=**=Gambar-gambar makanan yang korang makan=**=
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family si dila ni memang rajin betul buat makan2... pas tu gambo2 tu buat kemecer jek...
dila, cheesecake aku tu tak sempat nak tangkap gambo.. bz jek aku sejak naik cuti nih.. skrg projek2 buat kuih semua diberhentikan.. tak larat.. masalahnya apa nak buat tah dgn bahan2 yg byk lagi tuuuuu... seramnya kalau hubby aku cek  |
Reply #2302 Chad's post
Chad.....sedapnya |
Ni nasi Ayam Orang Johor.....
masa kita orang tidor rumah pakcik dekat belakang pekan Tangkak tuh, Serom kut tak silap
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Originally posted by dilaOHdila at 19-3-2008 09:46 AM 
Ni nasi Ayam Orang Johor.....
masa kita orang tidor rumah pakcik dekat belakang pekan Tangkak tuh, Serom kut tak silap
bila ko p tangkak dila |
Reply 22# ai_ai_ai
yeayyy!!!aku jmpe resipi die mashed potato
2 1/2 cups Idaho Potato Flakes
1 stick Margarine
2 tablespoons Butter
2 1/2 cups Hot Water
3/4 cup Milk
1 teaspoon salt
Heat water add butter and margarine till melted. Add the salt and cook for 2 minutes. Add the flakes and mix till it looks like regular potatoes. Add milk to proper consistency. Serve with gravy. Serves 6.
The mashed potatoes are served and made by mix. It comes in a bag just add water and butter. Many people just come to KFC to get these potatoes and gravy.
Reply 2306# dilaOHdila
Hi Dilla... Hi Bunc.. Hi RIS...
lamanya tak masok thread ni... dah bertahun rasanya... Nanti aku carik cable hp aku.... Aku upload gambar2 makanan aku yang sodapp eikk..... hehhehehe |
Reply dilaOHdila
Hi Dilla... Hi Bunc.. Hi RIS...
lamanya tak masok thread ni... dah be ...
danedzya Post at 16-11-2010 14:14 
Miss u Uhuuuuu
tpek aaa
mesti banyaki koleksi mung tu khennnn{:1_137:} |
so sebagai pembuka thread aku post gambar dulu ehhh
specialties kat batu pahat.... mee racun
ai_ai_ai Post at 19-5-2006 19:10 
kat mana ni tempatnya.......sedapnya bila dengar sup kambing... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara