This a radio message from Onew in response to something the fans have started calling 'Onew ache'. It's really sweet - a must read.
Korean fans are using the word 온 유 앓 이, which is Onew ache , if literally translated.
It means shinee fans’ hearts ache so much because they love him so much.
It’s a kind of heartache condition which Shinee fans have for him…whenever they can’t go to sleep because of thinking about him..whenever they are spazzing about his voice, pics, and solo songs.
Basically it means Onew is being so loved.
Translation from yeonae on SHINee Forums.
I wondered what that means when I heard that word at first.
“I’m not sick.~”, “Why they say I ache?” I used to think like that.
And I found out that Onew ache means your hearts ache because you like me so much.
That’s what it meant.
Wow~ I'm so touched. It’s a really great feeling.
Where can I get this kind of love from, right?
As a trainee, I used to dream about debut.
After debut, I used to imagine about getting loved, but
I still can’t believe those dreams came true finally.
I wonder sometimes if I am dreaming very long dream.
I just can’t believe it sometimes.
As much as you are having Onew ache,
You didn’t know that I also have ache for all of you.
Even though I can’t reply to all of your hearts
which cheer for me and love me without any condition,
SHINee and KARA will have a Chrismas Special Stage on a Christmas Edition of MBC Music Core this Saturday, December 20th (3:20 PM KST). The collaboration will sing their rendition of Silent Night and Jingle Bell Rock.
In addition, SHINee will be performing AMIGO.
wpon caja dah bagi reminder...
ho~ho~ho~....byk gak lagu shinee bawak...
me takut me jeles lak kalo tgk dorg perf...dah la sama2 5 org...ootttoookaeeee
adeiiii....gambo balloon jeles ...
me right klik seb ekkkk
aigoo my baby ilang mic, seb bek tak nanes atas stage kekek...
adoi wat per mu seb pic me yg hudus tu.. buang aje aa, cut part belon aje cukup ... lepas tu ade pic ramai2 me pegang belon blue sapphire plaks wakakaka .. sblm tu main2 belon merah.. fuhh cureng giler
tema...putih ngan merah wee~~
paling menonjol dubu...dubu buat heartshaped again
astaga minho oppa..dah la kat belakang ...sabo je la me..mmg sengaja suruh me tgk dia bkali2
jongkey cam besa mung tunduk least ade emotion dpd minho