dorg perf scar....
me x sure nih kuar tv ke x.....
tp bca mcm dorg kata x sabar mende nih on air la....
me tepek sbb sesaja....
nk tgk sape selit fc nih gak kekekeke
madus minhonew~~~
ade pic bang minho beso gabak kat soompi tu *me dah resize*
lama x tgk pic yg btol2 close-up....^ ^
deer-eyes minho...minggu dpn sgb idol yea~
mekap mmg tebal nk tutup ape yg patut....mian oppa.....*lari kat bang jinki*
Who would you like to be with on a stranded island?
Well it seems like most of the netizens commented that they want to be with the “beast idol star” 2PM’s Nich Khun.
Therehad been a recent polling asking many netizens “who would you choose tobe with if you had been stranded on a island?” The result was the idolstar 2PM Nich Khun with 45% of the votes. Here is how the polling went :
2PM’s Nich Khun - 45%
Big Bang G-Dragon – 25%
SS501 Kim HyunJoong – 12%
Super Junior LeeTeuk – 10% Shinee JongHyun – 8%
[090906] Fancam SHINee Minho in Dream Team (Behind The Scene)
ommo oppa team biru heeeeee~~~~
oppa lompat mmg jjang!
kalo me kat sane mmg sapot abes abesan:pompom:....
[090906] Fancam SHINee Minho in Dream Team (Behind The Scene) part 2
credit: eijisatoshi
yg ni part oppa nari guna lagu kara
la la la la la la~~~
x tido mlm la me asyik teringat nih.....
Minho doing the "butt" dance to Kara's song!
I also read a fancam that he was doing a race and came in 2nd place while 2PM's Junho came in 1st tongue.gif
I really can't wait for the 13th! (the show will air on the 13th).
uwaaaaa.....harus tgk nih....
oppa me seken dlm lari:pompom:....
gwenchana expert dlm basketball ngan soccer heheheh
adoi... esok baru me dapat sedut sume link kat opis.. Just ssi, me takleh terima aa kisu2 baby itewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww............. ngucapp... ngucapppppp...
hana sshi~~~
redha je la...
mende tu dah blaku
kissu rambut je pon...jgn2 ade ade selotep ke kertas kat muka baby tu...cuma kite x nampak je....
yg golden ladder mmg ciput je...
tapi kalo ikut fancam ari tu...dorg perform juliette ngan please dont go kalo x salah
ape la kbs nih x tunjuk dorg perf....kalo cam tu bagus jgn soh shinee dtg
mmg wajib...
mmg tepat la pilihan bawa minho masuk show nih sbb nih pasal sukan
tapi me xpasti lak show nih utk satu episod je ke lebih...
source : key스하고싶어@shakizi
re-upload : DHSEA1015
credit :
gamba yg fes sengaja me x resize kekeekkeke....
ensem ensem....
nampak kaki minho wee~~~
dah la suar pendek...x sampai lutut...nampak la kaki pjg tu
me tgk beso glerr ruler lat blakang tu
motip pic black n white?
sbb joongki oppa sebelah minho oppa imagine dia jinki oppa