Sweet Scha Alyahya - Kata Kau - Astro RIA ch 104 setiap Jumaat
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haih.. scha, scha. bertuah tul fahrin. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
betul ke Scha ngan fahrin?
huhu. |
Reply #228 hijau88's post
mostly dari facebook dia, n aku upload kat fan page.
fahrin mmg tak berenggang ngn scha skang. ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Balas #221 avrilizana\ catat
yg aku tak bleh terima psl antoofighter ni, byk tak logik la, bleh2 plak pemandu teksi (Scha ) pki bj besa je, bkn pemandu teksi ni ada uniform ke? hihi.
aku rasa ok je dia kat histeria, tp mmg kat awan dania ni menyebbkan aku minat sgt kat dia ni.
ko tau ke drama apa lg yg Scha blakon yg akan siar kat tv ni? rindu la nak tgk dia blakon kalu AD abis.
huhu. |
Balas #230 avrilizana\ catat
wah, ko ni tau2 je fahrin tak berenggang ngan Scha? confirm ke? ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Reply #232 hijau88's post
dia shooting kat lcct pun fahrin ada sama ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
sampaikan aku terfikir takkan la dorang masukkan watak fahrin dalam awan dania plak tetiba last minit jd pair Dania |
Balas #233 avrilizana\ catat
wah, sweetnya.
eh, ko kat lcct ke jgk?
hihi. |
Reply #234 hijau88's post
aku tak berkesempatan pegi la.. ikut hati mau je ikut tgk.. tp takat tgk gambo org lain yg pegi.. huhuhuhu. kalau la ada lagi shooting kompem aku nak jenguk location tuh hehehe. |
Balas #235 avrilizana\ catat
ko tau ke drama apa lg yg Scha blakon yg akan siar kat tv ni? rindu la nak tgk dia blakon kalu AD abis.
huhu. |
Sharifah Nor Azean sebagai Yatie ![](http://www.illyana.com.my/malay/images/CAST/cast_scha.gif)
This Dewi Remaja 2006 winner is now part of the Impian Illyana cast. Sharifah Nor Azean or Scha, an ex Air Asia Flight attendant, plays Kak Yatie, a strict UITM senior. Scha has a Diploma in Information Techonology from PTPL College, Shah Alam. She is currently working as an Assistant Sales Manager and does some freelance modelling.
Whilst she has done a few TV commercials, this is her first time acting.
Perhaps her interest in this field has a little to do with the fact that she comes from a family of singers and actors. She loves swimming, web browsing and eating! A lot!
Scha who describes herself as shy to the point that some may think she is ‘sombong’, hopes to learn something from her experience on Impian Illyana. She looks at everything as an opportunity to do better. Her philosophy in life – “Life doesn’t always turn out the way you expect it to, so you have to be extra strong and have fun in everything you do and learn from your experiences’
http://www.illyana.com.my/malay/yatie.html |
Balas #237 avrilizana\ catat
hehe... aku ada tgk crita tu, tp sket2 je la... mayb aku tak minat jln critanya wpun ada Scha. trus aku lyn crita len, tym iklan je aku tgk LDC.
haha. |
Reply #239 hijau88's post
ooo.. hehehe. tapi ramai yg ckp best.. tu yg aku nak tgk sgt tu.. isk isk. |
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