~LFC~ enche IM or abg BOB sile buat open house kat rumah baru....
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yg skor tu tukang kebun skola jekk  |
Reply #2316 tanabe3456's post
sib baek ko sapot ebertong  |
huru hara nye aku tgk dorang nih main |
kalut ar defender ngan keeper nih :kant: |
Reply #2323 carrie_connie's post
tak tau.. abe g tadok.. carra tadok.. reina tadok.. toreh tadok.. alonso tadok.. go figure.. :kant: |
Reply #2322 conan's post
Losss...ada game ke? Aku tatau plak... |
adehhhhhh... mmg sengals la ini malam.. |
penjaring goal kt anfiled muahahahaha
Striker - Richard Pacquette: "Richard is a school caretaker and the best way of describing him is to say that he has a lot of junk in his trunk.
He uses it to his advantage though and loves to hold off players and play with his back to goal. Gets some vital goals also." |
Reply #2327 conan's post
dah 1-1 dah kan? |
Reply #2327 epitome's post
dah kene 2 da bang :kant: |
yeneee ammma, 1-2..og pulokk:handshake: :handshake: |
Originally posted by epitome at 26-1-2008 11:32 PM 
Striker - Richard Pacquette: "Richard is a school caretaker and the best way of describing him is to say that he ...
balik boleh canang satu sekolah bangggg:victory: |
akak conan saya nak sgt gelak ehehehhe adoi la liverpool..ngan team hapa ntah pun boleh bolos..btw tadi ada budak tu nangis masa first gol team havant tu  |
dorang neh nak menang ke tamau?  |
Reply #2331 MzDiNa's post
gelak arr.. aku fedap dah ngan tim nih.. aku nak tunggu f1 start jek nih..  |

With eight minutes played former QPR striker Richard Pacquette heads the non-league side into a shock lead |
Reply #2335 epitome's post
cepatnye ko cuci gambor neh  |
Reply #2334 conan's post
ehehehe kan dah 2-2..liverpool turun second tim aa |
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