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Author: Esmiria

Skeri Ridel N anser

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni skeri stori. giler serum aku.

Psychic Readings

There were two young women in their 20s who
were the best of friends. Since they were both
still single, they decided to take a holiday
together. They booked flights to Germany and
decided to visit the city of Dresden.
On the first day of their holiday, the two
women took a walk around Dresden’s Altstadt
(Old Town) quarter, to get acquainted with the
city’s history and visit all the familiar tourist
spots. One of the women spoke German, so
she was able to act as a translator for her
friend, telling her the meaning of all the signs
and place-names.

That evening, on their way back to their hotel,
the women passed through the Neustadt (New
Town) area. As they walked down the street,
one of the women noticed an old cemetery
nearby and asked her friend if they could go in
for a few minutes and take a look around.
The sign above the gates read: “Alter
Jüdischer Friedhof” (Old Jewish Cemetery).
The women went inside and strolled around
the quiet and deserted grounds of the
graveyard. They were reading through a few of
the ancient gravestones, when one in
particular caught their eyes.

The inscription on the headstone read:
“Henriette Moosbach.
Verurteilt zum Tode durch den Strafgericht in
Gekpft wegen Mord an 11 Frauen…”
(Henriette Moosbach.
Sentenced to death by the Criminal Court in
Beheaded for the murder of eleven women.)

As it was beginning to grow dark, the two
young women continued on their way back to
the hotel. They had only been walking for a
few minutes when they happened to pass by a
market. The stalls were lined up on a side
street, with vendors at each one selling a
variety of food, drink, clothes and souveniers.
They also noticed a small tent that stood at
the end of the alley. It was garishly decorated
and there was an ugly old lady standing
outside. The sign above the entrance read
“Kostenlos psychische Messwerte” (Free
Psychic Readings).

One of the young women was very interested
in horroscopes, fortune telling and divining the
future. She decided to take up the old lady on
her offer of a free psychic reading and was
quickly ushered inside the tent. The other
woman didn’t speak any German, so she just
waited outside and took a look at the
products being sold at other market stalls.
After browsing through the wares for 10
minutes, she began to get impatient. After 20
minutes, she began wondering why her friend
was taking so long. The woman bought some
Bratwurst (fried sausage), Zwiebelbrot (onion
bread) and Ksekuchen (cheesecake) at the
market stalls. A quick glance at her watch
told her that her friend had already been in
the fortune teller’s tent for 45 minutes.
Bored and eager to return to the hotel, she
decided to phone her friend and ask when the
psychic session would be over, but when she
called, there was no answer. When the woman
approached the fortune teller’s tent, she
looked down and saw a deep red liquid on the
ground, running out through the tent’s flaps.
She realized, to her horror, that it was blood.
The woman was paralyzed with fear. As she
stood there, the pool of blood spread out
around her feet. She glanced over her shoulder
and saw that all of the vendors at the other
stalls were staring at her with twisted grins on
their faces.

Terrified, she dropped everything she had
bought and fled as fast as she could. She ran
blindly through the streets, dashing this way
and that, shoving people out of her way. She
didn’t know where she was going. She just
wanted to get away from the horrible

Eventually, the woman came to a stop,
completely exhausted. To her surprise, she
found herself standing in the Old Jewish
Cemetery again. Looking at the gravestone in
front of her, she was shocked to see the name
“Henriette Moosbach”.

She couldn’t understand German, but as she
stared at the inscription on the gravestone,
the blood froze in her veins. It read:
“Henriette Moosbach.
Verurteilt zum Tode durch den Strafgericht in
Gekpft wegen Mord an 12 Frauen…”

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku suka semua ni~~

Bedtime Stories 1 – Afraid Of The Dark
There was a young boy who was afraid of the
dark. Every night, he would leave the lights on
when he went to sleep. After a while his
parents got tired of this and told him he
would have to grow up. But the boy continued
sleeping with the lights on. So, on their way
to bed, his parents would come into his room
while he was asleep and switch off the lights.
This went on for months. One weekend, his
went on holiday and they left him home alone
for a whole week. That evening, he stayed up
late watching a horror movie on TV, but the
lights were on, so he didn’t get scared. He
took out a book and read a scary story in bed,
but the lights were on, so he didn’t get
scared. He went to sleep that night with the
lights on and he didn’t get scared. But, in the
middle of the night, he woke up to find that
someone had switched off the lights. That’s
when he got scared.

Bedtime Stories 2 – The History Of The House
This family moved into an old house that had
been vacant for a few years. After they had
been living in the house for a few weeks, they
began to smell some strange odour in one of
the bedrooms. One night, when they were
watching TV, they saw a documentary about a
father who had murdered his 13-year-old
step-daughter, chopped her into pieces and
hidden her body parts in the walls of his
house. At the end of the documentary, it
showed the address of the “murder” house. It
was the house they had moved into. The
creepiest thing is that the police found all of
the girl’s body parts,except for her head.

Bedtime Stories 3 – Calling Her Name
One night, a young girl was lying in bed, just
on the verge of falling asleep, when she heard
her mother calling her name from the kitchen.
She went downstairs to see what her mother
wanted, but as she was passing by the
cupboard under the stairs, the door opened
and a hand reached out and dragged her in. It
was her mother, hiding in the cupboard. “Dont
go into the kitchen,” whispered her mother. “I
heard it calling my name too.”

Bedtime Stories 4 – The Family Next Door
We live in the house next door to you. We
seem like a normal family. During the day, we
go to work, we go to school, we wave hello as
we pass you in the street. But at night, when
you go to bed, we lock our doors, we close our
curtains, we peel off our skin and sit around in
our shiny white bones.

Bedtime Stories 5 – Sleep Alone
If you sleep alone at night, you should never
sleep in a double bed. If you do, you should
never just sleep on one side of the double bed.
As the legend goes, in the dark of night, while
you are sleeping on one side of the double
bed, you will sense the presence of something
or someone creeping into your room. The first
night this happens, the thing will just lie down
on the floor next to your bed and you will hear
deep breathing. The next night, it will lie down
next to you on the bed. You will hear the deep
breathing right next to your ear and feel its
breath on your neck. If you allow this to
continue for another night, you will be woken
in the middle of the night and your bed will be
shaking. Then the mattress will start bouncing
up because the thing will start jumping up
and down on your double bed. Whatever you
do, don’t let it know you’re not asleep.

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Post time 20-11-2014 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 04:53 PM
Ni ridel

The Older Brother

budak pompuan tu yg bunuh parents die
tapi abang die yg nak bertanggungjawab
but, the thing is, kenape budak pompuan tu bunuh makpak die?


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Just a simple love story

Speed Dating

At the age of 30, I was still single. My mother
kept asking me when I was going to find
myself a nice girl and settle down. I assured
her it was only a matter of time, but I knew
that was a lie. I hadn’t been out on a date in
over six months. All of my friends were
already married and some of them even had
kids. I was beginning to feel left out.
That’s why I decided to try speed dating.
The event was being held at a fashionable bar
in the city center. I dressed in my best shirt
and pants, splashed some aftershave on my
neck and left the house. When I reached the
bar, I walked in, trying to project an air of
confidence. I was shocked when I saw how
many other people had shown up. I counted
21 men and 21 women in total.
The host explained the rules of speed dating.
The women all sat around at separate tables,
while the men moved from table to table,
spending three minutes talking to each
woman. When the buzzer sounded, it meant
your three minutes were up and it was time to
move on.

When everyone was ready, the buzzer sounded
and the speed dating began.
The first girl I sat down with was 21, much
too young for me. The second was forty-
something, much too old. The third woman
was really ugly and I caught a very bad smell
from the fourth. The fifth woman seemed nice,
until she mentioned that she was divorced and
had five children already. The sixth happened
to let slip that she had a history of drug
addiction and the seventh had a weird-shaped
head. I began to give up hope of ever finding
a perfect match.

The eighth lady was very fat and sweat was
rolling down her face. The ninth had false
teeth that fell out when she started to talk and
the tenth was much too skinny. The eleventh
woman couldn’t speak English. The twelfth
had a squished nose that made her look like a
pig. The thirteenth kept farting throughout our
time together and the fourteenth just stared at
me and never said a word. I noticed, when she
stood up, that she only had one leg and
walked with a cane. I was glad when the
buzzer sounded and I was able to move along.
The fifteenth woman had a terrible rash all
over her body. I made the sixteenth lady laugh
so hard that she threw up all over the table.
The seventeenth seemed alright, except for the
fact that she kept picking her nose and eating
it. The eighteenth seemed attractive, but she
had a deformed hand. The nineteenth was in a
wheelchair. When I got to the twentieth
woman, I threw up my hands in disbelief. She
obviously had too much to drink and was
curled up in a ball on her seat, snoring loudly.
Just as I was contemplating skipping out
early and going home, I sat down opposite the
final lady. She was one of the most beautiful
women I had ever seen. She had long, flowing
dark hair, bright, green eyes and a cute little
smile. She was dressed completely in black –
black dress, black shoes, black everything –
but she had a very bubbly personality.
Everything I said made her giggle.

Her name was Karen and she was 28 years
old. She said she had qualified as a nurse, but
she was currently unemployed. She had been
married with two children, but after her kids
died of cancer, her husband had abandoned
her. I immediately felt sorry for Karen and
praised her for keeping such an upbeat
attitude despite all the tragedy in her life.
At the end of the night, we stayed chatting
together and we got on like a house on fire.
When it was time to go, I asked her for her
number and we arranged to go out on a date
the next evening. I couldn’t believe it. I had
actually scored with a beautiful woman.
Things went very well and we began dating
regularly. As the weeks and months passed,
our relationship moved pretty quickly. It
seemed as if we were truly matched for each
other. After about seven months together, I
decided to pop the question and asked her to
marry me. Of course, she said, “Yes.”
After the wedding, I moved out of my small
apartment and began moving my belongings
into her home. I had a lot of boxes filled with
old books and I asked if I could store them in
her basement.
“Relax,” she said with a laugh, “I’ll bring them
down there while you’re at work tomorrow.”
The next few months were great. We never got
tired of each other’s company and I thought I
had found true love. Unfortunately, something
happened that shattered our blissful idyll and
changed my life forever.

One Sunday, I was sitting in front of the TV,
reading the newspaper. Karen told me she
needed to go to the grocery store and pick up
something for dinner. She kissed me on the
cheek and, just as she was about to walk out
the front door, I told her there was a book I
needed to get from the basement.
“Oh, the door is locked,” she said. “Wait until I
get back. I’ll go down there and get it for
After she left, I became curious. All the time I
had been living with her, she never allowed me
to go down into the basement. She always
came up with some excuse or other. I decided
to explore while she was away. The basement
door was locked, but after rummaging around,
I managed to find the key, hidden at the back
of a kitchen drawer.
As soon as I opened the basement door, I
smelled a terrible, rancid stench. The entire
basement looked as if it hadn’t been used in
years. Everything was covered in a thick layer
of dust. The concrete walls were crumbling
and the wooden stairs were damp and rotten.
When I reached the bottom of the steps, the
smell was putrid.

In the corner, I noticed a box with an old
video recorder and some VHS videotapes
inside. A strange curiosity overcame me and I
grabbed the box and brought it upstairs. After
plugging the video recorder in and hooking it
up to the TV, I inserted the first videotape and
pressed play.

I never should have done that.
The video was extremely shaky and grainy. In
the darkness, I could just barely make out the
figure of a man tied to a chair. Another figure
stood over him, wearing a black mask and
dressed from head to toe in shiny black
leather. A chill ran down my spine as I
realized the figure was holding a large axe.
Suddenly, to my horror, it lifted the axe above
its head and brought it crashing down, slicing
off the man’s hand. He screamed in pain as
the figure delivered more and more blows with
the axe. I watched in utter terror, unable to
tear my eyes away from the screen. Each blow
of the axe hacked off another piece of the
man’s body until his arms and legs were lying
in pieces all around him and he was just a
writhing, bloody torso in a chair.
Throughout the carnage, the killer was
giggling like a schoolgirl.
With shaking hands, I reached out and
stopped the video. Just then, I heard a voice
behind me.
“So you stumbled on my dirty little secret,” it
I slowly turned. My wife was standing at the
door, dressed in a black leather bodysuit. In
her hands, she was holding a large axe.
She began to giggle.
I don’t remember what happened after that.
The next door neighbors must have heard my
terrified screams and called the police. Four
officers burst through the front door. They
managed to tackle my wife and subdue her
before she killed me. Then, they rushed me to

Of course, there was a big trial afterwards. My
wife was found guilty and the judge gave her
the death penalty. I was present at the
execution. Just before they threw the switch
on the electric chair, they asked her if she had
any last words.

“It’s his own fault,” she yelled. “He never
should have married me!”
Then, she giggled like a little schoolgirl as the
executioner pulled the lever and electricity
surged through her body. Five minutes later,
she was pronounced dead.
Years later, I still have nightmares about her.
I’ve been through therapy and the doctors say
that, with time, I may be able to overcome the
horrific trauma I experienced.

While I was in the hospital, I met a wonderful
woman. She was my nurse and, over the
weeks and months, we fell in love. She isn’t
the most beautiful woman I ever met and she
doesn’t have a perfect body. She lost an eye
and three of the fingers on her left hand in a
car accident. Despite all that, she is certainly
the most loving and caring person a man
could wish for. Inside, she has a heart of gold.
Last Summer, we got married and moved in
together. She has helped me a lot. Whenever I
read the newspaper, she turns the pages for
me. Whenever I have an itch, she scratches it
for me. She managed to restore my trust in
women, but sometimes, late at night when I’m
lying in bed, I still miss my arms and legs.

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Post time 20-11-2014 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 04:53 PM
Ni ridel

The Older Brother

adekah older brother responsible to his own death?
sebenarnye sister die yang bunuh parents die... tak ingat sebab amnesia.
older brother tau tapi tak cakap ape... mengaku diri sdiri plak yang salah...

edit: aku bace soklan pastu terus jawab... ade yang dah jawab dulu. sori yek. hehehe

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Creepy Things to Say

1. Don’t go home. He knows where you live.
2. You smell different when you’re awake.
3. You have lovely skin. I can’t wait to wear
4. I don’t want to alarm you, but right now,
there is a skeleton inside of you.
5. Just relax. It will all be over soon.
6. Underneath all these clothes… I am
completely naked.
7. You smell just like my grandmother… after
they dug her up.
8. I know what you did and I know who you
9. We can’t see them, but they’ve been
watching us for a long time now.
10. I just noticed… There’s a spider in your
11. This is almost as much fun as watching
you sleep.
12. Don’t try to scream… No-one will hear
13. Oh dear God! Just keep walking towards
me! Whatever you do, don’t look behind you!
14. They say a serial killer’s first victim is
always someone he knows…
15. Please stop me before I kill again… I can’t
help myself anymore.
16. Don’t struggle… I hate it when they
17. I’ve been practicing for this moment for so
18. Do you want death or happy smile?
19. I couldn’t find any clean underwear this
morning… so I had to borrow my
20. I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.
21. I’m so sorry… for what is about to happen.
22. I hope you don’t scream as much as the
last one.
23. You look just like my sister… who died
under mysterious circumstances.
24. Can I feel your pulse? It’s getting slower…
slower… slower… It stopped.
25. Don’t stand so close… It’s contagious.
26. When you look out your window tonight,
you might catch a glimpse of me.
27. Let’s sew ourselves together… then we can
hug forever.
28. Hold on, I need to go to the toilet… OK I’m
29. Don’t get too close. I have diarrhea and
I’m getting ready to blow.
30. It’s happening again!
31. Remember when you were sitting on the
toilet and you had the strangest feeling
someone was watching you?… Yeah, that was
32. I’ll never let you go… Never… Never!…
33. I like you so much, I want to hug your
internal organs.
34. You’re pretty. I bet you have a pretty
35. I like your face so much, I want to rip it off
and put it on my dog.
36. Last night, I dreamt I murdered you… but
here you are still alive… I’m so glad.
37. I can smell your poop!
38. I wonder what you look like… without the
39. I always knew you would die in my arms.
40. I bet you didn’t feel me lick your ear.
41. Every time I poop… it reminds me of you.
42. Goodbye… Why are you still here?
43. You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever
seen… I’d like to put them in a jar on my desk
so I can look at them all day.
44. I always knew it would end like this…
45. SSHHHHH! No tears, only dreams now…
46. Hug me… This doesn’t feel right. Your
flesh is still warm.
47. You have a beautiful head. It will
complete my collection.
48. Do you ever think when the hearse goes
by, that you will be the next to die…

Cer cuba ayat ni.

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Things Kids Say

Creepy things kids say to their parents. An
internet forum posed a question: “What is the
creepiest thing your child has ever said to
you?” The responses were scary, spooky,
disturbing and chilling:

A friend of mine’s child told him, “Daddy, I
love you so much that I want to cut your head
off and carry it around so I can see your face
whenever I want.”

My 3-year old daughter was standing over her
newborn baby brother, looking at him. Then,
she turned to me and said, “Daddy, it’s a
monster… We should bury it.”

My cousin used to freak he mom out as a
child. Whenever her mom would ask her why
she did something mean or wrong she would
whisper, “The devil told me to do it!”

I was babysitting for a little girl and she
asked where I had parked my car. I pointed
out the window to my car across the street.
She looked at me and said, “Go to it without
looking both ways.” I asked her why and she
replied, “I want to see someone die.”

One night, I was tucking in my 2-year old son.
He said “Goodbye, Dad.” I corrected him, “No,
we say goodnight.” He replied, “I know… But
this time it’s goodbye…” I had to come back
and check on him a few times during the night
to make sure he was still there.

My 3-year old son was cuddling with his
grandmother. He took her face in his hands,
and stared straight into her eyes and said,
“You’re very old and you will die soon.” Then
he made a point of looking at the clock.

My little girl went through a phase where she
would just constantly say ‘Hi’ to things. “Hi hi
hi hi hi hi” One day, it sound sounded strange,
so I asked her, “What’s that you’re saying?”
She turned to face me and just whispered “Die
die die die die diiiieeeeeee…….”

My niece was sleeping over at my parents’
house one night. She had all the lights on in
the spare bedroom. I asked her if she was
afraid of the dark, and she said, “No. I am
afraid of what is in the dark.”

My 5-year old daughter said, “Mommy, when
you die I want to put you in a glass jar so I
can keep you and see you forever!” My 6-year
old son laughed and replied, “That’s stupid.
Where are you gonna find a jar that big?”

My 3-year old daughter was holding her
newborn baby brother for the first time. She
looked up at me and asked innocently, “So, I
shouldn’t throw him in the fire?”

My sister was pregnant and we were having a
conversation at the dining room table. My 4-
year old son asked my sister if there was a
baby in her belly. She told him there was. He
slid out of his chair and headed for the
kitchen, saying, “We need to get it out. I’ll go
get the knife.”

When my son was little, I would sometimes
hold him down and pretend to eat his face,
saying, “nom nom nom.” One day, he said, “I’ll
never eat your face, Mommy. I’ll cut it off and
wear it as a mask…”

My 5-year old cousin drew a picture of a
hideous, black monster. Then, she looked up
at me and said, “He told me to draw this…
He’s coming for you… You better hide…”

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Post time 20-11-2014 05:20 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 05:00 PM
Ni skeri stori. giler serum aku.

Psychic Readings

kawan die perempuan ke-12?
then, that old lady tu adlah Henriette Moosbach?
giler ah citer ni....seremmms


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
When I was about 3 years old, our cat had
kittens, but they all died. I asked my father if
we could make crosses for them, which he did.
As he was making them I asked, “Aren’t those
too small?”
Dad: “What do you Mean?”
Me: “Aren’t we going to nail them to them?”
(Several moments silence)
Dad: “we’re not going to do that”

My mom loves to tell this story: Apparently
when I was 5 or 6, I told her that aliens had
stolen her real son and replaced him with me,
an exact copy. I said that someday, I would
return to my home planet, but she shouldn’t
be sad, because her real son was having a
good life in our zoo.

My little cousin was thrown out of a Catholic
preschool because he took off his shoe and
told one of the nuns, “Shut up or I’ll take out
your eye with my shoe, because I’m the son of
the devil!” Apparently that was the last straw.
I was awoken from a deep sleep at around 6

My 4-year old daughter was standing
over me and her face was inches from mine.
She looked right into my eyes and whispered,
“I want to peel all your skin off”. For a few
seconds I was terrified. In my sleep addled
state, I didn’t know if I was dreaming or what
was going on. Then, I realized what she was
talking about. I had been sunburned the
previous week and my skin was starting to

My niece was sitting on the couch with a
weird look on her face. I asked her what she
was thinking about and she said, “I’m
imagining the waves of blood rushing over
me.” As it turns out, they had just come back
from a local science museum. There was an
exhibit on the circulatory system of blood in
the human body.

My 3-year old son was telling me there was a
man in his room. “Mommy,” he said. “The
man has big yellow eyes and he is looking at
you.” I tried to tell him there was no man and
my son just told me, “Oh he is hiding now.”
Two minutes later, he said, “Oh no Mommy,
you made him very mad. Now he says he will
come when you are sleeping.” Some time later,
he told me, “I’m not going to be four. I’m
doing to die and you will put me down, down,
down in the hole.” I assured him that wasn’t
true and asked who had told him that. He got
very quiet and replied, “The man told me. But
I will be scared, so after three nights you will
die too and come with me.”

I was in the basement of my friend’s house
with her 2-year old son. He took my hand, led
me over to a brick chimney that had a rusty
metal door on it and said, “That’s where the
dead babies go…”

I was looking at houses with my brother and
his 3-year old son. As we passed the school,
the little boy said “If you buy a house here,
that’s where your kids will go to school!”
Then, we passed a pool and the little boy
said, “And that’s where your kids will go to
the pool!” Then, we passed a cemetery and he
said, “And that’s where you’ll bury your kids!”

One night, when my daughter was 4, I
overheard her talking in her room. I poked my
head in and asked if she was talking to me.
“No,” she replied. “I was talking to the little
boy who lives in my closet… He’s dead.”

I jokingly asked my little cousin, “What’s the
best way to get a girlfriend?” His response
was, “Tell her to be my girlfriend or she’ll
never see her parents again.”

One day, totally out of the blue, my 5-year old
son said, “Before I was born here, I had a
sister, right? Her and my other Mom are so
old now. They were OK when the car was on
fire, but I sure wasn’t!”

One day, my 3-year old son hugged my wife
and said, very seriously, “Mom, I promise I
won’t ever chew on your bones…”

My 5-year old daughter had night terrors and
she would sometimes scream in her sleep. One
night, I said “Mommy’s here. It’s OK.” She
looked right at me and screamed, “Mommy?
But who is that behind you?”

A few months ago, my 3-year old daughter
was playing outside in our backyard. My wife
was sitting on the back step and my daughter
came up and asked her if she could play with
the little girl on our slide. My wife said, “I
don’t see any little girl” and my daughter
said, “She’s right over there on the slide,
Mom. Can’t I play with her?” My wife said, “I
don’t see anyone” but my daughter kept
insisting, “She’s on the slide and she is blue.
Can I play with her?” My wife was freaked out
said, “Let’s just go inside and get a snack.”
For the rest of the day, my daughter kept
looking out the back door, telling my wife that
the little blue girl was lonely.

When my brother was very young, he was
sleepwalking. My mom was trying to get him
to go back to bed. He said, “I would, but the
devil is behind you…”

One day, my 4-year old son said, “My brain is
telling me to do things I don’t want to do.” I
just hope his brain wasn’t telling him, “Burn
them! Burn them all!”
As a child I would tell my parents daily that
they were not my real parents and that my
real parents died in a train accident. At first,
they thought it was cute, but after a few
months of this, they had to put a stop to my
Out of the blue, my 2-year old daughter said,
“If you’re quiet you’ll stay alive.” I still have
no clue where that came from.

My daughter and her friend were talking about
dinosaurs. I asked her, “If you were a T-Rex,
what would you eat?” She got very serious,
looked me right in the eyes and said,
“Children… I’d eat children.”
Last week, my 5-year old son asked me,
“What do you see through the black circles in
my eyes when you’re controlling me when I’m
at school?”

My 5-year old son gave me a card he’d made
at school. On the front, it said, “How you see
yourself”. He had drawn a picture of me
walking in a meadow. I was surrounded by
blue skies, a blazing sun, green grass and
butterflies. There was a big smile on my face.
Inside, it said, “How you really are”. There was
a picture of me in a jail cell, gripping the bars
and crying.

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Post time 20-11-2014 05:25 PM | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 20-11-2014 12:33 PM
Aku rase kawan die ni yang bunuh...
Takde detail pun pasal news tu - Takde dialog news... So takleh la nak cakap news tu tak bagitau jantina...
Tapi selalunye news confirm la bagitau jantina.

Budak yang tengok news pastu call kawan die tak bagitau jantina...
Ade conversation/dialog diorang...
Tetibe kawan die kate 'I feel bad for the girl...'

haaa yang ni baru paham skit. ehehhee. tq. and thanks TT

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I work in a preschool there is a small toy
kitchen in our classroom that the kids use for
playing house. There was one little girl who
was playing with a baby doll, rocking it back
and forth and singing to it. Suddenly, she
shoved it into the toy oven, slammed the door
shut, turned to me and said, “Sometimes bad
babies go in timeout!”

My mother told me that when I was a little
girl, I saw some guy at the grocery store and
started screaming and crying. It was so bad
we had to leave and when we got back to the
car, my mom asked what was wrong. I told
her he took me away from my first mom and
hid me under his floor and made me sleep for
a long time until I woke up with my new
mom. It totally freaked my mother out.

My daughter told me that there is a woman in
her bedroom who watches her and sleeps on
the ceiling above her bed. She also says the
woman doesn’t like me and wants to eat my

A few days after my dad passed away, my
mother and I were awoken in the middle of the
night by a furious banging noise. We went
downstairs to find my little sister desperately
trying to open the back door, yelling, “He
wants back in! We have to let him back in!”
We had a small fire in the backyard and my
baby cousin picked up a branch, lit it on fire
and stared at it for a few minutes, muttering
“burn…..burn….BURN!” Eventually, as the
whole stick caught fire he started laughing
maniacally and yelling in a deep demonic

My mother told me that, when I was a child, I
asked her what it was like to die. When she
said she didn’t know, I told her not to worry
because I’d find out when I was 21.

My aunt was very sick and my wife and I were
talking about the cost of making
arrangements for the funeral. Our 4-year old
son walked in and said, “Why don’t you just
set her on fire?” As it turned out, that’s how
he thought cremation worked.

We were collecting my mother-in-law at the
airport. While we were waiting, my husband
picked up our son and joked about tossing
him over the railing. On the way home in the
car, our son spent the next 3 hours making a
booklet titled, “All the Times My Dad Has
Tried To Kill Me”. There were illustrations
showing him in all sorts of peril, including
being flushed down the toilet by my husband.
My mother-in-law was horrified.

I was making dinner and my 5-year old niece
casually walked through the kitchen and said,
“I’ll get you, and I’ll make it look like a bloody
accident”. It scared the heck out of me, but
later I found out she was quoting a line from
The Cat in the Hat.

I asked my 3 kids what they wanted to do
when they grew up. My 10-year old said, “I
want to be a teacher!” My 8-year old said, “I
want to be a writer!” My 6-year old said, “I
want to run the machine that cuts the heads
off chickens!”

I was giving my 6-year old daughter a bath
and she a couple of Barbies in the tub with
her. One of the Barbies had no head. The head
was floating in the water. I asked her to
reattach the head because it was creepy. She
responded, “Why Mom? It’s not REAL. If it
was real, the bath would be full of blood, and
THAT would be creepy…”

One night, I was reading my 3-year old niece
a bedtime story and I fell asleep. When I woke
up, it was dark and eerily silent. There was a
nightlight on. I turned over and saw my niece.
Her eyes were wide open and she was staring
at me. Then, she whispered, “How did you get
out of your box?”

I asked my nephew what he was drawing and
he replied, “A skeleton-making machine”. On
further inspection I saw that he hadn’t drawn
a skeleton making machine but rather a flesh
removal machine, complete with screaming
naked men and a channel for the blood.


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Post time 20-11-2014 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 04:54 PM
Door Chain

My sister is an art teacher and, ten months

Door tu dah lock chained inside
Camne ade orang luar bleh masuk?

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Post time 20-11-2014 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 04:55 PM
Missing Girl

One sunny afternoon, Madoka-chan and her

Dah kene culik, organ2 dah kene jual serata dunia

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Post time 20-11-2014 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 05:12 PM
Creepy Things to Say

1. Don’t go home. He knows where you live.
43. You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever
seen… I’d like to put them in a jar on my desk

giler ahh....

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Post time 20-11-2014 05:28 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 05:05 PM
Aku suka semua ni~~

Bedtime Stories 1 – Afraid Of The Dark

Bedtime Stories 5 – Sleep Alone
If you sleep alone at night, you should never sleep in a double bed. If you do, you should never just sleep on one side of the double bed. As the legend goes, in the dark of night, while you are sleeping on one side of the double bed, you will sense the presence of something or someone creeping into your room. The first night this happens, the thing will just lie down on the floor next to your bed and you will hear deep breathing. The next night, it will lie down next to you on the bed. You will hear the deep breathing right next to your ear and feel its breath on your neck. If you allow this to continue for another night, you will be woken in the middle of the night and your bed will be shaking. Then the mattress will start bouncing up because the thing will start jumping up and down on your double bed. Whatever you do, don’t let it know you’re not asleep.

hahahahaa... boleh, I find this funny..!!! Sebab teringat kat anak2 cheq, depa mesti suka loncat2 ataih katil.. tapi cheq tak mau layan, buat2 tidoq..


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
My wife and I were giving our daughter a bath
one night, when all of a sudden, she said, “You
humans brought me here!” It took us four
months to figure out that it was a line she
heard in a movie.

Late one night, I was sitting at my friend’s
kitchen table when her daughter walked into
the kitchen and said, “Mommy, when I was
older I crashed the car and died. Can I have
something to drink?” My friend calmly gave
her daughter a glass of milk and sent her off
to bed. It gave me the chills, but my friend
didn’t want to talk about it. She started crying
and told me never to bring it up again.

When I was 6 years old, we moved house. I
said my mother, “The lady who use to live here
told me that she hates the wallpaper and you
are covering up her note.” She just thought it
was childish rambling and forgot all about it.
Twelve years later, my mother was
redecorating the house. She took down the
wallpaper in the attic and found a suicide
note scratched into the wall.

When my mother was pregnant, my little
brother came into the room and pointed a nerf
gun at her stomach. “Oh, no! Don’t shoot me!”
my mom said playfully. “Don’t worry, Mom,”
he replied. “I’m not trying to kill you, I’m just
trying to kill the baby.”

A friend of mine brought her 3-year old son
over to my apartment. I asked him what his
favorite holiday was. He replied, “I like
Halloween because I like candy and death!”
I was minding my own business, working in
the garage when the door creaked open and
my 2-year old son popped his head in and
asked, “Daddy, are you dead yet?” I replied,
“No…?” and then he just slowly closed the
I was at a friends house when his 4-year old
cousin was getting ready to go to bed. He
walked around, giving everyone a goodnight
hug. I said to him, “Sweet dreams!” He
stopped at the top of the stairs, turned around
and with a very serious face said, “I’ll control
your dreams and make them nightmares…”

My son was 4 and his sister was almost 2. I
had to go to a meeting and I couldn’t read
them a bedtime story. I promised I would read
them two the following night to make up for
it. My son said, “It’s ok, Mom, Auntie Tracy
will read to us”. I felt the hairs go up on the
back of my neck. “Who?” I asked. “Auntie
Tracy, Mom,” he said. “She looks just like you.
After we go to bed she reads and sings to us”.
I had never told them that I was an identical
twin and my sister died at birth. Her name
was Tracy.

My wife was making a sandwich for our 4-
year old son. He was watching her really
intently and she asked what he was doing. He
replied, “I’m watching you make a sandwich…
so I know how to do it when you die.”

While I was cooking dinner one evening, my 4-
year old daughter came in and wanted to help.
“You’re not going to touch the stove, are
you?” I asked. “No,” she replied. “Do you know
why you shouldn’t touch the stove?” I asked.
She looked at me and, in a very serious tone,
replied, “Because I might get burned and die
and then you’d have to eat me.”

I was blowing my nose into a tissue and my
6-year old daughter asked if she could see it.
I said no and she responded with, “I promise I
won’t eat it”.

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni skeri fani. Lawak der!

Cursed Doll

There was a little girl who really loved dolls.
She had a big collection of them in her
bedroom. One day, while she was browsing
through a shop on her own, she spotted a
really beautiful doll. It would make a perfect
addition to her collection. She only hoped she
had enough money to buy it.

“How much is that doll, ma’am?”, she asked
the old woman behind the counter.
“This doll is not for sale”, replied the woman.
“But it’s so beautiful”, said the girl. “I really
want it.”
The old woman became irritated. “I told you,
it’s not for sale”, she said.
“Why not?”, persisted the girl.
“Because this doll is cursed!”
“Well… That’s OK. I don’t mind.”
“I’m not going to sell it to you… But if you
really must have it, go ahead and take it. It’s
yours. But if something bad happens, don’t
blame me.”
“Ah! Yes, thank you!” said the girl, smiling as
she grabbed the doll and walked out of the

The little girl was so delighted to get the doll
for free that she ran all the way home,
carrying it in her arms. When she got home to
her apartment building, she went into the
lobby. It was deserted. She stood there
waiting for the elevator to arrive.
The doors opened and she stepped inside,
clutching her new doll tightly.
The doors closed, but the elevator did not
The little girl got scared and began trembling
with fear.
“OMG”, she thought to herself. “Is this the
curse of the doll?”
Suddenly, she felt the doll move in her arms.
Ever so slowly, its head turned to face her.
The little girl wanted to scream but she
couldn’t make a sound.

The doll’s eyelids fluttered and opened.
It stared at her with it’s lifeless glass eyes.
Then its mouth opened and it said, “Push the
button to go up, bitch!”

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 05:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Crazy Website(FANI SKERI LOL!)

One day, a boy was browsing the Internet
when he came across a crazy website that had
a lot of scary stories and urban legends. He
wanted to leave a comment on one of the
stories, so he joined the website and decided
to call himself Devil666. Almost immediately,
he began to receive private messages from
anonymous people, saying “All praise the dark
lord” and “We love you satan”. He was so
frightened that he logged off the website and
unplugged his Internet connection.

The next day, a group of satanists showed up
at his house. They forced their way inside,
bowed down in front of the boy and started
worshipping him. After that, they killed his
parents and sat around the house, smoking,
drinking and eating everything in the fridge.
When night fell, they put on black robes, lit
some black candles and began reciting
prayers backwards. The boy grew horns,
pointy ears and a tail and started to smell like

A teenage girl tried to register on the website
as Unidentified_Victim. An hour later, several
serial killers showed up at her house and had
an argument about who was going to kill her.
A fight ensued and the serial killers began
hacking and stabbing eachother.

While they were occupied, the girl took the
opportunity to flee, but as she was running
across the road, she was mowed down by a
car. The police managed to scrape her bloody
remains off the street, but because she wasn’t
carrying a wallet, they didn’t know who she
was or where she lived. They buried her in an
unmarked grave and, for the rest of their lives,
her parents wondered where she was.

Another young girl who found the website
gave herself the nickname ClownLover14.
Within minutes, a gang of clowns were waiting
outside her front door. When she refused to let
them in, they started peeking in the mailbox,
drooling at the mouth and telling her how
cute she was. Her mother called the police
and most of the clowns were arrested.

However, the next day, when she was on her
way to school, a big black van pulled over and
blocked her path. She tried to run, but a fat,
hairy clown got out and chased after her. He
abducted her and, a few days later, her dead
body was found by the side of the road.
A married man joined the website and, for
some reason, he called himself JoannaCutie.
All of a sudden, he started receiving creepy
messages from 13-year old boys who were
flirting with him. He needed to go to the toilet,
but when he walked into the bathroom and
caught sight of himself in the mirror, he was
horrified. He had long blond hair and an
ample bosom.

He immediately ran into the kitchen to tell his
wife. The minute she laid eyes on him, she
attacked him and started screaming, “I knew
he was cheating on me!” He tried to explain,
but she slapped his face and pulled his hair.
After a while, the two women sat down at the
kitchen table, drank a bottle of wine together
and cried bitterly about how terrible men were.
After that, whenever people joined the website,
they thought very carefully before choosing a


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Post time 20-11-2014 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 02:40 PM
eiii betul!

eh, dah betol la jawapan aku tadi TT. mayabe ayat aku ko x paham kot yer..

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Post time 20-11-2014 05:43 PM | Show all posts
adoii....cik es, byk nye cerita
x larat nk bace, sambung malam kang pulak
kalo tak tido awal

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