Afternote from 2 LMH's Fansiging Events on July 18th.
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If you ever paid attention to the previous article, you would know that there're 2 MinHo's fan signing events today.
Sincetoday's events were for customers of the department store and movietheater, his fans couldn't attend them easily. So only a few afternoteswere posted on the fansites. I just wanna share some stories with youguys, I mixed up the afternotes.
The first signing was held at DD department in Changwon city.Most of all, we were worried about the weather in Changwon since therewas strong wind or torrential rain in most areas. Luckily it was sunnyand hot in Changwon city so we called Minho as driving the Sun.^^ The signing event was held at a small plaza of the store so manypeople could see Minho closely as well as people who had a chance toget his autograph. They said unanimously " Minho is perfect.", " Helooks like a doll not a person" and " "He is superior in stature"
During the event, the sponsor played the OST of BOF, and the atmosphere was really good.
TodayMinho wore a white t-shirt, a checked out-shirt, jeans and orangecolored sneakers. Today his fashion point was wrong buttoned shirt...Itwas not caused by mistake but one of his fashion styles.^^ Many fanswho saw his photos left their messages that Minho seemed to dobody-building because his body looked very good today. Also some peoplesaid maybe he got haircut and had his hair dyed, he looked simple andclear today.
One guy (we guessed he is one of staff from theDD store) left an afternote on the DC gallery. He said that he got thechance to talk with MH, and Minho gave him a cigarette and smokedtogether.(brand PLAMENT LIGHT) Wow~ many fans left the messages for theguy about envying him and hoping MH could quit smoking.
As he had to leave for the next fan signing event, he didn't linger there and left quickly.
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About second event in GwangJu.
TheMegabox theater was already crowded with numerous fans. This time lotsof teenager fans gathered there. Frankly, his previous fansigningevents was sponsored by Signature, and the policy to get the numberticket is that fans had to buy the Signature products for 100 thousandwon or more. I am sure that it was a big money for his teenager fans,and they had to go to school on the ticket distributing day.
Sowe couldn't see his teenager fans in the previous events, and they werealmost married women fans. Actually we were surprised that lots ofmarried women fans attended whenever his fansiging event was held.Sometimes we felt sorry if passerbys thought LMH has no teenager fans.
Todaywas the best chance for teenager fans to get MH's autograph sinceeverybody could get a chance to participate in the event as long as anyof them bought a movie ticket. Umm...As soon as LMH showed up, theplace was in a turmoil. Too many fans pushed each other in order to geta glimpse of MH. With a few bodyguards there, the event was delayed for40 minutes for fans' safety.
Hey, Can you imagine how happyhe was? Here and there, Oppa~(It means older brother in Korean) Oppa~ Ican imagine how eager he wants to hear the words.^^
Thistime, he wore a white T-shirt, a black cardigan and jeans. Some fanscommented why he wore a cardigan in spite of the hot weather..but fanswho were at the fansigning, he looked calm with the cardigan.
One fan asked him "Have you decided on next project?" His answer was 'Not yet'
Onefan asked him to give an autograph on a book (Fans at DC gallery made aphoto book and presented it to MH at the Fanmeeting). Then MH saw thebook and said "I know this book and already read it" How kind of him..^^