Reply #51 kelate_girl79's post
ye ker....ok gak petua ni....
dayang pun ade jugak...tapi sikit je..time tres sangat...
maklum la study...ingat hubby lagi..hehe..
tapi dayang amal makan herba...
alhamdulillah...dah ilang... |
mryyna This user has been deleted
org dah kawin tak leh rendam ke ngan air garam???/
nape ye????
bidadari dari DCL pun insyaallah leh hilangkan masalah keputihan..... |
Reply #56 saleharr's post
leceh la kena rendam2 ni...tak kena jangkitan ke?
mahal tak? |
Originally posted by dayang_baiduri at 6-4-2007 03:07 PM
leceh la kena rendam2 ni...tak kena jangkitan ke?
mahal tak?
hehe....bidadari bukan rendam...dia makan.....baik utk masalah keputihan |
org dah kwinpun leh gak rendam...nati die kuar kotoran2 kat kitenyer tu..kalau pas berslin lg byk ler kuarnyer sbb die cpt sembuhkan luke2 tuh..pastikan garam tu garam yg ketol2 tuh...dlm tu byk apa ek..garam galian ker apa..tu kena tanye pakar ler..
tp yg pasti lepas kite rendam tu kite rase lega la..try la kalau nak tahu..bg air suam2 skit campur daun sirih.. |
Originally posted by mryyna at 6-4-2007 03:03 PM
org pgnant takleh main rendam2 gak ke ?? sy senang jee...gi mane2 tak pyh pakai panties..hahha... ..opss... bocor rahsia....bkn apa..senang nak ilangkan bauu...klu pakai panties bila dah bas ...
pegnen ko nak berendam camne..kalau diawal2 leh le prot kecik lg..hehehe...
xpakai panties kang kena kat kain lak..dah xsah nak smyg lak..xkan nak smyg xpakai kain..ehhehe...kalau pakai panties leh bukak masa nak smyg.. |
makanherba je lah..murah pun murah...heheh ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply #62 klopis's post
cuba la...kl nak tau pasal herba..pm la dayang |
sy pun ade alami kputihan ni..hr tuh jumpa doc n doc bagi ubat sebiji nama ubat tuh diflucan..mmg berkesan mkn sebijik jer pastu esok kuar semua keputihan smpai abisss n bersih...tryla... |
Reply #64 lipgloss's post
Originally posted by dayang_baiduri at 10-4-2007 09:29 AM
skrg dah ok lah?
tmpang lalu yer n jangan mara ato salah faham lak...mmm...nak tanya, in future la time da kawin nnti...incase kalu ader mslah cmnie, kite as a husband leh wat hubungan lg tak?....... thanks for da infor.. |
Reply #66 bubpallo's post
biasa org laki tak selesa nga bau...kl leh kita kena jaga la leklok...![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Originally posted by dayang_baiduri at 10-4-2007 02:00 PM
biasa org laki tak selesa nga bau...kl leh kita kena jaga la leklok...
oooo...hehhee..so mkne nyer kalu nk gak kene ttop idong ekk?...mmmm...
ukie..thanks for da infor...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Originally posted by bubpallo at 10-4-2007 02:07 PM
oooo...hehhee..so mkne nyer kalu nk gak kene ttop idong ekk?...mmmm...
hehehe....tapi biasa org laki tak kesah kan...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
apa nak susah zaman skrg mcm2 ubat dah ader yg boleh mengatasi masalah ni....![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Do you know the difference between normal vaginal dischargeand abnormal vaginal discharge? Did you know that having a vaginal discharge isnormal? Let抯 take a look at various types of vaginal discharges so that you抣lknow when you have an abnormal vaginal discharge.
The Natural Vagina
The basic function of you vagina is to provide a route fromthe outside of your vagina to your uterus and the rest of your internalreproductive system. The natural, acidic, pH of your vagina acts to preventinfections. The acidic nature of your vagina is caused by natural, good,bacteria produced by your body. When your vagina is healthy, the vagina keepsitself clean and in a healthy state by producing secretions of normal vaginaldischarge. The natural balance of the vagina can be disrupted by anything thatinterferes with its |
Many factors can play a role in the occurrence of vaginalinfections and discharge. What can you do to reduce your risk of vaginalinfections? Practicing these simple tips will significantly reduce your risk ofgetting a vaginal infection:
1. Always wearwhite cotton panties. Cotton allows your genital area to breath, helping thevaginal are to stay dry. It抯 also a good idea to wear panties only during theday and not at night when you are sleeping.
2. Don抰 usevaginal douches.
3. Never use petroleumjelly or oils for vaginal lubrication. This can create a breeding ground forbacteria to grow.
4. If you arebeing treated for a vaginal infection, use all the medication as directed evenif you think you are better.
5. Don抰 havesexual intercourse during treatment for a vaginal infection and until you haveno more symptoms.
6. Avoid vaginalcontact with products that can irritate the vagina such as feminine hygieneproducts, perfumed or deodorant soaps, powders, lotions, and bubble baths.
7. Always avoidprolonged wearing of tight-fitting clothing such as bathing suits, exercisewear, pantyhose, or slacks.
8. Many times,vaginal infections cause intense itching |
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