muahah aku tau ko mmg kerakyatan penduduk ttp dh... kalo kene halau pn ttp x berganjak ekke asal aku msk je ilang jejak.... korang ni laju btul le.. last2 trs tertinggal... tu yg jarang msk sini hehe...
kui2 sajer jer wat suspen.. yg tak tahan bebudak lain pun dok tertanya2...sesajer jer buat havoc.. ilang ngantuk
@ moon..
heret pun aku belum tentu nak kuar dari umah nih ekekeke....dah baper umah dah nih... wakakak... sejak umah no satu dah dok kat sini... bayar sewa baguih jer tiap2 bulan ...
aku rasa yg amik gmbr minmin ko tuh, sooyoung... kira ex-parner konti dia la...
ko nk suh aku join?? mau nyer jd mereng nnt... apakah?? adakah?? mungkinkah??
@ baw or sesaper yg berkenaan
nmpk nyer rumah dh tukor nama... aku sukaaaaaaaaaaaaa ^^
[ Last edited by rukiaichigo at 3-7-2008 05:07 PM ]
wakakakakka tere mata mung...nae yg tuko... hohoho..tgh sesi menukar nama ni wakakkaa... geram aku... ingat nak taruk ♥only13♥ tapi kenot lak..kata too many characters..ish ish...last2 me stick jer la ngan ni..
Super Junior Member Kim KiBum will be unable to attend the Japan Fan Meeting due to his filming schedule.
We apologise for the incident and he himself looks forward to going to Japan too and feels apologetic towards Japanese fans who have been awaiting his arrival.
The other 12 members will be attending the fanmeeting on the 8th and 9th of July and also, at the fanmeeting, KiBum has requested to play a video of his apology to the fans for not being able to attend the event. KiBum's namecard will still be provided on the namecard exchange event on the 9th.
From: Super Junior Official Website(Japan)
Credit: Siwon Love
Translated by Vivimonroll@SSG
oppa....hope everything goes well nae....
to other members....see u in japan soon ^^ (although i'm in m'sia ekeke)
Originally posted by moondance at 3-7-2008 09:26 AM
@jean, zeleia, rose.... heheh bangga ni ekke.... sama besday ngan omma... thanks...
aku ek.... xleh nk decide..... tiap2 hr asyik nk tukor nampyeon jer.... wahaha xleh nk s ...