at the "2007 Entertainment war" award which was taken place at Chinese People University, Beijing on March 30th, HanKyung get 2 award, "Best stylist male artist" and "Best new artist". The award ceremony will be broadcasted on CCTV, BTV,
hankyung not just won an award, but two !! anyway, congratulation hankyung !! :pompom: :pompom:
Originally posted by airahthislove at 31-3-2008 01:45 PM
071018 Byulbam: KyuHyun, HeeChul, DongHae & RyeoWook Moments
Here you'll hear HeeChul calling Kyu Hyun KimKyu (when Kyu was new Heenim thought Kyu's last name was Kim so ...
hae better get ur lips off my wookie
adeiii... teringat hae kisu wookie depan org ramai masa perf marry u kat chinchin clean concert tu..... andwaeeee~~
dun weri... ^^ sorry semlm buat gempak jer lebey
Super Junior's love notes to (chinese) ELF - SOHU interview
Their names are masked out but it isn't too hard to figure out who wrote which....and for some reason, the 3rd pic from the top looks very much like the wide-grin face in La'MISS:fairy's avatar :mellow:
....oh and I thought Kyuhyun's hanyu pinyin message and EeTeuk's "chinese" written in hangul were adorable.
credits SOHU
VVV :w00t:
VVVVV Eeteuk's message reads : Wo xiang ni ~ Xiang xing wo ~ / I miss you~ Believe me~
tah hape2 diorg.... wa gelak guling2 tgk.... especially yg yesung...adeiii... sampai ada sun goku ngan batman.
wookie punyer drawing kiyopta...dia tu seme pun dia suka
geng tu sampai nak pompuan yg ketinggian 1.7m :re: wonnie punyer... kiyopta n sweet ^^
kibummie lak suka yoja yg baik hati, kalo ghupe 'cenggitu' yg dia lukis tu pun takpe... wakakkakaka...bukan apa...lawak gila gambo dia lukis tu..adeiii....
pehtu mc tanya, apa diorg buat kalo diorg nampak pompuan idaman diorg... macam2 la answer... kibum ckp dia tak tau nak buat apa, tapi dia nak protect the girl. siwon punyer panjang lebar dia tak paham subtitle yg lain tu quite normal, nak ajak dating seme.. kyu ckp 'wo ai ni men'(i love u all) peh tu tukar.. 'wo ai ni' wakakkaka.... wookie punyer lak..dia mahu ppoppo terus pehtu dia gelak cam byuntae jer me dengo
EeTeuk in Sponge
teukie berlakon dlm sponge, bukan jadi guest... rasanyer ni da lama.. kekekeke
wakakakak teuk cam byuntae jer