itu la pasal..
best jugak lagu tu.
sebab lirik kot..utk Tok K sangat!
kalo x silap, last year RG angie out 1R..so kalo kalah awal lg RG thn ni x beri kesan sgt kat point dia..smpt la merasa no 1 lagi..
start wimbledon, mohon tersungkur dari top 10..hehe
ye ehh...
nanti i tgk kat utube..
lom pernah dgr pun lagi...
pehal nk tgk kat utiup?
belilah CD dia.
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Post time 18-5-2017 12:30 PM
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ashburn replied at 18-5-2017 12:13 PM
pehal nk tgk kat utiup?
belilah CD dia.
X mampu la beli cd |
sore_itam replied at 18-5-2017 08:30 AM
kalo x silap, last year RG angie out 1R..so kalo kalah awal lg RG thn ni x beri kesan sgt kat poin ...
Yeah...kalau angie tersungkur awal kat Wimbledon, Pliskova will be #1.
Mulan replied at 18-5-2017 08:33 AM
really tough question ni...
current form sama teruk jer derang
I think Andy will go far than Angie in RG. |
Mulan replied at 18-5-2017 12:35 AM
ye ehh...
nanti i tgk kat utube..
I pon tgk kat you tube je. Siap dah hafal dah .. Kalo bab lagu otak mmg cepat tangkap sket.
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Post time 18-5-2017 04:42 PM
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Arini rafa lwn lewat sgt... 1:30am so x tgklah..
I tgk sascha zverev la nnt.. harap dia squash fognini tu.. biar fognini g balik tgu flavia bersalin jer.. |
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Post time 18-5-2017 04:46 PM
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Edited by Mulan at 18-5-2017 04:47 PM
cyclops_psycho replied at 18-5-2017 01:27 PM
I think Andy will go far than Angie in RG.
Yeah.. i think male players have more chance to fight back a losing match bcoz of the best of 5 sets match than for female players.
Female punya u lose 2 sets u go home already.. tp male still blh lawan ... tarik smp 5 sets and then battle it out lah.. |
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Post time 18-5-2017 06:32 PM
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Wow! I have this torrent that i started dloading on 26/11/2016.. baru complete arini 18/05/2017.... 12.3GB.. kuzzy vs cibulkova....wta singapore 2016 sf.. top ranked match from 2016.. gambo sharp giler tp audio russian.. hihii... |
lupa Rafa ada match arini.nasib tak start lagik
good luck la ya Rafa..
tapi lambat la plak game nya. kalau skrg boleh ler layan.malas nk lunch,tak tau nak makan apa kat sini. |
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Post time 18-5-2017 07:52 PM
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kikiharris replied at 18-5-2017 07:09 PM
lupa Rafa ada match arini.nasib tak start lagik
good luck la ya Rafa..
tapi lambat la plak game ny ...
Makan sandwich.. light2 jer.. skrg dh panas lom?
I klu sejuk2 suka sup.. clam chowder ker.. klu cuaca panas cold sandwich la sedap.. salad ker..
Td i training.. kul 10 belasah ns lemak.. lauk ayam.. telur rebus.. telur goreng semua i rembat.. lunch nasi beriani.. tea break mkn macaroni goreng.. wahh kenyang smp malam... so x dinner dh ni.. kootttt |
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Post time 18-5-2017 07:55 PM
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Kihkih.. kemain i sorak against fognini tadik.. kahkahkah.. i'm bitter la with this dude.. berlagak nak mampus sbb konon selalu kalahkan rafa.. smp madrid baru ni organizer delay 1 hari utk kasi rafa kurangkan sakit telinga tu kemain dia menganjing
So arini masih salah scheduling ker yg jadi kalah tu wahai ketot? |
minum kopi je.
tempat i tak panas u. spring pon mcm winter je.berkelubung
tak bape suka sandwich,tu masalahnya.
i selalu bfast kat umah makan nasi uols..melayu kan! haha
lunch tak mkn, balik terus tea. dinner tak.
i ketot je,takutlah kembang2 ni. kalau tinggi takpelah.balance sket
hamboi! kenduri sgtkan..sampai pagi esok pon kenyang tu!
dap giler menu.jeles!
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Post time 18-5-2017 08:47 PM
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kikiharris replied at 18-5-2017 08:03 PM
minum kopi je.
tempat i tak panas u. spring pon mcm winter je.berkelubung
tak bape suka sandw ...
I teruk skrg.. x jg makan langsung.. apa yg sedap yg tu i mkn.. gemuk ni.. berat max skrg sepjg hidup i..
Konon nt ramadhan la nk turun sikit.. ntahler..
Tmpt sejuk la lapar u.. cemana u cope eh skip2 makan ni? I xleh skip sgt.. sbb bila lapar tu dtg.. makan mcm lupa diri.. huwaaa.. |
dah terbiasa mungkin berkat sengkek masa study kat sini dulu u can't beat our homelah kalau part2 cuisine ni.champion!
sebelah sana gerai kak kiah, sini plak gerai kak jah..susah nak diet kt msia
matilanak dah jadi thread kurus gemuk makanan plak kat sini
sorry uols,game djokovic dgn rafa lambat sgt nak start
Giudicelli didn't just deny Sharapova a chance to compete in the French Open; he sent a message that doping shouldn't pay. (AP)
Sometimes, the help in the fight against doping comes from the most unexpected places.
French Open officials could easily have given Maria Sharapova an exemption to play in their tournament, now that she has finished a 15-month ban for doping. The decision to do so wouldn't have outraged many, since a lot of fans already sympathize with her contention that she is not an intentional doper.
And with Serena Williams on the sidelines, the women's draw could certainly have used a boost from Sharapova's star power.
So give French Tennis Federation President Bernard Giudicelli credit for daring to go where other sports officials fear to tread and denying Sharapova a special entry into both the main draw and the qualifying rounds of the tournament that begins in Paris this month.
"I'm very sorry for Maria, very sorry for her fans. They might be disappointed; she might be very disappointed," Giudicelli said. "But it's my responsibility, it's my mission, to protect the game and protect the high standards of the game."
Imagine that. Someone taking a stand against doping that really means something.
Giudicelli didn't just deny Sharapova a chance to compete in the tennis major. He sent a message that doping shouldn't pay, something that those running other sports conveniently seem to forget anytime they're faced with dopers shaming their sports.
If only Olympic officials were paying attention.
They're less than a year β nine months to be exact β from the start of the Winter Olympics in South Korea and there's still no resolution on what to do about Russia, where cheating is not only endemic but state sponsored.
Vladimir Putin was everywhere three years ago in Sochi, roaming the ski slopes and arenas to cheer the home country's athletes. There was a lot to cheer about, with Russia's doped athletes dominating the medal standings.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Russian officials were going into dark rooms every night at the doping control labs to swap urine samples so the medal winners wouldn't risk being busted.
That got Russia a slap on the wrist in Rio last year, not the outright ban from the Summer Games sought by world doping officials and many others. And there's little evidence so far to indicate that cowed Olympic officials will do anything more for South Korea.
"There's worry we'll find ourselves, if we're not already there, in the very same position as we were in Rio," Paul Melia, CEO of Canada's anti-doping agency, told The Associated Press at the World Anti-Doping Agency's board meeting in Montreal this week.
In other words, don't be surprised if you see Russians on the medal podium again in South Korea despite being caught red-handed running a cheating scheme rivaled only by the East Germans churning out suspiciously broad shouldered gold-medal swimmers in the 1970s.
Unbelievably, the fight against doping has been going on for nearly a half century now. It's just as unbelievable that, 29 years after Ben Johnson was busted in Seoul after running the 100 meters faster than anyone ever, doping police seem no closer to prevailing over cheaters than they did then.
Yes, doping is harder to conceal now than it was when Johnson was caught. But dopers are still beating the system, still doing whatever they can to stay a step ahead of those determined to level the playing field.
For Sharapova and a lot of other Russians, meldonium was their choice of drug. For a long time it wasn't even a prohibited substance, which only points to the difficulty in keeping up with the latest in designer performance-enhancing drugs.
Only the most naive can believe doping is under control. Not just in Olympic sports but in all sports where there is a financial incentive to excel, which may be one reason home runs are flying out of ballparks at a record rate this year.
Still, the fight against doping goes on. It will never be totally won, but it needs to be fought at every turn.
No, fans in Paris won't have Sharapova to cheer on when the French Open begins.
But that's something we should all cheer about. |
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