kitirg cer.......apa sj yg terlintas ni..
jap g lompat ke tv......jap AF6....jap ke kapak.........
sila cari cer yg sesuai nye
Originally posted by yusyanti at 26-3-2008 09:53 AM
kitirg cer.......apa sj yg terlintas ni..
jap g lompat ke tv......jap AF6....jap ke kapak.........
sila cari cer yg sesuai nye
It startd when we were younger and you were mine...my boo....
now another brother taken over but its'
still in your eyes ........my boo.........
even though we use to argue........ it's alright
it's alright girl...., that's okay...........
n if we havent seen each other in a while..........
but you will always be my boo...........
ur always be my boo..........
my booooo....uu....uu......