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[Jodoh] My Other Half ~ Where are YOU???
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Rumah ni dibuka utk sesiapa yang nak membincangkan soal jodoh. Since thread [Jodoh] my lonely life…bila nak bertemu jodoh tu dah 100++ pages. Iols ubah skit tajuknya. Bg iols kena positive utk memanggil ‘jodoh’ kita. Bersamalah kita berDOA. Amin. Firman Allah:
Dan Kami (Allah) jadikan kamu berpasang-pasangan. (An-Naba:8)
"Maha Suci Tuhan yang telah menciptakan pasangan-pasangan semuanya, baik dari apa yang ditumbuhkan oleh bumi dan dari diri mereka maupun dari apa yang tidak mereka ketahui"
(Yasin : 36)
"Dan SEGALA SESUATU Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingat akan kebesaran Allah." (Adz-Dzariyat: 49)
Sabarlah hati |
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Semoga semuanya berjumpa dgn jodoh masing2
InshaAllah jopdoh anda ada di luar sana
yg pasti, jgn putus asa |
Saya mendoakan kawan-kawan saya di forum ini cepat dipertemukan jodoh.
cek in!!
saya jua.. berharap tahun ni ada sinar jodoh utkku..
dan saya doakan semua2 yg belum berjodoh dapat bertemu jodoh yg terbaik utk mereka semua.. |
cek in gak..
nak start carik jodoh jugak la. semoga dipermudahkan. amin |
cek in jugak
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Post time 8-3-2013 11:11 AM
From the mobile phone
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Sila-sila jemput masuk
Sama-sama berdoa & berusaha...
Doa adalah senjata kita yg paling ampuh utk ketemu jodoh kita yg masih sesat....:Q:lol |
Selingan utk yg dalam pencarian jodoh. Iols selitkan satu buku yg menarik utk kita sama2 baca
Dr. Bonnie “Make Up, Don’t Break Up – Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples”
Chapter 1: Challenges To A Lasting Relationship
Mereka yg berkahwin atau dalam perhubungan yang serius adalah lebih sihat dan bahagia. Tetapi kenapa berlaku juga penceraian malah angka kepada penceraian semakin tinggi? Jawapannya adalah simple iaitu adalah senang utk jatuh cinta, tetapi hanya segelintir sahaja tahu bagaimana utk mengekalkan cinta.
Kita mungkin boleh ‘membuang’ pasangan anda tetapi kita tidak akan dapat membuang masalah kerana separuh dari ‘masalah’ adalah kita sendiri.Kita boleh ‘keluar’ dari perhubungan tetapi kita tidak dapat lari dari diri sendiri.
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini kita perlu mewujudkan perhubungan yang sihat yang mana kita boleh express keperluan dan kerisauan dan juga mengatasi konflik & kemarahan dengan cara yang betul. Kebanyakan perhubungan gagal adalah kerana kita gagal validate each other. Lelaki & perempuan mempunyai cara yang berbeza dalam meluahkan perasaan dan perbezaan “childhood wound” yang cuba kita pulihkan. Walaupun kita seolah dari dunia yang berbeza, sebenarnya lelaki dan perempuan adalah serupa when it comes to our need and desire for love & intimacy. We behave differently only in our quests for closeness. So we have to working smart, stop doing what you think is fair or right. Start doing what works!
Forget the rigid rules if you want to create and sustain a love-filled relationship. For single women, its time to give up rules such as “men have to make the first move’. Perempuan sebenarnya lebih bersedia utk memulakan langkah pertama kerana socialization dan upbringing yg membuatkan kita lebih selesa dengan connection.
Chapter 2 : Are you a Pursuer or Distancer
Men & women appear to be fr different planets becoz most men emotionally distance themselves fr relationships while most women pursue them. 80% of man are distancer & 80% of women are pursuer.
To pursue - to follow a specified course of action, which is great but if it's too extreme, it become imposing @ demanding
To distance - to move away from in space or time
Both of these behavior have to be modified for 2 people to connect. The role of the "CONNECTION GUARDIAN" adalah utk sambungkan jurang ni. Kebanyakan kita menyembunyikan karektor sebenar kita & mempamerkan sikap luaran yang berlainan dari sifat sebenar. Sbg contoh, kebanyakan lelaki bertindak sbg Pursuer pada awal perhubungan tetapi boleh bertukar kepada Distancer sekiranya mereka merasa tekanan didalam sesuatu perhubungan. Distancer adalah minimizers (mereka berfikir secara rational & logic & merasakan mereka mempunyai masa yang banyak ) dan Pursuer adalah maximizers (emotional, mengikut perasaan & menganggap semua perlu segera diselesaikan). Pursuer juga adalah "movers & shakers".
Secara amnya, Pursuer akan tertarik pada Distancer & begitulah sebaliknya. Pursuer perlu menggalakkan Distancer utk dekat dengan connecting, disconnecting dan reconnecting dgnnya secara perlahan, lembut & sabar. Distancer sebaliknya perlu mempercayai Pursuer utk mengambil langkah ke depan.
Summary Of Female Pursuer
• She cannot take no for an answer
• She can be demanding’
• She moves in without leaving the Distancer an inch of space and usually get abandoned or rejected for this behavior.
• She has trouble with disconnection and reconnection
• When she feels rejected, she pursues more.
Summary Of Female Distancer
• She looks flaws in her date @ mate, talks herself out of intimacy, and stop relationships before they start. This protects her from hurt and also falling in love.
• She lashes out to hurt her date or partner before he can hurt him.
• She’s not proactive; she waits instead of taking action because she fears being seen as needy.
• She rationalizes her behavior as right and fair
• She doesn’t nail the date or connection.
Summary of Male Distancer
• He doesn’t like to be told what to do & feel suffocated in relationship
• He is allergic to emotionality, discussions and commitment.
• He gives mixed message, come closer, but move away. He is more comfortable with objects, sports and work than relationship.
• When he feel physiologically uncomfortable, he withdraws or check out
• He is never sure and wants to be sure; he cant make decisions and say I don’t know.
Summary Of Male Pursuer
• He hold tightly
• He calls several times a day, wants to be with you all the time and gives you no space unless you pursue him. When he’s not with you, he wants to know where you are and with whom.
• He showers you with gift and compliments
• He’s generous when and how he wants to be and projects his need onto you
• He has suffocation wounds, so remember he has a distance lurking inside.
1. Understand the Pursuer/Distancer dynamic. Identify your own behavior (and that of your parents, partner or potential partner) as either predominantly pursuing or distancing.
2. Go back to your parents and see how their behavior affected the way your relate to others in closeness and intimacy. Also observe how you relate to your parents and how they relate to each other.
3. Work together with your partner on modifying your behaviors to change the movement.
Kata azimat utk kita;
Never let a man know youre chasing him
Always let him think everything is his idea, even if you set it up
Chase him until he catches you.
Chapter 3 : The male dilemma of intimacy : How not to (S)mother Your Man
For men, intimacy is forever compromised with women becoz of mother-son relationship. Where the mother did not provide enough or too much love, strength, and courage to strengthen and support, to prevent rejection or smothering. Men do not like being told what to do or asking for directions.
Most of time, he is into you, especially when you may think he is not! So don’t be so quick to label him as not into you or uninterested. Many men get offended by woman’s defensive posture & assumption if “you’re not interested in me”. So we (women) need to educate men, be their guardians of connection, as they usually are open to being “educated” not scolded!
To be masculine, the male has to break away from his mother, usually before he is emotionally ready and away from being told what to do by her. The premature juncture sets the stage for intimacy later on to be compromised forever with a wife or girlfriend. This creates an intense fear of dependency he prematurely gave up and commitment! Men are actually reenacting the developmental stage – otherwise known as “the terrible twos” – where most got the “wrong” mother, either too much rejection when trying to give them independence, or too much independence when they needed love and encouragement. This power struggle is an assertion that impacts marriage & intimacy later on in life for men. This make them “allergy” to a woman’s emotionality.
This is even challenging if the person is stubborn & selfish which is unfortunately the case for most men who is distance. It will be more trouble if the woman is stubborn, becoz someone has to carry the ball. The woman, the guardian of the connection, is the pioneer & cheerleader, paving the way.
As a woman we question, “why do I have to do everything?” it will soften the blow to think of this way – as a pioneer & cheerleader, you are his eye, you are the guide on the trail. He wants to lead you but he doesn’t know where he is going. The man was taught from early on that he has to know everything – that’s a lot of pressure for him & you! Since a man feel like they must know everything, it is innately difficult for men to listen to a woman’s advise.
Balancing the “I” and the “We”
The power struggle is an assertion of who they are, the “I”. a good mother lets a little boy explore & she is there when he comes back. She should be encouraging while he lets him become “I” and disconnecting with love when she thinks the little boy needs his independence. The male dilemma created when a Distancer is held too tightly when he should have been let go, or when a Pursuer is abandoned when he should have been nurtured. To help alleviate this power struggle with your husband @ bf make sure to use patience & love, give him his autonomy when you can, set limits with love & reward.
According to Dr. Gottman, a woman’s harsh start up or demeaning vocal criticism has a drastic effect on a man’s reaction. By being nasty, critical or angry becoz you have been provoked or pushed, this causes the man to stonewall, creating more contempt & criticism which leads he ignoring you and making you feel invisible. REMEMEBER, you picked this person becoz he is a mirror image of unmet expectation of your birth family. You naturally pick a person who gives you the most trouble, so don’t be frustrated with your partner. This stonewalling from the man can actually make a woman physically sick.
If a woman does have a harsh start up, it gives a rationalization for the man & allows him to shut down, stonewell & distance.
Don’t be mad at men for what they don’t know – teach them in safe ways, complimenting & rewarding their efforts instead of criticizing them. We’re shareholders of a company – you can’t just do what you want to do!
Both men & women want to be loved, connected & understood; we just go about it differently. You don’t have to get it right away, just fake it ‘til you make it.
Last edited by Innrukia on 8-3-2013 11:47 AM
Chapter 4 : Developmental stages and relationship patterns
Across a crowded room you will be attracted to a stranger because he seems familiar. The attraction is based on unconscious images of your parents, siblings, or even aunt & uncle. It can be a mustache, smile, color of his eyes, height or weight that trigger your attraction.
This image is what Dr. Hendrix calls IMAGO. It’s an unconscious composite of your parents’ positive & negative traits. When you meet your imago, your unconsciously sense an opportunity to ‘fix’ some of the ‘wrongs’ of your childhood. It’s the positive traits that make your knees weak, but the negative traits are actually more magnetic on an unconscious level. The chemistry that turns you on is reminiscent of your childhood whose love & affection you are still trying to recreate. Your unconscious mind says, “Here’s a man who can make all my troubles go away. He can make up for all the thing that went ‘wrong’ in my childhood & previous relationships and recapture what went right!”
Everything goes smooth until about several date which is when you begin to notice his negative traits. Your Imago’s negative traits are powerful triggers that bring back unpleasant memories from your childhood & set off a cascade of painful emotions. What initially attracted you begins to repel you. The image of your partner who is most attractive to you is buried deep within your unconscious mind. Your Imago has a dominant influence over the type of partner you seek, the way you relate to him & how happy you will be together. The relationship script you wrote as a child is based on both the Imago you created & the childhood wounds you suffered.
Many people break up becoz they think their partner should only display positive character traits & they don’t want to accept the negative traits. When I say we pick the one who gives us the most trouble, I mean that the love of our life is also our crucible – meaning a test @ trial that will challenge us. Your crucible will be the one who will push your most tender emotional buttons & force you to stretch your comfort zone & grow. That’s the way it supposed to work. Choosing the partner who gives you the most trouble is Mother Nature’s way of giving you a 2nd chance to go back & heal your early wounds from childhood. Your partner is your crucible becoz he brings you face to face with your old & often buried, heartaches. The partners who sometimes make us want to pull our hair out (or theirs) are actually the ones who teach us the most.
If your relationship history is filled with carbon copies of the same man in different packages, its because these men are precisely what you need most for your own development. They may not be ‘the ones’ you want to live happily ever after with but they are sure to be important stepping stones. Plus they give you a chance to practice the skills you’re learning, so you are more confident when the “love of your life” enters the picture.
According to Dr. Harville Hendrix, author of Getting the Love You Want, relationships are created & should be nurtured & maintained so we can “finish our childhood with our partner, instead of running from our partner.”
Certain needs must be met in each developmental stage of infancy & childhood. Needs that were not met – or that you perceived were not met – come out in frustration with your partner. Since your perception of the world as an infant & child was so narrow, the occasions when your parents didn’t understand @ meet your needs become exaggerated& imprinted in your mind. From these experiences you formulated an unconscious picture of a “perfect parent or attachment figure”. As an adult, you project this unrealistic image of your “perfect parent” on to your partner @ potential partner. Your hidden hope is that this partner will meet your earlier unmet & somehow magically “complete you”.
The trouble begins when you get angry with your partner @ date for having negative traits you associate with your parents & are trying to avoid. Ironically since the negative traits create a stronger attraction, if your partner didn’t have them, you wouldn’t have been drawn to him in the 1st place. Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt Therapy, suggests we all have “unfinished business” with our parents becoz all of our needs were not met all of the time. He suggests this unfinished business becomes “frozen” at some point in our childhood, & begins to “thaw” in adulthood when we enter a relationship with someone who fits our Imago.
For example, Judy was attracted to one elusive man after another becoz her mother was overbearing & she was afraid of being smothered in a relationship. If you objectively look at your date or partner’s traits, you can easily see them in your parents.
Understanding these early stages of development & attachment gives you valuables clues for your past, present & future relationships. A greater understanding will give you more compassion for your parents, your partner & yourself. Reviewing the Developmental stages will help you realize that many of your “fantasies” about your relationships revolve around your unconscious desire to return to nivana – that early stage of life – beginning in the womb – when all of your needs were met. You may not want to admit it but everyone has a fantasy of being infant again. Hedonistic pleasure of getting what you want without having to give anything in return is hard to compete with. But once you understand your history you can learn the necessary steps for connecting, disconnecting, & reconnecting with your parents & your partners in ways that nurture rather than end relationships.
Your relationship fears are rooted in your early development
The fear planted in most boys is that of losing themselves, their independence or their masculinity. It stems from being stifled @ confined usually by their mothers when they needed to be separate & being independent when they needed to be dependent. Consequently as men they want to be free & unattached.
The fear seeded in most women is that of being rejected or abandoned. This leads to their distrust & driving need to gain “self” through a close relationship with a love partner. They are manifested in the feeling of “you’re never there for me”
When you review your developmental stages you can see how you became a pursuer or a distance. You can glean insight into why your relationship script reads like it does & how you formed your Imago.
a) Sweet little bundle of joy : Birth to 18 months
This stage you are supposed to learn how to trust & connect. If your parents were warm & affectionate, were readily available to attend your needs & connected to you by holding you, making eye contact with you * fusing over you by cooing singing to you & smiling, you made a secure connection.
If your parents were inconsistent in their affection or pushed you away when you cried @ needed their attention, you developed a fear of abandonment. The more you fear abandonment the more you behave like a “Pursuer” in your adult relationship.
b)Terrific toddlers & terrible Twos : 18 month to 3 years
During this stage children are learning how to separate, or disconnect from their parents @ caregivers & how to return or reconnect. They want a little disconnection with their parents, but not so much that it’s frightening. Some parents becoz of their own childhood wounds, feel rejected when the child begins to connect with other people & explore his/her surrounding.
Research indicates parents are better at disconnecting & reconnecting with their daughters than their sons. This is the stage where 80% of boys & 20% of girls get stuck & feel smothered or suffocated by their parents. This early childhood fear leads to “distancing” behavior. They avoid closeness becoz it triggers these early memories & makes them fear they’re losing their independence.
This is when the boys begin to disconnect with their mothers & identify with their fathers. They usually don’t complete this process until they are between 5-7 years old, but the pain & guilt of separation begins here. If they are not welcomed back lovingly or if they are held on to for too long by their mothers, this manifests in having trouble with connecting, disconnecting & reconnecting with partners in adult relationship.
c) Dolls & Balls and being Me: 3 to 4 Years.
Between this year children wants to prove he @ she is an “individual” separate from parents, but still connected. Children who receive negative feedback or none at all develop shame, inadequacy & a sense of being “invisible”. This children become adults who have a fear of intimacy becoz they feel ashamed, inadequate, rejected when close feelings are triggered.
d) I’m good enough, aren’t I : 4 to 5 years
These stage children make a decision about whether they are “adequate” or “good enough”. If parents expect too much or too little, the child feels inadequate.
Parents who behave inconsistently by praising a child for an action one time & getting angry another time confuse the child. This create a paralysis where the child is afraid to take action & reasonable risks or make decisions for fear of making the wrong choice & being punished. Hello Commitment Phobia.
e) The Oedipal Stage : 5 to 7 years
This stage little girl learning to separate from their fathers & identify from their mother. And little boy are supposed to complete their separation from their mothers & identify solely with their father. Boys have to take an extra step in their development. To separate, or disconnect, they must give up their dependency on their mothers. Consequently they equate independence with distance. They secretly want to identify with their mother & get nurturing & gentle reliance from their primary caregiver, but they afraid of merging with her & becoming feminine. Boys don’t leap this breakup gracefully & the wounds they incur affect their intimacy with women their entire lives. He’s afraid merging with you, & at the same time, that’s what he really want. That’s why after a tender moment he tend to act distant @ move away from you – either physically, emotionally or both.
Some mothers have hard time letting their little boys go, & this can make the boy feel guilty for leaving or distancing from her. A man with this script will disappear from a relationship if a woman makes him feel guilty about not meeting her needs (such as not calling her or seeing her) or if he fears he can’t meet her needs.
How childhood wounds are translated into Adult Behavior
Self talk:
• I cant get close to you because you’ll smother me & complicate my life
• I’m afraid to depend on you & afraid to want to
• You don’t love me unless you want to validate & meet my needs
• I can’t depend on you
Scripted Behavior:
• Distancing, disconnecting, passive-aggression
• Avoidance of intimacy & commitment
• Ambivalence & withholding
• Pursuing ‘reactive’ distancing
• Craves intimacy & commitment
• Clingy & needy
About the Distancer:
• He’s cold & unfeeling
• He won’t connect
• He doesn’t announce it or check in with how I feel when he disconnects @ reconnects
• He says yes, but means no
• Avoids discussion like the plague, especially about the relationship; he’s allergic to my upset.
• He says the opposite of what he feels.
• He’s mind-reading instead of fact-finding
• He’s selfish
About the Pursuer:
• She’s too emotional & needy
• She never give me space
• She doesn't announce when she’s angry, she expect me to know.
• She won’t take no for an answer.
• She always want to talk about relationship
• She gives too much so I feel guilty.
Highest value:
Independence & freedom
Partnership & close connection
Response to conflict:
• Disconnects & distance
• Blames & punishes
• Psychological discomfort
• Invalidates
• Wants peace at any price
• Avoids re connection
• Demands, blames & chastises as a way to get movement
• Invalidates
• Want resolution at any price
• Feels anxiety & pushes for re connection too soon
To rewrite the script:
• Learn to connect, disconnect & reconnect more smoothly & by announcing & preparing partner for your movement
• Announce your need for space. With love
• Move forward, when you want to go distant
• Express your needs & fear
• Share your wound
• Validate your partner’s need even if you don’t agree with them
• Don’t get hurt by Pursuer’s words or upset. Risk & confront, even if she’s upset
• Learn to get comfortable with movements between connection, disconnection & reconnection
• Announce your need for connection
• Move back, when you want to pursue
• Express your needs & fear
• Share your wound
• Validate your partner’s need even if you don’t agree with them
• Desensitize yourself to rejection & abandonment to ease your anxiety.
In the next chapter, we'll learn how to take charge of our relationship and make it over....
Last edited by Innrukia on 8-3-2013 12:02 PM
Every relationship moves through predictable stages but for some reason people believe that a “good” relationship is one long honeymoon that endures until death. By this definition there are no good relationships!
The reason relationships stop before they start & so many singles & couples break up instead of makeup is because we change partners instead of shifting & changing gears. It’s unrealistic to think a relationship can blossom without some growing pains. Strong relationships have problems & troubles, so strive to have 5 times as much positive interaction as you have negative.
Euphoria Stage – The Honeymoan
The 1st stage of a relationship, isn’t supposed to last. It’s at the beginning for a good reason. You feel this way becoz your brain is stimulating the release of powerful “feel-good hormones” called vasopressin & oxytocin, which overpower your fears. This somewhat superficial stage is very powerful becoz if we couldn’t put our fears on hold, few of us would ever truly connect. The Euphoria stage is a spontaneous “falling in love” feeling, but it is not a conscious decision to love each other. During this stage we are virtually blind to each other’s negative traits. We’re driven our heart & hormones, not our head. We can’t make wise choices under these circumstances. How many times have you said “I can’t believe I didn't see that in him!” – referring to 1 of his negative traits that you were virtually blind during Euphoria stage.
At this early stage, we don’t recognize any troubles, problems, conflicts or need for change. For that reason, we don’t see a need to learn how to resolve conflicts or deal with changes until the “high” wear off. Forget about how men/women are “supposed” to act & trade in your polite small talk for dialogue that opens the door for true connection. It’s not only okay to let a man know your needs & fear (and give him a safe way to express his own) it’s essential.
The trouble is that we mistake the Euphoria stage for real love. Some studies show that our parents would pick better partners for us than we can pick for ourselves because we are not thinking clearly when we are in this stage (I’m impressed how US Psychologist agreed with this statement, but we Malaysian would say it kolot, if parents pilihkan calon).
We say “I’ve fallen in love,” but in reality we have fallen in lust! When we are in Euphoria, we are blinded by our infatuation & fooled by the popular belief that this surge of emotions & hormones is love. We want to savor it & prolong it becoz it feels so good. Many relationships end right after this stage because people think they have “fallen out” of love when in fact, they are actually moving toward it. If you give up when the hormones subside it is truly a cop-out based on your own fantasies. It’s your fear of commitment talking, not your mind & heart.
Smart heart skills
•Enjoy the bliss, but don’t expect it to last forever. If it did, you would both burn out from exhaustion!
•See both side of your date or partner. Don’t idealize him/her or you will surely be disillusioned in the near future. Look for the negatives & get comfortable with them.
•Begin sharing your wounds
•Start practicing problem solving skills now with small & benign issues so you will be prepared when the real power struggles begin.
Last edited by Innrukia on 8-3-2013 12:06 PM
jodoh oh jodoh..di manakah kamu? |
Berdoalah kamu kepadaKu, nescaya akan aku perkenankan doa permohonan kamu. Sesungguhnya orang yang sombong takbur daripada beribadat dan berdoa kepadaKu, akan masuk neraka Jahannam dalam keadaan hina (Surah Ghafir:60)
Allah juga telah berfirman " Allah telah menciptakan langit dan bumi, menurunkan air hujan dari langit, dengannya dikeluarkan buah-buahan yang boleh menjadi rezeki bagi kamu. Ia memudahkan bagi kamu kapal untuk belayar dilautan dengan perintahNya dan memudahkan kamu menggunakan sungai dan memudahkan untuk kamu matahari dan bulan yang terus beredar atau di sungai-sungai. Semuanya itu dengan perintahNya. Allah memudahkan bagi kamu dengan putaran malam dan siang. Dia memberikan kamu setiap perkara yang kamu pohon. Kiranya kamu hendak menghitung nikmat-nikmat Allah tidaklah terkira, tetapi manusia itu zalim dan ingkar tidak berterima kasih. Ibrahim, Ayat 31-34
Hadis riwayat Tarmidzi: Nabi S.A.W bersabda: Berdoalah sekalian kamu kepada Allah padahal kamu yakin diperkenankan dan ketahuilah bahawasanya Allah Taala tidak memperkenankan doa dari hati orang yang lalai lagi lupa.
Dan tidak ada suatu binatang melata pun di bumi melainkan Allah-lah yang memberi rezkinya, dan dia mengetahui tempat berdiam binatang itu dan tempat penyimpanannya. semuanya tertulis dalam Kitab yang nyata (Lauh mahfuzh) ( Hud ::6).
Barangsiapa yang bersangkaburuk kepadaKu (ragu-ragu, was-was, berfikir negatif terhadap Sifat Allah Yang Maha Suka Memberi), nescaya Aku akan mengikuti sangkaan- sangkaan buruk hambaKu itu.
(HQ: Tahbrani dan Hakam)
Barangsiapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah nescaya Allah akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar. Dan memberinya rezki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangkanya. Dan barangsiapa yang bertawakkal kepada Allah nescaya Allah akan mencukupkan keperluannya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan (yang dikehendakkiNya). Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.
Last edited by Innrukia on 8-3-2013 12:54 PM
check in jugak |
check in! iols nak join jugak mencari jodoh kt sini
mudah2an bertemu my other half nanti.... amin |
jodohku d istanbul
moga kite redha dgn jodoh yg d beri, dgn sape pon yg telah d tetapkan buat kite.. amin |
where is he @Innrukia ... well, a lot of males x reti baca map ... so, probably dah sesat ntah ke mana ... ade baiknye tt gi carik |
nak cek in juga... |
missus_meow posted on 8-3-2013 08:50 PM
where is he @Innrukia ... well, a lot of males x reti baca map ... so, probably dah sesat ntah ke ma ...
ahaks itu la dah la malas baca dah tu takmau tanya orang....sesat dah ke mana...
itu yg lambat jumpa iols huhuuu |
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