ak tg tg gambar die jumpa fans dier kat jepun semalam...mayb dalam mg ni mereka upload kt website dier...ak akan kemaskini dari masa ke semasa...mmuahaha...
promote jap..rajin2 g ar thread aku,yoon eun hye..hehe ..juju,ko ader websyt tang yoon eun hye tak? websyt yg gtaw news tang yoon eun hye terbaru..susah ar nak cari,skit jer aku jumpa tang minah 2.. p.m aku yer....klu ko ader info tang YEH leh tepek kat thread aku yer..
"I went to the KJH-fanmeeting today at KUDAN-KAIKAN in Japan. It was very sweet time. He sang'sad song' 'yamanai-ame(Rain dose not stop), imperfect, sirius. Hedrank a cup of Sake. Moreover, he read a letter to the fans.When hedecided to dissolve UN, and to act privately, he was uneasy andpainful.However, he was comforted with the letters of the fans. Hedrinks alcohol or works when he stay in japan. When he stay hotel injapan, the complaint came from a room next door when he was fussingover in the room at the hotel because the television program was sofun." Credit: Kimjeonghoon.net
"He had to answer thequestion, "if you has to choose one among these 3 options-1) drink 10cups of beer, 2) eat 10 ramens, and 3) dance-, what would you choose?"He chose "drink beer" and said he's very good at drinking and he usedto drink 10 liters of beer when he was a freshman" Credit: dclily
And seems that there's another meeting this May 18:
credits : dclily& kimjeonghoon.net
credits : alexx from oishii-hoonie.net
Another fan meeting pada bulan 5...hehe...
[ Last edited by juju_amin84 at 26-2-2007 08:46 PM ]