The RIM BlackBerry Bold Vs Apple抯 iPhone 3G : Battle Of The Smart Phones May 27th, 2009 by anto in Gadgets & Gizmos
Consumersand businesses gain the BlackBerry Bold can sync with a corporateBlackBerry Enterprise Server and Microsoft Exchange also supports pushe-mail server. You can also use the Bold, with POP3 and IMAP4 e-mailaccounts. RIM has remained true to its core business and governmentcustomers, while dipping your toes in the consumer pool. Last year, theBlackBerry Curve, the BlackBerry 8700 as BDOC. Meanwhile, Apple hasonly recently been the plans for companies in the market, where theyhope their next fortune.
Many people of this smartphone, the BlackBerry device is designed basedon the Apple 3G iPhone in the Enterprise environment, and even immerseyourself in the high-tech consumer market. Powered by a 624 MHz mobileprocessor and support for tri-band HSDPA and enterprise-class Wi-Finetworks, the Bold makes short work of e-mail attachments, streamingvideo or rendering web pages. The BlackBerry Bold also 128MB flashmemory with 1 GB memory on board, and a microSD / SDHC Memory CardSlot, which is useful when a side door.
If the battery runs too low, the fat is not stopped, but pull theradio, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi antennas, the other functions of the phoneis still available. However, if the phone is at the expense of theradio antenna is not on, but immediately after 10-15 minutes. Batterylife was given to a subject in many of the Bold, but it took three daysbefore I decided to juice it. There is no way to switch from 3G toEdge, I think this is a caricature, because every other 3G smartphoneon the market, the ability to do so.
After several weeks of testing BlackBerry Bold and besides a fewsmall problems that we only adjectives of approval for them. The RIMBlackBerry Bold is the next generation full-size BlackBerry, the stateof the art in a new, larger keyboard, 802.11 WiFi, 3G HSDPA WLAN,Bluetooth and a GPS chip for the maps and location-based services.Microsoft and Apple, the lack of participation by third parties as asecurity exploit, but I am not convinced that if it is to the companiesthat have learned to trust and to the BlackBerry. |