January 28th, 2010 | Author: Nadia
hye uols smuee..sorry ssgt coz dah lme xupdate kat cnie..bukan ape,smtimes i do feel facebook n tweeter dah gud enuf medium to contact ngan all of u.. anyway,its gud to be in nadia’s ville ni balik..thnx for those yg selalu remind me utk update this blog whenever i’m free..
As some of u know,last week,nadia ade kerje ckit kat Sabah..yalahh,af 8 odisen..antare af’s stars yg ade ialah,akim,yazid,ebi n noni..gud to be pared with new born af stars..masing2 ade kreadibiliti n idea in doing smthing.. each of us pformd 4 songs utk 2 hari tu..for me,Lagu Untukmu,Layar Impian,Single Ladies n Kita Sama menjadi pilihan..alhmdulillh,smuanyee berjalan dengan lancar n wat i cn say.. Sabah is one of da place yang boleh dkategorikan sbg heaven bg sgale seafood..ayoo..it’s been a hard n struggle time for me utk tolak makann2 yg mmg gilos punyee sodip…! haaaa..yg pelik2 pon aku tibaiii gakkk…hhaha
Last Monday,nadia ade photoshoot wif the rest of gempaks astro stars..memandangkan this year mmg gilee dgn BOLA,so,secare xlangsong i have to bcame one of the cheerleader..walaweyyy…xpenah2 verangan jd tukang sorak,tbe2 melekat..hahahaa… nseb baek lah,skill-skill melompat dgn pelbagai gaya itu mmg semula jadi ade dalam diriku,menarik jugaklah hasil photoshoot tuhhh..hahaha
Actually,nadia baru aje balik dr kpg halaman smalam..settle some family issues disana pastuh tros balik KL memandangkan byk lagi urusan yg harus di settlekan disini gamaknyeee..n for tomorrow nadia akn bgerak ke pahang sampailah sabtu..kejap je,nseb baek..hehe..
Insyallh,2nd FEB,selase ni nadia akan terbang ke Brunei for promoting my single disana..so,kpd org2 Brunei,kte jpe kat cne yerrr..pas baliik dr Brunei,nadia akn tros terbang ke Tganu pulak,ade Jet-ski championship,hehee..persoalannyee..terror ke handle jet-ski?? hahaha..hentam je aaa..janji leyh start,leyh bgerak suda..kann..ade aku kesah? pape pon,wish me luck n pray for my safety almaklom aje la,cik nadia nih kalo dah syiok wat smthng mmg xhengat dunia sudaaa..
so uols! thnx to kak rckin yg telah btungkus lumus mencantekkn n mpbaiki NFC web,this blog n NCE web..feel free,leyh aa uols menziarah yerr..kalo nk lg best, drop a linee..its been a long time for me utk tidak bchatting n bmsra ngan uols smue kat dlm web NFC..insyllh,if theres any free n space in my schedule,i will b pleasure to start it all over againn…
insyallh,sgale xtiviti akn sntiasa di update kat cniee..so rajin2 yer mjengokkk..but,IF theres no time for me to update this blog or even drop any letter kat web,forgive me..but trust me,i NEVER leave my FB n TWEETER..update me there yerr,hehehe..bnde dah ujung jari kann..?? plus,im happy to get close wif uolss..so,hope theres plenty time for me utk bhujah disini dengan lebih pjg..feel grateful n honoured to b here..n thnx for those who keep on updating me,xkesah laa dimne-mne..hehehe.. |