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Author: kecu_dua


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Post time 28-10-2010 12:48 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 28-10-2010 12:49 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-10-2010 11:21 PM | Show all posts
Saujana, adik dah nampak macam Syakira....I loike

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Post time 12-11-2010 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Saujana, adik dah nampak macam Syakira....I loike
cmf_blingblings Post at 30-10-2010 23:21


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Post time 12-11-2010 09:11 AM | Show all posts
mangga NOVEMBER 2010


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Post time 20-11-2010 05:31 PM | Show all posts
mangga NOVEMBER 2010
srisaujana Post at 12-11-2010 09:11

mcm Sabrina Gomez

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Post time 29-11-2010 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by srisaujana at 29-11-2010 10:03
mcm Sabrina Gomez
cmf_blingblings Post at 20-11-2010 17:31

yg ni ke ?
Selena Gomez


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Post time 29-11-2010 10:03 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-12-2010 11:05 PM | Show all posts
yg ni ke ?
Selena Gomez
srisaujana Post at 29-11-2010 10:01


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Post time 3-12-2010 11:06 PM | Show all posts
srisaujana Post at 29-11-2010 10:03

mamat tu lagi feminin dr Nadia

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Post time 10-1-2011 09:56 PM | Show all posts
salam, rumah ni makin tenggelam...

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Post time 16-1-2011 02:06 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by srisaujana at 16-1-2011 02:07

sambal belacan
November 12th, 2010 |  Author: Nadia

i just cant xplain wat am i facing rite now..gosh,sometimes it is wnderful,but somehow it just make me realize how stuck am i when it comes bout this,it is good to feel indepndt n atleast i know i am possble to stand on  my own kkdg,when askin bout this small matter im totally lost n weak..

im tuff,stubborn n hell yeahh,it make some of the people annoyed by this attitude..i know wat i want.. i do anythng i want n for me,its not wrong as long as i dont disturb anybody..btol x? i can close my eyes , ears n ignore wat pple gnna think or happy in this way..but!! there is a weakness in this ego..i know i cant resists a few things..tears dropping in certain thing n damn yes this stubborn head actually still have sense of gurly..hate to say this,feel sucks but actually that makes my journey of life more interesting..

hey! sometimes u make my day sucks.. u r the reason why my butt is totally nailed on my comfy bed..u make me keep on repeating reading ur text again n again n again.. yet,not to be forgtten, sometimes u did color my day : ) n ade jgakkkkkk,kkdg i dont mind bout it..u color it or not,i still move on!! hahaa

my day is full wif my own activities..classes,classes,classes,job,assgmnts,having fun.. but when it comes to ur freakin thing,this thumbs up will slowly gettin down n i started to feel like punching something.. well, now i dont really mind..uncounted fights, i just can get myself fit in it..cume sometimes it dpends on how can i handle it.. so nadia,move on..n keep on watcha doin now.. this gurl is gettin weirdo n weirdo..i wont waste my life!!

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Post time 16-1-2011 02:09 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by srisaujana at 16-1-2011 02:15

December 1st, 2010 |  Author: Nadia

Watzup people..tday rse mcm malas gler nk buat ppe..just finished shooting for krismas prog..aint feel gud yet sbb my eye still bengkak..doesnt matter,i managed to keep my butt in da sitcom n alhmdulillah,finally its a wrap?! n for those u suddnly realize my eye nnti,forgve me..i cant help it,shit happen..aint a robot n lately i feel sick due to a few illegal things i did to myself..damn..hehee..

well,watzup wif me..still,remain this height n this xpression thang厃eapp,feels like a lill gurl xpressing on a cute diary,but it just me.. still wif singing carrie, tho there r a few pple always asked me a stupid question..`u keje ape skarang??`u xdk job dah ke??dan seumpama dgnnnye..yeahh,mybe its not a big deal,but it sounds ugly..n depends,if im feelin well n larat nk melayan,i will spend my precious time wif that prson n explain to him/her,wat the HACK im doin now..otherwise,i just smile n use for me to xplain nymore..some of those people pon malas nk dga..hahaha!!

well,being a student is not easy as i thought..n not too hard as i imagined..kalo siap assgmnt n rajin buat revision esp bfore exam,then should be okey..but kalo slalu wat last minit nye assgmnt,sok nk submit tday bru nk buat.forget it!! ( gettin used wif it), nasib baiklah jarang lambat submit assgmnt..paling trok pon,sroh adik tlg submit kat meja lec,then me,tlantar kat rumah due to low blood psure n kepenatan..haaa卋ut alhamdulillh,so far,i believe im in a rite track..its so damn cool to face evrythng that u had imagine before..n its so awesome to have a prodction team..wat i need now is a lappy n a lill more time alone to xpress the new fresh wooo!!!

a抙aaa!! n now.despite my diet thang,im in love wif crossfit wkout..yeahaa..sometimes i can say its a suiciding IF IM DOIN IT ALONE!! i have my personal trainer n he know wats best for me..bcos of this new love,i need to makan a lot,need more rest n sweat wat had happen is,i wkout macam nk gler,makan skit n back to back wif other xtvities,clients n classes..n now,TARAAA,i cant step the gym till i fully recover..damn it,dah sminggu xjejak gym n i feel totally like housewife..

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Post time 16-1-2011 02:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by srisaujana at 16-1-2011 02:15

aint HOLIDAY nymore..sigh!
December 1st, 2010 |  Author: Nadia

This is aint holiday..keeping my ass in da house,keep bz dgn shooting n relaxin myself is totally a HELLDAY yaww..tday is my 1st day i step in da new gym at Avenue K..The huge place aint my interest nymore when i realize my stamina n strength sucks!!! man,i hate to say this but its true.. i cant even go to 3rd set,wats wif that?? a pondan in da house??!! n i started to see stars keep on blink,blink, i gnna faint? n my heart feels like nk tcabot on that certain period..goshhh,i cant even look at my trainer

He told me its probably bcos of medication ive took along the week..if i know this gnna happen,i wont take any pills or anythng..its killing my strength n my motivation as well..xske..xske.xske.. n utk sdapkan hati,he told me,im still da best..hah!! stop da crap cz this is totally my weakest level..i know i can go more,its just a matter of time..i need to build up my strength back..give me time anne,n this gurl will come back to lift more KG's...

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Post time 16-1-2011 02:17 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by srisaujana at 16-1-2011 02:18

HAPPY 2011..
January 1st, 2011 |  Author: Nadia

salam..tup tup..dah 2011..aduihhh,mmcm mnde plak aku dh buat last year..baik buruk smue ade..masyallah,n this year aku dah 21!! y lah so fast..people change utk diri aku sndiri,hmm..ntah la..ade je blambak mnde yg nk xtau la dah berubah ke tidak..well,kte merancang dan berusaha,tp tuhan yg menentukan..kkdang tu,ape yg berlaku tu tak jadi spt yg drancang..nyway,alhmdulillah,bsyukur aa ngan keadaan aku skung ni厁merempat,xberhutang mahupun mnyusahkan org laen..itu dah ckop baik utk aku..aku tanggung utk smue mnde yg aku nak..

so for this brand new year,ape yg aku nk ialah,less stress n ske atiee lahhh..bkn sbb new year je aku ade azam baru..almost stp hari aku bangon tdo ade je azam baru卙ahaha,smpaii xterbuat lahh..hope this year lebihhhh bganda2 ceria dari 2010...yeyy

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Post time 16-1-2011 02:23 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by srisaujana at 16-1-2011 02:25

January 5th, 2011 |  Author: Nadia

pernah xkorang rasa cam marah giler bangang punye..kemarahan korang tuh smtimes sampai boleh bwk kepada almost perpisahan n korang rse on that certain time korang sure ssgt ngan diri korang yg korang boleh idop aa tanpa ade seorg nihhh..haaa!!! pernah x..guess wat,i went thru this bbaru biler dtanye balik,y does this thing happen,rse cam tindakan kte tuh xsetimpal ngan reason..actually,yeaaapp,its not bcos only that particular reason,tp people like me mmg la gemar bobonar simpan n pendam ape yg ade dlm hati nihhh..itu yg biler dah ckop perasa smue,meletoplah ia..slalu sgt bgado,mrajok n bla bla bla makes me feels so damn stupid n gado tuh cpt sgt ok..pastuh xlame pastuh gadoh balik卙aaaa,so ive been thinking how to sttle this prob..i make a point to rest for a few days..bukan ape,myb its about time for me to get myself clear bout da relationship..if i think i cant handle it,that means yeappp im super stuck wif it厁best aa jgak kalo,thats y i decided to take that stp msg or call mmg xdlayan sama on the other side of me,i look so,i hate to say this,tp smtimes i need to be ego for my ownself n my pride..mane xnye,slalu sgt gado,pastuh baik balik,pastuh gado balik..wat da hack?? rse mcm aku nihh sng sgt nk mengalah n sng utk diambil no dont like!

tp walo cmne pon,aku dah cool down..malas dah nk gado2 nihh,lagipon ni bukan 1st time kot..bertime-time sudaaa..smpai xlarat nk gdo,itu yg smpai amek keputusan nk rest toh..hmmm,ego kah aku nii? on my side,i dont think so,cz aku sorang je paham ape yg aku buat..ntahlah,aku xpenah bosan lalu smue pengalamn niii..aku rse blom lagii kot..tunggu aa lagi bbrpe mase,bukanlah nk mintak,(choiiii!!)tp kalo asyik camnii je,aku patot tau mane patotnye aku an ann?So go me n hope it will last without any huge war..

*well,there is no such gud thing along any relationship..will be a fight no matter besar ataupun kecil..wat i have learned,kalo ddua api,mmg xkan sttle aa prob tu huh? so,ppndai aa selesaikan..n dont be too draggy coz tahap kesabaran org ade batasannye..ive make my move bcos of this walopon hati tatak senang aku dah sodaaar skung nihh,jdik snyap buat aku rse xsyiok,waloopon aku cube post mnde2 best..stp bbrpe minit aku try update dr mmne je sumber yg,apa lagiikk?? tunggu aa smpai aku dah btoi2 benci,bru la aku stop wat smue so far,BENCI tu blom dpt dkesan agi,hamboihhhhh..!!!


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Post time 17-1-2011 01:50 AM | Show all posts
January 5th, 2011 |  Author: Nadia

pernah xkorang rasa cam mar ...
srisaujana Post at 16-1-2011 02:23
NADIA??????????????What happened to you????...siapa lelaki yg ko marah sgt tu dik oi...part last sekali yg best sgt...hamboih...mcm kenai aja

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Post time 27-1-2011 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by srisaujana at 27-1-2011 01:21


January 10th, 2011 |  Author: Nadia

watzup watzup..yeahhh people in da house..aku bru je balik dr niage wif mama n my pwincess cik ena..well,mmg xleh tipuk kalo aku cakap langsong xmeletihkan,helll yeahhhhh man im tired n cik ena pon dah ttdo skung sbb penat g niage td..walopon xdk aa rmai sgt org,tp byk mnde yg nk kene buat including preparing for esok..cian mama,kalo nk ikotkan,tday aku ade byk plan..gym,jpe client n get some stuff for my lappy,yet for u mom,i canceled all my plan..hamboihhhh..n yezza,im proud to have such a superwoman as my you lah!!! n yezza,as i predict,tlg salah,xtlg salah,people will talking bout me..owhh yes sir,this is nadia af standing behind the table sambil menggulung popia..why?? hahahaa..i dont care bout those things..cakap la ape yg korang nk cakap,aku dah malas nk layan sgale prasangka korang yg aku nii xdk keje dah nk buat,last2 tlg mma kat

hey gurls,dont u ever think aku xnpk u keep on whispering to each other,smiling n gve me that jelingan manjaa..hahaha..n yes mak cik,u keep on asking me twice,i dh xdk job dah ke?? hahhaa..y? u nk bg i job ke? well,i dont know people..too much thinking of other people makes me freeze n biler xpk kang,ade plak yg cakap aku ni mjatuhkan reputasi sndirik..hadoihh,ape yg senang skung ni ialah,buat je ape yg aku rse tbaek utk aku..waloopon xtbaek utk org,janji aku xkco idop an an..

nyway,tday aku jage stall popia,,smue popia yg kluar  tday adalah hasil tangan aku sndirik..ohh yes,this gurl still maintain those skills man..! xsia2 aku menjual popia since in standard five..sedap plak towhh! wakkakaaa..iyerr,sedap,seyes..hahaha..xleh blah pujik diri sndirik..alhmdulillah,habis smue popia hope sok the real asstnt datang utk tlg mama..n i can proceed wif my plan..sometimes turun kedai buat aku rse syiokk coz dpt tgok mmcm gelagat org..ade yg baikkk,pengotor,belagak,budget hsome cuns..hahhaa..mmcam aa,namenye pon manusia..same je aa ngan aku..mmcm pngai yg ade dalam diri nihh..yg npk baik,baiklahh..yg npk burok,wallahualam..janji aku xkco keamanan org dan org xkco keamanan aku,aku ok..chill..dunia hanya sementara man,kalo byk sgt membenci org nihh,kte xdpt rse nikmat idop yg tuhan dah bg kat dunia ni~

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Post time 27-1-2011 01:23 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-1-2011 01:31 AM | Show all posts

January 13th, 2011 |  Author: Nadia

penat,penat and saket blakang..haaa..penah plak ade hari aku yg xpenat dan xmenyakitkan? hahhaa..gitulahhh..alhamdulillah,so far aku xdk mase nk malas2 utk penohkan hari aku ngan gym ler gamaknyee..udah itu je yg aku leyh buat selaen daripada kuar jejalan,lepak uma sambil on9 n carik ilham utk hobi2 baru skung nihh cam best plak biler dpat tahu byk benor mnde yg aku leyh xplore n ade yg leyh tlg..ada kaki aa senang cternyee..hehee..syiok,xsaba nk start smue mnde2 ilek nadia,sabar,pelan2 kayuhh,xgne kalo terburu-buru nihh..pape pon,hari nihh badan aku sakit2 sbb hasil keje buroh kat gym kelmarin..back to back ngan smlm,aku wat abs wkout smpai trainer pon soh aku manage jadual wkout aku bbtoi memandangkan aku nihh rajin bbnor datang utk wat weight wkout..haha..ntah aa,so skung nihh aku kne start bercinta balik ngan kelas2 yg memenatkan kat gym tuh,so baru aa balance..nk djadikan cerite,tday aku g 2 kelas,body combat ngan body terputus gak aa urat kentot dan tulang belikat aku nk wat camne,still climbing those freakin hills man!xleh nk memanjekan sgt ngan badan aku nihhh..pape pon syiok aa,sbb aku dpt bantai makan subway tanpa rsa bersalah..hohoho..

pas aku dah hbs kelas toh,aku ingat nk g beli suar kat wangsa walk memandangkan aku dah aim a few items kat sblm tuh,aku g tapau nasi grg mhsuri utk mamat sowang nihh..iyo lah,dah alang2 nk g wangsa,tapau je aa utk org yg sdang mengidam nihh kan..dah macam delivery gurl plak aku,haha..pastuh aku pon g aa makan kat subway jap,keseorangn,bersendirian tp xsunyi aa sbb pale hotak aku nihh cam laju smacam jee tday..then aku g naik ats jap usha suar..beli aa sehelai,pastuh kaki nihh plak gatai nk usha kasut n jeans..tetttt,ke ATM la plk,conclusion for tday ialah,my shopping day..

pstuh aku pon balik aa umah..hmm,ssmpai je umah rse cam hangennnnna plak satu badan nih biler tgok keje2 kain kat uma nihh mmg langsong xkene sentuh..kain xsidai,xbsoh,xlipat ujan..hadoii..ku gagahi juga laa gamaknyee..persetan kesakitan kat kaki n tangan aku nihhh..pstuh tettttt,lense aku ade org pakai卙aaa,ni mmg pantang..aku bukan xkasi org pinjam brg aku,tp atlest bgtau,mintak kebenaran..xkan aa aku xksi an an an..pmnde skung nihh plak aku dah rse stndad plak tdo ptg skung nihh..xpe aa..mybe pagi2 buta nihh aku ade plan baek ngan kkwn..haaa,baek aku tdo ptg so xdk aa aku ttbe tdo waktuh menjalankan kegiatan ppgi nnti..hahaa..k aa chiowww

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