matz_rockz This user has been deleted
i hate jam...dulu kalo traffic boring abis....kalo in bus for 40 minutes dah berlengas...
me tengah aim rumah,sabelah mrt station...tengok lah macam mana next year... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 18-11-2004 03:28 PM:
i hate jam...dulu kalo traffic boring abis....kalo in bus for 40 minutes dah berlengas...
me tengah aim rumah,sabelah mrt station...tengok lah macam mana next year...
bang matz, jgn lupa kalau next year nak beli rumah then pakai bank loan kena bayar 4% cash kan.... |
Originally posted by virgomal at 18-11-2004 03:17 PM:
yup..... V keje kat jurong ah bang matz..
rumah ikat 10 tahun....... baru boleh jual
else... grant hangus.
tinggal 6 tahun lagik....:pray:
V lamanya lagi 6 tahun.... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 18-11-2004 03:32 PM:
bang matz, jgn lupa kalau next year nak beli rumah then pakai bank loan kena bayar 4% cash kan....
part ni,i'm not so sure...thanks for the info.... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 18-11-2004 03:34 PM:
part ni,i'm not so sure...thanks for the info....
np bang matz...
Tahun ni pakcik Aries beli rumah then pakai bank loan...dia bilang Aries yg dia kena bayar 2% cash for the price of the house that his buying...Next year will be 4% cash then the following year 6% until 10% then they stop there.... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 2004-11-18 03:33 PM:
V lamanya lagi 6 tahun....
gara |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 18-11-2004 03:38 PM:
np bang matz...
Tahun ni pakcik Aries beli rumah then pakai bank loan...dia bilang Aries yg dia kena bayar 2% cash for the price of the house that his buying...Next year will be 4% cash then ... r rite aries...sebab tu banyak yg berlumba-lumba nak settle cepat2 sblom january... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
pat beli rumah ni,ada yang tersangkut beli high price....sekarang pening...
my friend beli 5 room around $495k...sekarang price about $350k |
btol area(jurong) exec dah drop to $380K...mana yg nak jual balik perit sungguh sebab time beli harga abt $450K. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 18-11-2004 03:48 PM:
pat beli rumah ni,ada yang tersangkut beli high price....sekarang pening...
my friend beli 5 room around $495k...sekarang price about $350k
wah bang matz....kalau jual rugi banyak tu.... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
dulu my parents punya are exec massionette going for $640k
sekarang about $450k ......with interest i think you lose $250k.... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 18-11-2004 03:58 PM:
dulu my parents punya are exec massionette going for $640k
sekarang about $450k ......with interest i think you lose $250k....
dah lah rugi banyak....then kalau nak beli rumah pulak bila pakai bank loan kena bayar pakai cash pulak....merepek lah dorang ni....manalah nak cari $ banyak2 tu! |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
my friends baru kawin,dorang semua beli exec flats,ambik loan $70k to renovate rumah...sekarang kerja gaji tak sa tinggi dulu...pengsan nak bayar..
ni satu more iron rice bowl...
i dulu tengok rumah,ni agent mati2 suruh me buy this 5 room flat at $540k
i kalo beli...nangis tak berlagu sekarang...
kalo pasal duit,live within your means.... |
kengkawan korang ada baca ni tak?
Rezeki orang melayu ni melimpah2, and others in the community kais pagi makan pagi...
Aku masih rasa acceptable part tv and Bose speakers pasal its a one time investmest untuk quality ( BOSE memang best ) tapi aku nengok part kerusi2 dia especially bubble tu aku terpegun.....
Nov 21, 2004
$15,000 - just on home entertainment
Teacher Maisarah Sahat, 29, lives with her flight attendant husband Yusni Hassan, 30, in a 1,614 sq ft maisonette in Tampines Avenue 5. They tell Crystal Chan about their retro-funky audio-video room.
'WE ENJOY watching action-packed movies like The Matrix, Top Gun, Black Hawk Down and Bruce Lee films like The Big Boss.

THE AUDIO-VIDEO ROOM houses the home theatre system, as well as a Bubble chair which enhances the surround-effect when one sits on it. -- CHEW SENG KIM
'So when we bought this 15-year-old resale flat last year, we immediately decided to have an audio-video room. With a home theatre system, we can reproduce the big-screen effect at home.
'We also like watching English Premier League soccer matches. Whenever there are live matches, we invite about half a dozen of our friends over to support our favourite team, Arsenal.
'We spent $15,000 on the audio-video equipment, including our $11,000 Aquos 37-inch LCD TV. We bought our $600 white console from White Collection in Park Mall. The rest of the money went to the Bose home theatre system, with its 10 cube speakers to create the surround-sound effect.
'We painted the room white because light colours make the room look bigger and spacious. White also compliments our brightly coloured furnishings. White roller blinds block out the light when we're watching movies or soccer matches.
'We also furnished the room with retro furniture. We were looking for something unique for our flat, and discovered retro furniture from books.
'The ones we've read include 1,000 Chairs and Scandinavian Design, both written by Charlotte Fiell... We didn't want our home to look like traditional Malay homes that are decorated with wood furniture and plastic flowers.
'In our audio-video room, we've got a red Panton heart-coned chair that we bought for about $3,000 from Space Furniture, a $4,200 Bubble chair and a $3,800 black-and-white globe chair.
'The latter two chairs are designed by Eero Aarnio and we bought them from Lorgan's, a furniture shop in Pasir Panjang.
'The Bubble chair resembles a swing. We bought it because it looks different from other swinging chairs... Because of the shape of the chairs, we really feel the surround-sound effect when we're sitting on them.
'So far, we have spent close to $30,000 on our retro furniture collection, which comprises mainly chairs.
'We have four red Panton chairs in the dining area and an Arne Jacobson chair in the living area. Below the staircase, we have a Peter Ghyczy black Novo chair.
'Our furniture is easy to clean because it does not collect dust easily.
'People who come to our maisonette say it is different from a traditional Malay flat. Our relatives asked why our flat does not have the usual home decorations that Malays have.
'We are more modern and practical in our thinking. Our furniture must be easy to maintain, especially when we don't have a maid and both of us are working.' |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
deaf,aku suka jugak ngan ni bose system...small and power pack....tapi tak mampu nak beli...last time aku ka yaohan tak salah nya a da bose showroom...dia main lagu eagles HOTEL CALIFORNIA....mak ooi ...sound nya eagles petik guitar depan muka kau...real awesome...
price pun awesome.... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 22-11-2004 09:42 AM:
deaf,aku suka jugak ngan ni bose system...small and power pack....tapi tak mampu nak beli...last time aku ka yaohan tak salah nya a da bose showroom...dia main lagu eagles HOTEL CALIFORNIA....mak o ...
matz sama cam aku, tapi BOSE memang out of this world pasal dia punye size...
sapa sangka speaker size cam rubik cube, tapi sound bagus cam tu...
ko tahu matz, basic package cuma 2 speaker kecik, ngan satu woofer je dah $500++
ni kira paling cheapskate model ah...
tapi aku pernah pegi satu kedai kaset kat Far East Plaza,
pekedai tu cuma taruk satu speaker kat depan, satu kat belakang, woofer dia taruk bawak kabinet...
sound dah bergegar.... tu ah, aku terus impressed... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
dulu aku punya sound system kat rumah...
amplifier..... YAMAHA
cd player...SHERWOOD
speaker....STUDIO MONITOR |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-11-2004 09:36 AM:
kengkawan korang ada baca ni tak?
Rezeki orang melayu ni melimpah2, and others in the community kais pagi makan pagi...
Aku masih rasa acceptable part tv and Bose speakers pasal it ...
wah rumah org melayu ni lawalah.. very moden concept.. sc ade plan nak buat home theatre system.. masih ngah simpan duit sikit.. insya-allah kalo bleh nak buat gini. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 22-11-2004 09:42 AM:
deaf,aku suka jugak ngan ni bose system...small and power pack....tapi tak mampu nak beli...last time aku ka yaohan tak salah nya a da bose showroom...dia main lagu eagles HOTEL CALIFORNIA....mak o ...
abg matz.. sc pun suka bose system.. dia punya sound memang power!! |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 22-11-2004 09:47 AM:
wah rumah org melayu ni lawalah.. very moden concept.. sc ade plan nak buat home theatre system.. masih ngah simpan duit sikit.. insya-allah kalo bleh nak buat gini.
aku so far belum pernah ada ni home entertainment system....
tapi budget wise, system cam ni boleh cater to all budgets....
kalo nengok kat Courts, cam Panasonic, Sony , apa ke , nengok semua satu set speakers ngan surround semua cam possibly affordable...
tapi kalo pegi Aldephi..... makdatok, nak beli wayar je dah mahal gile....
ni brands semua gile tak tersebut pung nama brand dia... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara