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Author: Debmey

Is Islam Hijacked By Terrorists?

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Post time 26-5-2006 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 25-5-2006 07:10 PM
Jews believed in one G-d 2 thousand years before Islam. They did not call G-d "allah", because this name appeared much much later. What's your problem?

And that's funny that EVEN Muslim Koran admits that land belongs to Jews. Here more verses:

7:137 We let the oppressed people inherit the land, east and west, and we blessed it. The blessed commands of your Lord were thus fulfilled for the Children of Israel, to reward them for their steadfastness, and we annihilated the works of Pharaoh and his people and everything they harvested.

And more:

17:104 And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land (of promise)": but when the second of the warnings came to pass, We gathered you together in a mingled crowd.  

Can you find any Palestinians in Koran? Haha. You can call me names, but you cant change facts.

You and your usual twist,everything we've discussed here is about the verses in the holy Quran aren't we?The problem with you is that you don't respond to direct questions.I've provide you with literal Quranic verses but  you simply shrug it off.I can on and on and on, and prove to you that prophet Moses(pbuh) and his peoples or Children of Israel as referred in the holy Quran worship to one and only god that is ALLAH .So can you disapproves it?Can you show me where in the Quranic verses that prophet Moses(pbuh) commanded his people or Children of Israel to worshipped other god?These are direct questions,so please answer them and stop twisting facts here.

Holy Quran 2:54 And remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Ye have indeed wronged yourselves by your worship of the calf: So turn (in repentance) to your Maker, and slay yourselves (the wrong-doers); that will be better for you in the sight of your Maker." Then He turned towards you (in forgiveness): For He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

Holy Quran 2:55 And remember ye said: "O Moses! We shall never believe in thee until we see Allah manifestly," but ye were dazed with thunder and lighting even as ye looked

Holy Quran 5:21 Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples.

So it has been written,so it has been done.

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Post time 26-5-2006 01:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wira_melayu at 26-5-2006 12:22 AM
You and your usual twist,everything we've discussed here is about the verses in the holy Quran aren't we?The problem with you is that you don't respond to direct questions.I've provide you with ... hi hi
Moses was from egypt.  So, what language did Moses speak? Did Moses use the word Allah to call his lord?

Quran was written in arabic as if Moses speaks in arabic.

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Post time 26-5-2006 01:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 26-5-2006 01:31 AM hi hi
Moses was from egypt.  So, what language did Moses speak? Did Moses use the word Allah to call his lord?

Quran was written in arabic as if Moses speaks in arabic.

christianity accepted Moses as prophet, and accepted book sent to Moses... but, why only one - the OT?
why dont christianity also accept Talmudic belief? Why dont christianity rest on sabbath as same as jewish?
why christianity has to belief to other god, when moses says there is only one god?

and one question.. Did Moses ever mentioned Jesus as his Lord?

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Post time 26-5-2006 07:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by greekgod at 26-5-2006 01:58 AM
christianity accepted Moses as prophet, and accepted book sent to Moses... but, why only one - the OT?
why dont christianity also accept Talmudic belief? Why dont christianity rest on sabbat ...

Answering one question with another question uhh.. you think what.. you Jesus or something.. hi hi

answer me if you can..

Moses was from egypt.  So, what language did Moses spoke?
Did Moses use the word Allah to call his lord?
Did Moses speak Arabic like the one in Quran?

[ Last edited by  FaithHealer3 at 26-5-2006 01:03 PM ]

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Post time 26-5-2006 12:10 PM | Show all posts

Terrorists of the 20th century

The worst genocides of the 20th Century

Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69) 49,000,000 ("great leap forward" and "cultural revolution")
Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1934-39) 13,000,000 (the purges)
Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945) 12,000,000 (concentration camps and civilians WWII)
Hideki Tojo (Japan, 1941-44) 5,000,000 (civilians WWII)
Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79) 1,700,000
Kim Il Sung (North Korea, 1948-94) 1.6 million (purges and concentration camps)
Menghistu (Ethiopia, 1975-78) 1,500,000
Ismail Enver (Turkey, 1915) 1,200,000 Armenians
Yakubu Gowon (Biafra, 1967-1970) 1,000,000
Leonid Brezhnev (Afghanistan, 1979-1982) 900,000
Jean Kambanda (Rwanda, 1994) 800,000
Suharto (East Timor, 1976-98) 600,000
Saddam Hussein (Iran 1980-1990 and Kurdistan 1987-88) 600,000
Yahya Khan (Pakistan, 1971) vs Bangladesh  500,000  
Savimbi (Angola, 1975-2002) 400,000
Mullah Omar - Taliban (Afghanistan, 1986-2001) 400,000
Idi Amin (Uganda, 1969-1979) 300,000
Benito Mussolini (Ethiopia, 1936; Yugoslavia, WWII) 300,000
Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire, 1965-97) ?
Charles Taylor (Liberia, 1989-1996) 220,000
Foday Sankoh (Sierra Leone, 1991-2000)  200,000
Slobodan Milosevic (Yugoslavia, 1992-96) 180,000
Michel Micombero (Burundi, 1972)  150,000
Hassan Turabi (Sudan, 1989-1999) 100,000
Jean-Bedel Bokassa (Centrafrica, 1966-79)  ?
Richard Nixon (Vietnam, 1969-1974) 70,000 (vietnamese civilians)
Papa Doc Duvalier (Haiti, 1957-71) 60,000
Hissene Habre (Chad, 1982-1990) 40,000
Chiang Kai-shek (Taiwan, 1947) 30,000 (popular uprising)
Vladimir Ilich Lenin (USSR, 1917-20) 30,000 (dissidents executed)
Francisco Franco (Spain) 30,000 (dissidents executed after the civil war)
Lyndon Johnson (Vietnam, 1963-1968) 30,000
Hafez Al-Assad (Syria, 1980-2000) 25,000
Khomeini (Iran, 1979-89) 20,000
Guy Mollet (France, 1956-1957) 10,000 (war in Algeria)
Paul Koroma (Sierra Leone, 1997)  6,000
Osama bin Laden (worldwide, 1991-2001) 4,000
Augusto Pinochet (Chile, 1973) 3,000
Efrain Rios Montt (Guatemala) 2,000

(Note: the crimes committed by right-wing dictators have always been easier to track down than the crimes against humanity committed by communist leaders, so the figures for communist leaders like Stalin and Mao increase almost yearly as new secret documents become available. To this day, the Chinese government has not yet disclosed how many people were executed by Mao's red guards during the Cultural Revolution and how many people were killed in Tibet during the Chinese invasion of 1950. We also don't know how many dissidents have been killed by order of Kim Il Sung in North Korea, although presumably many thousands).
Main sources:
Charny (1988) Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review
Stephane Courtois: Black Book on Communism (1995)
Matthews: Guiness Book of Records (2000)
Clodfelter: Warfare and Armed Conflicts (1992)
Elliot: Twentieth Century Book of the Dead (1972)
Bouthoul : A List of the 366 Major Armed Conflicts of the period 1740-1974, Peace Research (1978)
R.J. Rummel: Death by Government - Genocide and Mass Murder (1994)
Matt White's website
Several general textbooks of 20th century history

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Post time 26-5-2006 04:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 26-5-2006 07:28 AM

Answering one question with another question uhh.. you think what.. you Jesus or something.. hi hi

answer me if you can..

Moses was from egypt.  So, what language did Moses spoke?
Did ...

i dont care what language did moses spoke, because that wont be interfering my faith, as moses only need to be believe as one of muslim prophet, and we dont hold a budge to torah.

unlike in your case, you hold to torah, my questions are therefore valid to be asked to you..

why dont you hold to all talmudic books, and change the sabbath?

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Post time 26-5-2006 06:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by greekgod at 26-5-2006 04:24 PM
i dont care what language did moses spoke,
You should care..  because it is written in quran as if Moses talked in Arabic to the jewish god.

i was asking Wira Melayu about the language used by Moses because he claimed this.. "I can on and on and on, and prove to you that prophet Moses(pbuh) and his peoples or Children of Israel as referred in the holy Quran worship to one and only god that is ALLAH .So can you disapproves it? Can you show me where in the Quranic verses that prophet Moses(pbuh) commanded his people or Children of Israel to worshipped other god?"

But when he came to the fire, a voice was heard: "O Moses! "Verily I am thy Lord! therefore (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the sacred valley Tuwa. "I have chosen thee: listen, then, to the inspiration (sent to thee).  "Verily, I am Allah: There is no god but I: So serve thou Me (only), and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise. (Innanee ana Allahu la ilaha illa ana faoAAbudnee waaqimi alssalata lithikree )

Obviously from the "pirated-story" of the Jewish people, Mo says the lord of moses was Allah.. but did the Jewish people called their god as Allah?

Nick Peleman should know better as he is from Israel.

Nick, what did the jewish god is known the time of Moses.. other than "I AM"

Originally posted by greekgod at 26-5-2006 04:24 PM
why dont you hold to all talmudic books, and change the sabbath?

You should ask that to a christian.


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Post time 27-5-2006 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by greekgod at 26-5-2006 04:24 PM

i dont care what language did moses spoke, because that wont be interfering my faith, as moses only need to be believe as one of muslim prophet, and we dont hold a budge to torah.

unlike i ...

Did Moses call G-d "allah"? Did he bow to black stone? Did he run around it half naked? Did he call his children abdulla and Mahmud? So what is Muslim about him?

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 29-5-2006 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 27-5-2006 05:50 PM

Did Moses call G-d "allah"? Did he bow to black stone? Did he run around it half naked? Did he call his children abdulla and Mahmud? So what is Muslim about him?

He was a submitter to the will of God (the meaning of the word Muslim)...

Did Moses wail at the wailing wall?

Did Moses call God God or G-D?

"Allah" is the same word that Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews use for God. If you pick up an Arabic Bible, you will see the word "Allah" being used where "God" is used in English. This is because "Allah" is the only word in the Arabic language equivalent to the English word "God" with a capital "G". Additionally, the word "Allah" cannot be made plural or given gender (i.e. masculine or feminine), which goes hand-in-hand with the Islamic concept of God. Because of this, and also because the Qur'an, which is the holy scripture of Muslims, was revealed in the Arabic language, some Muslims use the word "Allah" for "God", even when they are speaking other languages. This is not unique to the word "Allah", since many Muslims tend to use Arabic words when discussing Islamic issues, regardless of the language which they speak. This is because the universal teachings of Islam - even though they have been translated in every major language - have been preserved in the Arabic language.

:pray: ... le.php?articleid=71


In Malaysia too, Christians use "Allah" for God..except that their Allah is three in one..and can become His creature (Jesus)...who is at the same time His begotten son..


[ Last edited by  KENNKID at 29-5-2006 03:54 PM ]

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Post time 30-5-2006 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 27-5-2006 05:50 PM

Did Moses call G-d "allah"? Did he bow to black stone? Did he run around it half naked? Did he call his children abdulla and Mahmud? So what is Muslim about him?

I see you have problems understanding history and this is the third time i remind you to stop twisting facts.I ould be more than happy if you can answer me directly in my previous question.Can you show me where in the Quranic verses that prophet Moses(pbuh) commanded his people or Children of Israel to worshipped other god?These are direct questions,so please answer them and stop twisting facts here.

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Post time 31-5-2006 03:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KENNKID at 29-5-2006 03:41 PM

He was a submitter to the will of God (the meaning of the word Muslim)...

Did Moses wail at the wailing wall?

Did Moses call God God or G-D?

"Allah" is the same word that Ar ...

One thing for sure.. Moses aka Musa did not call his God as Allah.. or Rahman

Mo called his God as Allah, Ar-Rahman etc but those are not the names used by earlier (jewish) prophets.


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Post time 31-5-2006 05:53 AM | Show all posts
Did Moses wail at the wailing wall?

Wailing wall is just part of the Temple.If Jew rises on mountain he will pray with his back to wall.

Did Moses call God God or G-D?

He called God Elohim and YHWH.

best wishes,

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Post time 1-6-2006 03:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 31-5-2006 05:53 AM

He called God Elohim and YHWH.

best wishes,

Just a couple of direct question here,so can you show me any historical documents that Moses spoken in hebrews at that time?We know that ancient Eyptian was ruled by Pharoah who spoke entirely different language and Moses was well documented living in the Pharoah palace ever since he was born so how possible that he spoke hebrew language and also what language did the Israelites spoke in ancient Egyptian to their master when they were only known as slaves at that time.

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Post time 1-6-2006 06:12 AM | Show all posts
It is very simple to check. Muslims have in their names allah: abdalllah, nasrallah, they use words like ishallah and so on.

But what about prophets? They put in their names EL (Elohim):

even angel was GabriEL.

or YAH (Yawheh):

Finally there was a prophet EliYAH what literally means my God is YAH (Yahweh).

Can you tell me any prophet with allah in his name? No, because this name appeared much much later.

best wishes,

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 1-6-2006 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 1-6-2006 06:12 AM
It is very simple to check. Muslims have in their names allah: abdalllah, nasrallah, they use words like ishallah and so on.

But what about prophets? They put in their names EL (Elohim):

Is ...

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is One LORD:" (Deuteronomy 6:4)

Clarifying the linguistic connections between the Names Allah and Elohim.
First we see the identical pronunciation in Scripture:

The word for God in Genesis 1:1 is elohim, which is essentially a plural form of a more basic root-Hebrew word for God, (eloh).

Furthermore, the Arabic translation of the Jewish Bible  uses the name "Allah" to refer to God in Genesis 1:1

" Fee al-badi' khalaqa Allahu as-Samaawaat wa al-Ard . . ."

In addition to the etymological connection based on sound, we also discover the connections of the two Names based on roots, spelling, meaning, and geography.

If one were to find the word   (eloh) (alef-lamed-heh) in an inscription written in paleo-hebrew, aramaic, or some sort of Nabatean script, it could be pronounced numerous ways without the diacritical marks to guide the reader.

When treated as a verb root, this letter combination (pronounced alah) is the root for the verb "to swear" or "to take an oath," as well as the verb "to deify" or "to worship" ....

More in the link:

Source: Jews for Allah (Allah in the Jewish Bible)



[ Last edited by  KENNKID at 1-6-2006 11:25 AM ]

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Post time 1-6-2006 02:42 PM | Show all posts
"Eloh" in Hebrew correspods to Arabic "Ilah". It means "god". "Allah" on the other hand is a NAME of Arabic pagan god.

all the best,

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Post time 1-6-2006 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 1-6-2006 02:42 PM
"Eloh" in Hebrew correspods to Arabic "Ilah". It means "god". "Allah" on the other hand is a NAME of Arabic pagan god.

all the best,

U write all the best?

Ki ki is that the best u can discuss with us? Statement and assumption base on nothing? Ki ki

Same like the airport issue on other thread. Also without a fact. Get a life dude.

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Post time 1-6-2006 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by anti_aktivis at 1-6-2006 02:50 PM
U write all the best?

Ki ki is that the best u can discuss with us? Statement and assumption base on nothing? Ki ki

Same like the airport issue on other thread. Also without a fact. Ge ...

Don't embarass Malaysians lah. Nick's reply is short but right to the point.

If you don't believe him then why don't you go to your favorite website wikipedia and check for yourself.. before making embarassing statements.


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Post time 2-6-2006 01:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 1-6-2006 02:42 PM
"Eloh" in Hebrew correspods to Arabic "Ilah". It means "god". "Allah" on the other hand is a NAME of Arabic pagan god.

all the best,

Nice to see you again Nick,So can you please tell me is  there any historical references that Prophet Moses(pbuh) spoke hebrew in ancient Egypt?Thanks.

As you claimed that Prophet Moses called god Elohim or YHWH,tell me how do you pronounce YHWH  without any vowels in between and also the meaning.

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Post time 2-6-2006 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 1-6-2006 08:35 PM

Don't embarass Malaysians lah. Nick's reply is short but right to the point.

If you don't believe him then why don't you go to your favorite website wikipedia and check for yourself.. befor ...


Statement and assumption base on nothing?



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