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Author: Esmiria

Skeri Ridel N anser

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Post time 20-11-2014 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 19-11-2014 05:33 PM
General discussion
Best friend: “I’m so sorry about this.”
Me: “Hey, stop it, there is nothing ...

Read it from bottom to top... Then you will see the different story....


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Post time 20-11-2014 04:01 PM | Show all posts
lovechaser posted on 20-11-2014 03:55 PM
Read it from bottom to top... Then you will see the different story....

Baru pasan.

So kawan baik die yang bunuh pencerita

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pjade posted on 20-11-2014 07:51 AM
Ke buang X line 1 and X line 4?


Ah’ah, agaknya camtulah.

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aryyan posted on 20-11-2014 07:49 AM
bahan bacaan ni kna pkai otak la. klo bc sekali lalu mesti xphm/ tak prasan. kna bc mlm2 baru mengha ...

Asal kena malam-malam?

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lovechaser posted on 20-11-2014 07:55 AM
Read it from bottom to top... Then you will see the different story....


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 20-11-2014 08:01 AM
Baru pasan.


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
edoraixora posted on 20-11-2014 07:43 AM
macam tergantung jer kan citer nye....
pas die jawab 'hello (3)'
apekah terjadi?

Emang tergantung pun..aku pun tk faham hakak.

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pjade posted on 20-11-2014 07:40 AM
Possible tak yang that girl is the one yang mati kena hempap?

Ye ke? Haku kena baca balik ni!

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
afira posted on 20-11-2014 07:35 AM
tak pe la skang kita dh ade cik es baru..heeheh

eh tt jgn ckp aku sama kan ko ngn cik es lama t ...

Aku emang len! Thanks..hihi

Tapi some still syak ..lantak dioranglah..hihi

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
afira posted on 20-11-2014 07:38 AM
tuh la kan memula dh paham mayb kawan dia di bunuh oleh stranger yang diorang duk chat tuh tapi na ...

Saja nk kekal misteri kannnnnn

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
afira posted on 20-11-2014 07:10 AM
okeh yg ni weird n skery...huhuhuhu

Gulp sahajalah..haha

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pearl.silver posted on 20-11-2014 07:18 AM
kucing die hilang kat umh kawan die n kucing tu balik semula ke rumah die laa kn..
kucing kan mmg ...

Yang awok qoute tu, saya punya. bkn hat yg len..ade dah jawapan untuk kisah ni..

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pearl.silver posted on 20-11-2014 07:08 AM
ini macam drama kat tv1 aritu..tajuk qarin..
ank die da mati, tp si mak tu dok nampak ank die,s ...

Aku bencilah cter tu. Sebab pelakonnyaaa

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
edoraixora posted on 20-11-2014 06:53 AM
ok...die sendiri yg bunuh anak & suami die
tapi, kenapa die tak tanye ahli nujum apekah yg good l ...

Aku pun pelik..haha

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
afira posted on 20-11-2014 07:04 AM
tak bleh jawab nnt ramai yg marah

Sham saje tanya soklan..hihi

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni ridel

The Older Brother

A girl told her friend that she had a dark
secret she had been hiding for years. Her
parents had been murdered when she was 15
years old. She said that her older brother had
gone insane and stabbed her mother and
father to death.

The friend was shocked at the terrible story
she was hearing.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, comforting the girl.
“What happened to your older brother after
“He was arrested by the police”, said the girl.
“There was a trial. I sat in the courtroom for
weeks, listening to the lawyers argue their
case. Eventually, my brother was convicted of
murder and sentanced to be executed.”
“That’s horrible!” said the friend.
“Yes, it was,” the girl replied. “He was on
death row for a long time. Then he was
executed by lethal injection.”
“It must have been so difficult for you,” said
the friend.
“You wouldn’t believe how hard it was”, said
the girl. “I went through life in a daze. I
couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. I tried to block
out the terrible memories. I suffered from
depression, anxiety, even amnesia. It took me
years and years to recover.”
“Have you ever talked to anyone about this
before?” asked her friend.
“No, never,” replied the girl. “I have so many
questions, but they’ll never be answered now.
I was present at my older brother’s execution,
but he never said a word. He never explained
why he killed our parents. He just stared
silently at me as they gave him the lethal

“There’s still a way you could get some
answers,” said her friend. “I don’t know if you
would be interested, but I know a woman who
is a psychic. She can communicate with the
dead. She’s very good. Maybe she could help
you find the answers you are looking for.”
A few days later, the girl arranged to meet the
psychic and consulted her about her past. The
psychic turned down the lights, lit some
candles and sat down in her chair. Then, she
tossed back her head and went into a deep

A few minutes passed and the girl sat in
“Now, you may ask me any question you
wish,” whispered the psychic.
“What caused my older brother to lose his
mind?” asked the girl, nervously.
“Your brother was never crazy”, replied the
psychic quietly. “He was always perfectly

“Then Why did my older brother kill my
parents?” asked the girl.
“Your brother was only responsible for the
death of one person,” said the psychic.
Suddenly, the girl understood everything. She
buried her face in her hands and began crying

Do you understand what really happened?

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Door Chain

My sister is an art teacher and, ten months
ago, she rented a cheap two-bedroom
apartment to use as a studio. She never
actually lived there. She just used it as a
place where she could paint and store her art

When I left college, I started a new job in the
city. I desperately needed a place to stay, but
I hadn’t received my first paycheck, so I
couldn’t afford to pay rent. Luckily enough,
my sister offered to let me stay in her
apartment until I got on my feet. She gave me
the keys and I moved my stuff in the next

That evening, I arrived home from work. I was
excited about having my own place for the
first time. My sister had told me that there
was a lot of crime in the neighborhood and to
always be sure I locked the front door. To be
extra safe, I locked the door with the deadbolt
and the chain.

In the kitchen, I made myself some chicken
curry with rice. Then I read some comics until
it was time for bed. I checked the door and
the gas and went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night. It must
have been around 2 or 3 in the morning and I
heard the sound of someone unlocking the
deadbolt on the front door.
Must be my sister coming to paint, I thought
to myself. I heard her go into the the room
next door to my bedroom. That was the room
she used as a studio. I’d been in there earlier
and it was empty except for some canvas and
I was tired and I had work again the next
morning so I stayed in bed. Through the wall,
I could hear her mumbling and laughing to
“These artists are weird people,” I said to
myself and it wasn’t long until I fell asleep

When I woke up the next morning, my sister
was gone and I was alone in the apartment. I
got out of bed, showered and dressed myself. I
quickl poured myself a bowl of cornflakes and
ate it hungrily.

Then I grabbed my briefcase and went out the
front door. When I turned around to lock the
front door, I was suddenly terrified.
After work, I went home to my parents’ house.
I never went back into the apartment after
that. I was too scared.
Why was he scared?

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Missing Girl

One sunny afternoon, Madoka-chan and her
mother went for a walk in the park. As they
walked along the path, the mother saw that
one of her friends had brought her own
daughter to the park also. The two women met
up and began chatting as Madoka-chan and
the other little girl went off to play.
A few minutes later, Madoka-chan’s mother
looked around and realized that her daughter
was nowhere to be seen. She began to panic
and ran over to the little girl Madoka-chan
had been playing with.
“Where is Madoka-chan?”, asked the mother
in a trembling voice.

“She was playing in the sandbox with me”,
replied the little girl. “Then she said she was
going to play on the slides and I didn’t want
to play on the slides so I stayed in the
sandbox and I haven’t seen her since.”
The mother and her friend searched the park,
calling Madoka-chan’s name, but they could
find no sign of her. It was as if she had
vanished into thin air. The tearful mother
called the police and reported her daughter
missing. Then, she phoned her husband to tell
him the terrible news.

The police searched the area and set up
checkpoints, but no trace of Madoka-chan
was ever found. Her parents stayed in the
playground, searching in vain until nightfall.
Finally, disheartened, they left and went home
to cry themselves to sleep.

The police assured the parents that they
would find their daughter, but after a month,
there was no progress at all in the
investigation. Six months later, Madoka-chan
was still missing and her parents were at their
wit’s end. By the time a year had passed, the
police paid a visit to the parents and told
them that, in all likelihood, Madoka-chan was
probably dead.
“I’m sorry”, said the chief of police. “We did
our best. We did everything in our power, but
we just have to face up to the facts. We will
never be able to find her. The only thing we
can do now is wrap up the investigation and
file the case as unsolved.”

Despite what the police said, the parents
refused to give up. In their grief, they resolved
to dedicate their lives to finding out what
happened to their darling Madoka-chan.
As a last resort, they decided to contact a
psychic, hoping to get a new perspective on
the case. The parents were put in though with
a woman who was, at that time, the most
well-known psychic in the country. She had
become famous for helping the police with a
handful of cases where she had managed to
pinpoint the location of wanted criminals and
missing persons.

When the psychic arrived, a few days later,
she asked the parents to take her to the last
place they had seen their daughter. The
mother and father took the psychic to the park
and waited as the woman sat down in the
grass, closed her eyes and went into a trance.
After a while, the psychic stood up and asked
the parents to bring her to their home. She
walked around the home, touching the missing
girl’s clothes, shoes and toys. Finally, the
psychic put her fingers to her head and began
rubbing her temples. She shut her eyes tight
and held her breath. Then, with a deep sigh,
she whispered, “Madoka-chan is alive.”
At once, the parents of the missing girl
embraced each other, filled with joy and
excitement. Then, the mother asked, in a
trembling voice, “So where is Madoka-chan

A smile spread across the psychic’s face as
she answered, “Her heart still beats and her
lungs still breathe.”
The delighted parents clutched eachother

“I knew it! I knew it!” said the mother
triumphantly. “But where is she now?”
“Madoka-chan’s eyes gaze at a luxury home
with expensive furniture,” continued the
psychic. “Madoka-chan’s stomach contains
only fine cuisine.”
The mother exhaled a sigh of relief and
begged “So where is Madoka-chan now?
Please tell us!”
The psychic hesitated for a moment. Then, her
eyes fluttered open and she cried, “She is all
over the world!”

For a moment, the missing girl’s parents just
stood there, frozen to the spot, their mouths
hanging open. Then, they suddenly
understood what the psychic meant and
collapsed to the floor, sobbing and wailing
What happened to the missing girl?

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

In a certain district in Japan, a horrible crime
took place. An entire family was murdered.
The mother, the father and the son were all
killed. The only one that survived was the
daughter who was hiding in a closet at the
time of the murders. Her name was Nana and
she was only 9 years old.

When police examined the bodies, they found
that the father had managed to leave a
message on the floor before he died. It was
written in his own blood. The police couldn’t
make sense of the strange message. It just
seemed to be a series of random numbers…

All of Nana’s family were dead and she had
nobody to turn to. The police decided to take
care of the young girl until things calmed
down. One police officer volunteered to let her
stay in his home to live with his wife and kids.
They thought she would be safe there.
After a while, an unemployed 34-year-old man
who lived in the neighborhood was arrested.
The police questioned him, but he said he
didn’t know anything about the murders and
rarely even left his house. The police didn’t
believe his story and became convinced he
was the killer.

That evening, the police officer came home
from work and took Nana aside. He told her
that they had a suspect. When she heard this,
Nana was very frightened, but the policeman
tried to calm her down and whispered softly to

“Don’t worry, Nana-chan,” he said. “This
horrible ordeal will be over soon. We are
going to catch the bad man who hurt your
family, and we are going to make him pay for
what he did.”
Then, the policeman looked at Nana’s face.
The little girl was smiling and she even began
to laugh.

Note: To find the solution to who the killer
was: A is the 1st letter of the alphabet and N
is the 14th… 14-1-14-1 = N-A-N-A.
Note: In the original Japanese story, the
solution is much more complicated. The
message the father leaves is “7-564″. In
Japanese, 7 is pronounced either “nana” or
“shichi”, 5 is pronounced “go” or “ko”, 6 is
pronounced “roku” or “ro” and 4 is
pronounced “yon” or “shi”. So “7 564″ could
be pronounced “nana koroshi” which means,
in English, “Nana murder”. Talk about

While I was researching this, I came across
another famous one. Sometimes kids in Japan
text each other the number “42-42-564″ to
freak each other out. In Japanese, 42-42-564
is pronounced “shini shini koroshi” which
means “Die! Die! Kill!” or “Death! Death!

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 04:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bodies in the Well

One day, when I was six years old, my little
sister would not stop crying. It annoyed me
so much that I killed her and threw her body
down the well.

The next day, when I peered down into the
well, her body had disappeared.
When I was twelve, I got into an argument
with my best friend over something stupid. He
made me so angry that I killed him and threw
his body down the well.

The next day, when I checked the well, his
body had disappeared.
When I was 18 years old, my girlfriend got
pregnant. I didn’t want to be a father, so I
killed her and threw her body down the well.
The next day when I looked in the well, her
body had disappeared.

When I was 24, I worked in an office and my
boss was very mean to me. I couldn’t take it
any more so I killed him and threw his body
down the well.
The next day when I checked the well, his
body had disappeared.

When I was 30, my mother got sick and was
bedridden. I didn’t want to take care of her, so
I killed her threw her body down the well.
The next day when I looked into the well, her
body was still there. I checked the well every
day after that, but her body never
Why didn’t my mother’s body disappear?

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