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Tentang Hosting Web yg Besar
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Jabatan aku ada hosting satu website yg dilawati oleh pelawat (visitor) dari seluruh dunia. On average ada lebih 1000 visitor sehari..... Website tu adalah based on CMS (Content Management System) PHP..... Selain itu, website tu turut ada wat backup (daily) dan kalo main server down, ada spare/backup server lain...... Projek website ni outsource kpd company luar dgn harga kira-kira RM100k setahun (termasuk wat backup & maintenance)....
Tapi, kebelakangan ni jabatan aku ada masalah kekurangan bajet... So, aku nak tanya sini, adakah harga RM100k tu mahal? Ada alternatif lain yg lebih murah tak? Boleh sesape suggest alternatif hosting yg lebih murah utk spec sprt di atas? Sorry aku tak tau spec details dia since senior officer aku tak bagi tengok details kontrak tu... Kontrak tu senior officer aku yg handle.... Tapi, kalo ada sesape leh bagi cadangan nak jimatkan kos spy aku leh cadangkan kpd beliau.... |
Tokey website cari ada kat sini? Berapa kos maintain website ni tahunan? |
1000 visitor sehari kira tak banyak mana.
100k/year = 8.3k/month
backup n maintenance. bergantung pada apa skop dan tahap kritikal.
tapi kalau tanya aku 100k tu tinggi ke tak... aku kata mesti sistem tu besar kan? |
1000 visitor sehari kira tak banyak mana.
100k/year = 8.3k/month
backup n maintenance. bergantun ...
kmkd Post at 13-1-2012 12:39
Takde la besar mana.... dia CMS jer.... lebih spesifik JOOMLA... jumlah articles mmg byk la, dekat 100k articles, function dia cam Joomla biasa.... rasa macam mahal gak... tapi kalo nak reduce cost, nak kena wat proposal/cadangan... |
Tokey website Cari takde kat sini ke? Kalau boleh nak tau berapa kos yg dia tanggung utk maintain website ni... Then bleh aku compare dgn kos jabatan utk wat cdgn ke bos |
tak de nye tokey cari nak masuk thread ni tolong reply |
tak de nye tokey cari nak masuk thread ni tolong reply
kmkd Post at 13-1-2012 15:22
Lol, apala forum sendiripun dia tanak saport ka? |
sebab soklan kau tak bawak bisnes kat dia |
sebab soklan kau tak bawak bisnes kat dia
kmkd Post at 13-1-2012 17:41
kapitalis ! |
Tuan Tanah,
Boleh sedara cerita sedikit macam mana sedara buat solution apabila main server down, akan ada spare/backup server lain? saya berminat nak implement solution tu |
Reply 10# tusb
alamak, tak tau plak vendor tu wat camner...... tapi kena caj mahal la, rm100k termasuk maintenance ngan hosting |
Reply 10# tusb
Tuan tusb boleh tanya Tuan kmkd yg reply thread saya kat atas, beliau terer gak bab IT nih... saya just budak baru belaja... |
Jabatan aku ada hosting satu website yg dilawati oleh pelawat (visitor) dari seluruh dunia. On avera ...
din88 Post at 13-1-2012 09:56
RM100k per year, about USD2700 a month. to me, that's expensive. a good dedicated server, you can get it around USD300 a month. of course, still depend on what exactly you need.
i don't know what kind of package you're subcribing - dedicated server or share, server specs, type of failover and disaster recovery, type of backup (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly), traffic bandwidth, type of data being stored, etc. many things need to be considered.
all things considered, may be that's a good price. again, i don't know because i don't know what kind of package you're subscribing and how critical your server is.
it's good that you want to make suggestion but blind suggestion is never a good thing. you will need to know the specs to make good suggestion. just ask your officer if you could help. but you will need to know the specs (line items will be best). no need to read the actual writing of the contract.
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kan oobi? aku rasa macam tu jugak. in the end, depend on the scope and critical of the system. |
maintainance hardware mmg boleh congak.
tapi bandwidth dan lelain (infra) tu kos dia besar jugak rasanya.
tapi, of coz la 100k tu harga yg munasabah bg jabatan2 kerajaan.
tapi kalo kompeni2 swasta, tak mustahil ada yg ambik insiatif sndiri dgn gajikan staff i.t utk jaga server2 tu smua dgn kos merangkumi gaji+hardware+infra dan dah tentu la staff i.t. tu akan ade kerja lain (multiple job scope), tak terhad pada jaga server saja... |
Reply 11# din88
100K? mahalnye, hehehe.
Saya pernah dengar orang buat macam tu guna konsep failover, etc. Tapi still tak faham sangat. |
kan oobi? aku rasa macam tu jugak. in the end, depend on the scope and critical of the system.
kmkd Post at 14-1-2012 00:21
to me, yes. RM100k per year, about USD2700 a month, without knowing the details, is very expensive. the cost of hosting servers is not as expensive as before, even with high bandwidth. 1000 visitors daily is not that many anymore, provided no heavy data transfer. if that's the case, the sites are also not critical to be up 99.9999% of the time.
i used to work for a company that hosts billions (if not trillions) of credit card and personal information. basically, the company is one of the biggest in the world in this field. we spend around USD250 mil a year for IT only (not including man power). but, the cost justifies the purposes because the company stands to lose billions for an hour of outage.
every employee understands, especially IT, even a small mistake will lead to severe punishment including termination.
how stress? very!
Reply 18# oobi
That very stress. tak boleh bayangkan cammana kerja di situ ye. ur company host a billion of data.. for application development selalunya internal or outsurce yg develop?
bank selalunya ada internal team yg buat kan...
i dah lama jadi SR about u oobi...u are really expert.
i want ur opinion about web/app hosting using cloud like google app engine and amazon EC2. iam exploring this cloud technology. maybe TT can adopt this technology to their Jabatan.
like to hear ur opinion oobi. thanks |
Reply 1# din88
TT. apa websitenya nak tgk bole? correct me if ur artikel ada 100k ? betul ke banyak tu?kalau normal artikel and no app dalam ur website .. rasanya normal web hosting yg ada CMS dah cukup untuk host ur website.
1000 per month tak banyak sgt pengguna. kalau bagi 30 hari.. ada dalam 33 org.
RM100k per year rasanya agak mahal. if ur jabatan ada IT yg ok and bagus. even 1 IT person pun dah bole handle this website.
as expert oobi said.. dedicated server nowdays pun dah murah.
tp i feel like ur website no need even dedicated server. normal shared webhosting yg price around rm 600 per year dah memadai.
apapepun show the website bole? |
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