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Author: isabel

Dong Bang Shin Ki //DBSK/TVXQ/TVfXQ ~ JIB 2

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Post time 19-5-2008 06:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2173 wbsJUE's post

luahan prasaan yg x bleyblah tol wakakaka

tu la..sedangkan tgk vid je pon, me da mmg kan pulak klu ade kat sana..mmg x terkata...mesti bergenang ayeq mate, x pun terus banjir kat pun x banyak menjerit masa derang nyanyi tu..juz masa part junsu stop kejap tu je yg derang ade jerit2..mmg kagum x bertahap la..

tula yg best tgk cons kat japan sbb dorg mmg feel bile lagu2 slow...
x mcm kat korea bising memanjang keke... cassie mianhe

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Post time 19-5-2008 06:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2176 wbsJUE's post

bestkan gif tuh...
gif yg plg me ske sbb die gelak smangat comey sgt hehehe
cam budak adoi geram keke

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Post time 19-5-2008 06:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2177 smaj's post

nae..nae..klu part lagu slow, mmg feel abes..pasal konsert kat korea tu, me sebeno nye setuju gak ngan mung..asyik menjerit je..kekadang sore derang pon kan, klu derang wat konsert kat mesia, mesti album korea kan..walaupun me lg ske derang nyanyi in korean tp byk gak lagu2 japang yg besh..esp lagu2 slow..tingin sgt nak tgk derang perform live lagu2 slow tu kat sini..huhu..

bestkan gif tuh...
gif yg plg me ske sbb die gelak smangat comey sgt hehehe
cam budak adoi geram keke

nae..mmg sgt2 comei..mmg me setuju, mmg cam baby..geram jek nak cubit2 pipi dia..ekeke..hmm, tetiba teringat balik pe yg kawan me ckp pasal junsu tu..uwaaaa~

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Post time 19-5-2008 09:18 PM | Show all posts
Satu lagi bday party utk Micky...


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Post time 19-5-2008 09:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2180 wbsJUE's post

wah, ada party tuk malaysian cassiopeia la, for micky's birthday party... ni agak2 nyer, baw mau ker pegi...

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Post time 19-5-2008 10:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2181 rukiaichigo's post

yup...setakat ni yg aku tau ada 3 bday party utk micky..satu yg kat saloma bistro tuh, satu agi kat Bukit Bintang, n then yg kat Midvalley ni..hmm, baw keje, x leh la nak g kot...huhu..sian baw..

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Post time 19-5-2008 10:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2182 wbsJUE's post

yang aku pernah nampak kat saloma bistro...
n ni yang midveli lak....
tp saloma nyer tu mahal la sket
bese la... kat dok...
kalo dah byk tempat camtu, n orang lain2 yang organize, ramai giler fan DBSK kat mesia neh....

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Post time 19-5-2008 10:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2183 nzhass79's post

nae..nae..camni mmg terserlah la keramaian fans dogbang nih...ekeke
masing2 nak organize..mmg best..meriah sket..hehe
yg paling expose yg kat saloma tu la..siap nk bawak press agik..
sbb tu la kot mahal sket plus buat pon kat tmp mahal ye dak..
dah dok memasing buat party, kite kat sini x nak wat ke??

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Post time 19-5-2008 10:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2184 wbsJUE's post

tah korang2 nih....
aku kira baru sket kat sini...
so, tak tau sangat....
takyah ar wat besar2 ...
cuma gath antara fans DB kat sini jer.....

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Post time 19-5-2008 10:41 PM | Show all posts

"Asia'sStar" TVXQ recorded "The Star Show" on the 15th. In this program, theydiscussed about the tough hardships they went through during their 2005debut in Japan.

During the recording, TVXQ said that their success was not an easy one. Yunho said, "We had to start as a rookie, and during the first two months, there was a time when we experienced depression."

To TVXQ, language was a problem, but also it was hard for them to survive the tough Japanese music industry. KimJunsu said, "To be honest, we were looking foward (on the Japanesedebut), however, we just debuted because we were told to. At first,because we couldn't speak Japanese, we questioned why we had to dothis."

Three years ago, TVXQ swept all the mainawards in most of the Aaward ceremonies, yet they had to start as arookie during their Japanese debut, which made it harder. Yunho hadinjured his leg during the first few months of the Japanese debut,making it hard to stand on stage. "For the first time, I wanted to destroy my leg," he recalled his painful experience.

However,TVXQ started to find strenght in each other. Despite all the hardshipsthey went through in trying to fit in with the Japanese music industry,for the first time after their 2005 debut, TVXQ ranked number one twiceon the Japanese music charts.

Starting from March 19th, theystarted an Arena Tour in Yokohama, Japan, touring 8 cities, andperforming more than 17 tiems, with moer than 150,000 people in theaudicence.

TVXQ's secret to sucess is that "they did not lose their own color". Junsu stated that ,"Although our music was close to J-pop, we also added some Korean feel."

On this day, TVXQ also discuessed on the false rumors of producer Lee Soo Man. Kim Junsu said, "LSM is really like a father, whom I greatly look up to. It really breaks my heart to hear all those rumors."

Continuing,Yunho said. "He always believed in us," and that" while we weretraining, he would tell us that we would suceed no matter what."

TXVQ, within three years of debut in Japan, ranked 1st with their song Purple Line.

Kim Jaejoong said, "At the end of this year, we wil be coming back to Korea with an album."
credit: ginaaax3@ soompi

channel SBS...on Monday, 26th May, 11.10 pm (Korea Time) and for M'sia (10.10pm

credit to farahshar @ multiply

**terharu nye baca artikel nih.. hopefully dpt tgk bila show ni kuar nnti..n hopefully gak ade sub..huhu


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Post time 19-5-2008 10:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2185 nzhass79's post

kite wat kecik2 je la, sesama kite ye dak..
syok gak wat gathering sekali sekala..nak gak jumpa family2 sekalian..hik3
amacam?? sape setuju angkat post....muahahahha

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Post time 19-5-2008 11:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2187 wbsJUE's post


ku tak kisah....
ok gak tu....
sbb bg aku kalo setakat gath kecik2 tu, ok jer...
mcm aku wat untuk fans NEWS ...
cdg ari ni nk wat gath tuk DBSK kat umah aku, alih2 terpaksa kensel last minute

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Post time 20-5-2008 08:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2179 wbsJUE's post

annyeong hasimnikka yorobun... saranghaeyo*ajukcarajaejoongscreamkeke*

kekeke me dh baca skrip mung itew....
wakakaka serang balas yg amat dasat utk chagiya mung
bagus2 demi mpertahankan chagiya mung

channel SBS...on Monday, 26th May, 11.10 pm (Korea Time) and for M'sia (10.10pm)

klu sbs mmg kna tgk o9 la..
ni yg maleh nih...
tgg dorg upload pastu baru tgk keke

*angkat tgn tinggi2*
best ble tau korg ada plan nk organize party utk micky
wat kecik2 pun x pe bley kita jumpe sesama madu2 ngan minik2 member...
aritunye suju t gathering x puas kjp sgt keke*merujukkpdbaw*
tapi kna make surela minik2 micky nih dpt dtg *merujukkpdbawnganzeleia*

[ Last edited by  smaj at 20-5-2008 08:05 AM ]

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Post time 20-5-2008 08:14 AM | Show all posts
RE Junsu being depressed: A few months ago, there was a photoshopped picture of Junsu with a girl, it was not an oridnary idol-fan picture, the picture seemed like they were a couple. It spread like crazy all throughout the net, and Junsu got really affected because it was not true at all, to the point that he cried and begged everyone not to believe in what they see in the picture. Fortunately, the picture was proven false.^^

sian junsu
smpi camtu skali dorg wat kat dia.. seb bek pic tuh x btol...
x snonoh tul dorg nih

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Post time 20-5-2008 08:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2189 smaj's post pun sebenarnya 2-3 hari ni, mmg addicted nk ajuk cara jj ckp tu..ske sgt denga die ckp..hehehe..yorobun!!! saranghaeyo!! dong bangggg ja!!

haha..mung da baca.. ntah nye, tetiba lak aritu aku rasa nk wat serangan balas..mmg saje cari gif2 yg menarik..kakaka..jahat giler..paling ske gif yg die pusing 360 tuh..nk tunjuk sket betapa sayur ke x sayur mychagiya tuh.. demi mychagiya, me sanggup wat pe saje..uiceh...muahahhaha

omo!!ekekek..aku salah tgk le..mlm td aku ingatkan derang nk tayang kat kbs...hehehe..ngantuk sgt kot, smpi x perasan hmm, mmg xdpt tgk le, tunggu org upload je la..ekekeke

ok..sekarang da ade 3 org yg setuju..klu ade ramai lagi yg join, bleh la kita start plan tempat gath n sbg nye..minik2 micky mmg wajib pegi...baw still bleh rehat lama cam aritu kan?? so, kite cuba cari tempat yg dekat ngan tmp keje baw, spy senang baw nk melarikan diri nnti..ekeke..kena plan betul2 nih..muahahahha

betul ke ape yg aku baca nih??ko nk wat gath DBSK semalam??

[ Last edited by  wbsJUE at 20-5-2008 08:24 AM ]

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Post time 20-5-2008 08:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2190 smaj's post

patut la mychagiya bad mood jel lately ni..sian tul..sib baik x betul..mesti tertekan gegila..dah le derang kene jaga cassie agi..tau2 je la pe yg derang bleh buat kan..

**nape la mychagiya x btau masalah dia kat mesti x nak me risau nih..rasa bersalah lak majuk lelama semalam..huhu... **


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Post time 20-5-2008 08:28 AM | Show all posts
sape tgk entertainment weekly mlm td? aku tgk yg pg td nyer... ada citer skit psl dorg...   aku x pasti lak aper yg dorg tanya kat bdak2 dongbang nih... tp aku ingat ada dorg tanya psl ahjumma or something... so dorg sumer tunjuk yunho... yunho lak ckp yg ada noona (kakak)... adakah dia bgtau yg dia suka pompuan yg lagi tua??? aku nk sgt tau aper yg dorg ckp... sbb sub chinese kan, mmg hangin tul aku pg2 td... :@ :@  lg satu dorg tanya aper, aku x pasti. tp dorg tnjk jaejoong... pastu dia imitated saper ntah... dia buat suara "DONGBANG JA..."   aku rasa, time satu majlis award maner ntah, background voice panggil dorg dgn DONGBANG JA...   pastu jaejoong imitate lg sore yg dia jerit time last2 cf dgn snsd game tuh... "SARANGHAE YO!!"

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Post time 20-5-2008 08:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2193 rukiaichigo's post

alah...terlepas...geram nye..aku terlupa nk tgk mlm td..aku punye la nk tunggu episod nih..pagi td baru teringat..patut la rasa ade semacam je mlm td sejukkan ati sendiri, ckp 'ala, xpe, mayb x kuar lg kot, sbb siaran kt sini lmbt sket dr tarikh tayang kat korea'..ghupe nye mmg kuar mlm td pon..tidakkkk!! walaupun da tgk kat yt, tp nak gak tgk kat tv..feel tgk kat tv lain sket..huhu..erm, siaran repeat bila ek?? ade sape tau x??

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Post time 20-5-2008 08:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2193 rukiaichigo's post

oh yg tu me dh tgk dlu wakakaka... mmg lawoks klip ni...
yg pasal yunho tuh... mc tu tnye kat japang nuh sape yg paling pemes dikalangan ajumma... pastu dorg tunjukle yunho... sbb die yunho x pggl dorg ajumma instead dia pggl nuna kekeke
yg jaejoong tuh plak... dorg tnye dlm dbsk nih sape yg paling terer wat imitation... pastu dorg tunjukle jaejoong... dia imitatae tae jina klu x silap...
tuh yg x abis2 jerit yorobun saranghaeyo... sempat jaejoong sebarkan virus dia tuh kat sini...

lagi dorg ade tunjuk celebs wat muke hudus hehehe changmin ngan micky ade skali
masa dorg wat Happy Together part nk test kelebaran+kebesaran mulut changmin siap capture lagik time tuh wakakaka
yg micky plak time dia kna bagi PMS gelak... muke mmg lawoks gilos kekeke
baw mianhaeyo me bahan2 nampyeon mung

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Post time 20-5-2008 08:42 AM | Show all posts
erm, mc tu tanya, ant member2 sape yg paling ramai peminat di kalangan ajumah..pastu sume tunjuk yunho..pastu yunho ckp la, die lebih suka prefer derang tu sbg noona..hik3..n then part jj tu tu dpt tau jj pandai tiru sore org tu..dia tiru la..n then part dongbang ja salah paham, ingatkan nk sebut dongbang shin ki..sbb die sebut dong bang lama pastu baru sambung ja..ekeke..dongbang ja tu klu x silap maksud nye next contestant...wakakakkaa... lawak giler..sonok aku denga jj tiru sore mamat tuh..ekeke..pastu mmg dia ade tiru lagi sekali masa kat cf haptic tuh..ekeke..aku paling nak tgk part junsu ckp kenya tu..lawak gile la..bambaiya..kakakkaka

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