Berpinau pinau mata meols baca SD tuh, hahahaha mana x nya BI nya boleh tahan urban, meols ni pn takdela terer mana bab English ni
Gigih bukak blog sarawak report semata2 nak baca psl ni, ujung2 dpt download n baca terus SD charles morais ni |
kakasotong replied at 26-11-2015 11:26 PM
Berpinau pinau mata meols baca SD tuh, hahahaha mana x nya BI nya boleh tahan urban, meols ni pn tak ...
Bolih tepek link tak kakas .... |
mcm mana pulak dgn kematian
arwah tan sri JJ
kemalangan biasa atau jenayah terancang
sorang mati kena simen
sorg mangsa nahas heli
Website sarawak report tu xboleh akses sbnrnya dlm mesia ni kaka, dh diblock oleh kerajaan. Tp boleh bukak thru 'access blocked site'.
Kaka pegi link ni http://blockedsiteaccess.com/ pahtu masuk situ taip la website sarawakreport.org. Nnt bleh tgk situ. Kalo tgk direct bukak kat google mmg xleh nak access masuk dlm sarawak report tu. Nnt tgk dekat sarawak report tu ada headline nama charles morais.
Edited by esteryen at 27-11-2015 05:33 AM
kakasotong replied at 26-11-2015 05:58 PM
Hadoiiiiiii lawak betul meols tgk komen si rosemaria tuh. Gigih dok canang kata kerabat ps, ujung2 ...
PROVEN!! That IG acc memang FAKE.
sebab sebelum apa2- ROSEMARIA tu dah blocked me ~_~|||
Unless dia kaki forumcari..kenapalahhh naaak blocked me??? takuttt ya??? Macam kenal i pula -hohohos!
oppsss!! Lupa ya..masa tu NoraDanish reply me as "esteryen" as at my name kat Forumcari!!! |
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Edited by esteryen at 27-11-2015 05:50 AM
Siapa lebih cunnnn ya???
Since Myanmar+Thailand; Cucuk+PlasticSurgeries dah very NORMAL for their society..
i xde ya nak ermmm claimed anyone cucuk or alter her face, i mean for her society is a norm-nothing's wrong for them....
Kalau gambar DULU and NOW, dia boleh bagi alasannnnnn TAPIIIII yeahhh...muka anak..alasan apa lagi yaaaaa |
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Tq kakas .... dah try tapi taak berjaya, will try me ops later on.....
Memula tengok pic ni ... konfius jap ...sal est tepek .... then now ngerti .... betui sgt ....
esteryen replied at 27-11-2015 05:32 AM
PROVEN!! That IG acc memang FAKE.
sebab sebelum apa2- ROSEMARIA tu dah blocked me ~_~|||
Kat Bod Gossip ada thread pasal Datin Nina Jurin ditipu seller online..
Gosip2 kata itu PSH yg uols hitelite ke Tong JendOWL tpi minah myanmar tu wat derk.. |
bahaha...skrip janda duda gelenyar sangat chuolsss
ester.. chouls tau kan pic happy family tu utk promote plastic surgery? pastu jd viral sbb mmg ada kes saman chinese bizman ni pd ex wife sbb tipu dia dgn kecantikan plastik tu |
sorry but not sorry la kalo terasa ye... meols bfast nasik lemak terlebih pedas sambalnya tadi |
patut lah mkin org dengki ngn pasah, mkin lah bahagia n murah rezeki pasah ni
trexxxxxi replied at 27-11-2015 10:39 AM
bg meols qal tu comei la jugak, but meols setuju jah tong tu clorox jua body..
acu compare dg ...
To me Qal pun is a good child cuma tak tahan makcikSHIT tu comment so badly about Jemmyma. Actually hati mereka so panas, nak kutuk xdapat sebab Jemmyma tu memang comel, nak puji lagilah xdapat nanti kena kick-out from the sewel group. |
Semua pemuja nora danis ni mempunyai hati hitam betegar selain wayar putus dan penyakit psikitari yg x boleh di ubati kecuali pemuja yg beralih arah..hehehe
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