Nak tanya... Flight Ella turun dekat Paris.
Dari Paris nak naik train turun dekat London station mana?
Hotel Ella dekat Paddington area...
Flight balik KL pun dari Paris... CDG Airport |
Hi all!
I plan nak ke London mid 2014 nanti. Belum tahu samada nak pergi sendirian atau dengan kawan2. Diorang tu Singaporean, salah sorang tu pernah ke London 2-3 tahun selepas 9/11 tu & kena deported sebab tak cukup paperwork (place to stay).
I know them well & trust them, cuma nak tau dari segi immigration process tu nanti ada apa2 masalah tak sebab kawan tu pernah kena deported dulu. |
Maimitii posted on 28-10-2013 03:28 PM 
Hi all!
I plan nak ke London mid 2014 nanti. Belum tahu samada nak pergi sendirian atau dengan ka ...
I plan nak ke London mid 2014 nanti. Belum tahu samada nak pergi sendirian atau dengan kawan2. Diorang tu Singaporean, salah sorang tu pernah ke London 2-3 tahun selepas 9/11 tu & kena deported sebab tak cukup paperwork (place to stay).
Hi Maimitii,
The general rule is that susah nak gain re-entry to the UK after deportation. Boleh saya tahu samada it is a forced removal or deportation?
Selalunya kalau tak cukup paper work but if your friend can prove that she has a place to stay in UK takkan kena deport melainkan dia mmg tak ade tempat tinggal dan/atau dia bagi tahu UKBA yg dia nak tinggal dgn friends or relatives. That usually will land you in trouble.
I know them well & trust them, cuma nak tau dari segi immigration process tu nanti ada apa2 masalah tak sebab kawan tu pernah kena deported dulu.
knowing them well and trustinf them will not make things easier for you for if the UKBA are convinced that all of you are together in this, you might not be able to continue your travel.
But there are provisos that you might want to know and with the proviso it is also within their discretion to refuse entry
my advise is to get another travelling partner or like you mentioned earlier, travel on your own
hope this helps..
ellafarz posted on 28-10-2013 08:19 AM 
Nak tanya... Flight Ella turun dekat Paris.
Dari Paris nak naik train turun dekat London station ma ...
Nak tanya... Flight Ella turun dekat Paris.
Dari Paris nak naik train turun dekat London station mana?
Hotel Ella dekat Paddington area...
Flight balik KL pun dari Paris... CDG Airport
Hi Ellafarz,
OK so dah buat keputusan nak stay di Paddington yea?
Dari Paris (Gare DU Nord) you akan turun di St Pancras International. StP is beside King's Cross Station and Euston Station.
LelaRentaka7 posted on 29-10-2013 02:23 AM 
I plan nak ke London mid 2014 nanti. Belum tahu samada nak pergi sendirian atau dengan kawan2. Dio ... Hi Maimitii,
The general rule is that susah nak gain re-entry to the UK after deportation. Boleh saya tahu samada it is a forced removal or deportation?
Selalunya kalau tak cukup paper work but if your friend can prove that she has a place to stay in UK takkan kena deport melainkan dia mmg tak ade tempat tinggal dan/atau dia bagi tahu UKBA yg dia nak tinggal dgn friends or relatives. That usually will land you in trouble.
Hi Lela,
Tyvm for the reply. Saya tak pasti forced removal or deportation sebab nak tanya lelebih sgt kat kawan tu, takut menyinggung hati dia pula wpun bendanya dah lama berlaku. Nak google the exact terms pula saya kesuntukan masa skrg ni. Kawan tu tak pernah stay UK pun, dia pergi nak cuti2 saja. Takda booking hotel & mmg nak tumpang kawan, pastu kawan yg dia nak tumpang tu tak ada bagi surat jemputan. Bila call pun tak dapat.
knowing them well and trustinf them will not make things easier for you for if the UKBA are convinced that all of you are together in this, you might not be able to continue your travel.
But there are provisos that you might want to know and with the proviso it is also within their discretion to refuse entry
my advise is to get another travelling partner or like you mentioned earlier, travel on your own
hope this helps..
ya i realize that and this is why i'm asking. cuma kalau travel sorang2, alahai... sedih jer.. nak ambik gamba sendiri pun susah.
thank u so much for replying.
Maimitii posted on 29-10-2013 01:27 AM 
Hi Lela,
Tyvm for the reply. Saya tak pasti forced removal or deportation sebab nak tanya lel ...
could you ask her if she was served the deportation order?
kalau yes, minta dia buat application for the order to be revoke...ini hanya salah satu cara...
dan saya tak boleh guarantee this is the best way to ensure right of entry sbb dlm apa2 kes sekali pun the UKBA has full discretion to decide....
LelaRentaka7 posted on 29-10-2013 12:59 PM 
could you ask her if she was served the deportation order?
kalau yes, minta dia buat ...
okay, will do that in a few days. tricky gak ni sebab nak mengimbau pengalaman pahit sheols tapi mungkin dia nak tahu pasal revocation tu.
erm.. dia ni ajak saya masuk paris dulu, baru gi london & balik dari sana ke msia/s'pore. tapi sebab saya nak save $ utk flight saya mmg nak land kat london pastu balik msia dari paris.
katanya kalau dia masuk paris dulu, immig tak ketat sgt mcm LHR. kat sini saya khatam thread VI takde pulak sapa2 sebut pasal apa2 problem dgn immig (kecuali someone yg terhilang backpack dlm tube - sorry to hear that) janji semua cukup syaratlah kan?
Maimitii posted on 29-10-2013 05:33 AM 
okay, will do that in a few days. tricky gak ni sebab nak mengimbau pengalaman pahit sheols tap ...
okay, will do that in a few days. tricky gak ni sebab nak mengimbau pengalaman pahit sheols tapi mungkin dia nak tahu pasal revocation tu.
erm.. dia ni ajak saya masuk paris dulu, baru gi london & balik dari sana ke msia/s'pore. tapi sebab saya nak save $ utk flight saya mmg nak land kat london pastu balik msia dari paris.
katanya kalau dia masuk paris dulu, immig tak ketat sgt mcm LHR. kat sini saya khatam thread VI takde pulak sapa2 sebut pasal apa2 problem dgn immig (kecuali someone yg terhilang backpack dlm tube - sorry to hear that) janji semua cukup syaratlah kan?
minta lah kawan you sort out her documentation dulu baru hati tenang nak travel....
dari ape yg saya baca from your posting, your friend ni knows more than what she potrays...saya detect sesuatu yg tak kena di sini....
if i can see this, apatah lagi the Border Agency...please....no hanky panky....sangat2 bahaya....they are very well trained....so masa nak go through immigration process please jangan buat apa2 yg boleh attract their attention to yourself....reading your body language is easy peasy to them esp those British Born Indians... saya takde niat nak menakut nakutkan uols but benda2 ni korang semua wajib tahu...and ade jugak yg kena deport walaupun dorang masok melalui tour operators...dan mmg ini salah satu means for the illegals to penetrate masok..
French Border Agency and the UK Border Agency sama je... hanya cara dorang soal saje berbeza.. UKBA akan tanya soalan2 yg korang rasa just a menial one but your answers are always dead important to them
satu lagi saya encourage utk buat dummy booking di accommodation website yg tak memerlukan you pay anything upfront like booking.com
lepas booking bilek you print out the comfirmation....then lepas tu you boleh cancel the booking without having to pay the penalty....
do this factoring to ensure that you are granted entry and to strenghten your travel documents...
LelaRentaka7 posted on 29-10-2013 01:49 PM 
okay, will do that in a few days. tricky gak ni sebab nak mengimbau pengalaman pahit sheols tapi ...
memang dia tak cerita semua2, Lela.. nak jaga airmuka kot. dia pergi Australia & Hong Kong lepas pada kena deport dek UK tu takde masalah apa2.
kalau susah2 sgt nanti saya pergi sorang2 je gayanya. nak g sekali dgn dia ni pun masih 50-50.
noted pasal accommodation tu. rasanya saya plan book budget hotel yg bebetul terus je nanti. mmg ada kawan kat London tapi takmau susahkan sapa2.
Salam Lela,
Susah ke nak masuk ke London?
Masa i sampai melalui heathrow dulu- imigresen cuma tanya masuk london buat apa dan berapa lama. Pastu i jawablah and officer tu wish have a nice trip.
Nanti bcadang nak gi lagi so takut pulak mereka akan soal macam macam.
Or mereka pilih org org juga nak tanya details?
Thanks |
LelaRentaka7 posted on 29-10-2013 01:49 PM 
okay, will do that in a few days. tricky gak ni sebab nak mengimbau pengalaman pahit sheols tapi ...
Thats a good info. Kalo saya pergi bertiga, all the paper work to sorang saja yg kena present ker smua ahli kena ada copy utk menghadap Imigresen officer tu? I dah print hotel booking/euro tunnel/ Return flight copy. Kastam dia strict ker tak? PPRT tourist cam saya neh nak gak bring along Mee Maggi, Indo Mee, can food, bread, three in one coffee/tea/milo or serunding. Panjang gak list kan. Takut jadi mcm kat Tourist hadapan saya di Sydney hari tu, habis dia punya serunding masuk sampah.
KUMANG2011 posted on 29-10-2013 08:24 AM 
Thats a good info. Kalo saya pergi bertiga, all the paper work to sorang saja yg kena pre ...
Thats a good info. Kalo saya pergi bertiga, all the paper work to sorang saja yg kena present ker smua ahli kena ada copy utk menghadap Imigresen officer tu?
pegi sorang takpe kalau semua family members dan kalau pegi dgn friends and you're travelling together boleh minta dia proses sekali...seeloknya tetiap sorang simpanlah a copy of all the documents yg perlu...kalau jd apa2 tak la kelam kabut nnt
I dah print hotel booking/euro tunnel/ Return flight copy. Kastam dia strict ker tak?
bukan kastam tp immigration yg akan tengok Kumang.. jangan lah risau sgt pasal benda2 ni sampai menjejaskan tahap ke'enjoyment' you...buat biasa2 je la kalau semua documents lengkap...there's nothing to worry..immigration di mana2 pun akan procedure masing2...so chill OK
PPRT tourist cam saya neh nak gak bring along Mee Maggi, Indo Mee, can food, bread, three in one coffee/tea/milo or serunding.
kalau ade lebih tinggalkan utk saya yea ehehehehe
Panjang gak list kan. Takut jadi mcm kat Tourist hadapan saya di Sydney hari tu, habis dia punya serunding masuk sampah.
kalau ikutkan di australia lagi la gerun kan? tahu2 je little dogs are sniffing around you...tu yg buat terkejut..
uda posted on 29-10-2013 07:25 AM 
Salam Lela,
Susah ke nak masuk ke London?
Masa i sampai melalui heathrow dulu- imigresen cuma tan ...
Salam Lela,
Wasalam Uda..
Susah ke nak masuk ke London?
Tidak susah....
Masa i sampai melalui heathrow dulu- imigresen cuma tanya masuk london buat apa dan berapa lama. Pastu i jawablah and officer tu wish have a nice trip.
there you are...kan senang tu...ehehehe
Nanti bcadang nak gi lagi so takut pulak mereka akan soal macam macam.
tak payah takut Uda kalau kite takde niat nak membanglakan diri OK HAHAHAHAHA
sorry...gurau jah k...
Or mereka pilih org org juga nak tanya details?
ye mrk pilih org...org yg mendatangkan dan yg raise loads of suspicion....
no worries Uda...TCNBS
Maimitii posted on 29-10-2013 06:23 AM 
memang dia tak cerita semua2, Lela.. nak jaga airmuka kot. dia pergi Australia & Hong Kong lepas p ...
memang dia tak cerita semua2, Lela.. nak jaga airmuka kot. dia pergi Australia & Hong Kong lepas pada kena deport dek UK tu takde masalah apa2.
kalau susah2 sgt nanti saya pergi sorang2 je gayanya. nak g sekali dgn dia ni pun masih 50-50.
noted pasal accommodation tu. rasanya saya plan book budget hotel yg bebetul terus je nanti. mmg ada kawan kat London tapi takmau susahkan sapa2.
takpe kalau dia tak cerita sbb mungkin incident tu sgt2 traumatic utk dia....tp about dia boleh masok lain2 countries tu takde kena mengena dgn kes dia tu rasanya sbb they have their own R&R...lain lah kalau dia buat hal nak masok secara haram..then baru la akan di korek history dia masa dia ke UK dulu...rasanya cerita ni dah lama kan? mungkin juga ban dia dah lifted..tp tu lah like i said before, dia kena check sendiri status dia..kita hanya boleh tolong bg pendapat saje...and for all you know maybe takde order pun keluar sbb dia mungkin keluar voluntarily and no expenses incurred by the UKBA...
hotel bebetul ke hotel tetipu ke tak kisah lah asalkan you ade tempat tinggal nnt di UK...that's all that matters...
OK no more risau2...go on and start with your planning OK....
LelaRentaka7 posted on 29-10-2013 06:54 PM 
Thats a good info. Kalo saya pergi bertiga, all the paper work to sorang saja yg kena present ker ...
Makasih...pasal anjing tu memang gerun gak...anjing besar plak tu. Next benda nak masuk dlm list ....Chilli Sos... |
KUMANG2011 posted on 29-10-2013 02:08 PM 
Makasih...pasal anjing tu memang gerun gak...anjing besar plak tu. Next benda nak masuk ...
I kena dgn anjeng kecik...so ligat2 dia sniffing2 here and there...tak nampak dia dok merayap sbb dia comey...
kalau yg besar dtg at least boleh la lela standby and consciously prepared...lela takut kena jilat 
Assalam semua
huhu...train kami cancelled di cambridge semalam sebab storm cik jude. panik kejap. pastu diaorg suruh naik train hari ni. mana boleh....bukan ada sedara mara kat cambridge nak tumpang tidor. last2 ada train pi king cross. kami bantai je naik, padahal tix booked dgn company lain. masa tu dah siap dah skrip cerekarama kalau kena halau turun. last2 alhamdulillah...sampai jua dia paddington dan hari ni dah selamat shopping di portsmouth...hehe |
bungaros posted on 30-10-2013 05:46 AM 
Assalam semua
huhu...train kami cancelled di cambridge semalam sebab storm cik jude. panik kejap. ...
Lela, BungaRos & sesiapa kat London atau baru balik London..storm kat sana teruk sangat ke? Twin ada baca pasal storm tu tapi tak leh nak bayangkan teruk camna.
My trip next Friday. Hopefully masa tu jalan dah clear. National Express Coach dah antar email bgth yg dia org masih beroperasi. Sib baik dia org ada online tracking utk semua bas2 dia. Twin dah bagi link utk check bas twin kat kakak2 (yg kat malaysia) ngan anak sedara twin (yg kat UK). Tak moh dia org risau. cuma masa sampai sana baru twin leh update no. bas kat dia org. Dah lah bas twin tu di jangka sampai pagi buta. 
twin nya internary masa kat London agak clear lah sebab dah ada tiket Harry Potter Studio, tiket keretapi Sheffield-London-Sheffield, homestay booking kat London, tiket bas Heathrow - Sheffield - Heathrow. cuma masa weekday Sheffield ni jer tak de bukti hotel bagai sebab duk rumah anak sedara twin. bila dengar cerita kawan Maimitii takut gak. Weekeday nya jalan2 more like day trip gi Notts, factory outlet area yg kat Mansfield.
Document selain booking2 dia atas tu, twin dah ada travel insurance utk single trip. tiket flight..cuma booking internary jer sebab MAS nya rules ..leh check in paling awal 48hrs seblm berlepas. Jadi tiket nak balik cuma ada masa kita org sampai Heathrow.
Err ada apa lagi ke yg twin kena tambah?
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