ler suar masing2 wakakak .. rambut dong2 nih alahai comeynyer... aku nampak 3 budak comei kat sini.. dong2 min2 & hyukjae.. ekekek.. yg lain nampak ok lagi wakakaka..
Super Junior-Happy, the latest unit of the popular idol group Super Junior, is ready to make its debut.
Super Junior is the fourth in a line of Super Junior units put together by SM Entertainment after Super Junior-K.R.Y, Super Junior-T and Super Junior-M. The six-member Super Junior-Happy is made up of E Teuk, Ye Sung, Kang In, Shin Dong, Sung Min and Eun Hyuk.
SM Entertainment recently said, like its name, Super Junior-Happy will debut with bright and upbeat music to bring happiness to K-POP listeners.
The title song of the group's mini album is entitled "Cooking? Cooking!"
c: KBS Global.
Tak payah buka new thread lah for this unit. I think other SuJu 2 thread tu pun nak merge jugak sbb orang yg same post n then no new update on that unit too.