademik dan co-kurikulum. 2010 adalah tahun yang penting, yang mempunyai nilai tambah mencapai keputusan dan juga sedang menerima anugerah Best NCC Girls (Tanah) Unit Terbaik di Singapura.
[Sunting] kegiatan Co-kurikuler
Setiap pelajar menengah di YISS diperlukan untuk memiliki aktiviti ko-kurikulum. Para CCAs dibahagikan ke dalam kategori: Sukan, Muzik dan Tari, Kumpulan berseragam dan Kelab dan Masyarakat. Berikut ini adalah CCAs rasmi sekolah:
Sepak Takraw
Sepak bola
Bola basket
Muzik dan Tari
Tentera Band
Paduan suara
Tari (Kontemporer, tari Melayu atau India)
Berseragam Groups
NCC Boys
NCC Girls
Kelab dan Masyarakat
Seni Club
IT Club
Interact Club
Life Science Masyarakat
PA Club
Fotografi Club
Robotika Club
Prestasi (2000-2010)
Anugerah Sekolah: Akademik (Nilai tambah) (Muzik) (Silver) (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009) Pembangunan Watak Award (2009-2013) Pembangunan Pendidikan Nasional Award (2010-2012) Anugerah Berterusan untuk Kumpulan Uniform berterusan Achievement Award untuk Audit Green (Lotus) Award (2006-2009) Silver untuk 3R Persaingan Award (2007-2010) Cherish Award (Perak) 2010 Innergy Award (Silver) 2009, (Gangsa) 2010, Amanat (2010) model Tuckshop Award (Gold) (2008-2010) TAF Award (Perak) 2008
CCA Prestasi: Sukan dan Permainan Zon Barat Inter Sekolah Sepak Takraw 2010 - Runner-up Zon Barat Inter Sekolah Sepak Takraw 2009 - 3 Zon Barat meletakkan Inter Sekolah Sepak Takraw 2009 - 3 menempatkan berseragam Groups NCC Girls (Tanah) Anugerah Terbaik Unit (Diberikan kepada Girls Terbaik Satuan Lahan di Singapura) Cadet Corps Nasional (Boys Unit) - Emas, 2002-2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 Cadet Corps Nasional (Girls Unit) - Silver 2006-2008, Gold 2009, 2010 Cadet Corps Polisi Nasional - Silver 2005, 2009-2010 2006-2008 Gold Seni dan Estetika Seni & Kerajinan - 1 Silver 2010, 1 Emas 2008, 1 Gangsa 2008 Choir - Silver 2009 SYF Display Pertandingan Band - Silver 2006, 2010 Silver tahun 2008 Tari India - Silver 2005, 2007 , 2009 Melayu Tari - Silver 2005, 2009 Gold 2007 Tari Kontemporer - Silver Award 2005, 2007, 2009 Seni Singapura dan Kerajinan Tengah Dilihat di 2008,2009 (Level 1 Award: Gold) Design Ngee Ann Poly dan Build Pertandingan 2007 (1st Runner Up ) Other Awards (Kebangsaan Cognitive) Biotech Persaingan: Merit Award pada tahun 2006 dan ke-3 menempatkan tahun 2007 Keajaiban Sains: 2nd menempatkan (Tim 1) dan Merit Award (Pasukan 2) pada tahun 2007 Singapura Matematik Olympaid 2007 (1 Perak, 2 Gangsa) CL Lomba Story Nasional 2007 (1st Runner Up) Fizik Pertandingan NUS untuk Sekolah Sec, 2009: Sekolah 2 Digital Media Awards: Silver Award pada tahun 2009
[Sunting] alumni Terkemuka
1. Bapak Eric Lim - Ketua, K.C. Dat (Singapura) Pte Ltd 2. Dr P Thiagarajan - ortopedik Perunding, Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre 3. Pak Thomas Anthony - Managing Director, Disember Pembekal Penyelesaian Total 4. Mr Chan Buk Chee - Naib Presiden & Pengarah Utama, Rockwell Collins (Asia Pasifik) 5. Mr Chan Wai Kheong - Pengarah, Account Management-Asia Pasifik, cxc Global 6. Norman Lalu: Top 12 finalis untuk Singapura Idol 7. Muhd Khalis - Program Pengarah pemuda Parti Demokrat Singapura, Young Demokrat dan Jawatankuasa Eksekutif (2011) untuk Liberal Muda dan Demokrat Asia (YLDA) |
Yusuf bin Ishak (1910-1970)
Yusuf bin Ishak, the first President of Singapore, was born in 1910, Padang Gajah, Perak, to civil servant Ishak bin Ahmad, Yusuf Ishak rose from humble beginnings to become the first Malayan-born Yang Di-Pertuan Negara on 3rd December 1959 and subsequently, as President of the Republic of Singapore on 9th August 1965. In his 11 years as Head of State and President, Yusuf Ishak dedicated his life and efforts to the service of his nation and people and provided the moral courage and leadership during the difficult early years of nation-building.
The eldest of nine children, Yusuf Ishak in his youth displayed sterling qualities that marked him for high office in later life. At school, Yusuf Ishak was an exceptional student, excelling in both his studies and sports. At Victoria Bridge School (now Victoria School), Yusuf topped the 1927 Cambridge School Certificate with Distinction. At Raffles Institution, Yusuf again scored Distinctions for the Senior Cambridge exams. On the basis of his results, he was admitted into the Queen's scholarship class - one of the 13 and the only Malay.
In sports, Yusuf Ishak proved himself above others. He represented RI in several events: hockey, cricket, swimming, waterpolo, basketball, boxing and weightlifting. He won the Aw Boon Par cup for boxing in 1932 and in 1933, became the national Lightweight weight-lifting champion. He was in the Scouts and a school prefect too. Yusuf Ishak went on to become the first student in the history of the National Cadet Corps to be made (junior) 2nd Lieutenant. Yusuf was an outstanding individual. As historian Melanie Chew writes in her biography on President Yusuf Ishak, "(he) was already showing a sense of mission, which was to become his life's greatest achievement. For he was gradually breaking free of a racial stereotype, and proving to his fellow students, and the world around him, that a Malay of common birth was just as intelligent, industrious, and capable as a person of any other race."
It was in RI that the seeds of his mission were first planted. He was the co-editor of the Rafflesian magazine and co-authored an excellent article on the history of RI. Upon graduation, Yusuf stepped into the world of journalism. He first joined a sports magazine, The Sportsman, started by a few of his former schoolmates. Later, he joined Warta Melayu, a leading Malay newspaper in those days and quickly rose to become its Assistant Manager. But the yearning to start a newspaper, "owned by Malays, run by Malays and dedicated to Malay issues" led to the birth of Utusan Melayu in 1939. Yusuf personally galvanised the Malay community in raising funds for Utusan Melayu - going round the kampungs and speaking to every individual, persuading each to take a share of $10. In all, he raised $13,000. Between 1939 and 1959, the Utusan Melayu became his clarion call for freedom:
"He sought freedom in all its respects. He freed the Malay rakyat from a feudal tradition, which held them in bondage and ignorance. He fought against colonial rule, which made the white man superior and the native inferior. He fought to uplift the Malays, to bring them out of poverty and backwardness, and into the modern world. And he fought against racial prejudice, stereotype and suspicion, seeing them as the greatest threats to the survival of a multiracial society."
As President of a fledging nation, Yusuf Ishak was a class of his own, setting the benchmark for future presidents of Singapore. As before, his life mission became the nation's mission. He was committed to bring honour and prestige to Singapore on an international arena, to uplift and inspire his people and more significantly, to instil in Singaporeans that "survival of (the) nation rests on the ability of all races and religions to live in mutual respect and tolerance." He was the embodiment of everything that was Singaporean.
During his last term in office, President Yusuf Ishak was often ill. Yet it did not deter him from reaching out to his people - against medical advice, he continued making his presence felt at functions and weekly constituency walk-abouts. On Monday 23rd November 1970, President Yusuf Ishak died of heart failure. Masses came to pay their last respects to the man who had become loved and respected by all communities. President Ishak had spent his life in the fight for freedom. |
First President of Singapore
By peace | August 9, 2008
The Late Encik Yusof bin Ishak ; First President of the Republic of Singapore (9 August 1965 to 23 November 1970)
On 9 August 1965, Singapore became independent — Singapore left Malaysia. It changed its name to the Republic of Singapore. The names of some other things were changed too, but the leaders were the same.
Encik Yusof bin Ishak was an eminent Singaporean politician and the first President of Singapore. His portrait appears on the Singapore Portrait Series currency notes introduced in 1999. Lee Kuan Yew was the first Prime Minister and the Legislative Assembly became the Parliament.
Yusof bin Ishak (12 August 1910 – 23 November 1970) was born at Padang Gajah, Trong about 18 miles from Taiping, Perak. Encik Yusof is the eldest son in a family of nine. His father, Encik Ishak bin Ahmad now deceased, was the Acting Director of Fisheries, Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. Encik Yusof received his early education in the Malay school in Kuala Kurau, Perak. Two years later, Encik Yusof was transferred to the Malay School at Taiping and in 1921 he began his English studies at King Edward VII School, Taiping.
In 1923, When he was 13 years old, he came to Singapore with his his civil-servant father. He studied at Raffles Institution. During his educational years in the Raffles’ Instituition, he was a outstanding student. He even won the Queen’s Scholarship. And he was the first ever Singaporean to do so.
While in School Encik Yusof joined in practically all forms of sport, played by boys. While at the Raffles Institution he played hockey and cricket, and took part in swimming, weight lifting, water-polo and boxing.
Yusof bin Ishak was a journalist. In 1923, together with Ong Chin Beng and Soh swee Teck, he started “Sportsman” a fortnightly sports magazine. And In 1932 he joined the “Warta Melayu”. Then in 1938, he started his own Malay newspaper “Utusan Melayu”.
Yusof Ishak became the Yang di-Pertuan Negara in December 1959. He took over from Governor William Goode. He then became the President when Singapore became independent.
Yusof Ishak was married to Noor Aishah and has 3 children (1 son and 2 daughters).
President Yusof Ishak died in November 1970 of heart failure. Yusof is buried at Kranji State Cemetery.
Grave of Singapore’s first president at Kranji War Memorial
Grave of Singapore’s first president at Kranji War Memorial |
duit kertas singapore ade gamba yusuf ishak ni...![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
sejarah tinggal sejarah![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
duit singapore ni baru je lagi ada muka presiden...
zaman aku sekolah dulu duwet2 singapore takde gambo presiden.... |
presiden singapura pertama dr kalangan org melayu,
dan juga mungkin yg terakhir dr kalangan org melayu....
ade gak beberapa calon yg leh jadi presiden dr kalangan org melayu singapura, cm othman wok tu, dan kbetulan gak ujung taun ni akan dbuat p/raya presiden singapura, xsure klau2 SR nathan nk prtahankan jawatan dia.....
speaker parliament singapura pun skang org melayu gak, klau tak slap abdullah tarmugi |
En. Yusof Ishak nie kawan baik dgn Lee Kuan Yew
pernah bca pasal sejarah singapura, x salah dia golongn kiri
kan ada senikata lagu negara singapura, majulah singapura... |
aku pon rasa mc gitu jugakla...mungkin yusof ishak presiden melayu yang pertama dan terakhir... bkn senang tu org melayu nk jd presiden, lg2 plak skrg da jadi minoriti...kalo nk jadi presiden kene dapat sokongan dr smua kaum hah... |
lagu rasmi singapore adalah 100% dlam bahasa melayu, yakni majulah singapura, org minang gak rasenyer klau tak silap yg gubah lagu ni,
dan jugak bahasa melayu digunakan dlam upacara2 rasmi cm beri komander dlam perbarisan polis/tentera pun dlam bahasa melayu... dan bahasa melayu pun digunakan tuk angkatan keselamatan kt saner gak...
![]( |
ni esok penang jadi porknang.. |
slalu tukar duet singapore,msti akan tertanye tanye cemanelah usop ishak ni..
time kaseh TT atas info ni..hehe! |
mmg la tu president melayu pertama dan terakhir singapork dan bakal jugak terjadi kt malaysia kalau dah ada calon melayu cakap sanggup dipergunakan dirinya dlm kempen politik parti bangsa lain ...
... calon bangsa bukan melayu pakai songkok utk dekati melayu (tak salah pakai songkok, sapa-sapa bole pakai)
... calon bangsa bukan melayu masuk surau/masjid utk dekati melayu (tak salah masuk, sapa-sapa bole masuk cuma kena tutup aurat) |
tima kasih TT...sudi kongsi pasal yusof ishak ni.... |
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