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Author: Hana_Hirokawa

샤이니 ★ SHINee★ 4th universe

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Post time 1-9-2009 07:20 PM | Show all posts
kot me free me bkk umah akak math tuh..
berkat xplaination mu me telek balik teaser tuh t huhu~~

dubu ske chicken?? me pung ^^

slamat berbuka.. huhu~~

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Post time 1-9-2009 07:43 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 1-9-2009 19:50
MTV Iggy recently [i guess?] posted up a short story about Edward Chun and his short 12 minute [supposed to be 30] interview with SHINee. They are now featured in MTV Iggy's "Kpop Undercovered" along with artists such as Wonder Girls, The YG family, RAIN, and other big kpop stars.

source: MTV Iggy

mtv iggy kuar kat tataw hari ape ler....


dubu mmg suke chicken.......everybody pon suke chicken huhu
ade la dubu ape ntah yg ade sub ngan mc yg pelik tu...
time tu mc tu duduk dekat ngan minho rasa minho cam nak gelak tapi tahan je...dah la asyik nak target minho T___T

slamat berbuka....
kalo mung buka umah akak math....jgn lupa roger2 me ekkkkkk

choi minho saranghae~~~
lee jinki saranghae~~~
madus saranghae~~~

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Post time 2-9-2009 06:11 AM | Show all posts
{SHINee Subs} 090825 Taehee Hyegyo Jihyun EP125 (Taemin Cut)


dorg sedut kuar dulu pas tu baru yt lak.....

choi minho saranghaeyooooo

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2009 07:19 AM | Show all posts
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa JUST ssi... me baru tgk clip itewww.... my baby kisu, wuwuwuw kalo kisu lips mmg me terus beli tiket fly ke korea bawak dia balik sini.. tak rela noona nengok dia kisu owang lain wuwuwuw.....  

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Post time 2-9-2009 07:51 AM | Show all posts

bukan stakat pecah ais.....dah lebur dah....dah jadi wap air dah cewahhhhhh....
just_aku Post at 1-9-2009 02:53 PM

*mian, me pun nak OT gak!!  

just, me dh tgk 2nd teaser group yoja math tu... br la nmpk muka masing2... bg me, ada sorg tu muka mcm go ara jer kekdah nyer!! tp nama mmg me x kenal lg... yg akak tomboy tu plak mmc me tgk muka pun mcm muka lelaki... hehehehe ~~ x sabo nk tgk full MV & nk dgr lagu2 dorg yg lain. x lupa gak nk pecah ais lg dgn dorg!!  

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Post time 2-9-2009 08:28 AM | Show all posts
hana sshi~~~

ommo font kaler merah~~
wuwuwuwuu......dah la ulang byk kali dlm episod tu.....
tapi kan.....dorg terkissu rambut je *nak sedapkan hati*

kalo bawa baby balik....jgn lupa bawak minhonew skali ekkkkkkkkk *motip*

slot OT ngan rukia~~~
tu la kan...
go ara....nape me bajet keristal a.k.a akak juliette je nih.....

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Post time 2-9-2009 08:42 AM | Show all posts
slot OT ngan rukia~~~
tu la kan...
go ara....nape me bajet keristal a.k.a akak juliette je nih.....
just_aku Post at 2-9-2009 08:28 AM

slot OT bersama just ~~
oo, muka mcm go ara tu mu bajet keristal ker?? mian, me x cam dgn muka dia even dh penah tubik dlm mv juliette. lg pun kan dia pakai topeng dlm tu!!  

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2009 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Just ssi
saje aaa kasi kaler merah skit ahahahah melambangkan betapa membaranya hati noona... wuwuwu me rasa kalo kidnap baby, sure tangan dia akan menarik lengan MH skalik wakakaka ....


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Post time 2-9-2009 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 2-9-2009 11:14
Jadual oppadeul

2009-09-14 【해외행사】PM 06:30 SHINee - Japan Mini Live & Fanmeeting in OSAKA (일본 오사카 후생연금회관홀)
2009-09-13 【공연】PM 08:00 U-PLEX GRAND OPEN EVENT - Super Concert 2부 (서울 올림픽공원 체조경기장)
2009-09-12 【공개방송】PM 06:30 아름방송 2009 ABN 패밀리 락(樂) 페스티벌 ‘행복 콘서트’ (성남시 분당구청 앞 잔디..
2009-09-12 【방송/예정】PM 04:10 MBC-TV 인천 한류 콘서트 ‘Incheon Korean Wave Festival 2009’ (9/05 녹화분)
2009-09-11 【사인회/예정】PM 05:00 SHINee - CLRIDE.n과 함께하는 팬 사인회 (클라이드 롯데백화점 영플라자 명동점)
2009-09-08 【라디오】PM 08:00 MBC-R FM4U 태연의 친한친구 - ‘남수다’ 특집 - 온유 (91.9MHz)
2009-09-05 【공연】PM 07:00 인천 한류 콘서트 ‘Incheon Korean Wave Festival 2009’ (인천 문학경기장 주경기장)

cr: smtown

waaaa....dorg gi osaka lak.....
ishhhh....berabes je dorg belanja dak shinee gi jepang nih....

jenjalan kat soompi.....

If anyone wants to see Key's recent post on the english fanboard for themselves, click [url=]here[/url]. What is that boy doing replying at 3AM?

kena bukak guna IE....
me dah gi sana...terasa nak reply lak..... *tetibe free pagi nih*

slot OT bersama rukia lagi~~~
me bajet keristal kot...mgkn gak luna...
me masih konpius pasal dorg dua nih..*x selongkar lagi pic len selain dari mv teaser ngan pic dorg yg latest*

hana sshi~~~

nae.....mmg x leh dpisahkan wpon me tgk dorg jarang together2 ....
motip gif tu
aiyaaaaa.....*dies of happiness*

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Post time 2-9-2009 11:35 AM | Show all posts
wuwuwuw.... baby dah ada scene kissu ittew kah?

nanti2 la tgk... takut hati ini terlukeeeeeee~~~~

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Post time 2-9-2009 02:08 PM | Show all posts
090831 SHINee - OnHo - Recording of Star King

source: SHINee@daum, shakizi
reupload: TaeMinMakNae

ommo... nampyeons gi SK lagi.... x sabar nak tgk...
suke beno la SK nih ngan dorg.....
apekah bang minho jadi mangsa lagi
dulu kena ngan ais....pas tu kena hypnotize lak...
ni ade bunge nih....hmmm.....utk madus minhonew nih hihihihihihih

minhonew hyung...mcm mane prasaan jadik madus me?
dubu: hehehehe..bahagia ^ ^
minho: mung nak bagi munge nih kat sape? kat just noona ke smaj noona?
dubu:mana2 la..x pon kite guna gem kai ba bo....yg menang leh pilih dulu hehehe ^ ^
minho: hyung...bijak2...
dubu: besa keseluruhan kat sekolah *tetibe*

musim luruh nih.....teringat munge cosmos bang minho....
me lupa munge bang jinki ....harus cari nih

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Post time 2-9-2009 06:17 PM | Show all posts
soompier kate....
I saw an article at shakizi regarding the "Dream Team" season 2 - a variety show(?).
Ipersonally have never watched this show(wasn't aware of the hallyu wavethen), but I guess it's one of those popular variety shows likeXman/Love Letter etc?
And it stated something about Minho and his father being a soccer coach.
Is he going to be part of the new team then(alongside 2PM's Junho and actor Song Joong Ki - who oddly reminds me of Onew)?
But isn't the reason why they stopped appearing on FBG is because of their preparation for their album?
Then why would he appear on another show? LOL I bring confusion to this thread. x_x
Might as well link it HERE in case someone wants to help translate it. ^-^;;


Yep, Minho got casted for the KBS variety show alongside poongho dubu look-alike and a 2pm dude.
There's also an article about a poll on the best "gag idol" or something and Key got 5th place.. lol!                                                                                                                                                                       

me rasa show nih Saturday Challenge KBSW sabtu jam 3.30am o___O
fes part " i have an uncle" tp dorg kata part nih dorg nak tamatkan...
seken part skrg nih show tu pokes baseball...
apekah dorg akan tuko game pd soccer??
kita tunggu dan lihat....hehehehe

me sempat cek soompi....mmg ade rombakan time show nih sbb dorg nak pokes seken part...

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Post time 3-9-2009 06:44 AM | Show all posts
madus saranghae~~*lmbt gle nk reply T_T.. mencik mencik*

pic SK gyahhhh~~~
dubu nmpk hepi*terlampau bahagia ngan minik baru* maud skrip mung best!! me ske hahaha bang minhonew saranghae chuu~~ my love*amik ending part lagu LSGO*

tp me rasa x yah kawi bai bo.. sbb me nmpk ada 4 munge.. satu bang minhonew pgg kat tgn lagi satu selit kat baju tuh hahaha so kita dpt dua2 munge gak dr nampyeons~~

madus me pung x ingat munge bang jinki.. tulung cek skali utk me.. dah tau roger haha~~

banh minho msk gem show baru???
harusla kul 3 pagi pung me bgn smata nk tgk.. klu ada bang jinki kan lagi best wuwu~~

smalamnye epi THJ junsu mkn chicken.. otomatik me tringat kat bang jinki..

umah akak math me bkk t pas ttp a/c hoho.. skang bz lagi*x bley blah*

akhir kata dr me..

choi minho saranghaeyo.. lee jinki saranghaeyo.. madus saranghaeyo..

yorobun sarangahe ^_^

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Post time 3-9-2009 06:50 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 3-9-2009 07:20
It looks like we are going to be hearing“Go~~~Dream Team” again. On September 13th, at 10:45 pm, the pilotepisode of “Go DreamTeam Season 2 – The Green Team is Coming” will beaired. The first season of dream team had taken place from 1999 ~ 2003,and had many top stars including Rain, Song SeungHyun, So JiSub, KwonSangWoo, Yoo JaeSuk, and more had gone through the process. With a newtitle “Go DreamTeam Season 2 – Green Team is Coming,” it is causingmany aniticpation with new game rules and new game sets. Especially,Lee ChangMyung MC, who had been for the first season for 5 years, willbe back on the microphone.

Wondering about the players for theteams? The old members that had been from season one, Jo SungMo, ShinJungHwan,Danny Ahn (god) are confirmed to be there. Also, the newmembers range from 2PM’s JunHo, Shinee’s Minho, and KBS Music Bank MC Song JoongKi would also be coming out.

Theproducer for the season of “Go Dream Team” has stated, “We will bringthe dynamic variety and fun that the audience had not watched before.”Also, added “We are currently planning the Olympic special that isgoing to take place on February in Vancouver, Canada, and the World Cupspecial taking place on June in South Africa.”

Airing onSeptember 13th at 10:45 is the “Go DreamTeam Season 2″ and the firstcompetition will be taking place against Incheon Coast Guards at thegigantic made set in Incheon WangBeach.

c; kbites

prog len lak....
yg penting bang minho masuk variety show heee~~~~

artikel len lak
The KBS variety game show "Start Dream Team" is to come back for a second season this September 13th.

Since1999 and airing until November 11, 2003 for five years the show thathas had big stars of Jo Sung Mo, Rain, Go Soo, Kwon Sang Woo, So JiSup, Park Yong Ha and Yoo Jaesuk as guests is having a comeback onSeptember 13th. The new season of "Start Dream Team Season 2 - TheGreen Team Is Going" has casted past members of Lee Chang Myung as theMC, Shin Jung Hwan and god member Danny Ahn. New members included to beon the show is current Music Bank host and actor Song JoongKi, 2PMmember Junho and SHINee's Choi Min Ho.

The pilot is expected to air on the 15th of September at 10:45.

source: newsen, mihyun294@omonatheydidnt | credit: mrs.key, sfi                                                                                                                                                                       

date len lak....
x kisah....yg penting ade nampyeon

me mubank junho oppa..not junho 2pm *wpon dia join gak*
cam best je.....


awal glerrrr.....
nae..part munge tu harus bgtaw lagi nanti....

umah akak dorg wakakakaka....

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Post time 3-9-2009 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 3-9-2009 09:49
{TRANS} Rino Nakasone Chosun - The Star interview
SHINee's Choreographer

In Korea you are being recognized by Shinee and SNSD fans. The fact that you did the choreography for SNSD's TMYW became a news there.
"... last May I went to the Hollywood Bowl to see Shinee and SNSD. I realized there how popular they were, and how important dance and choreography are in Korean entertainment. I'm just honored that my choreography is being recognized"

How is the choreography you create overseas given to the Korean artists?
"For Shinee's Noona Youre too Pretty and Juliette I taught them in person. For SNSD's TMYW I made a video tape and sent it to SM entertainment. The choreography team at SM then taught SNSD with it. In some cases they might change the choreography. Shinee's Youre Like Oxygen and SNSD TMYW was done that way. In other words SM and I worked together on it."

What was your impression of Shinee and SNSD?
"I was in Seoul when doing Shinee's choreography. While staying I was moved by how hard working they were. They are singers and outstanding dancers. Previously with some artists I had to change the moves to easier ones but they were able to learn everything I teach. I was amazed how they could dance and sing so good at the same time.
SNSD has lots of elements that can lead the trends. Their music and dance make people imitate them. Having 9 pretty girls on stage by itself is special, but SNSD's many members are quite harmonized.
After TMYW was out I was able to meet some of the SNSD members. They wanted to know if they had done the choreography right. Sooyoung speaks Japanese, and Jessica speaks English well so I had no problem communicating with them"

SNSD's Hacky Sack dance and Beauty Leg dance became popular
"It's amusing how they named those choreography. After hearing the song those moves popped in my head. The music by itself was creating the dance. Come to think of it now maybe I had inspiration from Tango or Salsa music. I watched other SNSD music videos and simplified the moves to make it interesting. The choreographer from SM gave me lot of help with this dance."

Are you planning to work with other kpop artists?
"Lately I worked with SM's new group f(x). It's not their debut song. I don't have a plan after that. I don't know when there will be another chance but I would like to continue to work with Korean artists. I would like to go to Seoul again. And open a class to teach dance, and do other choreography like I did with Shinee and SNSD...."

Which Korean artists do you want to work with?
"I would work with any artists who want to work with me. I want to continue to work with Shinee and SNSD, and f(x) also. I didn't have a chance to work with Super Junior but if there is an opportunity it would be great..."


saja nak tepek sbb ade kaitan ngan oppadel...

me sempat gugel pasal munge oppadel

Shinee @ Guri Cosmos Festival #
Which flower do you want to give girlfriend? :

[Onew] Babies' breath

[Taemin] White Rose

[Jonghyun] Freesia

[Minho] Cosmos

[Key] Sunflower

kot korg lupa me tepek gak memberdeul nyer gak.....

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Post time 3-9-2009 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 3-9-2009 12:07

090901 Taemin THJ 130


baju besday junsu huhu ^ ^....pakai jgn xpakai... akak math dah kuar....


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Post time 3-9-2009 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by smaj at 3-9-2009 12:20

gyahhh~~ best gle gemshow br tuh.. sume list me kuar muahahaha~~
2 junho hoho.. *salah umah*

15 sept ari slasa ek.. kna bgn kul 3 smata nk tgk..

me baca article pasal abg rino*tetibe abg plak kaka* tetibe goosebump.. knape ntah.. mebi sbb bangga dia yg wat choreo utk shinee.. mmg best huhu~~

madus.. tumpg tgk mv akak math.. nnt kt ber OT kat sini..
bang jinki mian T_T

sbb me dah tgk mv akak math..
akak amber saranghae..
part jeling masa intro tuh wat me rasa nk pengsan tgk wuwuwu cool babas~~~
me still x bley cam luna ngan akak juliette

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Post time 3-9-2009 02:06 PM | Show all posts
jap jap....x de la show tu jam 3...
me pon xpasti show tu ade kat kbsw...

lagi2 x penah me tgk show nih kat kbsw
kalo ade mesti slot pagi2 buta

harus kah me jawab psoalan mu kat sini....
akak luna lead vocal...byk sket line dia
me rasa dia rendah sket dari akak juliette
mmg x leh beza dorg nih....

lgpon me tbaca...vocal dia yg paling best...sore dia dlm sket

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Post time 3-9-2009 06:08 PM | Show all posts
090902 2009 ChunCheon World Leisure Congress & Games SHINee - Juliette


cam lama dah x tgk dorg perf....
juliette oh~~~

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Post time 3-9-2009 07:07 PM | Show all posts
wuwu mung rasa kbsw tuko x slot tuh T__T jgnla wat ari sabtu me ada klas.. klu bley tgk pung yg repeat je wuwu~

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