wahhh~me masuk2, mu dh tuka avvie~~abe sung pndg 2 tmpt, pndg atas tgk winter, pndg kanan tgk sky~~
>>>amboi, smpt je mu ckp yg nk jd mcm me dgn rukia~~ barula madu muhibah namenye~
ooo...time aku kene mung suh lelax yer...time die dlu...abih banjir umah suju nih
nasib sky dh tuko avvie...
wa memain jer...tp klu blh jgn ler pakai avvie nampyeon ku ekk
glemer kan ler nampyeon2 mu ittew...
avvie aku siap gune 3 nampyeon+2 kekasih terang ku
termasuk ler abe sung mu ittew
xde ms nk wat avvie br
aku tau menda nih ramai yg dh tau, tp just nk inform sesaper yg mls nk backlog...
Super Junior to Perform at MTV Asia Award
By Karen Song
Contributing writer
Super Junior
Korean pop star Super Junior will be performing at Asia's biggest
music festival, the 'MTV Asia Award(MAA)'held in Genting, Malaysia on Oct.2, Yonhap news reported.
MTV Korea said Monday that MAA 2008 will feature Super Junior of Korea, Leona Louis a singer songwriter from England, and One Republic from the United States. This year's MAAwill also present American bands "anic! At the Disco," "Click Five,"and the winner of "America's Best Dance Crew" "JabbaWockeez" MTV Koreasaid. "Super Junior" is the only Asian artist to perform.
Nominees are "Super Junior"("Favorite of Korea"), Leona Louis and "OneRepublic"("Break Through Artist of the Year,") and "anic! At theDisco,"("Video Star").
As a nominee for "Favorite of Korea", Super Junior is competing withother Korean artists "Big Bang," "Wonder Girls," and "Girl'sGeneration." Online voting will be begin until July 25th, through www.mtvasiaawards.com.
MAA will be co-hosted by Jared Leto, a member of American alternativerock band "30 Seconds to Mars," and Hong Kong singer and actress KarenMok.