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Author: [azam]

All About Middle East Countries!!..Dubai, Doha, Muscat & etc

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Post time 26-6-2007 01:11 AM | Show all posts
azam....aku ni bkn mati kutu lg dah kt sini...mati unta...

bg ler video tuh..nk nengok gak...

kt Doha ni kalu saper yg x tahan idup tanpa entertainment mmg bleh tahan 1 month jer kot...pas tu mesti rasa nk blk..lebih2 lg pompuan...mmg x besssssssss lahh..mmg tensen abih lah...

punya lah gatal org2 pinoy,myanmar seme...ader ker ari tuh aku jln ngan hubby nk g bli sayur..ader srg tuh kenyit mata kt aku...padahal aku jln ngan hubby siap pegang2 tgn lg...maklum ler br kawin 6 bln...muaheheha..pas tu aku ckp ngan hubby..korang tau aper dia jwp..bila lg nk rasa cam artis...kt mesia x dpt rasa..kt sini ler awak dpt rasa cam artis...

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Post time 27-6-2007 10:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #221 mie_die's post


Bukan kat tempat u aje macam tu, tapi kat Saudi ni pun teruk jugak. Agaknye sebab tu pompuan diwajibkan pakai abaya. Byk betul gangguan bukan aje dari lelaki arab tapi paki, bangla, indian. Pernah sekali, Phoenix & kawan2 pompuan pergi kat satu Souq kat sini, kawan phoenix yg tengah pregnant kena raba punggungnye.

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 Author| Post time 28-6-2007 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by @Phoenix at 27-6-2007 10:23 PM

Bukan kat tempat u aje macam tu, tapi kat Saudi ni pun teruk jugak. Agaknye sebab tu pompuan diwajibkan pakai abaya. Byk betul gangguan bukan aje dari lelaki arab tapi paki, bangla, in ...

Setuju! Diaorang ni memang nafsu macam unta. Itulah sebab pompuan kat sana kena pakai abaya. Bini orang pun nak hantam skali..makan kambeng banyak sgt kot. Itu sebab jadik mcm tu..

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Post time 19-7-2007 04:05 PM | Show all posts
hahahaha  sebab mkn kambing ker? mmg nafsu unta diorg nih...pakai abaya pun tp cara diorg jln cam bajet anggun....ala ala saloma jln...eerrggh...mcm2 lah kt sini...

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 Author| Post time 20-7-2007 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Aik..idup lagi thread ni rupanya..ingat dah takde org nak post...aku dah maleh nak berposting sebab banyak sgt duplicate thread yang wujud..

onta pun boleh jugaklah mie-die..kasik laki hang makan daging onta..

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Post time 23-7-2007 03:20 PM | Show all posts
satu problem lg yg x patut muncul di waktu2 musim panas terik nih electricity...ader sekali tuh sampai sa tu hari   x der..dari kul 1.30 ptg sampai lah esok pg tuh..x leh tido di buat dlm oven dah rasa yer...umah aku lak pakai dapur letrik nk masak pun x bleh...sampai la ni pun kejap2 black out..pas tu 2 3 minit ader blk...tiap2 mlm mesti jd..

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2007 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Aik! negara kecik macam tu pun ada masalah elektrik..Patut tak adalah sebab oil resources banyak, negara kecik pulak tu..tidur berendam dlm tub mandi jelah kalau panas sgt tu..cukup 24 jam kembang satu badan

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Post time 24-7-2007 12:14 AM | Show all posts
Beberapa keluhan dan rintihan rakyat Malaysia yg sedang menetap di Dubai termasuklah aku sekali!!....

1.  Welcome to Dubai.. where the fantasy and poverty meets.. some may not believe me, as they live on a fantasy side.. but try to take a visit to any labour camp, and you will see the real world (I personally had gone to the labour camp for job assignment)...

2.  ....some are just unfortunate.. not all company covers education... and not all Malaysian are well paid.. some had been "conned" in believing this - "though the cost of living is high, but not much different from Malaysia"..
personnaly, I had received emails from some Malaysian (friends and some strangers) for advice.. some are getting offers of 5k to 8k (total package).. few cases of families with few schooling kids being offered 15k (no family package,no education, no everything).. some believe with 3k they can get 2 bedrooms apartment... if they don't have contacts, surely they had accepted the offer...

unfortunately, some had accepted the pity offer, and found dubai to be a place of "indah khabar dari rupa".. even among us, we knew some of us just have to send their family back to Malaysia, and living alone in dubai..

some "bergolok bergadai" to come here.. once they stepped in, it's hard for them to go back.. if fortunate, you can get good offer (not better) back home, but most of the time it will be difficult to get good offers..

Thus, I think it is part of our responsibilities to at least inform our countrymen on the condition here.. the session planned by Fudzail will be a very good venue to enlighten them.. though we believe that Malaysian has a good reputation here, there are some who are trying to take whatever opportunity to get our expertise, but pay peanuts..  

3.Not too long ago they had a slogan "City of dreams" ... well.... it that short slogan  tells all.  
The attraction of it is that they are able to conjour up interesting schemes to keep us believing.
As the old saying goes "a sucker is born every day" .....

You are right "indah khabar dari rupa" as what you have mentioned.
In my opinion if our countryman is willing to work here, identify the company local, international or Malaysian company.
If local or international company study the contract carefully, once agreed then only send document for visa application (by the company). The contract's COMPUlSORY clause (salary,lodging,transport etc..etc)
If Malaysian company just ask for visit entry (60 days) and negotiate the terms in homecountry same as above. Dont forget to ask return ticket and keep passport with us. Don't ever give/surrender passport to employer even Malaysian company.
Try to stay here and if found not suitable..just board to plane and BLA>>>> or if suitable pursue with visa application by the employer.
Salary range (executive min 6k with lodging, transport,2-3 flight to home country/year and etc..etc just name and ask for it...)
For engineers, managers different issues, (they should be able to position themselves) and minimum drawn (subject to number of years experience multiply the factor of 1.5-2.0 min of last drawn in Malaysia) EXCLUDING lodging, transport (driver), air ticket, family status.
Get ready to be BURNT here due to climate but be careful not to be BROKE !!!
Wish all the BEST

The delivery dates for most properties here keep on being postponed for months or years. Yeahh again, some would say, "the developers have their reasons for the delay, and they know better"...

May be, that is part of their plan to keep delaying projects to ensure the prices remain high.. But the buyers have paid millions..

I had my own experience.. the delivery dates for my rented apartment (new) was delayed for 3 months (3 months delay in Dubai is considered very good, if not excellent).. that caused inconvenience, and ruined all the plan.. I was fortunate that my previous company allowed my family to stay in my previous apartment (under previous company in Sharjah) until the new employee arrives, and more fortunate that he only arrived just after I moved to this new apartment.. Otherwise, "merempat" laa kitorang..

When it was ready for hand over, we were called to sign agreements at the real estate agents' office.. A lot of tenants were angry for the delay, and made even worse, we have to sign 14 months contract, although in the booking form the contracts will be just 12 months... off course we have to pay for the extra 2 months.. Being tired of all things, I just signed the contract, paid the cheque, and went off... But there was quite a scene there, with frustrated tenants..  When they complained (mostly European), the agent simply says, "It's okay sir, if you don't want the apartment, your deposit will be forfeited (5% each). And no problem for us, we have long waiting list"... What?? Anyway, that's a normal answer in Dubai..

Excellent advice saudara...

I've given some sort of similar advice when any Malaysian friends or strangers ask for advice on their offer.. some were very grateful for the advice...

But for some, they might not be happy.. they thought that we are trying to discourage them... some sort of "Iye laa.. kau je laa keje oversea, kau je laa nak kaya.. kitorang tinggal je laa kat Malaysia ni"..

We are struggling to keep on with the ever-rising cost of living here, with much higher pay.. so, what advice would they expect if they are being offered less than 10k (total package - no lodging, no transport, no family status, etc2.)???

But we just have to continue keeping them informed, and it depends on them whether to believe us..

Fascinating Dubai.......
If somebody promised you tomorrow I will deliver and if get it by tomorrow you are considered very lucky person here.
Get ready for tomorros...tomorrow is not one, ther are many
My experience dealing with resident visa for my family here just get it by today itself. All the while I prefer to use visit visa instead of resident.
This is true story and hope as a guide for others.
Since my family is here the marriage cert being translated by our consulate (here), submitted visa application (typing inclusive medical card, medical test {all money is required}) to The officer said the cert need to be attested by Minitry of Foreign Affair in Dubai, so went and get the signature, MoFA said cert need attestation by consulate, went to consulate and discuss the issue, get (verifcation) back to MoFA and get signature, back to Natural Ofc...officer said there is no stamp, back again to MoFA buy stamp (AED 150) and endorsed, back again to Natural Ofc. Processing the resident visa and obtained.
Need tranfer to passport- paid in/out fees and typing, process endorsement in/out, back typing again for endorsement in passport, submit and wait (paid extra AED 100 for Urgent) get it .

The delivery date for my rented so-called new apartment was delayed for 3 months as well. Making it worse, they've cleared my cheque of 12 months full payment on the promised delivery date - which was not the case. FYI, this property agency is a subsidiary of one of the largest bank in Abu Dhabi 杘wned by the government of course.

When it came the d-day I finally received the keys to the house (which I had paid in advance few months back), I was ecstatic. The constantly thinking mind is in full force on the decorative measures for the house and such. Unfortunately, it didn抰 take long for me to sizzle in anger again. The building was present for some years, and what the owner did was a complete overhaul & refurbishment of every single floor, layout, interior and building exterior with the alucubond (construction guys, did I spell I right?) and such; thus giving it a brand new look. The problem then occurred when I wanted to register the water/electricity with the ADDC (DEWA equivalent). For the same meter of my unit, there抯 an outstanding amount of 6k+. When I bring the matter to the property agency, I was told to pay the amount first and then claim it later from them! (WTF??!!) I was roaring like a tiger when I heard the solution given. I went direct to the top bugger on the hierarchy, and he promised the company will settle the arrears in 3 working days. It took them a week, and it抯 not as simple as you may think. Endless calls and harassments were involved.

Then we finally moved in. Guess what, the internal gas system isn抰 working because the contractor didn抰 manage to get the municipality and fire department抯 approval! Enough of cursing I suppose. And you might be fully aware that it is illegal to use cylinder gas in properties with internal gas system. Another series of complaints follows. It took them almost a month to solve it.

For someone who have wrote a complaint letter to a CEO of a foreign based bank in the UAE copied to various dailies to get things solved in a blink of eye, the thought of doing the same thing did came across. However, when you are dealing with an Emirati-dominated organization, I guess it wouldn抰 bring that much change. Contrary, I might be deported! Hahaha



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Post time 12-8-2007 05:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mie_die at 26-5-2007 16:46
kalu jumpa jubah yg murah roger2 ok...ingat nk merayap g dubai gak nih...

survey kat naif, kena pandai goreng, sure dapat murah2, member ari tu borong 10 helai utk family dia, yg sulam, yg bunga tampal, yg open/yg close...mcm2 ada, rambang mata... sume bleh dapat below 100 dirham, nak datang naif, bg tau aaa

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 Author| Post time 12-8-2007 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Dekat Cairo lagi murah lahh, Kuwait pun Ok jugak

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Post time 13-8-2007 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Esok I will be on 12hours transit in Doha arriving at 12.50pm and leaving at 1.30am(next day)Siapa tahu ada tak any city tour package?Where can I buy t/shirts.Waht to do waktu malam?

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Post time 13-8-2007 06:24 PM | Show all posts
Nak tanya kat sesiapa yang tau
kalau ke Qatar boleh bawak masuk bahan makanan dari Malaysia tak (rempah, belacan etc)

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Post time 18-9-2007 03:04 AM | Show all posts
belasah jer nak bawak aper pun...asalkan masuk lam luggage...kitorg ni kalu ader jer member yg blk mesia mesti kirim kicap kipas udang..sbb kicap kt sini manis yg amat x pun masin yg amat..

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Post time 13-11-2007 10:52 PM | Show all posts

this school holiday  
after coming back from KK
(nak daki gunung kinabalu lagi)
i will go to dubai  for a vacation
then  from there will go to instanbul, turkey

kat istanbul tu saya akan buat backpacking --
i wish i could go with someone who defo  enjoying
backpacking kat istanbul --  oh well --  someday -

btw - kat dubai nanti accommodation dah ada -
nak pergi tengok  al buruj tu --  hotel yang soo nice tu
about 10 min from my friend's  apartment - so that would
be so good -

yang tak sabar after dubai tu - terus ke istanbul! --
insyaallah ---   backpacking for a week would be excellent! -

ha - sapa nak join  ---

if only...   

dulu masa gi dubai stayed one day aje - tak dapat nak tengok
bandar lama2 - this time will stay longer - so would be awesome -

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Post time 26-6-2008 02:53 PM | Show all posts
bayan upkan thread ni..

jumpe on d way balik dr desert safari


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Post time 26-6-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 26-6-2008 05:04 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 26-6-2008 05:04 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 26-6-2008 05:11 PM | Show all posts

dubai today



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Post time 26-6-2008 11:36 PM | Show all posts
Gi 2 tahun lepas..

Gold Souk (Naik public bus dari Dubai airport 1.50 Dirham)

Dubai Creek

1 Dirham satu trip seberang sungai - 10 minit.

DubaiMuseum (1.50 Dirham) Kecik tapi display dia sangat menarik..



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