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Author: hhhhh

Hana Kimi aka Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu(Wu Chun/Ella/Jiro Wang)- Part 2

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Post time 14-2-2008 05:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2229 babyface76's post

leen tgh upload utk akak dan jugak semer yg tak sempat tgk MV tu bebaru ni ..sebab leen baru perasan yg creator dia dah delete the tudou link ....huhuh..seb baik leen sempat leen akan poskan link utk download citer CE tu kejap lg ..mmg best pada leen ..tak sabo nak tunggu episode 2 bila CE bersemuka nanti ....macam mana reaksi Ella bila terserempak dengan Chun , idola dia nanti sayangnyer sebab subtitle lam bahasa mandarin jadi tak paham ..huhuhh...

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Post time 14-2-2008 05:09 PM | Show all posts
seperti yg leen janjikan tadi mag interview Chun yg terbaru ..hensem giler Chun pakai kot ni ..huhuhh..dan pada perenggan terakhir interview ni , Chun ade bg hints lagi pasal wanita yg dia suka yg mana menggambarkan orangnyer adelah Ella..


Wu Zun - Leap Over Youth

TEXT/Joey Chen
PHOTO/Yoshi Chang

Thepretty boys in idol dramas and Japanese dramas often give people anillusory sense of romance, but in real life, pretty boy Wu Zun has acognizance and mindset that surpasses his peers. A boss at the earlyage of 16, and constantly making preparations for his future, he hasleapfrogged his youth with his precocious attitude towards life.

Living Life Efficiently

Havingjust returned to Brunei to open his second gym, Wu Zun who loves goingto the gym to train his physique is the best person to endorse his ownbusiness. Having opened a billiards store at the age of 16, andsingle-handedly overseeing the menu and interior design, he saidlaughingly, "In Brunei, I worked for more than 12 hours everyday,because there were too many ideas to actualise." For example, the ideaof opening a cafe in his gym was, during his narration, seeminglyalready coming to fruition in his mind.

Because of his love forobservation, this male who has been referred to as someone "with superbbusiness acumen" by his employees often photo-documents the people andthings he meets. Be it photographs in his phone of the food he has justordered or the diary of his life's events filling his laptop, he hascaptured the evidence. In addition, Wu Zun explained, "erhaps it'sbecause my friends around me are older, and Brunei is a place withnothing, so from young I've been thinking about what the future will belike."

Challenging and trying out everything

"Ialways felt that the more one observes, the richer life becomes,especially with my mother's passing away, it made me feel that I haveto try more things." Treating himself as a normal person once his workis completed, reminding himself to be level-headed, never gettinganxious, "the more afraid I am the more I must do it", this is hisoutlook on life, and is also a mindset he feels most cannot beneglected when young.

He had once flown specially to US to seeJordan compete, got his body tattooed, participated in car racing, butperforming is what Wu Zun feels is the most daring thing he has triedto date. "I'm the kind of person who from young would feel very shyjust going up the stage to receive a prize, even today, asking me tosing in front of my relatives in Brunei, I would get stage fright, soI'd never thought that I would eventually become an artiste." Wu Zunexpressed in a relaxed tone, only if one forced oneself to take upchallenges could one walk on further in life.

Travelling to see the world

Normallyupon completing his work Wu Zun could only return home to watch TV,being an active person he loved to switch to the travel and livingchannel, allowing himself an imaginary holiday and trip. "Because thepopulation in Brunei isn't big, when you're out walking you don't seeanyone on the streets, so I especially like bustling, crowded andlively cities."

Compared to the quaint and slightlyold-fashioned Australia, Wu Zun must make a trip to US every year. Inhis words, this is a new world that is more interesting and is filledwith technological potential. Wu Zun explained from past experience, "Ilove New York the most, there're lots of people there, very crowded,there are traffic jams even at 2, 3 am, but it has a unique flavour,even if you haven't a penny on you and can only walk the streets, youwill still be filled with a sense of exhiliaration."

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Reduced: 81% of original size [ 500 x 675 ] - Click to view full image

theone being translated above is directly translated from Figaro officialsite . here's some more addition from the magazine spread itself ..thelast paragraph of the mag spread version

" Chun says he is nota romantic person, "I am a very practical man, not the kind who wouldgive 100 stalks of roses to a girl, because being touched is anaccumulated process, it's not a sudden fleeting moment." He likes girlswho are sincere, frank, and can make him feel happy. Wu Zun wishes evenmore that both parties can share every little thing in life, andhand-in-hand walk towards a future that is simple yet not lacking insweetness. "

translated by fishybizness of CEFC forum

for more pictures , visit this site

credits CEFC forum ,FIGARO and marukoisme blogspot .

*huhuhh..dekat perenggan terakhir tu Chun ckp dia seorang yg tak romantik , tp dia praktikal ..oleh sebab tu dia bukan jenis yang akan bagi 100 kuntum bunga kat seorang gadis kalau pun dia suka kat orang tu ..sebab pada dia ..proses utk 'disentuh' atau pun dipikat tu merupakan satu proses yg agak lama ....huhuh..maksudnyer dia bukan seseorang yg jenis jatuh cinta dalam masa yg singkat ..Chun pernah ckp sebelum ni biasanyer lepas dia dah kenal seseorang tu agak lama dan dia dapati orang tu serasi dengan dia..baru lah dia boleh bukak hati dia kat orang tu atau pun boleh suka kat orang tu macam sama je kes dia dengan Ella..start dari Chun mula kenal Ella pada bulan Jun 2005 (sebab diorang first kenal kat besday party Ella thn 2005) hingga lah sekang ni ..thn 2008 ..dah hampir 3 thn ..kira agak lama tu ..dan CE pun banyak jugak spend time together in this period kan ..banyak rancangan yg melibatkan kumpu;an mereka bersama..lepas tu Chun ckp lagi dia suka seseorang yg bersikap terus terang , ikhlas dan jugak wanita yg boleh buat dia rasa gembira..huhuh..ketiga2 tu mmg jelas ciri2 Ella lagi ..kita pun dah tgk banyak kali macam mana Ella ni jenis yg berckp terus terang dan sentiasa ikhlas dengan Chun ..ikhlas ajar Chun mandarin dan cara berlakon  ..lepas tu kalau Chun buat salah , Ella tak segan2 nak tegur Chun utk betulkan kesalahan dia biar pun cara Ella tegur tu agak sedikit garang .. tu yg Chun admirer kat Ella..coz cara dia tu mmg forthright giler..kalau bab buat Chun gembira..yg ni mmg tak leh dinafikan lg ..rerasanyer hampir dalam semua gambar CE ..Chun akan tersenyum girang ...

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 14-2-2008 05:41 PM ]

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Post time 14-2-2008 05:13 PM | Show all posts
okey myst nanti dah upload beritahu akak ye...lama tul akak tak masuk thread nie banyak tul ketinggalan...
camne sambungan hanakimi...ada apa2 cite ke?

sekarang nie kiranya chun sibuk berlakon hotshot ke?
camne ngan cite zaman dedulu tu?
jadi berlakon ke?

myst...akak ada tanya yg chun pakai baju sejuk putih tu...chun kat mana tu?

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Post time 14-2-2008 05:16 PM | Show all posts

special for kak baby , kak erra , fazy , yufa, smith and nyl

ehehee..okes..leen dah siap upload dah citer CE ni baru episode 1 ..nanti akan ade lg sambungan yg seterus2nyer please download only for ur own viewing ..tak boleh re distribute ke mana2 video website ... ... 6e36ef0193bce30e6c5

nanti bila korang dah tgk ..kalau boleh la komen yer..huhuh..nak tau jugak apa pendapat korang pasal citer nii leen mmg terer betul org yg edit nii ..diorang siap buat konon2nyer idol drama tu macam terbitan diorang sendiri ..lepas tu siap ade nama lagi channel yg tayang kan citer ni ..ehehe..kalau perasan kat video ni ..kat atas tu ade label tulisan cina ..sebenarnyer tulisan tu bermaksud ZunHua TV ..ekeke..ZunHua tu singkatan nama CE dalam Cina , diambil dari Wu Zun dan jugak Chen Jia Hua (Ella) .ekekeke.. siap tajuk dia pun ade kat credit drama tu kan ..lepas tu ade opening and ending credits jugak..bebetul cam drama la..kreatif betul CE fans ni.

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 14-2-2008 05:28 PM ]

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Post time 14-2-2008 05:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2240 babyface76's post

a'ahh..skang ni chun sibuk berlakon hotshot ..ade dengar ura2 kononnyer Chun akan berlakon citer Butterfly Lovers di samping Gillian Chung tak lama lagi leen tak pasti ni betul ke tak ..leen cuma baca kat thread Chun ...ermss..pasal citer A Bi Jian tu takde dengar lagi perkembangannyer..patutnyer Chun sambung shooting citer tu bulan ni la dengar2nyer shooting Hot Shot dah diperpanjang kan tak tau la apa bakal jadi dengan A Bi Jian nanti ..ermss..pasal citer Hanakimi ..tak tau camner..tapi sebab nanti nak ditayangkan kat Jepun , harap2 sgt la ade perkembangan psl sequel tu nanti ..

yg Chun pakai baju putih tu kat China kalau tak silap leen ..leen tak pasti kak baby sebab rasanyer China yg tgh sejuk giler skang ni ..huhuh..ade baca satu artikel pasal lawatan diorang yg ni lupa kat mana artikel tu ..

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Post time 14-2-2008 05:45 PM | Show all posts

S.H.E engaging in cosplay, following the Japanese maid craze? Recentlyfilming a commercial in Beijing, the three dressed up as maids, theirfaces were obviously stiff with the cold, but they still played cute,even the most 'man' Ella had a head of curls, actually coming in topsin terms of prettiness.

S.H.E signed a contract with a famouscontact lens brand in China, recently went to China for still shootsand to film a TV commercial, however just happened that the weather waswintry cold, all their costumes consisted of short sleeves and shortskirts, the normally active trio were so cold that they either hid inthe heated resting area, eating snacks to keep warm, or were huddledaround the few small heaters.

To keep with the commercial, S.H.Ewere changing in and out of outfits nonstop, the funniest costume wasthe maid outfit, the three for the first time were transformed intopretty little maids, turning into "Marias", holding brand new cleaningprops and pretending to be the real deal. Ella was in long sleeves,already causing Selina and Hebe to complain of unfair treatment, sheeven made her hair into little curls, causing her cuteness factor toskyrocket, the most 'man' one actually becoming the prettiest maid.

Howeverthe weather was much too cold, S.H.E tried all means to keep warm, evenwearing tights under their miniskirts, but afraid this would berevealed, they had to keep on rolling them up. S.H.E laughed and said,"We are fashionable maids, under our work uniforms, we have innertrousers with bling bling on it!" The maid costumes were so cute thatS.H.E were tempted to bring it back to Taipei, perhaps they could be ofuse during future costume parties.

traslated by fishybizness of CEFC forum

credits to and CEFC

*kiut betul diorang..Ella kiut giler..sampaikan reporter ni pun tulis Ella paling kiut sekali masa shooting ni ..tak sabar nak tgk gambar2 diorang pakai outfits lain sebab ade banyak lg outfits lain yg diorang pakai selain dari maid costume ni..

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Post time 15-2-2008 07:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2231 babyface76's post

gambo tu masa autograph session kat Jiayi China...

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Post time 15-2-2008 07:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2233 myst_leen's post

lor iya ke ayah Chun cedera...siannya..harap ayah chun nnt cepat sembuh ya...agaknya tulla lakot...myb chun nak memperkenal ella la tu...hehehe...kan thn 2008 ni akan byk perkara berlaku pada ella..ingat tak ramalan yg leen ltk dulu...hehehe...kalu la betul leen...sonoknyaaaaa....

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Post time 15-2-2008 08:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2234 myst_leen's post

tapi memg bestla chemistry CE ni masa kat korea...memg rela gila nampak...esp masa ella atas stage...cameraman dok fokus CE je...huhuu...memg suka sangat tgk interaksi CE masa tu...Jiro plak siap kaver tu...hehehe

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Post time 15-2-2008 08:04 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2241 myst_leen's post

thx leen...memg best...tapi byk akak tak paham...naper wujud angela dlm drama tu....yg akak nampak chun n ella ni masing2 suka dr jarak jauh je...tul ke..kalu salah sowi ya...

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Post time 15-2-2008 08:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2237 myst_leen's post

memg mendalam maksud E tu bila chun pegang...hehehe...seolah dio nak wish kat ella heppi valentine day...nak celebrate tak sempat kot sbb masing2 kan sms je la kot...hehhe...adus...kuatnya akak berangan...

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Post time 15-2-2008 08:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2247 errasazza's post

hi kak erra..ehehehe...leen reply msg akak yg ni dulu ekk ..kalau tak silap leen la..dalam citer ni ..Angela ni mungkin ex Chun yg Chun masih rindui kuts..kan ker CE fanfic selalu buat macam tu ..lepas tu ..dalam episode pertama tu ..kira pertama kali Chun tgk Ella dari jauh .tu pun kebetulan je dia tertengok Ella sebab ade yg mitak tolong Ella dengan Hebe buat photoshoot utk iklan kamera tu ..kiranyer ms ni Ella ni tak jadi artis lg nanti Ella akan jadi artis yg femes jugak ..dan mungkin masa tu la nanti Chun dan Ella akan jatuh cinta...time ni la nanti leen nak tgk ..nak tgk macam mana perkembangan Ella nanti bila dia dah start jadi ..kita nantikan episode 2 nanti ..ekeke..akak perasan tak dekat opening credits dia tunjuk Ella menyanyi dan menari ? sebab tu leen dapat rasa Ella akan jadi penyanyi yg femes dalam citer ni nanti .. yg akak nampak dr jauh tu sebab nyer kan ker diorang cut scene Chun dr RP dan scene Ella dr RFTS sebab tu la tak boleh nak digabungkan boleh nampak diorang buat macam ade kesinambungan antara scenes tu ..ehehee..

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Post time 15-2-2008 08:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2239 myst_leen's post

wah chun dah mula reveal perasaan dio sebenarnya...dan artikel tu cam sama dgn artikel ella je...kan ella pu pernah ckp...dio pun susah nak jatuh hati kat seseorg...dan apabila dio berkawan akan mengambil masa gak la utk dio bercinta...bila dah serasi...baru dio akan bercinta...heehhe...jeng..jeng...samting tul la CE ni....buat akak makin demam je...  

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Post time 15-2-2008 11:44 AM | Show all posts

Filming Martial Art Lovers with Gillian - Chun's fans against it

Source:  UDN
Translated by Cmiley

Becauseof the scandal of Hong Kong female star Gillian Chung (Ah Jiao) andEdison Chen, her good girl image is ruined, protecting their idol thiscaused a stir with Wu Zun's fans, these few days China, Hong Kong andTaiwan's region websites have connected together, expressing to WuZun's management company for propaganda, requesting the company to nothave Wu Zun and Gillian perform together in the film "Martial ArtsLovers". The fans have said, "We don't want Wu Zun's first film to betarnished, Ah Gil is already not good enough for Wu Zun, this isfilming the "Butterfly Lovers", not filming "Jin Ping Mei!"

WuZun is suppose to enter the big screen this year, it's scheduled tostart filming Ma Chu Cheng's "Martial Arts Lover" after he finishesfilming the idol drama "Hot Shot", originally the pairing of Wu Zun andAh Gil would have been the perfect golden boy and girl, but now Ah Gilis involved in the Edison Chen scandal, the collaboration may change.

AhGil's management company EEG has denied Ah Gil will be changed thepart, but has admitted that Nicholas Tse will not be filming in"Martial Arts Lover"; but the reason is because of the scheduleconflicts.

Despite Ah Gil an artist stepping forward courageously, but most Hong Kong media still criticizes her act heavily.

Thereason is because Ah Gil's image was a too deifying good girl image,this included her expressing in public of a kissing scene that made herfeel gross, and not having pre-marriage sexual relationship, after thepicture scandal this shows her contradicting. The Hong Kong media'scomments have heavily criticized, "Not despised of her debauchery, butbecause of her hypocrisy."

Because of Ah Gil's current image WuZun's fans thinks she's not good enough to match him, they're alsoworried that after Wu Zun accepts this film, the focus on the news willbe all fuzzy. Wu Zun's manager Chen Hui Ying yesterday says, not onlyexpressing comments online, the company has also received many lettersfrom fans or have called regarding the similar request, as for thecriticism of Ah Gil, she says: "Everyone has the right to express theircomments, really appreciate the support for Wu Zun, and we also respectall voices of expression."

As for the decision to resign fromfilming? She says, "We have been talking with this film for a longtime, but until today we have still not made a decision, this isbecause lately the weather hasn't been good, the filming of "Hot Shot"has been delayed, so there could be a possibility of schedule conflictto not able to film."

Hong Kong producer of "Martial ArtsLovers" Xuan Jiazhen yesterday said he respects the suggestions fromthe fans, but hopes to have the fans to give them some time, so that wecan find a solution that will be acceptable for everyone.

*nampaknyer macam betul la nanti Chun akan berlakon dengan Gillian ramai fans yg protes , disebabkan gambar skandal Gillian dengan Edison yg tersebar meluas bebaru ni ..frankly speaking ..leen pun rasa tak berapa suka kalau Chun digandingkan dengan Gillian skang ni ..sebabnyer skandal tu baru je tercetus dan masih hangat diperkatakan lagi .. ermss..apatah lagi this is going to be Chun's first film..sepatutnyer Charlene Choi yg jadi heroin ditukar dengan Gillian laks..ermss..leen prefer Charlene lagi ..

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Post time 15-2-2008 11:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2245 errasazza's post

bukan cedera kak erra..cuma terseliiuh kaki jer..tu yg fans heran sebab terseliuh kaki Chun insists ayah dia datang dapatkan rawatan kat Taiwan ..yerp ..hopefully ayah Chun cepat sembuh ..a'ahh..kalau ikut ramalan mmg banyak yg akan berlaku thn ni .. ermss..cuma harap2 jgn la ade rumours yg tak menyenangkan melanda diorang nanti ..

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Post time 15-2-2008 11:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2246 errasazza's post

ehehehe..mmg org yg amik klip tu asik fokus kat CE je..nak tergelak time Chun tetiba jeles bila Kang Ji Hwan tetiba kiss tangan Ella .. tp Chun kontrol masa tu ..huhuhu...a'ahh..suka tgk chemistry diorang ..erms..bila nak tgk diorang berlakon sama lagi ni ..Chun dah terlampau bz dengan banyak giler drama dan film nanti .

ni yg leen rindu nak tgk Ella berlakon jugak ni ...

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Post time 15-2-2008 11:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2241 myst_leen's post

pagi leen, erra, yufa, baby, smith dll

tq..akak sdg d.load link tu...nanti kalau dpt tgk akak akan ulas ya..

yg pakai baju maid tu masa shooting iklan kat Jepun kan? kalau tak silap la kan..
cantik kan depa kesejukan tapi meka tu pro..tingat plak ella dlm citer TRose mcm maid jugak mula2 tu..

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Post time 15-2-2008 11:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2248 errasazza's post

ehehee..kebetulan perkataan LOVE tu ade E ... tp tgk2 dia sorang jer yg kebetulan pegang perkataan LOVE tu ..eehehee.. ..leen pun rasa mesti chun sms ella semalam .. huhuh...kesian laks tgk diorang duk bz giler ..

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Post time 15-2-2008 11:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2250 errasazza's post

bila kak erra ckp ni ..baru leen teringat yg ella pun pernah ckp dia susah giler nak jatuh cinta..sebab tu dia ramai kawan lelaki ..semenyer kawan jer..susah sgt nak jatuh leen rs chun dan ella mmg dah saling jatuh cinta..cuma diorang kena merahsiakan cinta diorang..huhuh..lepas je chun kena tanya pasal xiao kai tu kan ..ella dah stop blogging pasal xiao kai ..huhuh..nampak sgt ade sesuatu ..tu yg leen pun tak dapat nak elak dari terus demam ce ni ..mcm kak erra jugak ..

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Post time 15-2-2008 12:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2254 fazy's post

sesama kak fazy ..

tak diorang shoot kat Beijing kalau tak silap ..Beijing baru je lepas dilanda snow storm hari tu ..tu yg sejuk giler..

a'ahh..comel kan diorang pakai baju maid tu ..ehehee..kesian kat ella memula dalam citer the rose tu ..ermss..bila la nak tgk ella berlakon lg ..windu giler..uhuks.

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