Pada Selasa atau Rabu lepas, bagi anda yg tinggal di kawasan sekitar Pandan Indah (KL), mungkin ada mendengar bunyi 'misteri', yg seolah2 seperti bunyi guruh (Sgt kuat), tapi langit cerah dan tiada hujan (tiada petir/kilat). Bunyi ini berlangsung selama beberapa saat dan tiada siapa tahu dari mana bunyi itu datang...
Adakah anda ingin mendengar bunyi Solar Storm? Beware, the sound is a 'bit' scary.
For this project Alexander used data from U-M’s Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer instrument on NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft at Mercury, as well as from NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, which is about 1 million miles from the Earth. To sonify the data, he began by writing 90 hours’ worth of raw information to an audio waveform. But in its original sampling rate of 44,100 hertz, it played back in less than a quarter of a second. That’s one of the benefits of sonifying data. You can zip through days’ worth of information in an instant. To make sense of it, in this case, he had to run it through additional algorithms and find the right playback speed.
Sonification is the process of translating information into sound. It is used in Geiger counter radiation detectors, which emit clicks in the presence of high-energy particles. It’s not typically used to pick out patterns in information, but scientists on the U-M Solar and Heliospheric Research Group are exploring its potential in that realm. They’re looking to Alexander to make it possible.
Breaking - Unidentified Object SUN! March 11, 2012!
There is a black spherical anomaly the size of Jupiter on the south east limb of the sun. (Ada sesuatu yg berbentuk bulat di bahagian bawah matahari [sebelah kiri] ).
No body knows what it is, is it a planet, a ship, a.. ? It looks black though and what's weirder, there is a Filament that is linking to the sun's surface (border). As usual, the only answer we got as of the moment, is - That is only a Little Black Spot on the sun...
ni off topic jap ye... TT jgn marah tau...clock nak tanya...
ada tak kawan2 masa sekolah dulu pen ...
Clockwise Post at 26-9-2011 21:46
aku nk mnjawab soalan clock..taim aku skolah dulu ader sorunk kwn aku yg mmg tak bertegur sapa dgn dia classmate aku..dari aku 1year kalo aku jumpa aku akan tegur dia 'hye lalalala' ..dia tgk aku diapon buat bodoh tadek nk hai2 balik.smua org rasa dia ni plek.tapi bila masuk final year..dia mmg da rapat dgn aku kesan dr aku yg slalu hye dia even dia takdok response.dlm kls aku dia selalu ponteng dan snyap sgt,lectrer kbanyakan tak suker dia..tapi bila da kwn ngn dia aku dapati dia mmg ade 6sense bktinya stiap kali ade test dia akan score highest dari best student.dia reveal la yg stiap kali ade test atau final exam dia akan study dan stiap kali mata kanan gerak dia akan buat star* kat point tu maksudnya yg tuh akan masuk.kalo calculation dia akan study kaw2 yg mata berkedip belah kanan je..yg tak berkedip dia tiggalkan.kalo yg teori pon sama.aku pnah tgk dia baring dia baca 1buku manual dia belek cepat je aku tanya ko baca ke ko men belek2..dia pon ckp 'aku tgh scan ni'...ahahahaahaahxsz!!siyes aku tak pnah tgk ader org scan apa yg kuar exam..utk final year aku mmg study dgn diala..dan aku same score dgn bantuan 'scan' dia tuh.. tapi all in all..smua ini dari kekuasaan Allah..bkn scan dia smata2..
mcm mana ye nak dapat mimpi2 mcm tu.. peliknya aku tak pernah plak dapat mi ...
AbukRokok Post at 8-3-2012 23:27
kalo pasal mimpi ni aku prasan budak2 sng mimpi..aku skrg kalo mimpi disaster tak ckp takot terjadi tp lepas satu masa yg lama baru lah sbut sbb rasa mcm bnda tuh dah berlalu tp kalo mimpi pegi umrah ke..atau sesuatu yg menggembirakan mmg akan cpt2 bgtau..aku baru masuk bng ni sbb arituh tadok digest..kali ni ade digest terpanggil utk masuk tgk..ok jugak..kalo lepas ni ade mimpi cm tuan tanah ckp..nk lapor kat sini..
masuk je 2012... bumi blom cuti lagi dari gempa...
binatang2 banyak yang mati......
kg aku yang ...
perembes Post at 27-2-2012 20:02
samela jugak kt kg benda ni dah start since 4-5 thn lepas. pagi2 nk beli sarapan jalan berkabus dan siap la kuar asap dr mulut mcm aku duk kt genting waktu hujan....sdgkn kali terakhir aku mengalaminye adelah masa aku keck2 dulu....
sorry aku lambat baca thread ni...jadinye kisah pasal 6th sense ni aku lmbt skit nk reply
mak aku meninggal masa aku form5. form 4 after pmr aku tak gi sekolah asrama. sampaikan arwah mak aku heran eh ngape tak pegi dpt pmr 7a tu? aku sengih je....nak dijadikan citer sebelum arwah mak aku meninggal arwah baru balik dari hospital. balik tu arwah baring tido dpn tv aku wat keje rumah. tetiba arwah terbangun arwah pesan kt aku jaga diri pasni mak dah takde kat dunia. aku siap sound mak aku eh ngape mak merepek ni? pastu tu mak aku baring balik. yg aku heran adik aku ade kt situ tp adik aku tak perasan pun. then masuk solat asar mak aku pun bangun tido gi mandi amek air sembahyang gi solat asar. masa mak aku solat asar dah pakai telekung ni, mak aku batuk-batuk dan akhirnye arwah meninggal......bile aku citer kt adik aku, adik aku cakap aku mengarut bile aku citer pasal pesanan terakhir arwah emak aku tu....
tahun sebelumnye arwah nenek aku meninggal....sebelum tu arwah nenek aku dah terbaring sbb kemalangan terbakar separuh badan tp luka terbakar tu dah nak sembuh. yg complicatednye nenek aku ade kencing manis. dah so kami ramai2 la baca yassin. aku tak tau ngape aku tiba-tiba pun pelik tgk aku iye2 nangis...iye iye la org pujuk aku cakap nenek akan sihat. rupe2nye tak lama pastu nenek aku meninggal....
masa arwah abah aku meninggal 3 thn dulu, terus terang aku cakap masa tu aku kt cc surf internet. tp sblm korg nak lahar aku sbnrnye mase tu arwah abah aku meninggal sbb sakit jantung okay? bukannye abah aku terlantar kt katil ke ape ke...abah aku kene heart attack...aku tak tau ngape waktu tu aku terfikir nak beli handphone berkamera. masa tu aku baru keje jadi aku belila handphone tu. dan aku sempat tangkap gambar arwah abah aku 10 days before abah aku meninggal. sampai skrang aku simpan gambar tu. mcm tau2 je aku arwah nak meninggal. masa arwah meninggal kan aku lepak kt cc, tak tau ngape aku rasa mcm ditarik2 nak balik rumah....tapi...cukupla aku cakap mayb ketentuan allah...
wat masa ni aku takde lagi la perasaan mcm ni...maksud aku buang tebiat yg ade org nak meninggal...ekceli ade lg lah 2-3 peristiwa berkaitan kematian org2 yg terdekat ngan aku tp yg aku citer ni mmg yg paling rapat ngan aku...ntah....nak kata dejavu pun....aku takleh nak ckp yg aku leh predict kematian tp kalau tiba2 aku menangisi seseorang walaupun org tu tak mati lagi, selalunye.....tak lama lagilah tu...
kat bandaraya di amerika tuada landasan antarabangsa
dan airspacenya memang padat dgn laluan pesawat2
kalau dlm aviation world . freezing level adalah lebih kurang 15,000 kaki
atau penurunan 3 darjah celcius tiap 1000 kaki
jadi pesawat jet yg terbang atas dr itu
akan alami jettrail/contrail - gantung atas moisture air/wap air yg ada
yg boleh kelihatan cam awan tuuuu
biasa je pemandangan camtu
kecuali kat sapa2 yg baru je yeeee
Personally, I don't think Nibiru exists. Sebabnya, kalau ikutkan conspiracy theorists, orbit dia berbentuk elips panjang. tapi tak diterangkan dia mengorbit apa.
kalau dalam bima sakti, semua planet yang ada mengelilingi matahari sebab tarikan graviti matahari, apsal lak nibiru ni boleh mengorbit something yang tak ada pulak kan, should be, dia mengelilingi sesuatu. but we can see nibiru (pada waktu tertentu katanya) and we can see andromeda begitu jelas guna teleskop nasa yang RM 600 juta tu, tapi we can't see what nibiru is orbiting? kalau dia akan berada dalam orbit bumi yang mdenyebabkan pelanggaran dengan bumi, dia berada dalam orbit planet2 yang mengelilingi matahari, apa yang menyebabkan dia takkan terikut mengorbit matahari seperti planet2 yang lain?
Understandably, that's the usual argument given by skeptics (not necessarily a bad thing) - 'If Nibiru/Planet X exists, it should be inside our solar system by now...'
But what most of us fail to realize is - we do not know everything about our solar system. And the things that we do know, are carefully chosen for us. Many are hidden from us by TPTB. Thing is, the majority of solar systems are binary systems. This means, most solar systems have two (2) suns. In a nutshell, if we have only 1 sun, then our solar system would be 'strange'. Therefore, it is only logical to accept the fact that our solar system MUST have another sun/star, as to make our solar system runs parallel with the rest. If we accept this to be true, then the question that we must ask ourselves is - so where is the 2nd sun/star?
Talking about the 2nd sun/star will be like talking about Big Foot. Some have taken photos, and some photos even made it on National TV in certain countries, like China. But no matter how many photos have been taken, people will always try to rationalize things, saying it's just a lens flare and whatnot. However, do bear in mind that the 2nd sun/star does NOT necessarily have to physically LOOK like a sun. It can just be a companion that comes in the look of a winged planet. In fact, this winged planet has been featured in ancient Sumerian and Egyptian drawings.
Here's something that I quote from ZETA. They had a good catch when the winged planet was captured by SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory).
The Winged Planet
This winged globe make an appearance on the SOHO C3 images on March 27, 2009 at 3:18 UTC. Neither the earlier nor later images had the winged globe at the 4 o'clock position, so it was a rare catch, but unmistakable.
Nibiru is also known as the brown dwarf star. It orbits around our sun in a highly elliptical orbit, every 3600 years. According to the Mayan, Nibiru is also called The Red Comet. When the Red Comet comes, the whole skies will be red - they will look as if they had bath in blood, due to the red dust that it brings with it. It is also said that we are yet to see Nibiru because it is currently 'hiding' behind the sun. But why can't we still see it, even when we were on the other side of the sun? As of the moment, the only logical answer to that is - because it moves uniformly around the sun, as we are, like a dynamo.
Did NASA ever say anything on Nibiru/Planet X? Yes, they did mention ONCE on their website. They did admit that Nibiru/Planet X DOES EXIST. However, something happened that made them changed their mind. Not so long after that, ALL articles that mentioned about Nibiru/Panet X were scraped off their website. Why? I'm sure they have a reason to do so. It could be to fulfill a command from the US government. Even Zecharia Sitchin's works were ridiculed and torn apart. His credentials were questioned and more doubts were instilled into his work. Any effort done on simply telling the truth of how/what/when/where/why in regard to Nibiru/Planet X, had been crushed.
Lucky enough, there will always be people who will try to spill the beans... eventhough a lot of scientists have mysteriously disappeared, and many have mysteriously died suddenly...
The video below shows how CNN admits the statement above and how NASA admits to Blue Star Kachina & BBC Interview.
I personally believe that TPTB knows more than they care to share with the world. And by the time we found out the truth, it could be too late to do anything. Wallahua'lam...
This is not to counter anything, but just to offer some discussion about this.
Pada tahun 1995, I read about Planet X in Berita Harian. I was still a school kid masa tu, who loved to read about science and everything. Masa tu Planet X was spotted, and the article was written by a local Malay journalist, tak ingat nama dia siapa, tapi tak sebut pun pasal akan berlaku pelanggaran dengan bumi. It was just, Planet X was spotted dan saiznya besar sikit dari Pluto. Tapi sebab jarak yang jauh dan saiznya yang kecil, ia pun kadang-kadang nampak dan kadang-kadang tidak nampak.
Masa tu wartawan tu kaitkan kewujudan planet X dengan ayat Quran. Surah An-Naba’, ayat 12
"Dan kami telah membina di atas kamu 7 petala langit yang gagah dan kukuh”
surah Al-Mulk, ayat 5
“Sesungguhnya kami telah menghiasi langit yang dekat dengan kamu (langit dunia) dengan lampu-lampu yang banyak”.
hadis Rasulullah S.A.W: “Ya Allah, tuhan ampunya tujuh petala langit itu, dan apa sahaja yang berada di bawah naungan langit itu dan Dialah tuhan segala bumi dan alangkah sedikitnya bilangan bumi itu.”
so i'm not denying 'Planet X' could exist berdasarkan ayat Quran dan hadith tu, sebab existence of Planet X akan melengkapkan 7 lapis langit seperti yang diperkatakan dalam Al-Quran, and it could already be inside our solar system.
I've done quite a reading on ZetaTalk. Dia website yang meramal cataclysmic Nibiru. kalau diikutkan dia, Nibiru ni akan berlanggar/hampir berlanggar dengan bumi dan akan menyebabkan shift pada kutub magnetik bumi, yang seterusnya mengakibatkan tsunami besar yang akan menenggelamkan habis semenanjung Malaysia ni, dan mungkin puncak kinabalu saja yang tak effect kan.
but zetatalk is created and owned by nancy lieder, whose info can be found here:
She claims that she is in telepathic communication with gray aliens from the Zeta Reticuli system (which she calls 'Zetas'). Zeta Reticuli is a wide binary star, there is no confirmed evidence of planets there yet. It is a popular target for claims of UFO origins[1]. She claims to have become aware of her contactee status in 1993[2], and that she was selected as "a communicator of the Zeta message" and "… allowed her brain to be implanted with Zetan genetic material" several times, so that she is now able to communicate telepathically with the Zetas[3].
By her own admission Lieder does not know which end of a telescope to look through[4]. She depends entirely on what the Zetas tell her during their telepathic sessions. The Zetas tell Nancy all kinds of things. Most of them wrong. Apparently in one of their communications, Zetas told Nancy to move to Wisconsin by unwrapping a StarBurst candy[5].
The goal of the Zetas is apparently to warn us of the impending doom caused by Planet X. They apparently intend to accomplish this through their "Emissary", Nancy Lieder. They also apparently use crop circles, and other 'subtle message' techniques, because apparently we're too stupid to get it if they just, for example, landed at the U.N. and told everybody[6]. Now, perhaps that works for Nancy and her StarBurst candies, but I think I'd prefer the direct approach.
About that CNN report (dwarf brown lebih besar dari Musytari inside our solar system), telah diakui diambil dari laporan tabloid, yang akhirnya ditarik balik sebab tabloid tu tak name source dia pasal brown dwarf yang dikatakan lagi besar dari musytari tu, prolly referenced from another conspiracy theorist--meaning it's based on conjecture.
About the Sumerian Nibiru, I've read somewhere it doesn't say that planet X shall berlanggar dengan bumi on 12 December 2012 or it would be the end of the world, but rather it's a beginning point of a cycle. I'm looking further into the Sumerian thingy, but this ia a good site to get info:
From what I can say, our belief is often shaped by our preconceptions. Sama macam bila kita cari meaning dalam Al-Quran, you look for something, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. good or bad, that's why ada yang misinterpret Quran dan invoke violence, letupkan diri nak bunuh civilian warga US dan sebagainya kerana katanya dia 'ikut Islam'. This is just an example.
So if we're inclined into looking for destruction in something, we'll find it. this isn't to say that kiamat takkan tiba dan afterlife tak wujud. dunia akan berakhir itu pasti. kalau bukan sekarang, 5 bilion tahun lagi matahari akan mati, dia akan menjadi kerdil merah dan meletup smpai ke bumi, dan kalau ketamadunan manusia pada masa tu tak jumpa cara untuk manusia berpindah ke planet yang lain, umat manusia akan pupus, sama seperti dinosour (itupun kalau masa tu belum dikira kiamat lagi).
But I could be wrong. I'm just offering my opinion here and some perspectives, tapi jika bersedia untuk yang terburuk itu memang bagus. orang kata, beramal seperti akan mati pada hari esok.
Aku rasa planet-planet yang ada ni semua adalah telor cicak yang akan menetas. Fungsi matahari itu ada untuk mengeram telor-telor cicak tersebut. Bila sampai masa untuk menetas, maka kiamatlah bagi makhluk-makhluk yang duduk di atasnya.
kalau mengikut artikel tu, planet X tu lebih jauh dari pluto dan besarnya 2 kali ganda planet musytari, ditemui oleh ahli2 astronomi sepanyol. nama dia G1.9. dia bukan planet sebenarnya, it's a dwarf star. nantilah translate.
This is not to counter anything, but just to offer some discussion about this.
Pada tahun 1995, I ...
Santeira Post at 19-3-2012 10:43
Understood. Just to clarify some things. My previous post was not meant to counter your previous post as well, just to shed some light and perspectives from various sources. I won't claim myself as a believer, nor will I claim myself as a sceptic. I prefer to keep an open mind. What one chooses to believe, is his/her prerogative. To each, her own.
Some scientists think a brown dwarf or gas giant bigger than Jupiter could be at the outer reaches of the solar system. In this image showing relative size, the white object at the upper left edge represents the sun.
Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space
You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space.
And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.
Evidence is mounting that either a brown dwarf star or a gas giant planet is lurking at the outermost reaches of our solar system, far beyond Pluto. The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times farther from the sun than Earth, according to a story in the British paper The Independent.
Astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette think data from NASA's infrared space telescope WISE will confirm Tyche's existence and location within two years.
Whether Nibiru or Planet X will collide with earth or not, and whether it will collide on December 21st 2012 or not, is anybody's guess - one that we should not waste our time heaving headaches thinking about. We can't even be sure of its existence, let alone any collision. Even if we do know for a fact that it will collide with earth, putting a specific date on the collision, seems to be redundant. Best way is to continue with one's own life and do what needs to be done, according to one's beliefs. I personally do not see the point of running around like Chicken Little and screaming The sky is falling. However, I do like to play my part by relaying any news that I feel worth mentioning, so that others can benefit from the news shared. Whatever benefits they gain, I hope it's worth it. God knows best.