player spore je kat padang....
thailand mogok cam bapok
tu ah sway tunjuk backside....kalo tak aku rasa dia dah save
Originally posted by Gadis_Venus at 6-2-2007 10:21 AM
I was telling my bro..asal tk protest je!!!!!!!
even kalau your bro is a player pun tak guna protes....
dlm bolasepak...keputusan pegawai pertandingan adalah muktamad...even kalau dorang buat salah sekalipun....
namun perfomance dorang juga akan dinilai setelah ada match report...dari match report tu la nanti dorang diberi ranking atau priority dlm perlawanan2 akan dtg....kalau tiada atau kurang kontraversi dlm match report dorang...naik la saham dorang |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 6-2-2007 10:50 AM
tengok tempat.. most of the time aku diri
even time singapore nyer national anthem pun penonton2 thai berdiri...
tapi ofcos...tengok kat rumah...jadi takyah diri... |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 6-2-2007 10:56 AM
spore ada sporting spirit, reperee cakap apa pun, play on..
kalo la jadi yang aide tu kena sent off tu kat Shah Alam jadi kat Thailand, aku rasa dorang pun walkout jugak....
Spore tu hari relaks je, walaupun dalam hati satu2 kot nak cekik2 si reperee
pasal it was a clear cut foul...singapore player nak protes apa....
time main dgn thai pulak....even alam shah sendiri terkejut bila pengadil bagi penalti...time dia bangun dari jatuh tu he was actually expecting for a yellow card....kan sokkaba ada interview dia...(kat sini aku respek...pasal dia tell the truth dlm interview)..
seingat aku..hanya micheal owen jer yg paling sporting time dia main dgn liverpool....it was a one on one situation....bila pengadil judged yg goal keeper menjatuhkan dia dlm kotak penalti...dia quickly bangun and waved frantically pada pengadil yg tangan goal keeper tak terkena kaki dia...padahal pengadil dah tiup nak kasi penalti.... |
Originally posted by fatz at 7-2-2007 02:37 AM
pasal it was a clear cut foul...singapore player nak protes apa....
time main dgn thai pulak....even alam shah sendiri terkejut bila pengadil bagi penalti...time dia bangun dari jatuh tu he ...
Yang hari tu Man U bedal Portsmouth 4-0.... The 1st penalti gol by Ronaldo. He purposely dive inside the penalti box. Clear cut lagi. Tapi on referee point of view, dia dijatuhkan oleh other team. :hmm: Macam familiar gitu....Tak pulak Ports protes keluar padang.  |
tadi baru dapat full game final kat bangkok...
alahai thailand main buat malu je, sikit2 jatuh sikit2 jatuh...
no 7 dorang bagus, tapi kalo dia konsentret kat game dan tak emo sangat, dia lagi terror |
Reply #228 Izzana's post
ronaldo nye dive tu tak bleh accept sey...
tak kena langsung pun contact |
Soccer-Thais escape ban after ASEAN walkoff
PATTAYA, Thailand, Feb 7 (Reuters) - Thailand have escaped disciplinary action following their walkoff protest in the first leg of last week's ASEAN championship final against Singapore, the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) said on Wednesday.
The AFF have reprimanded the Thais, however, after the entire team stormed off the pitch to protest a dubious late penalty. The furious Thais sat on the sidelines for 15 minutes before eventually returning to the field, only for Singapore to convert the spot kick to take a 2-1 aggregate lead. Singapore secured a 1-1 draw in Sunday's highly charged return leg to win 3-2 on aggregate and take their third ASEAN championship title. "There was a lengthy deliberation on the facts of the case and the Committee decided that there was evidence of dissent on the part of the Thailand team and this resulted in the delay of the restart of the match," the AFF said in a statement. "Having regard to the facts produced at the inquiry, we are of the opinion that reprimand would be fitting punishment in the circumstances." Worawi Makudi, secretary-general of Thailand's soccer association (FAT), said Thailand respected the AFF's decision. "The tournament is our tournament, as part of the ASEAN family, and we want to make it better and to be without any problems," Worawi told Reuters. The penalty incident caused outrage in soccer-mad Thailand, prompting thousands of Singaporeans to cancel plans to attend the return leg for fear of reprisals. Thai newspapers had launched scathing attacks on the Singapore team, dubbing them "cheats" and "robbers". The incident came amid growing bad blood between the two countries following last year's $3.8 billion takeover by Singapore's Temasek of telecoms giant Shin Corp, which belonged to the family of ousted Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Thailand's coup-installed government recently suspended a nine-year exchange programme with the city state and tore up an invitation to its foreign minister after Thaksin was the guest of a Singapore cabinet minister. |
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Like that cuma dapat warning aje? Nampak gaya next time other team will follow suit. Tak suka...keluar padang. |
Originally posted by Izzana at 8-2-2007 06:16 PM
Like that cuma dapat warning aje? Nampak gaya next time other team will follow suit. Tak suka...keluar padang.
politiks la Izzana... lagi2 ni Thailand skarang ngah emosi ngah kuat, dorang macam2 huru hara skarang, airport baru pun setengah masak
kalo kat eropah, mau kena saman duit teruk2.... tak pun kasi Spore menang 3-0 abis ceta. |
see la apa yg thai dapat for that 15 minit protes.....AFC nak jatuh kan hukum pun tengok gak valid ke tak dia punya tindakan kuar padang....and of cos AFC ada pertimbangkan laporan inspekter perlawanan..
for us, we make judgement by what we see and read only.....
and ST tadi ada mentioned...kalau tak kerana football, Alam Shah kata tak tau dia jadi apa ....tah tak tau ke mana2...at age 14, dia dah kena tangkap pasal curik moto....bapak dia pulak dlm jel sampai 2012....abg dia masih di jel...kena 5 tawon pasal possession of drug dgn niat nak mengedar....
syukur la dia selamat...ada bakat main bola lagik ... |
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