What should I do? All I can do is gaze at you
I can't even extend you a short greeting
My achingly cold hand, don't hold it
Now I have to let you go
What should I do? You grow further away
My breast fills with tears
Even though I try hard to hide it, I can't stop
What should I do with this love I can't end
Please don't forget that I loved you
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you
Gathering my sorrowful tears, goodbye
I've done nothing for you
Pitifully I've only left you with scars
You who embraced even my changed feelings
Now I have to let you go. What should I do?
Please don't forget that I loved you
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you
Even though the pain stops my breath and my tears fall
Please don't forget that we were happy
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you
Now I have to let go of this love that was unable to reach you
The only person who can make me smile is you
Even though as my love deepens I feel more pain
Please don't forget that we were happy
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you
Gathering my sorrowful tears, the only thing I can do is say...
lpe nk komen lagi.. lagu yg SW nyanyi utyk MN tuh me rs tajuk dia paboraso.. mesti msk dlm OST nnt.. tp rsnye bkn SW yg nyanyi utk OST tuh
sore dia sedap.. nyanyi ngan penuh perasaan.. sbenarnye mmg lagu tuh dia nyanyi utk MN sbb dia cite kat MN yg dia dah prepara lagu utk "yoja tuh" MN plak suh dia nyanyi huhu~ kita indirectly tercapai gak hasrat dia part dia terkedu tgk MN pki baju yoja tuh me tersengih gak tgk hehe~ walopon me ske part tuh tp me rs sedey sbb rsnye MN dah rejek kot SW part dia jln dlm hujan me nangis wuwu.. sian SW..
haha..jolie tetap first di hati jeremy..
x rasa ker
jeremy, jemma,jolie..
kan keluarga bahagia neh..nama pun lebey kurg!
twinkystar Post at 12-11-2009 16:02
hahahahaha triple J...
nk tergelak tgk aksi jeremy masa dia nk wat minam jatuh dr palang tuh...cute giler
2337# miss_mulan77
tau xpe...cordi noona ni lebeh kurg je cm muke he yi tu..
makin mencik la tgk he yi ni..geram gile...
scene cordi noona n manager mmg klaka..
scene plg boring..scene makcik GM ...
SISzINTAN Post at 12-11-2009 20:18
aunt minam tuh mmg gilakan duit!!!!!
tapi bagus gak dia kuar dr umah an.jell tuh...
aman sikit~
lagi satu apsal cordi tu senang2 jer cter pasal hal minam kt HY...
kan si bitch tuh dah ada point utk kenakan minam balik
TKgets out of the car and says, u cant see me now because it's toobright, right? But because it's bright now, i see you very well. Allthis time, have you been crying in the dar ...
twinkystar Post at 12-11-2009 22:23
wah terujanya bila baca spoiler yg korang tepek~
cepat ler drg upload kt viikii,x sabo nk tgk