adoiii rasa mcm confirm dh ni xtau n actress kan..who knws..they might be playing their part..i doakan yg baik2 je..ape jadi pon i dont want any of them hurt..n may they remain friends forever if not together..
Post time 21-6-2017 05:04 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Hamboii msing2 meols nk off topic japp btl ke si fikri dgm wany music tu? mols perasan ada satu gmbr kt ig fikri buh dgn uqasha . then diusik2 fikri ckp jgn nti wany perasan cmtuh la mols pun lpe. tp mcm cnfm wany music. mols frust nehhhhh
Post time 21-6-2017 05:09 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
cikyaa_aziz replied at 21-6-2017 05:04 PM
Hamboii msing2 meols nk off topic japp btl ke si fikri dgm wany music tu? mols perasan ada satu gm ...
Biarlah fikri mencari bahagia dia sendiri choullss.. Hahaha. Ok pe wany tu.. Mula2 iols igt wany ngn juzzthin.. Fikri tu baru nk menerai choulss.. Xde pape pon lg