[090413/CAPS] MBC Come To Play with Super Junior
lol siwon imitating yesung
i love seeing them laugh together
donghae imitating siwon
haha siwon doing everything they pointed out earlier
look! sungmin leaning on eunhyuk hee hee cuties
haha siwon the flasher? or boxer? lol
wookiehas stolen the 'cute image' from sungmin, i think sungmin is stillcute, but i've noticed that he's matured a lot with this new album, soi think wookie is doing a great job at adopting the title fromsungmin.. hee hee i'm just now noticing the cute relationship betweenheechul and wookie,
lol love the hair shot!
bwhahahai love yesung. the 'judges' first gave him 'x's but then called hisname along with donghae for best talent(?) and yesung was happy. lol
lolthey were acting out how it's like when the manager asks what themembers want to eat and everyone is shouting out their answers all atonce. lol
lol siwon you are too adorable!
lookat siwon. lol he stayed like that with the banana just sticking out ofhis mouth for a good couple of seconds. lol... silly boy!
i am falling in love with kyu's smiles - they are too adorable!
lol anyone else notice yesung in his own world playing with the airhammer?? - edit whoa just noticed kangin sitting next to him too.. when did that happen? lol
smile, and the world smiles with you
lmao. loves it poor kyu lol
and one of heechul, just because he was freakin adorable on this show!
adesss..da tgk yg highlightnye sbb HD nye vid je lj kat sni..
adesss..kelaka gle r sbb seme org cite pasal siwonnye gesture..d0nghae oppa cite pasal siwon bgn tdo pn kelaka
pastu hyukjae menang super casanova..ahaha
kyu ckp jaljayo g...*melting den*sesuai tgk sblm nk tdo
pehtu yesung dance lg because of u..wakakakaka..tergolek ak tgk~
xleh blah gle..
overall...kiyo gle r seme....
xsaba nk tgk yg full lak......penuh ngan gelak tawa..keke
[090414/Yesung] I'm Chairman Kim Jungil's son ? Although it's absurd but it's a chance for Super Junior to be known in Europe
"FirstI got a call from one of my friend who is studying in Germany. Therewas a picture of me on a Swiss newspaper and they said I'm NorthKorea's Chairman Kim Jungil's 3rd son. I did some searching on internetand in fact, that guy's name and mine are happened to be the same, itwas funny. But after thingking more about it, it might become a goodchance. Super Junior might be popular in Europe. I felt very proud ofSuper Junior while explaining the situation for my friends and otherpeople."
Recently,Swiss's famous tabloid newspaper "blick" (www.blick.ch) has posted aYesung's picture and introduced him as North Korea's Chairman KimJungil's 3rd son. SM Entertainment has requested a correction report.
Yesung said "Before the article was released, fans were very suprisedwhen seeing a Swiss newspaper was uploaded to my minihompy" and "I wasvery embarrassed at first", "Haha, by this chance Europe people willknow about Asia popular group Super Junior. My parents also laughed too"
Yesung,Kyuhyun & Ryeowook are considered "best singer" in Super Junior. Hesaid "I feet good because my opinion was listened when producing thisalbum" and "While the other members attend the show a lot, I will focusmore on producing music no matter what". "It's not that I'm notinterested in show but now I'm more interested in music. I want to showmy singing to the fans more."
Yesunghad spent 5 years on training. He had to go back and forth betweenschool in Choongnam Cheonan and Seoul 4 days a week. "School was end at4PM and I arrived in Seoul at 7PM to begin practicing. Of course Iskipped my dinner. At 10PM when the practice was end, I'd come backhome by Mugoonghwanho (a name of train) and eat hamburger there.Everyday I had to change the transport 8 times so I feel tired but nowthink about it, it was wonderful memory"
Yesung said that SuperJunior's team-work is very strong "I'm very proud that we have been ina team for 4 years without having any disunion at all." and "13 people,everyone has different thought so we always asked each other'sopinions". Therefore, they can gather the energy and avoid argument.
Yesungsaid "Although all the fight are small but there was a time we arguewith each other because of food menu", "We all want to eat differentfoods no matter what. There were members who dislike fish and the'polyphagia" members couldnt stand it so we argued. Before, when 13members and manager, total 18 people lived in just one dorm, showercompetition was very intense. At dawn when the activities were end, wecame back home and since there were just 2 bathrooms so if you want tohave a shower, you'll have to wait for a long time. And then you evenfelt tired and fell asleep. However, one of our good point is having ashower quickly. Haha"
original article is here
translated by [email protected]
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[090414/SJ] 13 members idol group "3-4 minutes' performance is too short"
Membershave to come to the beauty salon at 8AM to do the hair and prepare theoutfit. Because there are many members so they have to use 2 beautysalons but it still takes a lot of time. Recently, beauty salon hasbecome the place for Super Junior to have their meal. They always eathamburger and kimbap. Although the schedule of every member isdifferent, but there are at least 3 events a day. Everyday they shouldsleep for 5 hours but normally, it's just 2-3 hours. If they have toperform in local, they will take the bus and it cost them 4-5 hours,they even scare of ruining the hairstyle so they cant rest on the seatat all. Although their daily activities are tired, Super Junior arealways bright and cheerful.
"Actually I was unsure. We come backafter such a long time and the music field has changed so much....butsince we prepared well so the response is good, and now I'm reallyhappy" (Leeteuk)
"The first time I listened to 'Sorry sorry" Ihad wanted to ask "How come we perfome this song ?". We couldnt sleepat all because of waiting for the come back" (Shindong)
Recently,when "Sorry sorry" was got the No.1 on KBS2TV "Music bank", all themembers had hugged each other and cried. It wasnt the 1st time they gotthe No.1 but they couldnt hold back the tears. "Later then when Iwatched it (since I cried so much) I was a bit untidy (laugh)" (Leeteuk)
Havinga lot of members is both advantage and disadvantage for Super Junior.Because 13 members' movements are already an issue so the time forevery member to show their individual talent is cut short. "We cantshow all of on just 3-4 minutes of a perfomance. That's why we areundervalued. Super Junior show a lot in performance, singing as well asvarious fields" (Yesung)
However, there is differences betweenthe members' popularity. Shindong is popular with the middle-aged fansand the children, Leeteuk is teengirls' president and Shiwon is "Theman who makes 30's women think about marriage". Donghae said "I'm verypopular although I dont do anything" which was received contention formthe other members. Yesung said "I didnt have so many schedule. (Lastpromotion time) I didnt go on the air so I didnt know anyone. EverytimeI attended (a show), I would attach to a more popular member purposely.It's such a long time I dont stand on a stage so I feel very good"
Althoughenjoying the popularity, they also talked about the hard time as idols"There are times that I want to eat my Mom's food" (Yesung), "I dislikecoming to the amusement park just for performing" (Shindong), "SuperJunior had been active in China last year so I felt homesick and missedKorea" (Ryeowook), "I wanted to attend the year-end music award showswhen I watched them last year. This year we will show a coolperformance for sure" (Shiwon), "Outside the cherry blossom havebloomed. I feel envy of my friends when I see them dating and watchingmovie. But it's OK. Although I cant enjoy what they are enjoying, theyalso dont know the feelings that I has experienced" (Leeteuk)
original article is here
translated by [email protected]
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